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Student Commercial Project Rubric

Student Names:__________________________________________________________
Product Name: ________________________________________________________
Persuasive Technique(s) Used: _____________________________
Figurative Language Used: ____________________________________
Target Audience: ___________________________________________________

CATEGORY 50 points 45 points 40 points 30 point

Speaks Clearly Students speak Students speak Students speak Students often
clearly and clearly and distinctly clearly and mumble or can not be
distinctly all (100- all (100-95%) the distinctly most (94- understood OR
95%) the time, and time, but 85%) of the time. mispronounce more
mispronounce no mispronounce one Mispronounce no than one word.
words. word. more than one

Props & Costumes Students use Students use 1 Students use 1 The students use no
several prop/costume that prop/costume props/costumes OR
props/costumes shows considerable which makes the the props/costumes
that show work/creativity and presentation better. chosen detract from
considerable which make the the presentation.
work/creativity and presentation better.
which make the

Preparedness Students are Students seem pretty Students are Students do not seem
completely prepared but might somewhat at all prepared to
prepared and have have needed a couple prepared, but it is present. The end
obviously more rehearsals. End clear that rehearsal product is poor.
rehearsed. Final product is good, but was lacking. End
commercial is could be better. product struggles to
polished. share a clear

Content Students present a Students present a Students present a Students present a

final commercial final commercial final commercial final commercial
including two missing 1 of the missing 2 of the missing 3 of the
examples of following: following: following:
figurative language two examples of two examples of two examples of
and at least two figurative language figurative language figurative language
persuasive and at least two and at least two and at least two
techniques, persuasive persuasive persuasive
jingle/catch techniques, techniques, techniques,
phrase, a jingle/catch phrase, a jingle/catch phrase, jingle/catch phrase, a
storyboard. storyboard. a storyboard. storyboard.

TOTAL POINTS EARNED_______________

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