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Coupons Demo Script – LS Retail NAV 6.

Demo Script
LS Retail NAV 6.3

Author : ÁG
Date : February 2012

© Copyright 2012, LS Retail ehf. All rights reserved. All trademarks belong to their respective holders.
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Using Coupons in a POS Sale .................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Using Coupon in the POS ............................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Unused Coupon in Sale ................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Another Example of Coupons in a Sale ...................................................................................... 11
2.4 One More Example ...................................................................................................................... 13
3 Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon ........................................................................................... 16
3.1 Coupon Issuer ............................................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Creating Store Coupon ................................................................................................................ 18
3.3 Issuing a Coupon ......................................................................................................................... 22
3.4 Using the New Coupon ................................................................................................................ 24
3.5 Exclude for Items ......................................................................................................................... 27
3.6 Discount Amount ......................................................................................................................... 29
3.7 Number of Items to Trigger the Coupon ...................................................................................... 31
3.8 Apply to Number of Items ............................................................................................................ 33
3.9 Multiply Value .............................................................................................................................. 36
3.10 Validation Period.......................................................................................................................... 37
3.11 Minimum Amount – Maximum Amount........................................................................................ 39
4 Return Coupon........................................................................................................................... 42
4.1 Return Coupon ............................................................................................................................ 42
4.2 Using the Return Coupon ............................................................................................................ 45
4.1 Looking at Coupon Entry ............................................................................................................. 47
5 Manufacturer Coupon ............................................................................................................... 48
5.1 Manufacturer Coupon .................................................................................................................. 48
6 Other ........................................................................................................................................... 50
6.1 POS Command ISSUECOUPON ................................................................................................ 50
6.2 Transaction Coupon Entries ........................................................................................................ 55

LS Retail ehf.
Hofdatun 2, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
Tel: +354 414 5700 · Fax: +354 414 5710
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

1 Introduction

The purpose of this Demo script document is to give an overview of Coupons, their setup and use in LS Retail NAV. This is done by setting up examples based
on the Demo Data from LS Retail.

This document is intended for LS Retail partners; their sales representatives/consultants who need to know the system and need to be able to demonstrate it to

The Demo script consist of three columns

What to DO- Step by Step: Instructions for the user what to do

Explanation: Explanation for the user of what he is doing.

Sometimes screenshots are put in to give the user better description of the function

Talking Points: Further information for the user about the functions. In this column the configuration and the advanced possibilities are
sometimes discussed.

1.1 Prerequisites

This Demo script document is intended to show the various features and possibilities of Coupons in LS Retail NAV. All the examples and screenshots are based
on the LS Retail Demo Data.

This is a self-study document but can be used for review purposes as well

To maximize the benefits of this Demo Script read the following:

1. LS Retail NAV version 6.3 must be installed

2. LS Retail Demo Data which comes with version 6.3 has to be restored and in use

Chapter 1 - Introduction 1
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3. Log in on NAV with a user which has full access. For example use user ID SUPER who has no password in the Demo Data

4. Open the CRONUS LS Retail Demo Data company

5. Navigation Pane in the Demo Script Document

It is very handy to use this Demo Script document with the Navigation Pane in Word. By doing so the reader has a good list of the topics and can jump
between them easily
To activate the Navigation Pane in Word:
 Open the document
 Select View
 Place a check mark in the Navigation Pane field

6. Please follow the demo script instructions in detail to make sure that your outcome will be the same as in the procedures

7. The instructions assume that the Coupons Demo Script user is familiar with the basics of LS Retail NAV and the POS Client.
To learn more about LS Retail NAV and the POS Client please read the LS Retail – NAV Training Manual and the POS Demo Script for version 6.3

Chapter 1 - Introduction 2
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

8. The Coupons setup is part of LS Retail – Back Office

Then the coupons are used and activated in the LS Retail POS client

This Demo Script will show how the Coupons are set up and used in the POS Client
9. This Demo Script uses the store Hyper Cronus which is Store S0001 with Terminal number P0001
To make this store and terminal the default for the POS client:
 Select LS Retail – POS
 Select Setup
 Select POS Local Setup

Chapter 1 - Introduction 3
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

 Enter S0001 for the Store Number

 Enter P0001 for the Terminal Number
 Click the Save button
(note the field Last Receipt No. will update itself automatically)

Coupons work in other stores but to follow the Script it is recommended to use HyperCronus

10. Coupons Quick Guide

This Demo Script is intended to help the user to use and learn about Coupons with LS Retail’s Demo Data.

For further information about Coupons read Coupons – Quick Guide LS Retail NAV 6.3

Chapter 1 - Introduction 4
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

2 Using Coupons in a POS Sale

2.1 Using Coupon in the POS

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

If the POS Client fails to start with the
following error occurs

Select LS Retail - POS

then either
Load the POS Client
 Load the NAV client with
administrator authority
 Select LS Retail – BackOffice,
Setup, Retail Setup and fill out the
IniFile Path field

Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 5

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Login as user 101

For this Demo Script it is recommended to login to the POS with

Staff ID: 101

Sell item number 50020

As the user noticed, the coupon number

Enter a coupon into the Sale by was entered directly to the sale as any
item number. It is also possible to use
scanning in the following number: The Journal looks like this after the coupon has been entered: the Coupon button and enter its number

Enter the coupon number: Note: A new line Office Supplies 5% has been created. This is the
9822550005004 into the Item no. input for the Coupon which was scanned/entered
field and press Enter Office Supplies 5% is the description of the entered coupon
No discount is displayed yet since the coupon has not been
activated for the sale

Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 6

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Press the Total Button

Look at the Journal line for Item How to set up a Coupon is described in
50020 chapter 3.2
Pressing Total checks for coupons in the sale. When Total finds a
coupon it checks if it is valid in the sale. Her,e one coupons exists
which is valid for item numer 50020. The coupon Office Supplies 5%
gives 5% discount for items belonging to it

Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 7

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

You configure in the POS Functionality
Profile how the Coupon’s discount is
printed on the receipt.
The receipt for the sale is printed out. The Functionality Profile is located in LS
Retail – POS, Profiles. The field which
Note: The Coupon’s discount is printed below the subtotal controls this is Print Disc/Cpn Info on

When the value is Detail Information

for each line prints the receipt this way:
Finish the sale by using Tender Type

Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 8

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

2.2 Unused Coupon in Sale

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

One Journal Line is created
Open the POS Client
Sell item 50000

It is Possible to scan in the barcode or enter the number manually

The coupon’s barcode for this example is:
Enter coupon 9822550005004 in the
Item no. field and press Enter

A new journal line has been added for the coupon

Look at the window

Press Total No changes have happened in the Journal Lines

Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 9

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Now the system checks for the coupons in the sale. When an unused
coupon is found, a lookup menu is displayed with list of the sale’s
unused coupons
This window informs the cashier about unused coupons so he can
return the unused coupons back to the customer

Press Cash
Press Enter

Press the Close button

Posting continues and the sale is


Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 10

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

2.3 Another Example of Coupons in a Sale

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

One line is created to the Journal Lines

Open the POS Client

Sell item 60020

Scan in this coupon number

The coupon has been entered to the journal

Coupons in sale are activated when

Total for the Sale is used. Before Total,
the newly inserted Coupon displays its
OR possible discounts.

Enter the coupon number manually:

9844660005002 into the Item no.
field and press Enter

Press the Total Button

Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 11

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Look at the Lines

The coupon 5.00 off Radio Portable is set up in such a way that it gives
5.00 off the Amount for the valid item. This discount equals 14.29 % for
the item Radio, Portable

Finish the sale with Tender Type


Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 12

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

2.4 One More Example

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Six journal lines are created:
Open the POS Client
Sell items number:
 50000
 50010
 50020
 50030
 60020
 60030

Two lines are added into the journal:

Insert coupons :
 9822550005004
 9844660005002

Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 13

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Press the Total button The setup and configuration of coupons

Look at the Journal is explained in chapter 3

Coupon 9822550005004 gives 5% discount on two items in the sale.

This coupon is set to be valid for all items in the product group Office.
The Briefcase items are in Product Group Briefcases
Coupon 9844660005002 gives discount to one item in the sale. This
coupon is set to be valid for one item number 60020, Radio Portable

Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 14

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Finish the sale with Cash

Chapter 2 - Using Coupons in a POS Sale 15

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3 Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon

3.1 Coupon Issuer

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select LS Retail – BackOffice

Coupon Issuer needs to be set up before
Select Coupons the actual coupons are set up
Select Coupon Issuer

The window Coupon Issuer Card opens

F5 lists all the Issuers in the system

Press F5

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 16

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select the record with code 11

Press the OK button
Look at the window This Issuer is for our company, therefore there is no need for the
Vendor field to be filled out
The top part is the Header of the window and the lower is for the lines.
Each line is one coupon setup and here they are filled in automatically
when created

Create a new Coupon Issuer

Press the F3 button
Enter data into the following fields:
 Code: 8565
 Vendor No: 44080
 Default Handling: Tender
 Default Price Group: ALL This Issuer is connected to Vendor No. 44080 and intended for
Coupons which he provides and will be used in our stores

Close the Window A new Coupon Issuer has been created

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 17

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3.2 Creating Store Coupon

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Store Coupons are issued by the store
and intended to encourage sale of
item/items for a certain period.
Store Coupons are usually handled as a
discount for the item and affect the
Select LS Retail – BackOffice store’s profit.
Select Coupons Customers can receive Store Coupons from:
Store coupons can be:
 Magazines
Select Store Coupon  Amount discount or % discount
 Head Office prints them and distributes, sends them by email on the POS
 Offers in POS triggers them and prints them out  As a payment for the sale
 Issued at the POS when items set up for this are sold  A requirement for an offer to be
 POS Issue Coupon Button prints them upon request triggered

The Code field is automatically filled out from a number series

The number series for coupons is set up
in the Store Card of the Head Office
Press the F3 button
Press the TAB button
For the tab General enter data for
 Description: Stereo Accessories
7% off
 Coupon Issuer: 11
 Coupon Reference No: 4321
 Price Group: All

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 18

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

For the tab Issue enter data for
 Calculation Type: Discount
 Discount Type: Discount %
 Value: 7,00
 Barcode Mask: Barcode Mask is set up in LS Retail –
98RRRRPPPPPPM BackOffice, Setup, Item, Barcodes,
 Extra Print Setup: Barcode mask Setup.
COUPONWPRC For more information on how to set up
 For the Barcode Element fields: Barcode Mask read the LS Retail – NAV
Training Manual

The Barcode Elements need to fit with the Barcode Mask

Press the Coupon button

Select Check Barcode Mask
against Barcode Elements

A process starts when this is selected

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 19

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

When the check process succeds this window is displayed

Otherwise an information window is displayed with more information

Look at the window about what is wrong, for example:

Please fix the Barcode Elements if the error occured

For the tab Use, enter data for the

 Handling: Discount
 No of Item to Trigger: 1
 Apply to No. of Items: 1000
 Affects: Any Item Line

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 20

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

For the tab Validation Period, enter

data for field:
Validation Period Id: 1

For the Use Restriction or the Lines

create one line with
Type: Product Group

Click on the Enable button

The Status field now has the value Enabled, which means that this Disable a coupon when it is no longer in
Look at the Status field on the
coupon is active for the POS use for the Stores
General Tab
The Enable button now shows Disable

A new Store Coupon has been created with the code COUP0110 (or
the next free number in your data). If your coupon got another number
please make a note of it and use COUP0110 in this script instead

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 21

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3.3 Issuing a Coupon

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select Store Coupon

Select the coupon COUP0110

Click on the Coupon button

Select Issue Coupons

Enter 1 for field No. of Coupons to It is recommended to issue at least one

Issue coupon for a coupon that is a normal
Click on OK Store Coupon

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 22

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Click on the Coupon button

Select Issued Coupons
Look at the window

Close the window

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 23

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3.4 Using the New Coupon

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Open the POS Client
Sell item 60060
Enter coupon 9843210007008

Item 60060 Cassette Tapes is in Product Group ACC

Coupon 984321000700 also works for

Items 60070, 60080 and 60090, since
Press the Total button the coupon is valid for all items in
product group ACC
Item 60060 Cassette Tapes got 7% discount since the coupon in use
triggered it

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 24

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Finish the sale with the Tender Type


Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 25

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

The Coupon can be entered by one of

these methods:
Another method to enter the coupon: 1. Scanning the barcode
Sell items 60070 and 60080 2. Entering the barcode number in
the Input Panel
Enter the Coupon code COUP0110 in The Coupon code is where the Coupon is created. This script
the Input Panel generated Code COUP0110. Use the code number for the Coupon 3. Enter the Coupon Code number
created in chapter 3.2 in the Input panel
Press Enter 4. Using the button Coupon for POS
command Coupon

Press Total

The Discount is entered for both lines since the Stereo Coupon is valid
for both items in the sale

Finish the Sale

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 26

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3.5 Exclude for Items

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select Store Coupon

Select Coupon COUP0110

This procedure changes the setup for the coupon. To be able to

Click on the Disable button change it the coupon has first to be disabled.

It is for example possible to exclude a

For the Use Restriction part: whole Product Group or Category.
Add two lines The Type can be any one of those:
 Item 60070
 Item 69000
For both these new lines check the
Exclude field

Click on the Enable button The Status of the coupon changed to Enabled
Close the Window The Coupon must have the status Enabled to work on the POS

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 27

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

There are four new lines in the journal:

Go to the POS client

Sell items 60060, 60070 and 60080
Enter Coupon number COUP0110 or
barcode 9843210007008

The discount is valid for two lines but not for VCR Tapes, VHS since
this item is now excluded for the coupon

Press Total

Finish the sale

Remember this when changing the setup of a coupon:

Change the setup for the coupon  First disable the coupon
COUP0110 so item 60070 is no
longer excluded  Change the setup
 Enable the coupon for it to be valid in the POS

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 28

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3.6 Discount Amount

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

COUP0102 is coupon 5.00 off Radio Portable. This coupon gives a
discount in amount not percentage

Select Store Coupon

Select Coupon COUP0102

Select the Issue tab

Look at the fields Discount Type and
Value This coupon is set with the value 5,00 and Discount Type as Discount

Look at the Use Restriction part

This coupon is only valid for item number 60020

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 29

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Be ready in the POS

Sell item number 60020
Enter coupon COUP0102 or barcode

Press the Total button

Pressing Total activates the coupon

Discount amount 5.00 for this item results in 14.29 % discount

Finish the sale

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 30

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3.7 Number of Items to Trigger the Coupon

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select Store Coupon

Select Coupon COUP0110

Remember that to be able to change the coupon’s setup it needs to

Click on the Disable button have the status Disabled

Select the Use tab

Change the value for No. of Items to
Trigger to 2

Click on the Enable button Remember that or the coupon to be active its status needs to be
Close the Window Enabled

Go to the POS client

Sell item 60060
Enter Coupon number COUP0110 or
barcode 9843210007008
Press Total No discount is given for the lines since 2 items are needed to trigger
coupon COUP0110

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 31

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Now both of the items have 7% discount since this sale fulfills the setup
for the coupon; that is, 2 valid items must be in the sale

Press Back
Sell another item 60080
Press Total

Finish the sale with cash

Select Store Coupon

Select the Coupon COUP0105
Click on the Disable button
Change the No. of Items to Trigger The Coupon should be back to how it was
back to 1
Click on the Enable button

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 32

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3.8 Apply to Number of Items

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select Store Coupon
Select Coupon COUP0110
Click on the Disable button
Select the Use tab
Change the value for Apply to No. of
Items to 2
Click on the Enable button
Close the Window

The Journal should now look like this:

Go to the POS client

Sell items 60060, 60080 and 60090
Enter Coupon number COUP0110 or
barcode 9843210007008
Press Total
Note: Only two of the items now have 7% discount since the coupon
that triggered the discount us setup for maximum 2 items per
The system chooses items with the highest price for the discount

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 33

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Press Back
Change the price for the first line to

With Back and Total the user reactivates the Coupon and the system
checks again for the active coupon’s maximum benefit

Press the Back button

Press the Total button

Note: Now the first two items have 7% Discount since these are the
most expensive items of the sale

Finish the sale

Select the Store Coupon again

Click on the Disable button
Change the value for Apply to No. of
Items to 1000
Click on the Enable button

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 34

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Go back to the POS

Press the Back button
Press the Total button

Note: Now all the items lines have a 7% Discount since the coupon
can work for a maximum of 1000 items

Finish the sale

An extra example:
Change the Store Coupon for Stereo
Accessories again so Apply to No.
of Items is 2 The Journal after the Coupon has been activated by pressing Total:

Go to the POS and sell 4 units of item

Enter the Coupon COUP0110 for the
Press Total
Finish the sale Note: The item line with 4 in Qty has only 3.5% Discount since the
coupon is set up so that it can only be applied per sale to a
Change the Store Coupon back so maximum quantity of 2
Apply to No. of Items will be 10000
Remember to leave the Store
Coupon as Enabled

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 35

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3.9 Multiply Value

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select Store Coupon
Select Coupon COUP0110
Click on the Disable button
Select the Use tab
Change the value for Multiply Value
to 2
Change the value for Multiply Value
period ID to 1
Click on the Enable button

Go to the POS client

Sell items 60060 and 60090
Multiply value is ideal to use for a limited
Enter Coupon number COUP0110 or period for example a week
barcode 9843210007008
Press Total
Note: The discount for the item lines is 14% which is twice the Value
for the Coupon

Finish the sale

Change the setup for the Coupon
back to what it was

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 36

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3.10 Validation Period

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select Store Coupon

Select Coupon COUP0110
Click on the Disable button
Select the Validation Period tab

The Validation Period Setup List window is displayed:

For field Validation Period ID select

the Dropdown arrow

It is very easy to set up new time limits.

They are set up in LS Retail –
Select ID number 3 BackOffice, Setup, General, Validation
Press OK Period Setup.

Press the Tab button The setup for Validation Periods is very
flexible in the system. They can be valid
Period ID 3 is set up for a fixed time limit valid from 01.01.12 to for certain days, times and so on.
31.12.12. This is displayed in the fields Starting Date and Ending Date

Change the Validation Period ID to 2 Validation Period 2 is valid from 01.07.07 to 30.09.07 which is out of
Click on the Enable button date now

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NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

The coupon was not accepted into the system. An explanation is
displayed in the Information Box

Go to the POS
Sell items 60080 and 60090
Enter Coupon number COUP0110 or
barcode 9843210007008
Look at the Information Box

Change for Coupon COUP0110

so Validation period ID number is 1
with no time limit

Chapter 3 - Coupon Issuer and Store Coupon 38

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

3.11 Minimum Amount – Maximum Amount

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select Store Coupon
Select Coupon COUP0110
Select the Use Tab
Enter 10 as minimum Trans. Amount
Enter 50 as Maximum Trans. Amount
Click on the Enable Button

Open the POS

Sell item 60060
Enter Coupon number COUP0110 or
barcode 9843210007008
Press Total No Discount is valid for the sale since the sales amount is lower than
the minimum transaction amount

Press the Back button

Sell item 60080
Press Total

Now both items in the sale have a discount, the coupon triggered the
discount since the total amount of the sale is between minimum and
maximum amount for the sale

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NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Press the Back button

Change the quantity for item 60080 to
Press Total

Now no item in the sale has a discount since the coupon of the sale
works only for maximum transaction amount 50

This window is displayed in the posting process since the sale did not
make use of the coupon

Finish the sale with cash

Another Example:
Be on the POS
Sell item 50040 and 60060
Enter Coupon number COUP0110 or
barcode 9843210007008
Press Total The total amount of the sale is above the miminum trans. amount and
that triggered the discount for item 60060

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NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Press Back
Sell item 50000
Press Total

Now the total amount of the sale is above 50 so the coupon is not
triggered and no discount is valid for item 60060

Finish the sale

Change the setup for the coupon

COUP0110 so Minimum Trans.
Amount and Maximum Trans.
Amount are back with value 0,00

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NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

4 Return Coupon

4.1 Return Coupon

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Setting up Return Coupons is similar to
setting up Store Coupons.
Select LS Retail – BackOffice The difference between the setup of
Return and Store Coupons is that Return
Select Coupons Coupons have an Issue Restrictions tab.
Select Return Coupon The Offers in the LS Retail 6.3 can have
coupons set up as benefits that are
automatically issued when triggered

Coupons can be issued on the POS by

three methods:
 Selling items which triggers a
Return Coupon
Select COUP0103  By request with a POS
Look at the lower part of the window command ISSUECOUPON.
Explained in chapter 6.1
 By the Offers
Issued coupons are always printed on
the POS printer before the receipt
Return Coupons have two tabs: Issue Restriction and Use Restriction
Store Coupon has only one tab: Use Restriction

Chapter 4 - Return Coupon 42

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

The lines on Use and Issue restrictions

Look at the Issue Restriction tab do not have to be the same.
Here the Issue Restriction for the selected Coupon is set up. This can
set up to be one to many lines

Look at the Use Restriction tab

Here the Use Restriction for the selected Coupon is set up. This can be
one to many lines
For this coupon the Issue and Use Restrictions are not the same; they
can be totally different.

Open the POS

Sell Item 40020
Item 40020 is an variant item, choose
any variant

Finish the sale with Cash

Chapter 4 - Return Coupon 43

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

A Return Coupon for the sale was printed and the Receipt
The Return Coupon and the Receipt:

The return coupon can print the barcode

for the coupon if the printer is capable of
Look at what is printed it. This printing here is printed on the
virtual printer that is not capable of this.

The Return Coupon is given to the customer and later it can be used to
get discount for the items which are connected to the coupon, these are
the items that are defined on the USE tab

Chapter 4 - Return Coupon 44

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

4.2 Using the Return Coupon

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Be ready in the POS

Sell one item that is in Special Group
Linda-Line for example item 40150

Enter the barcode number of the

return coupon in created in chapter The receipt here is created with the POS
4.1 Virtual printer which is not capable of
printing a real barcode so it prints
The barcode can be scanned or ####### instead of the barcode sign.
entered directly into the input panel

Chapter 4 - Return Coupon 45

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Press Total

Note that the item got a 7% discount

It is possible to enter more items into the sale with items from the
LINDA-LINE, they all should get the 7% discount

Finish the sale

Chapter 4 - Return Coupon 46

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

4.1 Looking at Coupon Entry

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select Return Coupon

Select Coupon COUP0103

Click on the Coupon button

Select Coupon Entries

The window Coupon Entry opens

The system logs all activity with

coupons. The lines are marked with
Look at the window coupon function which has information
about whether they are issued or used
Here there are two lines, one with the coupon function Issue and the
other with the value Use

Chapter 4 - Return Coupon 47

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

5 Manufacturer Coupon

5.1 Manufacturer Coupon

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Manufacturer coupons are issued by the

manufacturer and usually used at the
POS as tender that is doing not affect
Select Manufacturer Coupon the profit of the sold item.
The store keeps track of what their
vendor owes them for used coupons.

Select coupon COUP0104

Manufacturer coupons are set up very similar to Store Coupons

Note that Manufacturer coupons have their own Coupon Issuer, not our

Chapter 5 - Manufacturer Coupon 48

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Look at the Use Tab

Usually Manufacturer coupon is set up with Handling as Tender not

Manufacturer coupons have usually their own Barcode Mask which is
different from the the store Barcode Mask

Chapter 5 - Manufacturer Coupon 49

NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

6 Other


What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select Store Coupon

Select COUP0109

This coupon is restricted for item 33150

Chapter 6 - Other 50
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Look at the Issue tab

This coupon
 Has 100 % discount
 The Last Valid Date Formula is set to +2D
 Has Extra Print Setup as COUPONWPRC
This has to be set up for the coupon to be printed

Open the POS

Select one free button

This button is going to be set up so that it will issue the coupon for a
free ice cream

Chapter 6 - Other 51
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Right-click the button

Select Properties
Enter Free Icecream for field
Enter ISSUECOUPON for field
Enter COUP0109 for field Parameter
Click on the OK button

The button should look like this:

Look at the button

Look at the information lines and the journal

Press the Free Icecream button

Chapter 6 - Other 52
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Press Total
Press Cash

Return coupon was printed and a receipt. The receipt is for total 0

Look at the printout

Chapter 6 - Other 53
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Open the POS

Sell item 33150
The icecream is a variant item.
Choose the variant of your choice
Enter the Coupon which was printed
out just before
Press Total
Finish with cash

The icecream is sold for zero since the coupon used triggered 100%
discount for it

Chapter 6 - Other 54
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

6.2 Transaction Coupon Entries

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

Select LS Retail – POS

Select Transaction Register

Select one of the transactions made

with this script

Select the Transaction button

Select Coupon Entries

Chapter 6 - Other 55
NAV 6.2 POS – Demo script

What to Do – Step by Step Explanations Talking Points

If Trans. Coupon Entries is empty, the selected transaction has had no
coupon involved in the sale

Look at the information

This option has all the relevant information about the coupon for the
selected sale.
Look closely at the entry. Fields worth looking at are for example:
Entry Type, Used Ammount, Coupon Function, Coupon Barcode,
Coupon Code

Chapter 6 - Other 56

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