Impact of Modern Technology in Education

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The study talks about how modern technology affects the education. It included the
positive and negative impact of the technology in education as to how it is being used and how
does their learning get an impact if they engage with technology in education.
The well-highlighted part of the study is the positive impacts that were brought about
by technology in making the education better in the part of the student and the learner. One of
the several positive impacts was that technology helped the learning be acquired easily. It was
also included in the study that through the use of internet there is convenience for it can help
to perform many tasks like tutorial, research and a lot more. The use of projector and visuals
are another great form of technological use in education. Online-course have become a
scenario with the offer top institutions through the use of various application and the internet.
Through the use of technology, the teaching and learning is enhanced. Students and teachers
can keep up with the globalization for they are now using technology to acquire knowledge and
to teach. This modern technology trains the student to learn technology skills that they can use
later in the work place.
Aside from the positive effect of modern technology towards education, it also has
some negative effects which are kind of alarming because it can jeopardize the students. One of
these cons is that it declines the writing skills. It is also the cause of cheating incident because
the students tend to rely on technology like phone. It makes the student to lose focus in every
discussion because they are sidetracked with what other business they are doing with their
gadgets. Computer technology is also pricey and some students can’t afford to buy.
The conclusion talks about the how should teacher and student take advantage with the
use of technology to achieve excellence. It is a high time to use technology to become
technologically equipped education sector in the future.
Technology helps the student to acquire knowledge. The students can use internet and
their computer to research and get the knowledge that they need from a specific website.
Through the use of internet and computer the tasks are made easy to do for now researches
can be done with the help of internet and computer unlike before a person who researches for
something should look for books so that he can gather pieces of information. Discussion are
now easy in every lecture through the use of projector and other visuals. The teacher can let
the students look at the slide presentation that the teacher prepared that has images and
definition of words on it. Using technology in education trains the student to be ready in
engaging technology in the workplace. If the student is proficient in using computer it wouldn’t
be hard for him to use the computer once he gets employed. Although technology is beneficial
to education, it has some negative effects to some students like they cheat during exams and
instead of writing they tend to capture photos because they are dependent to it really. Some
students too seem to have lack of focus in their studies because of the technology. Instead of
studying their lesson, they like to spend most of their times to play video games and surfing the

This research mainly talks about the impact of technology in the achievement of
students. This research is composed of several studies that were put together to really
understand the impact of technology therefore there are different views and findings that are
being indicated in the research. Every study that is included in the research paper has provided
explanation as to how technology impacts the achievements of the students whether it positive
or negative.
The researchers saw that technology has positive and negative effect on the student
performance. It was stated in Kulik’s Meta-Analysis Study that the percentage of the scores of
the students rose when they used computer-based instructions. He even he cited as well that
some area of studies was not positively affected by this. Sivin-Kachala also found out that
technology rich environment experienced positive effect like the increase achievement in
preschool through the higher for both regular and special needs children. According to ACOT
the children develop positive attitude more cooperative group work however they made a
comparison to the students who used computers than to those who didn’t use to have the
same level of performance.
It is also cited in the research paper that students who access the technology tend to
have a greater achievement gain. Educational software was established to help the students to
deal with the subjects or lesson that they are having a hard time with. Reading, vocabulary,
spelling and Mathematics is made easier with the help of technology and the students would
learn easily because they were using computer, speaker and projector to make things easy for
the student.
The effectiveness and impact of technology in aiding the students to make them achieve
a very good performance somewhat depends on the students and on the teachers’ part. The
student must be able to work collectively especially in using the computer assisted instruction
and the integrated learning systems technology to make everything smooth.

I learnt that technology can foster the performance of the students especially when the
teacher uses technology like projector and computer during discussion. Students won’t find it
hard to answer their homework because they can use internet and computer to do it.
Computer-aided instruction in class makes the teaching and learning hassle free since the
teacher will just prepare a slideshow presentation and the students will see images that has
significant relevance in their lesson. Students tend to be participative in terms of group work
for they are fascinated in computer they will participate and as for the slideshow presentation
it will give them a kind of feeling of interest to the lesson. Since there are software that was
created to help the students especially in learning when they don’t understand their lesson,
they could use it to help them and to become better.

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