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Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 1


A Feasibility Study
Presented to
The Faculty of Graduate School
Lipa City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree


Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 2


This feasibility study entitled “PIÑASAWRAP” by AIZA L.

AULISTIA in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master in Business Administration has been examined and is
recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination.






the grade of ________ on September, 2019.




External Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Master in Business Administration.

Comprehensive examination taken with a grade of “Passed”


Dean, Graduate Studies
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 3


The researcher would like to extend her deepest gratitude to the

following persons who had contributed to the completion of the study.

Without their guide, support, love and inspiration, this study won’t be


To Lipa City Colleges, for being the second home which provides

the researching training for the study.

To Dr. Wilhem D. Siscar, the researchers’ adviser, for his

dedicated support and encouragement, which helped the researcher to

become more responsible and enriching her knowledge on how the

research process has been done.

To _____________ family for the inspiration to conduct the study

and the support for the technical skills in completion of the production


The friends and loved ones for the inspiration, guidance,

assistance and words of wisdom that encourage the proponent to finish

the research.

Above all, the researcher would like to give praises for the

courage, patience, wisdom, guidance and never-ending blessings given

by Almighty God.

-Aiza L, Aulistia-
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 4


Content Page








Name of the Firm 12

Plant location 12

Brief Description 13

Project Summary 13

Market Feasibility 13

Financial Feasibility 14

Socio Economic Contribution 16


Introduction 17

Brief Background of the Study 21

Objectives of the Study 23

Scope and Limitations of the Study 24

Definition of Terms 25


Objectives of the Study 27

Methodology 28

Research Design 28
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 5

Respondents of the Study 29

Data Gathering Instrument 29

Data Gathering Procedure 30

Statistical Treatment of Data 30

Demand 31

Historical Demand 32

Projected Demand 34

Major Consumer of the Product 35

Supply 36

Historical Supply 36

Projected Supply 36

Market Gap 37

SWOT Analysis 37

Strengths 38

Weaknesses 39

Opportunities 39

Threats 39

Market Strategies/Program 40

Product 40

Place Distribution 40

Pricing 40

Promotion 40

Brand Name 42

Packaging 43

Generalization 44
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 6


Objectives of the Study 46

Product Description 47

Uses of the product 47

Manufacturing Process 48

Production Schedule 53

Plant Location 54

Plant Size and Layout 54

Factory Equipment 55

Factory Furniture and Fixtures 55

Factory Tools and Supplies 55

Maintenance Supplies 55

Office Supplies 55

Direct materials 56

Indirect materials 56

Lease and Leasehold Improvements 57

Utilities 57

Waste Disposal 57

Direct Labor Requirement 58

Generalization 59


Objectives of the Study 60

Forms of Business Ownership 61

Capitalization 61

Manpower Requirement 62
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 7

Job Description 63

Compensation 65

Organizational Policies 66

Personal Policies 66

Production Policies 68

Duties and Responsibilities 68

Safety Rules and Regulations 69

Customer Policies 69

Supplier Policy 69

Legal Requirement 70


Objectives of the Study 72

Capital Requirement 73

Source of Financing 74

Total Project Cost 74

Financial Assumptions 74

Financial Statements 75

Projected Capital Statement 78

Projected Income Statement 78

Statement of Cash Flow 79

Projected Balance Sheet 80

Financial Analysis 81

Financial Ratio 81


Contribution to the Philippine Economy 83

Employment Generation 83
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Supplier 84

Consumer 84

Environment 85


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Table No. Title Page

1 Historical Demand 34

2 Projected Demand 35

3 Historical Supply 36

4 Projected Supply 37

5 Production Schedule 53

6 Factory Equipment 55

7 Factory Furniture and Fixtures 55

8 Raw Materials 56

9 Monthly Compensation 65

10 Monthly Compensation 5 Year 65

11 Annual Compensation 5 Year 65

12 SSS Contribution 5 Year 65

13 Philhealth Contribution 5 Year 66

14 HDMF Contribution 5 Year 66

15 Permits and Licenses 5 Year 71

16 Initial Capital Requirement 73

17 Production Budget 75

18 Direct Materials Budget 75

19 Direct Labor Budget 76

20 Factory Overhead Budget 76

21 Selling ang Administrative Expense 77

22 Cost of Goods Manufactured 77

23 Product Costing and Pricing 78

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 10

22 Capital Statement 76

23 Income Statement 76

24 Cashflow Statement 77

25 Balance Sheet 78
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Figure No. Title Page

1 Brand Name 42

2 Company Logo 43

3 Packaging 44

4 Gantt Chart 54

5 Organizational Chart 62
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 12

Summary of the Project

This study is conducted to find out if selling of Pi, is feasible and

may enter the market. Sapiña is made up a combination of pineapple

and ground beef with melted cheese wrapped with pita bread.

Name of the Firm

“Wrap-it-up” will soon be standing in the market to unleash food

that is not so unfamiliar. The firm was named as “Wrap-it-up” because

of its process of making it, which is wrapping a combination of varieties

of foods in the selection.

Plant Location

The plant location will be at Ayala highway near SM, Lipa City

and in the vicinity near Poblacion Public Market

Brief Description of the Product


Market Feasibility

While it is true that one of the key for your business or product to

be known is out of curiosity, the proponents then created a food that will

draw the attention of consumers.

Technical Feasibility
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 13

Production of 4Gs Mushroom Burger will be technically sound

and feasible since simple food processing techniques will be employed

in the production of the product. There wouldn’t be a need for complex

food processing devices because production of the burger patties will

be labor intensive at the start of the business. Food processing devices

are always available in the market as well as the ingredients to be used

in the production. Since the main ingredient for the production of the

burger patties are the oyster mushroom are not always available in the

market, owners of CHL Food Enterprise decided to have their own

oyster mushroom facility thru pasteurized or sterilized substrates in the

future to ensure that only the freshest mushroom will be used in the


Management Feasibility

Management Feasibility study conducted favored the

establishment of the business organization in the form of Partnership.

The many advantages of this organizational structured outweighed the

few disadvantages. There will be four partners namely Hazel O.

Dimayuga, Clarence K. Gutierrez, Liza V. Olan and Lesty H. Recio.

Organization Chart will also be simple as well as the limited number of

employees who will be working with the company at the start of

commercial operations. Company will be registered with the DTI and the
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 14

proper Government Agencies who will have control in the company’s

operation. The company also recognizes the importance of complying

with the different regulatory agencies to insure the continuity of the

business operation.

Financial Feasibility

Based on the 5-year comparative financial data, CHL Food

Enterprise was able to calculate that selling the 4Gs Mushroom Burger

will be financially sound. The 5-year comparative data projected a

constant increase in the Working Capital of the company. Current and

Equity Ratio is also in the upward trend in the next five years with the

Debt Ratio inversely proportional to them. Gross Profit and Net Profit

Ratios will also be stable in the 5-year period in the percentage

Management has set them in the initial stage of the business. Good

Return on investment is expected based on the projected figures giving

the owners a bigger capacity to expand in the future.

Socio-Economic Feasibility

The proposed business will also do its share in the socio-

economic development by providing local employment. It will also make

sure that no natural resources will be depleted in the course of the

cultivation of the oyster mushrooms and production of its burgers. The

proponents look forward to become one highly regarded company in

terms of its contribution to the growth of the economy in the province of

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 15

Batangas and one of the main contributors to the government revenue

by way of paying the right taxes to the government.




The Food Industry has always been on the top of . Food, being

man’s basic necessity has always opened opportunities for income

generation. Filipinos have always been known as food lovers. Their

creativity has prompted innovations on the way people eat today.

Rice has always been the Filipino people’s staple food. However,

due to colonialism, the Spanish, Americans and Japanese have

contributed to the food preferences of the people today. Food varieties

have greatly varied and people’s choices depend on their orientations.

The American regime for almost 35 years had a very great

influence on the Filipinos eating habit. This gave way to the rise of the
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 16

Burger Industry in the Philippines. To site Mc Donald’s Restaurants of

Canada Ltd., the number 1 burger chain in Canada in terms of sales

(Food Service and Hospitality, June 2013) entered the Philippine Market

in the year 1981 (https://www.mcdonalds.com.ph) while its biggest

competitor, the Jollibee Food Corporation however was established in

the year 1975 (Siscar, 2018). Other big burger company that entered

the Philippine Market were the Burger King and Wendy’s Burger.

According to Siscar (2018), fast-food giants are gravitating

towards healthier options to capture a growing share of health-

conscious consumers. Healthy eating is a new trend and foodservice

players reformulate some of their recipes to add a perceive health

boost, with lower-calorie versions of tried and true recipes, sustainable

sourcing and meat-free options. Consumers are looking for more

balanced food choices in terms of side dishes and other meal items.

Others are partnering with ethically minded suppliers to offer natural


In the Burger Industry, more veggie options are also made

available in the table. Eleven years after Mc Donald’s Canada

introduced its first veggie burger – which was taken off the menu due to

lack of demand – Mc Donald’s Canada is back in the vegetarian game,

adding two new meatless option to satisfy consumers’ desire to

incorporate more vegetables in their diet (Food Service and Hospitality,

November 2013). In the Philippines, Mc Donald’s also launched Filet o’

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 17

Fish, the burger whose patty was made of fish but same is being offered

only for a limited time, the Lenten Season.

Researchers has come up with the idea of selling burgers made

of oyster mushrooms taking into consideration the following: Based on

demographics, the age between 25-54 years old comprises the biggest

part with about 36.99% of the population


Being the working force of the population, they have the bigger capacity

to be consumers and they have the capacity to buy the proposed

product of the researchers. Millennials are becoming more conscious of

their health and eating habits. Providing a healthier substitute to the

favorite burgers will support their goal of shifting to a healthier lifestyle

without the feeling that they were being deprived of the things they used

to enjoy.

Mushroom industry in the Philippines has exacerbated since 1995


Growing of mushroom in the Philippines is economically feasible due to

low- production cost, abundance of cheap substrates from agricultural

wastes and high demand, which will be profitable to the mushroom

growers. There are ten varieties of edible and medicinal mushrooms

grown in the Philippines such as Paddy straw mushroom, Oyster

mushroom, Shiitake mushroom, Button mushroom, Ear fungi

mushroom, Milky mushroom, Yellowish oyster mushroom, Reishi

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 18

mushroom, Lion`s mane mushroom, and King tuber oyster mushroom.

The mushroom industry has been vital in the developing the rural

economy, enhancing employment and income opportunity in the rural

communities as well as providing income to the small farmers.

Mushroom burgers were first introduced in the Philippines in

November 1,1980 by Mushroomburger Phils., Inc. located in the city of

Tagaytay. “One fine day at our Tagaytay store, a customer made a

comment on how mushrooms were more expensive than beef in his

country. Certainly, this means they could make for a better burger than

beef, he reasoned. As the saying goes, the customer is always right,

and that was the day our first Mushroomburger was born. As of today,

there are seven kinds of Mushroom burger in our famous menu and

branches strategically located in three cities in the country in Tagaytay,

Quezon City and Las Piñas (https://www.mushroomburger.ph/about-


Researchers were inspired of the potential of creating their own

version of the famous mushroom burger. With competitors price ranging

from Php 75- Php 149 per meal, researchers feel that introducing the

same in the city of Lipa will be a great business opportunity.

Researchers has also identified the potential problems that may

arise for the proposed mushroom burger project. First, consumers are

not so familiar about oyster mushrooms, their benefits as well as the

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 19

many other ways we can creatively consume them. Second, there are

times that oyster mushrooms run out of supply. An unplanned

cultivation period may mean a shortage in the supply of oyster

mushroom to be used in the production of burgers. Researchers might

as well look into these factors in the course of the project.

Having considered the marketing, technical, management,

financial and socio-economic information relevant to the sale of the

mushroom burgers, the researchers therefore believes that 4Gs

Mushroom Burger will be a profitable business venture to pursue.

Brief Background of the Study

In Canada, the Ubbelea Mushroom Farms has been supplying

Fresh and Blanched Mushrooms to the Food Service Industry since

1969 (Food Service and Hospitality, February 2013).

In the Philippines, Mushroom Cultivation is also a popular

agribusiness especially in the cold places of Tagaytay, a weather

condition most suitable to maximize the production of Oyster

Mushrooms using the sterilized substrates. The Oyster Mushroom has

gained popularity among the consumers way back years ago because

of the health benefit associated to the consumption.

The proponents of the business will focus on producing a healthier

substitute to one of the highly in demand product across all ages thru its
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 20

own Mushroom Burger. Burgers have always remained the favorite food

among Filipinos. People eat them almost any time of the day. Though

some studies claim the health hazards of eating burgers, still people

consume them in moderation. The owners who are also burger lovers

saw the opportunity of satisfying the cravings for this kind of food thru

an alternative that will not compromise the taste. By using the oyster

mushroom which are highly organic in the production of its burger

patties, the health hazards brought about by consuming red meat will be

minimized, if not eliminated. Thru food processing techniques that are

simple and convenient to do, raw materials will be converted into patties

for burgers which are later to be sold thru channels that the owners

have chosen.

In the vicinity of Lipa, there is only one known Mushroom Burger

Restaurant located in P. Torres Street Lipa City that serves burger

made with patties made from Oyster Mushrooms. Proposed business

location is about 15 kilometers away from its nearest competitor. It has

been observed that only limited quantities are served due to

unavailability of the Oyster Mushrooms. Location of competitor is quite

not accessible with limited parking areas. Marketing is also quite

inadequate making the product less popular among the consumers.

In the region, one very popular Mushroomburger established in

the year 1979 is located in the City of Tagaytay. Mushroom Burgers are

being offered in variation depending on customers preference on the

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 21

amount of mushroom concentration. Other products made of

mushrooms are also being offered to pair their famous burgers. They

are located along the Tagaytay-Nasugbu Road where public transport is

available with ample parking spaces for private vehicles. With their

strong established reputation and market share, burgers are saleable

despite the fact that it is quite pricey.

Proponents of this study will try to enter the Mushroom Burger

Industry true to the core value of CHL Food Enterprise which is Create

Healthy Life.

Objectives of the Study

The overall objective of the study is to determine the feasibility of

selling of burgers with patties made of organically cultured oyster

mushrooms. The following are the set of specific objectives:

1. To determine the market feasibility of selling burgers with

mushroom patties by analyzing target market of 4Gs

Mushroom Burger, the demand and supply, the potential of

the product through the SWOT Analysis and development

of Marketing strategies fit in order to sell the product.

2. To determine the technical feasibility of the study through

identifying the applicable production process to be

employed, the right amount of inputs to save on cost and

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 22

maximize the production output in the perfect location for

the proposed business.

3. To know the management feasibility of the project by

evaluating the most appropriate form of business, its

legalities and proper compliance.

4. To calculate the financial feasibility and the earning

potential of the business

5. To determine the possible contribution the business may

have to the economy, its capacity to provide employment

and its ability to be socially responsible organization.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The researchers would like to evaluate the viability of the

Mushroom Burger among the employees of Philippines TRC Inc.

located at Lima Technology Center, Lipa City, Batangas. It will focus on

their food preferences, earning and spending capacity making them

capable of purchasing the proposed product. Survey questionnaires and

group discussion will be utilized the proposed markets’ desire to

purchase the product. However, in the course of the study, limitations

are seen which may affect the outcome of the study.

First, Mushroom Burgers are not so popular and not all

employees are may have tried eating mushroom burgers in the past

giving them a difficulty to answer the questionnaires. With the number of

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 23

samples to be considered through the use of the Slovin’s method, the

need to provide product sample at the data gathering process might be


Second, respondents in the survey may not be representative of

the actual number of persons that will be willing to buy the product,

Sample respondents will be chosen randomly and the answers will vary

on the respondent’s preference.

Third, valuable information greatly needed in the study is not

readily available. The different organizations expected to be providers of

information, both government and non-government, may not have the

information themselves.

Fourth, competitors may have available data directly related to

their operations, but may hesitate to share such information because of

confidentiality in terms of effects on taxation, production process,

marketing strategies, market share and other related aspect of the

business. Business entities usually do not open themselves to

competitors, both existing and prospective.

Fifth, the person undertaking the study may not have acquired the

necessary professional expertise and competency in making the

feasibility study. High-order and critical thinking skills are required in

preparing a feasibility study, in addition to the basic requirements of

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 24

educational background in the field of economics, industrial

engineering, accounting, financial investment, laws and taxation.

Six, a feasibility study, though conducted by a competent

individual and with all the necessary data available, still remains a

forecast and nobody can vouch for the attainability of the forecast.

Definition of Terms

Hamburger (short: burger) is a sandwich consisting of one or more

cooked patties of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced

bread roll or bun. The patty maybe pan-fried, grilled or flame broiled.

Hamburgers are often served with cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion,

pickles, bacon and chilis; condiments such as ketchup, mayonnaise,

mustard, relish or special sauce; and are frequently placed on sesame

seed buns (https://en.m.wikipedia.org). In this research, burger is

referred to as the final product that will be sold to the proponent’s target

market with patties made out of the oyster mushroom.

Mushroom – is a kind of fungi, traditionally grouped with plants. The

only characteristics that fungi share with plants, other than those

common to all eukaryotes, is a somewhat filamentous or elongate,

multicellular growth form. It is made up of densely packed hyphae,

collectively known as mycelium. Mushrooms reproduce by spores,

which are formed on structures that line the gills under the cap

(Marrone, 2016). In this research, refers to the main ingredient the

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 25

proponents have chosen in the production of their product, the

Mushroom Burger.

Organic –relating to, yielding, or involving the use of food produced with

the use of feed or fertilizer of plant or animal origin without employment

of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics or

pesticides (www.merriam-webster.com). In the study, organic refers to

the state or characteristic of the mushroom used.

Oyster mushrooms - are pretty, frilly-edged, delicate fungi that are

usually a dove gray color, but also come in sunny yellow and rose-pink

colors.They are so named for a variety of reasons. First, they are often

the color of raw oysters. Second, their slightly curled edges resemble

those of an oyster lying in its shell. Third, they take on a smooth oyster-

like texture when cooked. And finally, for their ever-so-slight seafood-

like flavor (https://www.thespruceeats.com/what-are-oyster-mushrooms-

4172003). In the context of the study, oyster mushrooms are the main

ingredients to be used in the production of burger patties.

Patty – in American, Canadian, South African, Australian and New

Zealand English, is a flattened, usually round, serving of ground meat or

meat alternatives (https://en.wikipedia.org). In this research, patty refers

to the output from processed oyster mushroom to become the final

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 26


Market Feasibility

Market is the place where the buyer and the seller meet. Market

exists if there are available sellers and willing buyers; and it ceases to

exist the moment one party is absent. There is an exchange that takes

place in the market; hence both parties should be present. The term

“market” in the feasibility study refers to the study of demand, supply,

and price. The nature of these three variables and their behavior are

usually studied lengthily in the field of economics. In preparation of

feasibility study, the market study is generally directed towards

providing a definite and straightforward answer to the question (Nick L.

Aduana, 2015).

Objectives of the Study

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 27

The study presents the information to be used as basis for

production plan of 4Gs Mushroom Burger. The general objective of the

study is to determine the market feasibility of the 4Gs Mushroom Burger

in the market. Specifically, it attempts to discuss the following


1. Identify and Analyze the target market of the proposed


2. To identify the historical and projected demand and supply


3. To establish the desire market share after analyzing internal

strengths and weaknesses and all the possible external

opportunities and threats

4. To discuss the 5P’s of marketing that gives competitive

advantage when it comes to product, price, place and

promotion and positioning

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 28

The chapter discusses and elaborates on the how the proponents

gathered the necessary data and information that will be used in the

research. This includes the different techniques used like group

discussions, survey questionnaires and statistical methods to come up

with the data that will be basis of computation. This also contains the

research design, respondents of the study, data gathering instrument

and procedure as well as the statistical treatment of data that are used

to determine the marketability of the product. The proper

implementation of the research method used in the study is precisely

the basis of decision of the researchers in executing the market study.

Research Design

Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants

in an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about

describing people who take part in the study.

In this research, proponents have chosen survey as a means of

getting the information towards the buying and consumer behavior of

should 4Gs Mushroom Burger will be offered in the market.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are employees of Philippines TRC

Inc. which includes individuals aged from 19-50 years old with an

income averaging from Php 10,000.00 – Php 50,000.00 since they are
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 29

the ones who are the regular customers of the canteen concessionaire

in the company.

Data Gathering Instrument

A self-administered questionnaire was used in this study. They

will be distributed to randomly selected employees of Philippines TRC

Inc. disregarding the age, income, gender and employment status in the

company. The questionnaire aims to assess their familiarity of the same

product already existing in the market. In addition, it also aims to

evaluate the efficiency of the of the strategies of the researchers.

The questionnaire will be divided into four parts. The first part is

the respondent’s profile which includes the name, address, gender, civil

status, profession, age and monthly income. The second part of the

questionnaire is related to assessing their familiarity with Oyster

Mushrooms and the different ways we can consume them. The third

part will be an assessment on the consumption pattern of the

employees for burgers. The last part will be the product introduction

which includes the questions regarding the respondent’s perception

about the newly introduced product and the willingness of the

respondents to buy the proposed product, as well as the comments and

suggestions for the improvement will be taken into consideration.

Data Gathering Procedure

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 30

Data gathering aids the proponents in the collection of the

information that can be used in the study. The researchers were able to

know the facts about the target market and the perception of the

proposed product whether or not the 4Gs Mushroom Burger will be

saleable in the market.

Survey questionnaire are prepared, evaluated and validated by

the adviser and was distributed inside the vicinity of the target market.

Furthermore, Raosoft formula was used to get the sample

population 320 of the total population which were comprised of 1600.

Statistical Treatment of Data

All the data that will be gathered through the survey questionnaire

will enter into master tally sheet so that the total number of respondents’

responses in each item could be easily analyzed. Slovin’s formula will

be used to get the sample size of a given population with five percent

margin of error.

The Slovin’s formula:

n = N / (1+Ne2)


n = sample size
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 31

N = Total no. of Population

e = margin of error

From the given formula, the proponents were able to get 320

respondents as shown in the computation.

n = 1600/ (1+ 1600 (0.05)2)

n = 320

A total of 320 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents

to analyze the demand of the product. Random sampling method is

used for the distribution of questionnaire.


The term “demand” in a feasibility study has two major

connotations. It may refer either a) past demand or b) future demand.

The demand figure is usually expressed in annual basis. The

demand is expressed in terms of sales and quantity or in terms of usage

or consumption.

Past Demand / Historical Demand

Past demand is the sum of the total goods sold or consumed,

whether locally produced or imported during the previous year or years

(Nick L. Aduana, 2015).

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 32

Projected Demand refers to the future demand for the product for

local consumption or projected production and number of units to be

imported (Nick L. Aduana, 2015).

Historical Demand

Hamburgers are usually a feature of fast foodrestaurants. The

hamburgers served in major fast food establishments are usually mass-

produced in factories and frozen for delivery to the site. These

hamburgers are thin and of uniform thickness, differing from the

traditional American hamburger prepared in homes and conventional

restaurants, which is thicker and prepared by hand from ground beef.

Most American hamburgers are round, but some fast-food chains, such

as Wendy's, sell square-cut hamburgers. Hamburgers in fast food

restaurants are usually grilled on a flat-top, but some firms, such as

Burger King, use a gas flame grilling process. At conventional American

restaurants, hamburgers may be ordered "rare", but normally are served

medium-well or well-done for food safety reasons. Fast food restaurants

do not usually offer this option.

The McDonald's fast-food chain sells the Big Mac, one of the

world's top selling hamburgers, with an estimated 550 million sold

annually in the United States. Other major fast-food chains, including

Burger King (also known as Hungry Jack's in Australia), A&W, Culver's,

Whataburger, Carl's Jr./Hardee's chain, Wendy's (known for their

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 33

square patties), Jack in the Box, Cook Out, Harvey's, Shake Shack, In-

N-Out Burger, Five Guys, Fatburger, Vera's, Burgerville, Back Yard

Burgers, Lick's Homeburger, Roy Rogers, Smashburger, and Sonic also

rely heavily on hamburger sales. Fuddruckers and Red Robin are

hamburger chains that specialize in the mid-tier "restaurant-style"

variety of hamburgers.

Hamburgers are often served as a fast dinner, picnic or party food

and are often cooked outdoors on barbecue grills.

From 2009 to 2017 the demand for hamburgers and other fast

food chain items continue to soar as their sales (in Billion $) increase

per year based on the graph below.

Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/218836/us-limited-service-restaurants-food-and-drink-sales/
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 34

Based on the data gathered by the researchers, historical

demand based on the population is as follows:

Table 1. Historical Demand


2014 40,977
2015 47,689
2016 52,988
2017 63,444
2018 70,721

Projected Demand

4Gs Mushroom Burger, which will be using oyster mushrooms in

the production of its burger patties, believe that there will be a good

demand for its product in its target market. Of the 320 respondents from

the 1600 work force in the target market selected, about 90 percent buy

their food from the canteen. Of the 90 percent that buy food from the

canteen, 50% buy snacks during their short meal breaks. Out of the

50% of the population who buy their snacks during short meal breaks,

50% expressed their craving to try the newly introduced product, the

mushroom burger. 4Gs Mushroom Burger has projected that the

demands for its burgers will be as follows:


Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 35

Table 2. 2019 113,040 Projected

2020 124,344
Demand 2021 136,778
2022 150,456
2023 165,502

From the figure above, it can be deduced that the projected demand for

4Gs Mushroom Burger will increase at an average of 10% per year

during the 5-year period.

Major Consumer of the Product

The employees of the Philippines TRC Inc., the proponents target

market will be the major consumers of 4Gs Mushroom Burger. With the

population mostly consists of individuals in their early 20s, their

preference for Burger is quite high. However, for the individuals aged 30

and above, the desire to take care of their health but still being able to

satisfy their cravings will be an opportunity to serve a snack that fits

their diet.


Supply is the quantity of the product that will be offered to the

market by a supplier or suppliers at various prices for as specified

period (Carl McDaniel, Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair, 2012).

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 36

Historical Supply

Historical Supply refers to information on similar products

produced by existing firms (Nick L. Aduana, 2015).

For the past 5 years, the supply of mushroom burgers has always

been limited in supply due to the limited supply of the main ingredient

used in its production. The table below shows the limited supply of

mushroom burger in the last 5 years.

Table 3. Historical Supply


2014 28,684
2015 33,382
2016 37,091
2017 44,411
2018 49,504

Projected Supply

While there maybe high demand for the product, 4Gs Mushroom

Burger assumes that due to the limited supply of oyster mushroom and

the lead time to cultivate them, CHL Food Enterprise assumes that

based on the demand, it will be able to provide a supply in the following



2019 79,128
2020 87,041
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 37

Table 4. 2021 95,745 Projected

2022 105,319
Supply 2023 115,851

From the figure above, it can be deduced that the projected supply for

4Gs Mushroom Burger will also increase at an average of 10% per year

during the 5-year period, an amount directly proportional to the

projected demand.

Market Share

Market Share is company’s product sales as a percentage of total

sales for that industry. Usually market share is expressed in terms of

revenue and not units (Carl McDaniel, Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F.

Hair, 2012).

SWOT Analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats or Simply

SWOT analysis is an analytical method which is used to discover and

sort out significant internal (Strengths and Weaknesses) and external

(Opportunities and Threats) factors faced either in a particular arena,

such as an organization, or a territory, such as region, nation, or city.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 38

It provides information that is supportive in matching the firms’

resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it

operates and is therefore significant contribution to the strategic

planning process (Serrano, Alvarez, Masangkay 2014).

Strengths are internal and helpful factors in respect of the SWOT

objective. It supports an opportunity to overcome threat

Weaknesses are internal and harmful factors in respect of the

SWOT objective. These result in being unable to take an advantage of

an opportunity, or are vulnerable to a threat.

Opportunities are external and helpful factors over which you

have no control but could be helpful in achieving the SWOT objective.

These can be tangible, such as new products, or intangible such as

enhanced reputation.

Threats are external and harmful factors over which you have no

control. These can be tangible, such as hostile takeover bid, new

competitors, or theft, or; intangible such as potential loss of reputation

or brand damaging factors (Alan Sarsby, 2016). Among the strengths,

weakness, opportunities and threats noted for 4Gs Mushroom Burger

are the following:


 Use of organic material in the production of the its burger

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 39

 Competitive price compared to other mushroom burgers in

the market

 Simple food processing techniques


 Limited food choice for the target market as only mushroom

burger will be offered

 Unfamiliarity with the mushroom burger


 Flexibility of oyster mushroom as main ingredient capable

of producing other menu from the raw material

 Capacity to produce variations from the original mushroom

burger recipes


 Unavailability of the raw material due to unplanned

cultivation schedule

 Changing buyer behavior

 Trade Restrictions

Marketing Strategies and Program

Product Strategy
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 40

Mushrooms are known to provide health benefits when consumed

whether consumed as is or as part of another diet. Burgers being one

of the most favorite food of the Filipinos in almost any occasion or any

time of the day will be effortlessly sold to its target market.

Place Strategy

4Gs Mushroom Burger has chosen to promote its product in the

canteen of Philippines TRC Inc. – workers are from different age and

income brackets as well as residents of different neighboring towns and

provinces. CHL Food Enterprise believes that the place of distribution

itself will be of great help in promoting the product.

Pricing Strategy

Since Philippines TRC is offering a free rental and free utilities to

its canteen concessionaires, 4Gs Mushroom Burger will be able to offer

its product at lower cost considering the low administrative and selling

expenses it will incur.

Promotion Strategy

4Gs Mushroom Burger’s target market is relatively small in terms

of land area thus Promotional Strategies doesn’t need to be so costly.

With the owners as employees of the company and who have access to

Social Media Accounts of its target market, promotional efforts will be

more personal in approach and will entail a very minimal cost. Only a
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 41

small banner will be utilized and leaflets will be distributed in its initial

week of operation.

Product Description

N-S-P-P-USP Model

Need – The researchers have seen the need of providing an alternative

to the usual variety of foods that canteen includes in its weekly menu. It

was observed that the canteen owner has not included the burger in its

menu and workers tend to order from fast food chains.

Situation – Some employees of Philippines TRC Inc., the target market

of this feasibility study, are already in the late 30s. Based on the annual

physical examination result, some are already experiencing health

problems like obesity, hypertension, diabetes and other common

diseases. Employees are becoming more conscious of their health and

the idea of selling a healthier substitute to the usual burgers will be a

good opportunity.

Person – People of all ages love burgers. The target market are large

consumers of burgers as observed in their lifestyles and eating habits.

Product Description – CHL Food Enterprise will sell 4Gs Mushroom

Burgers with patties made from Oyster Mushrooms. 4Gs Mushroom

Burgers will partner with the growers of Oyster Mushrooms in the

province of Batangas for the supply of its main ingredient which is

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 42

limited in supply. Oyster mushrooms will go through food processing

and will be combined with other ingredients to create a healthier burger

for its target market.

USP – Incorporating oyster mushrooms, which are highly organic will

give 4Gs Mushroom Burgers its own unique characteristic. People will

be guilt-free as they consume 4Gs Mushroom Burgers. They will starve,

but they will never be deprived of the taste of pure meat burgers.

Brand Name

Brand Name is a term, symbol, design or combination thereof that

identifies a seller’s products and differentiates them from competitors’

products (Carl McDaniel, Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair, 2012).

Figure 1. Brand Name

Figure 2. Company Logo

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 43

A partnership will be established and will be named CHL Food

Enterprise after its owners Clarence, Hazel, Liza and Lesty with the 4G

referring to four girls who all agreed to pool in their resources to realize

one vision which is “By 2020, 4Gs Mushroom Burger will become a

leader in its segment through its deliciously healthy burgers. The

company aims to establish branches all over strategic locations around

the province and continuously expanding to other parts of the region by

2023.” we aim to be a partner in creating a healthier life through our

4Gs Mushroom Burger.


Packaging is a container for promoting the product and making it easier

and safer to use (Carl McDaniel, Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair,

2012). In the sale of the 4Gs Mushroom Burger, proponents will use

sandwich wrap and stickers as the packaging material. Below is the

sample packaging material for the 4Gs Mushroom Burger.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 44

Figure 3. Packaging


Marketing is a process by which the products and services are

introduced and promoted to a specific market. The success of the

business lies in marketing. The market study determines the ability of

the proposed goods to survive its competition and grow as a business.

In determining the sample size from the population, the

proponents used Slovin’s formula. The target market of this study are

the employees of Philippines TRC Inc with the age segmentation of 20

and above as well as their income ranging from 10,000 and above. An

individual belonging to this income bracket has the ability to purchase

the product. The proponents used survey questionnaire and personal

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 45

interviews in this study as their methods in gathering important data to

be used in the proposed business. The SWOT analysis of the 4Gs

Mushroom Burger has indicated that the strengths and opportunities are

enough to reconcile those weaknesses and threats of the business.

Marketing strategies and programs identified in this chapter will help in

the realization of the proposed venture. Pricing strategies and product

presentation through its packaging will also help boost the sales of 4Gs

Mushroom Burger proving that product if highly market feasible.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 46



The Technical Feasibility portion of this study will focus on how the 4Gs

Mushroom Burger will be produced as well as the physical location and

equipment to be used prior to production. Determining the proper

location and production processes will insure that costs equivalents are

spent wisely for the production of the finished product.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to determine the technical

soundness of the 4G Mushroom Burgers. Specifically, it attempts to

discuss the following objectives:

1. To picture out the proposed product and its uses;

2. To illustrate the manufacturing processes and the products

selling operation;

3. To identify all the necessary equipment, facilities, materials,

labor, and other requirements in manufacturing and selling the


4. To identify the annual production capacity; and

5. To determine the suited location, size and layout of the

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 47

Product Description

A product or service is what the business provides to the

consumers. It is the final output of all processes in the technical side of

the business. The image of the company will depend on the type of

goods that it will produce. Consumers judge a business enterprise

through the quality of goods it produces (Nick L. Aduana, 2015).

CHL’s main product is the 4G mushroom burger. It is a healthier

snack option for burger lovers. Instead of just using beef, pork or

chicken meat, the company uses mushrooms particularly the oyster

mushrooms in making their super delish, organic and very millennial


Uses of Product

Mushrooms are good sources of protein, fiber, vitamins and

minerals. They also showed the ability to increase immunity and prevent

cancer. Mushrooms support metabolism and skin regeneration.

Homemade mushroom burgers have fewer toxins and less preservative

since the main ingredient which is oyster mushroom is organic.

Everyone can surely enjoy the same tasting burger with less guilt.

Manufacturing Process

The Manufacturing Process illustrates the sequential steps

followed in manufacturing a proposed product. Conversion takes place

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 48

in manufacturing where the inputs are transformed into finished

products. The selection of the manufacturing process is highly

influenced by the type of product, the characteristics of raw materials

and the expected quality (Nick L. Aduana, 2015).

Process of Making Homemade Mushroom Burgers

1. Prepare all the ingredients.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 49

2. Clean and cut the mushroom leaves from the body for easier

3. After the cutting process, grind the mushroom using food

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 50

4. Chop onions.

5. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

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6. After getting the desired mixture, create burger patties based on

the desired size and shape.

7. Steam the burger patties before frying or storing.

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8. Cook the patties as desired.

9. Prepare your mushroom burger.

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Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 54

Production Schedule

Production scheduling or planning is used basically to sustain the

flow of production. The personnel in charge of production scheduling

regulates the labor force and process flow to attain a standard utilization

of company resources with negligible downtime, least bottlenecks and a

level of output constant with all the resources being put into the process

(Serrano, Alvarez, Masangkay, 2014).

Table 5. Production Schedule of 4G Mushroom Burgers

Year Daily Weekly Monthly Annually

2019 275 1,648 6,594 79,128

2020 302 1,813 7,253 87,041

2021 333 1,994 7,979 95,745

2022 366 2,193 8,777 105,319

2023 403 2,413 9,654 115,851

The estimated daily production volume is 275 burgers in the first

year and will be increased by 10% of the total units per day for the next

year. Weekly and monthly volume of production is based on 6 working

days in a week and 4 weeks in a month schedule, respectively (No.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 55

units per day multiplied by 6 and No. of units per week multiplied by 4).

Annual volume of production is based on the 12-month calendar year

since the target market is operating in a full year schedule (No. of units

per month multiplied by 12).



2019 2019 2019 2019

Product Concept Formulation

Feasibility Study
Product Development
Product Testing
Business Registration and
Other Legal Requirements
Employee Selection and
Supplier Selection
Purchase of Capital Equipment
Marketing Activities
Start of Commercial Operation

Plant Size and Location

The CHL stall can be found in the canteen area of Philippines

TRC Inc., a Japanese-owned manufacturing company inside LIMA

Technology Center in Lipa City. It is a small stall around 60 sq.

metersoffering mainly the 4G mushroom burgers to the company’s

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 56

Factory Equipment

Table 6. Factory Equipment


Solid Top Chest Freezer 18,950.00
Hanabishi food processor 4,500.00
Electric Griller 3,500.00
Oven Toaster 800.00
Total 27,750.00

Factory Furniture and Fixture

Table 7. Factory Furniture and Fixture


Stall Booth 20,000.00
Table and Chair 2,000.00
Total 22,000.00

Factory Tools and Supplies

The company’s factory tools and supplies are food storage box,

mixing bowl, thongs, basin, knives, chopping board, and squeeze bottle.

Maintenance Supplies

The company’s cleaning materials are broom, dustpan and mops.

Office Supplies
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 57

The company’s office supplies are record books, stapler, folders

and ballpens.

Direct Materials

Direct Materials or Raw materials are materials that become part

of a finished product and can be conveniently and economically traced

to specific product units (Cost Accounting, De Leon, 2016).

In making the 4G Mushroom Burgers, the raw materials needed are

oyster mushrooms, bread crumbs, flour, burger buns, cooking oil, egg

onion and garlic.

Table 8. Raw Materials

Raw Materials Amount

Oyster Mushroom 6,000.00
Flour - 1 kg. pack 360.00
Burger Buns - 6 pc. Pack 1,450.00
Cooking Oil - 950 ml Bottle 297.00
Egg 1,500.00
Onion and Spices 640.00
Total 10,247.00

Indirect Materials

Indirect materials are minor materials and other production

supplies that cannot be conveniently or economically traced to specific

products (Cost Accounting, De Leon, 2016).

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 58

The indirect materials used in the production of mushroom

burgers are the sandwich wrap used as packaging of the mushroom


Lease and Leasehold Improvement

There is no rental fee being charged for the canteen

concessionaires inside Philippines TRC Inc.


Utilities expense is the cost of usage of utilities such as lighting,

water, and heat. The nature and size of business operation is crucial in

deciding what utilities the business may require (Serrano, Alvarez,

Masangkay, 2014).

Electricity and Water

The canteen concessionaires are free of charge of electricity and

water. Philippine TRC Inc. pays for these utility fees.


The staffs working directly in the CHL stall are provided with

cellular phones to be used in contacting suppliers, managers or even

customers who can order their food in advance.

Waste disposal
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 59

Waste disposal system may be adopted on the type of waste the

company is producing. It emphasizes the estimated cost that may be

incurred relative to the disposal of waste matter. It could either be a

transfer station system, a landfill station provision system or a

combustion facilities system (Nick L. Aduana, 2015).

The company will strictly implement the proper segregation of its

waste disposal. Philippines TRC Inc.’s canteen area provides garbage

bins with proper segregation of non-biodegradable and biodegradable

providing the CHL stall an easy access to proper waste disposal.

Direct Labor Requirement

Direct Labor any labor that is specially incurred for or can be

readily charged to or identified with a specific job, contract, or work

order (Cost and Management Accounting, 3G eLearning, 2014).

Store Head (1)

 Must be a college graduate, preferably with business


 Must be business oriented, dedicated, can work

under pressure and can handle challenging


 Must be able to understand and analyze sales


 Have excellent communication and ‘people’ skills

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 60

Staff (2)

 High School graduate or undergraduate

 Preferably have an experience in food selling


 Have good communication and ‘people’ skills

 Have pleasing personality and can work under



Another success factor that adds add to the future of a business

venture relies on the goodness of its technical aspect. Not only will it

determine the quality of the product but more importantly in terms of

cost through the right choices of all the things that will enter and take

part in the production process.

Production schedule has to be planned considering product is

perishable and raw materials go through cultivation process. Proper

equipment situated in proper production location entails better efficiency

resulting to best cost. Cost of direct and indirect materials can also be

minimized by employing the proper production processes taking into

consideration the sensitiveness of the product being offered.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 61



This chapter will cover the different Management aspects that

4Gs Mushroom Burger has considered to be fit and appropriate in the

conduct of its business.

In the management feasibility, the form of business ownership will

be discussed as well as the capitalization requirement. Aspects of

business operations with regards to Manpower requirements, their

qualification, job description as well as compensation will be discussed.

Organizational policies concerning personnel, production, safety,

customer and supplier as well as the legal requirements will also be


Objectives of the Study

In this chapter, researcher will identify the following:

1. The appropriate form of business organization as well

as the capitalization requirement in order to start the

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 62

2. The organizational structure, duties of each partner as

well as the additional manpower required for the day to

day operation, their duties and compensation.

3. The organizational policies to be implemented in the

conduct of the business

4. The legal requirements to be adhered to insure the

uninterrupted business operations.

Form of Business Ownership

The researchers decided to form a general partnership as their

form of business organization. There are three essential elements to a

general partnership.

1. A sharing of profit and loss

2. A joint ownership of the business

3. An equal right in the management of the business

The proponents have chosen this form of business organization

due to the following reasons:

1. Partnerships are easy to establish

2. There is an increased ability to raise funds when there is

more than one owner

3. Wider pool of knowledge, skills and contacts

4. Improved management with more than one owner

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 63


As part of the initial investment, each of the 4 partners will equally

contribute the amount of Php 50,000.00 each to fund the start-up

operations. The amount to be contributed will be enough to buy the

initial inventory as well as the equipment that the company will need as

they start the operation. It was identified that additional capitalization

requirements would be unnecessary since inventories are perishable

and minimum stocks are to be maintained in the place of business.

Organizational Chart

Each of the 4 partners will do their share in the management of

CHL Food Enterprise. Each will monitor specific aspect in the business

operation as follows:

Figure 5. Organizational Chart

Manpower Requirement
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 64

To ensure the smooth and seamless operation of the 4Gs

Mushroom Burger, the following manpower will be hired:

 Store Head (1)

o Must be a college graduate, preferably with business


o Must be business oriented, dedicated, can work under

pressure and can handle challenging situations

o Must be able to understand and analyze sales figures

o Have excellent communication and ‘people’ skills

 Service Crew (2)

o High School graduate or undergraduate

o Preferably have an experience in food selling industry

o Have good communication and ‘people’ skills

o Have pleasing personality and can work under pressure

Job Description

In order for the employees of CHL Food Enterprise to effectively

and efficiently carry out their duties, they will be guided by the following

job descriptions.

 Store Head

o Completes store operational requirements by scheduling

and assigning employees; following up on work results.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 65

o Maintains store staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting,

and training employees.

o Maintains store staff job results by coaching, counseling,

and disciplining employees; planning, monitoring, and

appraising job results.

o Achieves financial objectives by preparing the daily

sales report to be forwarded to the accounting in-charge

o Identifies current and future customer requirements

based on day to day operations

o Ensures availability of merchandise by monitoring and

maintaining inventories.

o Markets merchandise by studying advertising, sales

promotion, and display plans

o Protects employees and customers by providing a safe

and clean store environment.

o Maintains operations by initiating, coordinating, and

enforcing program, operational, and personnel policies

and procedures.

o Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related

results as needed.

 Service Crew

o Responsible for greeting customers and taking their

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 66

o Cook and prepare the food as they were ordered

o Maintaining and cleaning the works stations

o Assist the store manager in ensuring the availability of

merchandise by monitoring and maintaining inventories.


To ensure that CHL Employees will receive what is due to them in

exchange of the service they will be providing to the partnership, the

following tables of compensation and benefit will be followed.

Table 9. Monthly Compensation

Store Head 461.54 26 12,000.00
Service Crew 1 373 26 9,698.00
Service Crew 2 373 26 9,698.00

Table 10. Monthly Compensation 5 Year Period


POSITION 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Store Head 12,000.00 12,600.00 13,230.00 13,891.50 14,586.08
Service Crew 1 9,698.00 10,182.90 10,692.05 11,226.65 11,787.98
Service Crew 2 9,698.00 10,182.90 10,692.05 11,226.65 11,787.98
TOTAL 31,396.00 32,965.80 34,614.09 36,344.79 38,162.03
*subject to 5% annual increase

Table 11. Annual Compensation 5 Year Period

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 67

POSITION 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Store Head 144,000.00 151,200.00 158,760.00 166,698.00 175,032.90
Service Crew 1 116,376.00 122,194.80 128,304.54 134,719.77 141,455.76
Service Crew 2 116,376.00 122,194.80 128,304.54 134,719.77 141,455.76
TOTAL 376,752.00 395,589.60 415,369.08 436,137.53 457,944.41
*subject to 5% annual increase
Table 12. SSS Contribution 5 Year Period


POSITION 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Store Head 10,728.00 11,169.60 12,054.00 12,495.60 12,938.40
Service Crew 1 8,517.60 8,960.40 9,402.00 9,843.60 10,728.00
Service Crew 2 8,517.60 8,960.40 9,402.00 9,843.60 10,728.00
TOTAL 27,763.20 29,090.40 30,858.00 32,182.80 34,394.40

Table 13. Philhealth Contribution 5 Year Period


POSITION 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Store Head 1,980.00 2,079.00 2,182.95 2,292.10 2,406.70
Service Crew 1 1,650.00 1,680.18 1,764.19 1,852.40 1,945.02
Service Crew 2 1,650.00 1,680.18 1,764.19 1,852.40 1,945.02
TOTAL 5,280.00 5,439.36 5,711.32 5,996.89 6,296.74

Table 14. HDMF Contribution 5 Year Period


POSITION 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Store Head 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
Service Crew 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
Service Crew 2 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
TOTAL 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00

Organizational Policies
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 68

Personnel Policies

Employment Process

1. Review job applications/resume

2. Interview selected candidates

3. Choose candidates based on pre-determined

selection criteria

4. Perform background checks and reference


5. Send selected candidates for heath check

6. Perform one-week training for the hired


Employment Requirements

1. Resume

2. PSA Birth Certificate

3. Transcript of Records/ Diploma

4. NBI Clearance

5. SSS

6. Pag-IBIG

7. Philhealth

8. BIR forms

Classification of Employees
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 69

Store Head- He will be hired as a probationary

employee for six months and will be subject to

performance evaluation for his regularization.

Service Crew- They will be hired as a probationary

employee for six months and will be subject to

performance evaluation for his regularization.

Work Schedule

Store Head- 12 NN to 9 PM, 6 days a week

Service Crew 1- 8 AM to 8 PM, 6 days a week

Service Crew 2- 8 PM to 8 AM, 6 days a week

*Rest Day will be Saturday or Sunday to be allocated

to the 3 employees of the store based on production

schedule of Philippines TRC Inc. for the week.


There will be a Bundy Clock in the store for time and

attendance monitoring of the employees. Employees

will be given 5 paid vacation leaves and 5 paid sick

leaves annually.

The following violations will be subject to disciplinary

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 70

 Absences without official leave or leave

without any notification to co-workers and store


 Three (3) tardiness for one cutoff (semi-


Performance Appraisal

The company will be giving 5% annual increase to

deserving employees. Higher rate increase will be

given to those employees with exemplary


Code of Ethics

CHL Food Enterprise is committed to the high standards of

business conduct and ethics. This code of business conduct and ethics

reflects the business practices and principles that support this


Food Safety

Serving safe and healthy food is the top priority of 4Gs

Mushroom Burger. The company is adhering to a high standard

sanitation and is always placing food safety above financial

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 71

Supplier Standards

The company chooses a supplier that adheres to high

standards of mushroom culturing sanitation. The company makes

it sure to choose suppliers with high quality products. It performs

due diligence before signing contracts with new suppliers.

Professional Integrity

The company is maintaining a high level of integrity at the

personal and business levels in presenting a professional level of

service. The store owners and employees conduct themselves in

a professional manner that reflects the attitude of the

establishment they are working in.

Improving Service

Store owners strive to improve the quality of service

delivered at their business. Improving employee skill sets with

new techniques for personal service and food preparation

ensures the quality of service and value for customers.

Employee Relations

CHL Food Enterprise commits to breaking the trend of

overworking and underpaying employees. They give importance

to their loyal employees by giving them yearly increase and

proper benefits that most food establishments often neglect.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 72


CHL Food Enterprise guarantees that there will be no

misrepresentation when it comes to the labels of its products. It

will also ensure that no patents or copyrights will be infringed in

the use of its own labels and branding. The company’s logo and

that of its product will be copyrighted so as to secure its rights.

The company will not use any material so as to mislead or

deceive its consumers.

Legal Requirement

The company will make sure that the project to be

undertaken will meet all legal requirements. CHL enterprises

confirms to the following legal requirements for the business


Table 15. Permits and Licenses 5 Year Period


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Barangay Clearance 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00
BIR Registration 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
SEC Registration 550.00
DTI 350.00
Mayor's Permit 700.00 707.00 714.07 721.21 728.42
Health Fee 500.00 505.00 510.05 515.15 520.30
Business Tax 200.00 202.00 204.02 206.06 208.12
Sanitary Fee 120.00 121.20 122.41 123.64 124.87
License Fee 410.00 414.10 418.24 422.42 426.65
Fire Inspection 788.00 795.88 803.84 811.88 820.00
Occupational Fee 400.00 404.00 408.04 412.12 416.24
Zoning Fee 30.00 30.30 30.60 30.91 31.22
TOTAL 5,148.00 4,279.48 4,311.27 4,343.39 4,375.82
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 73



This chapter covers the financial aspect and requirement for the

conduct of the business of CHL Food Enterprise. This determines

whether the business is to be pursued or dropped. This will include the

major assumptions and total project costs.

In this chapter, we will determine the needed capital to start the

business and the possible source of financing. It will also show the

different financial statements relating to business operations and the

different ratios to understand the potential of the project to return the

cost of investment and to generate income.

Objectives of the Study

In the following chapter, the researches will try to answer the


1. The financial requirement of the business and the capacity to

generate such funding requirement.

2. The capacity of the engagement to generate a good return on

funds invested
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 74

3. The capability of the project to pay its obligations as they

become due

4. The potential for project expansion

Capital Requirement

To initially start the operation and to start selling the 4Gs

Mushroom Burger will be needing the following equipment in order to

produce and sell its products the following were identified as the basic

items necessary for the start of commercial operation:

Table 16. Initial Capital Requirement for Operations

Stall Booth 1 20,000.00 20,000.00
Solid Top Chest Freezer 1 18,950.00 18,950.00
Hanabishi food processor 1 4,500.00 4,500.00
Deep Fryer 1 3,500.00 3,500.00
Oven Toaster 1 800 800
Table and Chair 1 2,000.00 2,000.00
Total 49,750.00
Food Storage Box 1 890 890
Mixing Bowl 1 800 800
Thongs 1 800 800
Basin 1 300 300
Knives 1 500 500
Chopping Board 1 300 300
Squeeze Bottle 1 500 500
Total 4,090.00
Office Supplies Amount
Record Book 2 150 300
Stapler 1 80 80
Folder 2 10 20
Ballpen 2 30 60
Total 460
Initial Inventory Amount
Oyster Mushroom 6,000.00
Onion and Spices 640
Flour - 1 kg. pack 360
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 75

Burger Buns - 6 pc. Pack 1,450.00

Cooking Oil - 950 ml Bottle 297
Egg 1,500.00
Burger Wrapper 94.5

Total 10,341.50

Total Estimated Costs

Total estimated cost for the start of the operation is as follows:

Items Price
Equipment 49,750.00
Cooking Utensils 4,090.00
Initial Inventory 10,341.50
Office Supplies 460.00
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 76


Source of Financing

The total estimated costs for the start-up of the business will be

financed by the initial capital contribution of the partners. Initial

investment is sufficient to cover the cost of initial operations.

Financial Assumptions

For purposes of accounting, the following assumptions will be

adapted by CHL Food Enterprise.

 Desired Ending Inventory Level is Total Units to be sold the

following year divided by 314 working days.

 Beginning Inventory Level is the Total Units Sold in the

preceding year divided by 314

 Prices of Raw Materials are expected to increase in the

rate of 5% per year. All Purchases are on Cash Basis.

 Salaries are expected to increase in the rate of 5% per year

while Government Mandated Benefits are expected to

remain constant over the 5-year period.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 77

 Depreciation Method used is Straight Line and assumed

that no salvage value can be recovered at the end of the

life of equipment.

 Cooking Utensils are to be replaced on a yearly basis

 Office Supplies Expense is on monthly basis

Table 17. Production Budget

Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Units to be Sold 79,128 87,041 95,745 105,319 115,851
Add: Desired Ending
277 305 335 368 405
Total 79,405 87,346 96,080 105,687 116,256
Less: Beginning
277 305 335 368
79,405 87,069 95,775 105,352 115,888

Table 18. Direct Materials Budget

Particulars Unit Cost Quantity Required Total Cost/Item

Oyster Mushroom kg 200 2 400
Ground Beef kg 280 0.5 140
Eggs pc 5 6 30
Onion pc 6 5 30
Flour kg 40 0.25 10
Pepper kg 180 0.001 0.18
Cooking Oil liter 120 0.001 0.12
Total 610.3
Total Weight 2400 grams 0.25
Desired weight per patty 40 grams
Cost of One Patty 10.17
Cost of Burger Bun pc 6 1 6
Total Direct Material Cost 16.17
Table 19. Direct Labor Budget

Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Annual Compensation of
116,376.00 122,194.80 128,304.54 166,698.00 175,032.90
SSS Annual Contribution 8,517.60 8,960.40 9,402.00 9,843.60 10,728.00
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 78

Philhealth Annual
1,650.00 1,680.18 1,764.19 1,852.40 1,945.02
Pagibig Annual
1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
13th Month 9,698.00 10,182.90 10,692.05 11,226.65 11,787.98
Total 137,441.60 144,218.28 151,362.78 190,820.65 200,693.90
Number of Staff 2 2 2 2 2
Total Direct Labor Cost 274,883.20 288,436.56 302,725.56 381,641.30 401,387.80
Units to be Produced 79,405 87,069 95,775 105,352 115,888
Labor Cost Per Unit 3.46 3.31 3.16 3.62 3.46

Table 20. Factory Overhead Budget


Stall Booth 20,000.00 5 4,000.00
Solid Top Chest Freezer 18,950.00 5 3,790.00
Hanabishi food processor 4,500.00 5 900.00
Deep Fryer 3,500.00 5 700.00
Oven Toaster 800 5 160.00
Table and Chair 2,000.00 5 400.00
Total Depreciation per Year 9,950.00

Cost Per
PACKAGING 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
79,128 87,041 95,745 105,319 115,851
Sticker 0.38 29,673.00 32,640.38 35,904.38 39,494.63 43,444.13
1 11,127.38 32,640.38 35,904.38 39,494.63 43,444.13
Total 1.38 40,800.38 65,280.75 71,808.75 78,989.25 86,888.25


Food Storage Box 890
Mixing Bowl 800
Thongs 800
Basin 300
Knives 500
Chopping Board 300
Squeeze Bottle 500
Total 4,090.00

Table 21. Selling and Administrative Expense

Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Salaries and Wages - Store
144,000.00 151,200.00 158,760.00 166,698.00 175,032.90
SSS Annual Contribution 10,728.00 11,169.60 12,054.00 12,495.60 12,938.40
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 79

Philhealth Annual
1,980.00 2,079.00 2,182.95 2,292.10 2,406.70
Pagibig Annual Contribution 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
13th Month 12,000.00 12,600.00 13,230.00 13,891.50 14,586.08
Marketing Expense 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
Office Supplies 5,520.00 5,520.00 5,520.00 5,520.00 5,520.00
Taxes and Licenses 5,148.00 4,279.48 4,311.27 4,343.39 4,375.82
Total 181,576.00 189,048.08 198,258.22 207,440.59 217,059.90

Table 22. Cost of Goods Manufactured

Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Beginning WIP - - - - -
Manufacturing Costs
Direct Materials
Beginning Inventory - - - - -
Purchases 1,283,978.85 1,478,301.02 1,707,421.63 1,972,062.62 2,277,748.05
Total 1,283,978.85 1,478,301.02 1,707,421.63 1,972,062.62 2,277,748.05
Less: Ending Inventory - - - - -
Total Direct Material
1,283,978.85 1,478,301.02 1,707,421.63 1,972,062.62 2,277,748.05
Direct Labor Cost 274,883.20 288,436.56 302,725.56 381,641.30 401,387.80
54,840.38 79,320.75 85,848.75 93,029.25 100,928.25
Total Manufacturing Cost 1,613,702.43 1,846,058.33 2,095,995.94 2,446,733.17 2,780,064.10
Less:Ending WIP - - - - -
Cost of Goods
1,613,702.43 1,846,058.33 2,095,995.94 2,446,733.17 2,780,064.10
Add: Beginning FG - 5,595.15 6,431.91 7,296.62 8,511.90
Total Goods Available for
1,613,702.43 1,851,653.48 2,102,427.85 2,454,029.79 2,788,576.00
Less: Ending FG 5,595.15 6,431.91 7,296.62 8,511.90 18369.55
COST OF SALES 1,608,107.27 1,845,221.57 2,095,131.23 2,445,517.89 2,770,206.45

Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Units Produced 79,405 87,069 95,775 105,352 115,888
Direct Materials Cost 16.17 16.98 17.83 18.72 19.65
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 80

Direct Labor Cost 3.46 3.31 3.16 3.62 3.46

0.57 0.8 0.79 0.79 0.79
Total Manufacturing
20.2 21.09 21.78 23.13 23.9
Desired Selling Price 30 35 40 45 50
Margin 9.8 13.91 18.22 21.87 26.1
Mark Up Percentage 49% 66% 84% 95% 109%
Table 23. Product Costing and Pricing

Table 24. Capital Statement

Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Capital, Beginning 100,000.00 720,693.94 1,431,055.24 2,299,805.05 3,345,026.11

Additional Investment 0 0 0 0 0
Net Income for the
620,693.94 710,361.30 868,749.81 1,045,221.06 1,158,803.86

Drawings 0 0 0 0 0
Distribution of Net
0 0 0 0 0

Capital, End 720,693.94 1,431,055.24 2,299,805.05 3,345,026.11 4,503,829.97

Table 25. Income Statement

Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Units Sold 79,128.00 87,041.00 95,745.00 105,319.00 115,851.00
Price 30 35 40 45 50
Sales 2,373,840.00 3,046,435.00 3,829,800.00 4,739,355.00 5,792,550.00
Less: Cost of Sales 1,608,107.27 1,845,221.57 2,095,131.23 2,445,517.89 2,770,206.45
Gross Profit 765,732.73 1,201,213.43 1,734,668.77 2,293,837.11 3,022,343.55
Less: Selling and
181,576.00 189,048.08 198,258.22 207,440.59 217,059.90
Administrative Expense
Net Operating Profit 584,156.73 1,012,165.35 1,536,410.55 2,086,396.52 2,805,283.65
Less: Provision for Income
76,039.18 193,649.61 350,923.16 515,918.96 731,585.09
Net Income 508,117.54 818,515.75 1,185,487.38 1,570,477.57 2,073,698.55

Table 26. Cashflow Statement

Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 81

Cash Balance at Beginning of the

200,000.00 738,761.58 1,684,000.99 3,035,847.22 4,780,055.30
Cash Receipts from Customers 2,373,840.00 3,046,435.00 3,829,800.00 4,739,355.00 5,792,550.00
Cash Paid for Purchases 1,283,978.85 1,478,301.02 1,707,421.63 1,972,062.62 2,277,748.05
Wages Expense 274,883.20 288,436.56 302,725.56 381,641.30 401,387.80
Selling and Administrative Expense 181,576.00 189,048.08 198,258.22 207,440.59 217,059.90
General Operating Expense 44,890.38 69,370.75 75,898.75 83,079.25 90,978.25
Income Taxes 0 76,039.18 193,649.61 350,923.16 515,918.96
Net Cash Flow from Operations 588,511.58 945,239.41 1,351,846.24 1,744,208.07 2,289,457.04

Cash Paid for Purchase of
Net Cash Flow from Investing -49,750.00

Net Increase (Decrease in Cash) 538,761.58 945,239.41 1,351,846.24 1,744,208.07 2,289,457.04

Cash at End of Year 738,761.58 1,684,000.99 3,035,847.22 4,780,055.30 7,069,512.34

Table 25. Balance Sheet

Particulars 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 82

Cash 738,761.58 1,684,000.99 3,035,847.22 4,780,055.30 7,069,512.34
0 0 0 0 0
Inventory 5,595.15 6,431.91 7,296.62 8,511.90 18,369.55
Total Current Assets 744,356.73 1,690,432.90 3,043,143.84 4,788,567.20 7,087,881.89

Non-current Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment 49,750.00 49,750.00 49,750.00 49,750.00 49,750.00
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 9,950.00 19,900.00 29,850.00 39,800.00 49,750.00
Property, Plant and Equipment -
39,800.00 29,850.00 19,900.00 9,950.00 0

784,156.73 1,720,282.90 3,063,043.84 4,798,517.20 7,087,881.89
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Taxes Payable 76,039.18 193,649.61 350,923.16 515,918.96 731,585.09
Total Current Liabilities

Equity Account
Partners Equity Account 200,000.00 708,117.54 1,526,633.29 2,712,120.67 4,282,598.24
Net Income (Loss) for the Period 508,117.54 818,515.75 1,185,487.38 1,570,477.57 2,073,698.55
Total Equity Account 708,117.54 1,526,633.29 2,712,120.67 4,282,598.24 6,356,296.79

Total Liabilities and Owners Equity 784,156.73 1,720,282.90 3,063,043.84 4,798,517.20 7,087,881.89

Financial Ratios

WORKING CAPITAL 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

CURRENT ASSETS 7,087,881.89
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 83

744,356.73 1,690,432.90 3,043,143.84 4,788,567.20

LESS: CURRENT LIABILITIES 73,069.18 193,649.61 350,923.16 515,918.96 731,585.09

WORKING CAPITAL 671,287.55 1,496,783.29 2,692,220.68 4,272,648.24 6,356,296.80

CURRENT RATIO 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

CURRENT ASSETS 744,356.73 1,690,432.90 3,043,143.84 4,788,567.20 7,087,881.89

LIABILITIES 73,069.18 193,649.61 350,923.16 515,918.96 731,585.09

CURRENT RATIO 10.19 8.73 8.67 9.28 9.69

DEBT RATIO 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

TOTAL LIABILITIES 73,069.18 193,649.61 350,923.16 515,918.96 731,585.09

TOTAL ASSETS 784,156.73 1,720,282.90 3,063,043.84 4,798,517.20 7,087,881.89

DEBT RATIO 9% 11% 11% 11% 10%

EQUITY RATIO 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

TOTAL EQUITIES 708,117.54 1,526,633.29 2,712,120.67 4,282,598.24 6,356,296.79

TOTAL ASSETS 784,156.73 1,720,282.90 3,063,043.84 4,798,517.20 7,087,881.89

EQUITY RATIO 90% 89% 89% 89% 90%

RETURN ON TOTAL ASSETS 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

NET INCOME 508,117.54 818,515.75 1,185,487.38 1,570,477.57 2,073,698.55

AVERAGE TOTAL ASSETS 784,156.73 1,720,282.90 3,063,043.84 4,798,517.20 7,087,881.89

RETURN ON TOTAL ASSETS 65% 48% 39% 33% 29%

EQUITY 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

NET INCOME 508,117.54 818,515.75 1,185,487.38 1,570,477.57 2,073,698.55

AVERAGE EQUITY 708,117.54 1,526,633.29 2,712,120.67 4,282,598.24 6,356,296.79

EQUITY 72% 54% 44% 37% 33%

RETURN ON INVESTMENT 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

NET INCOME 508,117.54 818,515.75 1,185,487.38 1,570,477.57 2,073,698.55

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 84

INVESTMENT 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00

254% 409% 593% 785% 1037%

GROSS PROFIT RATIO 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

GROSS PROFIT 765,732.73 1,201,213.43 1,734,668.77 2,293,837.11 3,022,343.55

NET SALES 2,373,840.00 3,046,435.00 3,829,800.00 4,739,355.00 5,792,550.00

GROSS PROFIT RATIO 32% 39% 45% 48% 52%

NET PROFIT RATIO 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

NET PROFIT 508,117.54 818,515.75 1,185,487.38 1,570,477.57 2,073,698.55

NET SALES 2,373,840.00 3,046,435.00 3,829,800.00 4,739,355.00 5,792,550.00

NET PROFIT RATIO 21% 27% 31% 33% 36%

Break Even Analysis


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2,095,131.2 2,445,517.8 2,770,206.4

COST OF SALES 1,608,107.27 1,845,221.57 3 9 5

SELLING AND ADMIN EXPENSES 181,576.00 189,048.08 198,258.22 207,440.59 217,059.90

TAXES 76,039.18 193,649.61 350,923.16 515,918.96 731,585.09

2,644,312.6 3,168,877.4 3,718,851.4

TOTAL EXPENSES 1,865,722.45 2,227,919.26 1 4 4

2,644,312.6 3,168,877.4 3,718,851.4

NET SALES REVENUE TO BREAK EVEN 1,865,722.45 2,227,919.26 1 4 4
DIVIDE BY UNIT PRICE 30 35 40 45 50
BREAK EVEN 62,190.75 63,654.84 66,107.82 70,419.50 74,377.03

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 85


The project aims not only to offer high quality food product and to

generate profit but also to promote economic as well as social benefits.

This section of the study will serve as an aid in determining the

socio-economic contribution of the project, the benefits of the proposed

business to society, government, employees, business and the


Government Revenue

4Gs Mushroom Burger, as a business that is registered under the

Securities and Exchange Commission, will have its fair share of

contribution to the government through the taxes that it will pay that

would help in the implementation of the overall governmental activities

and projects. Small businesses have a big impact in the Philippine

economy. They contribute a portion to the revenue collection of the

government thru payments of local and national taxes.

Labor Employment

Employment is a major issue in our country. Businesses, like 4Gs

Mushroom Burger, can help in providing employment especially to

people who can’t barely find a good job because of their educational

attainment and qualifications. The company will be providing training

that can make their employees gain experience and skills that will be
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 86

helpful to their working careers. 4Gs Mushroom Burger will soon be a

big food establishment that can provide huge employment that can help

the local economy.

Business Generation

The establishment of CHL Food Industries, the makers of 4Gs

Mushroom Burger will give rise to the establishment of other companies

that will be partners of the company in the conduct of their business.

Since CHL Food Industries will not be cultivating the oyster mushrooms,

its main ingredient, it will partner with the local producers of the oyster

mushroom in the province of Batangas for the supply of mushroom. The

demand for oyster mushroom in the province will increase potentially

increasing as well the opportunity to increase the production of existing

growers or the establishment of new cultivators. 4Gs Mushroom Burger

will also give opportunities to small scale bakery owners for the supply

of the buns used in the sale of Burgers.

Benefits to Consumers

True to their mission and vision, CHL Food Enterprise will ensure

the benefits to its consumers, a healthier diet through a healthier

substitute to the favorite burgers. The promise of a healthier option will

be the company’s priority in order to secure its market share and its

competitive advantage over existing competitors. Consumers will

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 87

always be assured that ingredients are organic and safe for


Benefit to the Environment

4Gs Mushroom Burger will store their waste safely and securely,

they are making it sure that wastes are treated appropriately and are

collected by an authorized organization (Philippine TRC Inc.’s licensed

private waste contractor). They are managing their business waste

for recycling by separating paper, plastic, and glass prior to collection.

They also separate food waste for recycling. They ensure that the store

do not cause any statutory nuisance which could affect someone's

health or annoy their neighbors. This covers things like producing noise,

smoke, fumes, gases, dust, odor, light pollution or accumulating

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 88


1. Business feasibility study: A writing experience. Serrano, A.O.,

Alvarez, A.S.M., Masangkay, B. (2014)

2. Cost Accounting, De Leon, 2016

3. Cost and Management Accounting, 3G eLearning, 2014

4. Essentials of Marketing, Carl McDaniel, Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F.

Hair, 2012

5. Food Service and Hospitality, February 2013

6. Food Service and Hospitality, June 2013

7. Food Service and Hospitality, November 2013

8. http://www.philair.ph/publication/index.php/jpair/article/view/268

9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org

10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jollibee

11. https://www.indexmundi.com/philippines/demographics_profile.ht


12. https://www.mcdonalds.com.ph

13. https://www.mushroomburger.ph/about-us

14. https://www.thespruceeats.com/what-are-oyster-mushrooms-


15. Marrone Bio Innovations, Marrone, 2016

16. SWOT Analysis, Alan Sarsby, 2016

17. Writing a Feasibility Study, Nick L. Aduana, 2015

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 89

661 Bawi, Padre Garcia, Batangas




To hold a position in a progressive institution that can utilize my skills and can
provide growth opportunities.

To be in an institution / company where mutual growth between employees

and the company is recognized and obtain.



December 2016 – Present

Department of Education, Division of Lipa City

Marawoy, Lipa City


May 2016 – November 2016

Philippines TRC Inc.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 90

LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City


January 2016 – April 2016


November 2003 – December 2015


July 2003 – November 2003


November 2002 – June 2003

Philippines TRC Inc.

LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City


November 1999 – November 2002

Century Office Equipment Trading

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas


Aug. 1999 – Nov. 1999

Far East Services & Dev’t. Corporation

D. Silang Street, Batangas City

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 91


Date of Birth : December 9, 1977

Place of Birth : Ibaan, Batangas

Age : 40

Civil Status : Married

Sex : Female

Height : 5”

Weight : 49 kgs.

Religion : Roman Catholic

Nationality : Filipino

Languages Spoken : English and Tagalog

Spouse’s Name : Joven Dimayuga

Occupation : Accounting Assistant

Employer : LIMCOMA Multipurpose Cooperative



Lipa City Colleges

Lipa City, Batangas

Master in Business Administration

June 2017 - Present

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 92

Polytechnic University of The Philippines

Sto. Tomas Extension, Sto. Tomas, Batangas

Degree in Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

1995 – 1999


The Mabini Academy

Balintawak, Lipa City

High School Diploma



Bawi Elementary School

Brgy. Bawi, Padre Garcia, Batangas

Grade School Diploma



Career Service Professional – 80%

November 7, 1999, Tanauan City, Batangas

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 93


Skilled with:

 Microsoft Office Word

 Microsoft Office Excel
 Microsoft Office PowerPoint
 Advanced Internet Skills

Other Skills:

 Hard working
 Goal Oriented
 Open Minded and able to work independently
 Eager to learn, honest and reliable.


Regional Seminar-Workshop on the Preparation of CY 2018 Mid-Year



Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON)

Lima Park Hotel, Malvar, Batangas

July 11-13, 2018

Internal Quality Audit (IQA) Training

Ace Consultancy Firm

Batangas Country Club, Batangas City

May 17-19, 29 and July 10-11, 2018

Seminar-Workshop on Online Submission of Budget Proposal (OSBP)

Cum 1
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 94

Quarter Coordination Meeting for FY 2018

Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON)

Widus Hotel, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga

April 10-13, 2018

Regional Seminar-Workshop on the Preparation and Consolidation of

FY 2017

Year-End Financial Reports

Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON)

BSA Twin Tower Hotel, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila

January 16-19, 2018

Personality Development, Stress Management, and Developing


Skills for Schools Division Personnel

Department of Education, Division of Lipa City

La Leona Recreation Resort & Spa, Lipa City

November 27, 2017

ISO 9001:2015 Certification Orientation

Department of Education, Division of Lipa City

Max’s Restaurant, Lipa City

November 27, 2017

Workshop on the Conduct of FY 2018 Budget Execution Document

(BEDs) and

Online Submission to DBM

Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON)

Lima Park Hotel, Malvar, Batangas

November 16 – 18, 2017

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 95

Financial Management Operations Manual Training

Department of Education, Division of Lipa City

Caliraya Resort Club, Lumban Laguna

November 8 – 10, 2017

Gender Sensitive Responsiveness at DepEd Lipa

Department of Education, Division of Lipa City

Graceland Estates and Country Club, Tayabas Quezon

August 31 – September 1, 2017

Division Orientation cum Workshop on Technical Assistance Support

Mechanism and Process and School Clique: A Tour De Force, A


Initiated Program (School to School Partnership)

Department of Education, Division of Lipa City

Luntian Resort and Restaurant, Lipa City

July 17 – 19, 2017

Regional Seminar-Workshop on the Preparation of

CY 2017 Mid – Year Financial Reports

Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON)

Hotel Dominique, Tagaytay City

July 10 – 13, 2017

Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS) and

Revised Chart of Accounts (RCA) for National Government Agencies


COA Regional Office No. IV-A, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 96

June 19 – 23, 2017

Conduct of Regional Seminar-Workshop

on FY 2018 Budget Preparation (1st Cluster)

Batangas Country Club, Bolbok Road, Brgy., Sta Rita, Batangas City

February 24 - 25, 2017

Non-Teaching Personnel Customer Service Skills Training Workshop


Orientation of Newly Hired Employees on the Results Based


Management System and Document Online Tracking ASAP

Department of Education, Division of Lipa City

Luntian Resort and Restaurant, Lipa City

February 1-3, 2017

Hazardous Waste Management & Chemical Drill Training

Philippines TRC Incorporated, LIMA Technology Center Lipa City

July 30, 2016

Tax Updates

Monte Vista Hotsprings & Conference Resort, National Highway, Calamba


April 20, 2010

2008 Annualization & Year-End Adjustment of Withholding Tax

Regalia Tower Suites, P. Tuazon St., Cubao Quezon City

September 17, 2008

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 97

ISO 14001:2004 Upgrade Training Course

Philippines TRC Incorporated, LIMA Technology Center Lipa City

May 7, 2005

Train the Trainers

Philippines TRC Incorporated, LIMA Technology Center Lipa City

November 22, 2003

Internal QMS Audit Course

Philippines TRC Incorporated, LIMA Technology Center Lipa City

August 21 & 25, 2003

Effective QMS Documentation Course

Philippines TRC Incorporated, LIMA Technology Center Lipa City

May 19, 2003

Appreciation Course on ISO 9001:2000

Philippines TRC Incorporated, LIMA Technology Center Lipa City

May 13, 2003



Budget Officer III

DepEd, Lipa City / 09778111868

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 98


Asst. Manager / Philippines TRC Inc.

LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City / 09175043854/09173062990

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 99


# 256 Bulacnin, Lipa City 4217
Telephone No. : 043 455 1138

Mobile Phone No. : +63 917 5300 934

E-mail Address : : lizavolan@yahoo.com


With more than 21 years of in-depth experience in the pre-need industry and has established good
working relationships with sales associates and clients. Has the ability to organize, prioritize and work
under extreme pressure, high work load and deadlines. Has a strong verbal and personal
communication skill, self-motivated, initiative, and results-oriented. With 2 years experience in handling
the financial services in schools and other financial matters are concerned.

Company Name : Department of Education

Position Title : Disbursing Officer

Industry : Education

Dated Joined : September 25, 2017 – Present

Company Name : PhilPlans First Inc.

Position Title : Area Manager

Industry : Pre-Need

Date Joined : February 2017-September 2017

Company Name : PhilPlans First, Inc.

Position Title : Regional Secretary

Industry : Pre-Need

Date Joined : May 2, 2011- January 15,2017

Company Name : PhilPlans First, Inc.Bautista & Associates

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 100

Position Title : Agency Secretary

Industry : Pre-Need

Date Joined : April 1998 – April 30, 2011



Primarily responsible for the timely and accurate preparation of Regional Reports. Assist the
Regional Sales Manager in the Daily Sales Operations of the Region.


1. Receives and underwrites pre-need application forms & other documents likes death
claim, disability, educational benefit and pension maturity submitted by the agents
and clients.
2. Motivating the Sales Associates by informing new circulars, drives and training about
the product.
3. Prepares the Daily Report.
4. Attends to complaints & inquiries.
5. Performs other related functions as may be assigned from time to time.


1. Ensures accuracy of Sales Reports and completeness of Documentary Requirements

including but not limited to New Business Applications and Sales Associates
Licensing Documents.
2. Assist Regional Sales Manager in all Sales operation Activities:
2.1 Trainings

2.2 Regional Assembly

2.3 Agency Meeting

2.4 Disseminations of Circulars, Company Drives and Updates.

2.5 Regular Inventory of Sales Collaterals, supplies and printed forms.

2.6 Other activities that may arise related to Sales operations.

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 101

3. Delight Customers by providing above than average services both to internal and
external clients.


Reports directly to the Regional Sales Manager



G.A. Solis St. Lipa City

Masters in Business Administration

July 2017 to Present


G.A. Solis St. Lipa City

Bachelor of Science in Education

June 1997 – June 1999 (18 units)


Paninsingin, TamboLipaCity

Bachelor of Science in Business Management

June 1990- March1994


Balintawak Lipa City

June 1985 – March 1989

Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 102


 Has undergone trainings and seminars concerning financial matters

 1996 Passer Career Service Professionals (80.54%)
 Has undergone trainings and seminars concerning pre need industry
 Consistent Active Sales Counselor since December 2003-April 30, 2011 / #7 Award for Marketing
Excellence Awardee
 Entrepreneur
 Audit Committee – Lipa Multipurpose Cooperative
 #3 Area Manager of South Luzon Awardee from January to June 2017
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 103


# 260 Bulacnin, Lipa City, Batangas
Mobile phone: +63917-5043854
E-mail: lesty_recio@yahoo.com

An accounting position in a business leader organization that will utilize my ability to work
both independently and as a team member. To work for an organization where I can
contribute my expertise in the attainment of company goals, work with dynamic people
within the organization and learn from the diverse working experience that the company can

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA). Cum Laude. PICPA Academic
Excellence Award. President’s Medal Award. JPIA Officer.


High School Diploma, April 2001. Consistent Achiever.

December 2006 – present Corporate Accountant
(a subsidiary of Toshin Rubber Chemical Corp.
in Japan)

Hired as a Corporate Accountant managing over-all operations of the Accounting Department

reporting directly to the Vice President and is tasked to secure the following: Financial
Statement Preparation and Reporting ensuring that the company and government’s financial
policies and procedures are complied with; Preparation of Employee Payroll; Cash Monitoring
and Disbursement Procedures; Supplier and Customer Relations; Policy and Internal Control
Procedure Review and Implementation; External and Internal Audit; Compliance with
Regulatory and Government Reporting Requirements; Staff Supervision and Motivation.

Played a vital role in the Conversion of Financial Statements in Functional Currency Reporting
in accordance with the Accounting Standards.

Initiated the appraisal of Company’s fixed assets to have better basis on the company’s
Depreciation/Lapsing Schedule.

Assisted in Company Registration of Accounting Books from Manual to Computerized

Accounting System (Alas Accounting Software Version 9.0)
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 104

Assisted the company lawyers for filing of tax refund case with the Court of Tax Appeals.

October 2013 – present Impex/Logistics Assistant Manager

(a subsidiary of Toshin Rubber Chemical Corp.
in Japan)

Tasked to lead the Impex and Logistics Department and is in charge of the following;
Coordination of delivery schedules, importation permits, and export processing; Evaluation
and approval of PEZA Permits; Supplier and Customer Relations.

July 2012 – October 2013 HR/Admin Assistant Manager

(a subsidiary of Toshin Rubber Chemical Corp.
in Japan)

Assigned to take over the vacated position of HR/Admin Supervisor and tasked with the
following: Supervision of the over-all operations of the HR/Admin Department;
Implementation of Company Rules and Regulations; Recruitment, Training and Employee
Performance Evaluation; Communication with Manpower Agencies and Subcontractors;
Employment and Permits of Foreign Nationals; Application of PEZA related permits.

Authored the Retirement Benefit Plan of the company.

June 2006 – December 2006 Accounting Assistant


Appointed as an Accounting Assistant in Charge of monitoring of Fixed Assets and Capital

Expenditures’ Percentage of Completion and Payments upon Consideration of Its Capacity for

Became a member of the Accounts Payable Section therefore reducing the Payment

Processing’s Lead Time from Two weeks to an Average of Five Days.

Took part in Payment Proposal Preparation reducing the Returned Payment Notices
experienced by the Company in the Past.
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 105

Gained meaningful Trainings in SAP Accounting Application Software.

November 2005 – June 2006 Accounting Supervisor


Employed as an Accounting Supervisor Assisting the Corporate Accountant in her duties and
Supervising Accounting Staff in their Assigned Duties.

Successful in Reducing the FS Preparation’s Lead time from three months to a month.

April 2004 Auditor


June 2002 - December 2003 Management Trainee (OJT)


Assigned in the General Accounting Section focusing on Expense Account Monitoring.


June 2001 – March 2002 Secretary General



June 2002 – March 2004 Vice President for Academics


Member- Society of Scholars

April 2005 College Representative


Born on May 05, 1984 in Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines. Passed CPA Licensure Exam in
October 2005. Member of PICPA (Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants). Fluent
in English and Filipino. Knowledgeable in MICROSOFT WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, ACCESS
and FRONTPAGE. Interests include surfing the Internet, watching movies and meeting people.
Assertive, hardworking and driven to succeed.
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 106


#24 F. Malaya St., Lipa City, Batangas


To obtain a position in a respected company that will share and enhance my knowledge and
skills in the field of accounting.


Certified Public Accountant

May 2013 CPA Board Exam
PRC Registration No. 0151242

Philippines TRC Inc.

LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City, Batangas
March 2015-Present
 Book keeping and data analysis of sales and purchases of the company
 Ensures that all daily and month-end journal entries are prepared and posted accurately with
complete supporting documents.
 Semi-monthly payroll
 Weekly count and monitoring of Petty cash flows of the company
 Bank/SSS/In-house and other related transactions
 Monthly inventory checking
 Financial reporting to management
Smart Communications Inc.
Financial Analyst – Business Controllership Department, Revenue Accounting Team
Smart Tower II, Ayala Ave., Makati City
July 2013- March 2015
 Prepares historical data or analysis of accounts needed.
 Prepares information on queries affecting accounting transactions within scope as needed.
 Prepares analysis of accounts of transaction details of accounts supporting business partner
 Prepares analysis and explanation of assigned GL accounts with significant variances.
 Prepares monitoring reports for ongoing projects, aging analysis and disposition of long
outstanding items.
 Prepares recon schedules and explanation of variances.
 Verifies expenses in accordance with budget, cost center and GL account assignment
 Ensures that all daily and month-end journal entries are prepared and posted accurately with
complete supporting documents an in compliance with GAAP, tax requirement and company
 Implements new policies, business processes and corrective actions .
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 107

Summit Point Golf and Country Club

Accounting Department Intern
Brgy. Plaridel, Lipa City, Batangas
April- May 2011


 Proficient with Philippine Standards on Auditing, Philippine Accounting Standards and Philippine
Financial Reporting Standards
 Knowledgeable on SAP Business One Application, SAP Accounting System and ALAS Accounting
 Good written and oral communication skills
 Adept with Microsoft Office programs: Word, Excel, & PowerPoint
 Flexible and adaptive with advanced learning skills
 Outstanding follower and a servant leader
 Highly responsible, motivated and ethical


Graduate School Currently taking up Masters in Business Administration, Lipa City Colleges
2nd year (already taken up 27 units)
July 2017-present

Tertiary Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, De La Salle Lipa

Mataas na Kahoy, Lipa City
June 2008 - April 2012

Secondary The Mabini Academy

Balintawak, Lipa City
June 2004- April 2008



Dean’s Lister Academic Year 2009-2010, 1st semester

Academic Year 2008-2009, 2nd semester
Scholarship Expanded Academic Scholar by DLSL, 2008 to 2011

Awards/ Honors Third Honor Awardee, 1st Semester SY 2009-2010

Third Honor Awardee, 2nd Semester SY 2008-2009
3rd runner up, 1st Year Accounting Quiz Bowl- July 2008
3rd runner up, 2nd Year Accounting Quiz Bowl- July 2009

Since 2013 Member, Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants

2008-2012 Member, Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants, DLSL Local

Member,Regional Council of Junior Philippine Institute of
Accountants Region IV-A
Member,National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of
2010-2012 Secretary, Stallion Drive- De La Salle Lipa
2009-2012 Member, Pautakan Club- De La Salle Lipa
Lipa City Colleges Graduate School 108


Birth date : December 15, 1991

Age : 27

Civil Status : Married

Religion : Roman Catholic

Nationality : Filipino

Sex : Female

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