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Advisory for State Skills Development Missions and Schemes on Accreditation

and Affiliation status of Training Centres.

Due to the transition from SMART portal to the new Skill India portal, the Centre Accreditation & Affiliation
activities were interrupted between the period 01st April 2019 to 30th July 2019. Considering the difficulties
faced by the Training Centres, SSDMs/Schemes may consider the following remedial measures:

- The Accreditation validity of all training centres who were de-accredited or likely to get de-
accredited during the period 01st April to 31st August 2019, can be considered valid till 30th
September 2019 with the existing star ratings. Such TCs shall be instructed to complete the
process of Accreditation & Affiliation in the Skill India portal by 30th September. SMART team
can provide a detailed State-wise list of all such training centres along with last available Star
rating and date of de-accreditation on request of SSDMs. The SSDMs/Schemes may carry on
the procedures for these training centres in accordance with SSDM/Scheme policies, considering
them as accredited and affiliated.

- Since the module for conversion of Conditional Accreditation to Accreditation is yet to be fully
operational, all TCs that have the status as ‘Conditionally Accredited or Conditionally Affiliated’
in the new Skill India portal may be considered as Accredited till September 30th 2019.

In case of any further query on the subject, SSDM/Scheme may get in touch with your SMART (A&A)
state/scheme SPOCS.

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