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72 H – Taehyung

Information : 72H ; 72 Hour, an usual thing that happen in twitter as like tinder, but only 72 Hour
and you could decide wether you want to accept to do the relationship or not.

- You open your twitter account to find an account that have 72 H system, its Saturday
night, while everyone having a date you are stuck with many things such as homeworks,
house cleaning, and of course your single status.
- You swipe up your timeline in twitter and find an account who was helding an 72H
- You register as yourself and filling the biodata.
- The bot accepted your data and began to search up your partner
- The bot showed up 5 Boys profile and you have to click the one who make you interest
- Then you chose Kim Taehyung, the guy that have green hair, sweet smile, and not
pervert face
- The bot send the choices to Kim Taehyung and the bot said “You just have to wait for
couple minutes for a new message from the boy who you pick”

- 5 minutes later
- Ring ring, your phone show some pop up notification from twitter
- You opened your phone and saw “Kim Taehyung ; 5 message “
- You quickly open the roomchat and replied

Taehyung : Hey
Taehyung : You are Y/N right?
Taehyung : I’m Taehyung
Taehyung : And I would thank u because u pick me for this time

What word I want to say, I already got my reddish cheek because of his sweetnesses

Y/N : Yeah its me! The one who chose you!, I hope it will be a great decision to pick you
Taehyung : Of course because I like you from the first sight.

Did he? Ah no no it’s a great way to start conversation, Y/N just chill out

I looked at clock, 8PM isn’t it not too night for me to go to the park?, I took my coat and just go
to the park, without any hesitation, you don’t forget to lock your apartement door

In the street I found many couple, happy , smile and kids. Im dreaming how I can be like them,
suddenly Taehyung chat me
Taehyung : Ya, where are you come from? Is it in XXX district?

Y/N: yes! And now im going to the park, you?

Taehyung : ME TOO, so would u meet me?

Y/N : Eum, yeah? Could u send me the pic of the outfit u use today?

Taehyung : Of course, darling.

Y/N : Just send it.

Taehyung : okay okay

** sends pic **

Y/N : Hold on

I glance to every side of this park, gotcha. You are there, I came to him, but kindly I ask his
name first.

Hey sir, what is your name if you would mind to answer, im frozing, its too cold in here, I didn’t
bring my hotpack.

Im Kim Taehyung, I think your face is similar, Oh are you Y/N?, said he. Gladly. Im freezing, my
head, oof. I said to him “are there any warm place near her, t – taehyung?” he nodded and
quickly hold my hand, preventing all the cold that I got, he quickly noticed that I’m freezing and
hug me, suddenly.

Im surprised and turn back and, our eye made a contact intense for a several second and fastly,
I stand up and cover my face, “im so sorry” and he just chuckle and said “its okay, Y/N are you
still freezing, mind to come my home for an several hour before u freeze?” I nodded and he
directed you to his car and he opened your door, sweet.

You entered his car and stare at the view of the park, georgous. He entered his car and staring
at you said, “ if its cold just use the blanket back there” he pointed the backseat and you

You guys have a great chit chat, but the most impressive one when you talked about Van Gogh
at first you thought that Taehyung was a warm person who only like usual thing, but he was into
photography and art and you, somehow already liked him.

He stopped and say, “Arrived” he turn off the engine and opened your door and directing you to
his house. You smile and entered the house, he turn on the room heater, letting you to feel
warm in the room, you ask taehyung to sit in his couch beside you he, surely came to you and
opened a conversation.
Do you ever have ex before, Y/N? I immediately says “no” and he said “I ever, but it turn bad,
she cheated on me but later than she regret it, she haunt me, so if we be a couple if u meet this
face” he gave the photo to you “don’t ever want to join her, okay” while scramble your hair.

You felt uneasy, is it will be terror or something dangerous? You smile a bit and he replied “I will
protect you, for sure” I nodded and Taehyung cuddle you softly and sing you “you are the
reason by Calum Scott” and you fell asleep somehow.

Taehyung carry you to his room, and sleep beside him

Ring ring, Taehyung phone ringed

Unknown : Yaa Taehyung ah , bogoshipo

Taehyung: what do you want adel? We’re done you cheated on me and let me happy for
forever… /sigh
Unknown : I will take look of you, just wait.

Taehyung POV

Is it real? Will adel thread Y/N?, I try to call the police for a radiation distance relationship, and
the cops answered, I fill all the answer was given and they responded “we found it, thank you sir
for the corporation” I sigh and watch Y/N sleep, she’s gorgeous I love her, there’s no 72H
between us, she like photograph too not like Adel

She was a gold digger, she spent my parent money, she was a demon, I was trying to avoid
her, she cheated with ashton. I found out when they make out in hotel.

I was angry, tear but of course, as a man I would not to said it to her, but now my heart was just
for Y/N

I give a soft kiss to Y/N and slept

6 AM


Uhhm, I quickly sat on the bed and saw Taehyung I went to the kitchen, and saw some food, I
quickly cook it before Taehyung woke up. But I think its too late, he was on the upstair and
staring at me.

“what are you cooking?” , I quickly replied “Pancake, you want it?” he nodded and I said “just sit
down there, taehyung”

He quickly sit and wait for you to finish it, 20 minutes later you finish it and give the pancake to
Taehyung, hoping he will like it.
Y/N it was great, you cook more delicious than me, he smile and make me . Oof my heart,

You continued to eat, but suddenly taehyung put his hand onto your neck and hug it,and
dragging you to a conversation.

Y/N, you replied “yes?”

“Im serious, it’s still about 30 hour since we met yesterday, but if you see this woman/give you
adel photo/ I just want you to be careful, she is my ex and she’s about to make you fatal so, I
hope you be safe, and I will protect you, for sure/tighten your hugs”

You nodded and replied “ I will and I do, taehyung – ah, and you smiled which make Taehyung
blushed” , you permit to Taehyung for taking a bath in his bathroom, and he waited you in the

20 Minute Later

“Taehyung, is it too big with my body?” he shook his said which is “no” even he chuckle a bit
and said “ I love when those shirt fitd more bigger with you, Y/N.

He came closer and took my hand to the balcony and let me sit, he opened his mouth and
began to story


“I already knew you since 15. I know that when I was held an accident, I got an injury, hard
injury after that, but I met your eyes when we met in the hospital, I recognize your smile your
eye, your everything “ but, he started to sigh and talk again “That accident was caused by my
ex, and I was shooked after that and I broke up with her, my parent company went straight
down and I couldn’t do anything, so I decided to live by myself until now… he began to cry”

When you know that Taehyung was at a want to cry condition, you quickly give a warm hug to
him, “you know that you make a best decision if u still stay until know” you comforts him

Suddenly, you didn’t know that Adel was in the downstair and shoot you right in your stomach
and feet, you feel dizzy, yet so hurt. Taehyung saw adel and quickly take an eye for you and
said “STAY HERE Y/N STAY, oh my your feet and stomach, wait”, he quickly call the cops and
hospital to bought you, but its too late, too much blood fell and you pass out.

8 PM

A – ah, where am I, you slowly open your eyes, flashlight we’re everywhere, you find Taehyung
was beside you, sleeping so peace, you rub his hair softly and he awaked up and smiled so
clear “Y/N, YOUR AWAKE oh my” he link your hand with him and he started to cry, you
confused and he started to story what happened after you pass out.
“You clearly lost many amount of Blood, I was sad because of it, but a miracle came, the doctor
said that you will wake up, but a month later, with your weak pump of heart soon he burst into
tear, but I know that you are strong.

Adel shoot you, she’s make this plan she was psycho, im so sorry if you feeling hurt because of
her, but of course she already arrested and she will be in jail.

It’s a miracle that you open your eyes now I’m so glad, he kisses your forehead and started to
give you something, Tiffany and CO.

You blink your eyes, to know what he will going to do, he sigh and said “while you pass out I go
to place to calm myself cause of broken when I saw you , you’re body covered by blood and I
went to this ring place, I like this one so I bought it to you

But with a rule.

You stood and said “what?”

I know it is still 60 Hour, but I like you, I love you, I like you since you give smile to a boy when
you was in a hospital, I try to search you but when I know that you are in the 72 Hour account, I
quickly sign up for you he quickly give you his box smile and “ would u be my girlfriend, Y/N? I
promise that you will never be lonely, I will promise that you will be loved whenever where we

You nodded and tae started to hug you, slowly, because you got stiches in your tummy but you
quickly said “ I love you too, mr Kim”

So , he said “what about we said in our phone to the bot, that we already official, he furrowed
his eyes?” of cource you nodded slowly and you two grab your phone and started to chat the
bot and the bot looks so happy and wish you two a good luck

After that, you two started a little talk and you both late in the conversation.

@justicekook, the end

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