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NAME: ___________________________________ DATE PERFORMED: _________________ GRP #: _________________

G/SEC: ___________________________________ DATE SUBMITTED : __________________ SCORE: ________________


1. Infer the polarity of the magnetized objects
2. Identify the polarities and strengths of a bar magnet and magnetized objects using a compass
3. Observe and draw magnetic field patterns surrounding different magnets and magnet combinations

2 Bar Magnets Cork Stopper Scooping Device
4 pcs. Iron Nails / Paper Clips Narrow Test Tube 2 Latch Magnets
2 Small Magnetic Compasses Iron Filings


A. Induced Magnetism
1. Use the N-pole of the bar magnet to attract a nail.
2. With the nail attached to the magnet, bring it closer to another nail. Draw your observations.
3. Repeat procedures 1 and 2, but this time using paper clips. Draw your observations.

B. Detecting and Creating Magnetism

1. Place a bar magnet on a horizontal surface. Then, move the compass around and above magnet along the 8 designated
positions. Draw the compass needle directions.

C. Magnetization by Stroking
1. Fill carefully the narrow test tube up to a quarter with iron filings. Cover it with a cork.
2. Hold the closed test tube horizontally. Shake or roll with your finger to level out the iron filings inside.
3. When leveled, touch with N-pole end of a bar magnet the test tube’s curved end. Move the magnet along the test tube from this
end to the covered end.
4. Lift the magnet off the test tube and repeat it with ten more strokes. Observe and draw what happens inside the tube.


Magnet + Nails Magnet + Paper Clips

1. What happened when you brought two iron nails close to each other?

2. If you bring a bar magnet close to the first iron nail, was the first nail able to attract and lift the second and third one? Why?

3. If the N-pole of the magnet suspended the first nail by attraction, what is then the nail’s polarity close to the magnet and the
bottom part?

Magnet + Compass Directions

4. What happened when you randomly moved the compass around and above the bar magnet?

Magnet on the Curved End Magnet on the Covered End Ten More Strokes

5. Were the iron filings magnetized? If so, which end is the N-pole and the S-pole?

Perpendicular Orientation Parallel Orientation Oblique Orientation

6. What have you noticed when you pulled the magnet on top perpendicularly across the other?

7. What have you noticed when you pulled the magnet on top parallel across the other?

8. What have you noticed when you pulled the magnet on top obliquely across the other?

Based from the activity, explain how magnetism may be detected, created and induced.


What is the difference between the “geographic north pole” and the “magnetic north pole”? Describe and draw a simple illustration

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