Rimadventure Com en Enduro Tours Georgia

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Enduro Tours In Georgia


 Enduro Tours In Georgia – Beautiful high mountains, big forest and green meadows,
to rocky or muddy sections.


Routes from Savannah in the East, along the mountains and foothills
of the Caucasus in the Central region to the subtropics of the Black
Sea coast in the West. Travel through three continents in a few hours
on enduros and a little bit longer on buggies. All this is possible in
Georgia due to its unique natural landscape!


Safari And Enduro Tours In Georgia
Enduro Tours In Georgia is extremely popular among tourists and adventurers. If you have not
decided to choose a location to spend holiday time, and if you want to get the best experience,
enduro tour in Georgia is the best choice. Especially if you are looking for an outstanding
experience, then you are on the right spot. because we provide the best and trustworthy enduro
tours in Georgia. That is why our team is working countless hours to provide you an unforgettable
experience by spending the best time in Georgia.

Our Company In Georgia

We are one of the most trusted safari and enduro tours company in Georgia. Our customers,
especially adventure and extreme lovers, enjoying our enduro tours in Georgia and they highly
recommend to our company.

In addition, we provide the best services, competitive deals and unforgettable enduro tours in
Georgia experience for our clients.

Call Us Anytime 24/7

If you are interested in a safari and enduro tours in Georgia – call us any time. Our company’s
policy and the main goal are to provide you with the best possible comfort. Therefore, we work
24/7 so that you actually get the most out of our enduro tours in throughout Georgia.
Our office is based in Rustavi, Georgia which gives you access to get the best enduro tours in
Georgia. So call us now, book enduro tours in Georgia and spend your best holiday time.

Enduro Tours In georgia – hills, plains, canyons, a semi-desert, forested montain ranges, mountain rocky passes,
subtropical areas along the shore of the Black Sea.

Enduro tours have become very popular worldwide. The popularity of our tours and the positive reviews of those who had
experienced this adventure with us gave us strength and inspiration to develop further. So, now we offer new directions
and vehicles. 
Details 


Safari Tours In Georgia – forested mountain ranges with soft soils, rocky mountain passes, savannas. Side by side safari
adventures in Georgia.

On the buggies you will pass along the roads and paths of Georgia, which are not included in typical bus tours or are
inaccessible by bus. For our safaris, we use a four-seat buggy Polaris RZR 1000 XP, repeatedly tested on difficult routes.

Details 


Air Balloons – in Georgia, balloon flights mostly take place in the Alazani Valley, an ancient cultural center and the home
of Georgian winemaking. 

Hot-air balloon flights take place in the picturesque Alazani valley, along which the mountain ranges of the southern foot
of the Greater Caucasus stretch. The beauty of the valley, which you will observe from the bird’s-eye view, will take your
breath away. ….

Details 
Discover Georgia on a motorcycle! The dramatic views of the sea, roads running on high
cliffs, and mountain peaks will leave you astonished. You will never forget walking through
ancient cities and small enchanting villages

Why Georgia?

Georgia is a unique country with ancient history and culture. It is impossible to visit Georgia and not get charmed
by its traditional architecture that counts more than 1300 years. On the streets of the city, river canyons and
mountain peaks you will see ancient unique domed temples painted with frescoes created based on Bible.
Amazing nature and the diversity of this country was the source of inspiration for a lot of writers and poets. Here
we have everything that the traveler can only dream about: mountains of eternal snow, mountain lakes, alpine
meadows, Canyon Rivers full of flowers and fruit, palm coasts, natural canyons, ancient caves, mineral waters and
sulfur water pools – thus this place is indeed a heaven on Earth! In Georgia we have diverse climate zones, that is
why it is all year round destination. Here, subtropical and mild climate zones replace each other.

Wine is everything here – everyone loves it. Every family will treat you with their own wine with great pleasure and
pride. Vineyard is a sacred place for Georgians and winemaking – our beloved tradition. Georgia has 8000 years of
unbroken tradition of winemaking, which is proved by multiple archeological excavations and historical facts. The
modern world recognized Georgia as the homeland of wine. In Georgia, there are more than 500 different endemic
species of grape, from which the best quality wine is made. Special and unique Georgian wines are: Saperavi,
Rkatsiteli, Kindzmarauli, Tsitska-Tsolikauri, Khvanchkara, Tvishi, Usakhelauri, Ojaleshi, etc.

Good holiday, first and foremost, means a safe holiday. If you intend to travel to Georgia, relax about safety issues.
You will feel complete safety while traveling around the country. Here we say that the guest is the gift from God, so
Georgians will do their best to treat you with great hospitality. Friendly Georgians are always willing to assist you.
So be calm, relax and enjoy all the best things that country has to offer.
Welcome to Georgia!
FAQ About Enduro Tours In Geogia
Can I get a Motorcycle service?

In case you need any motorcycle service during your travel, we are ready to help you. The best mechanics of
Georgia work with us. They not only maintain motorcycles, and buggies, but also work at racing championships of
Georgia, stages of international races, and support Georgian pilots in international races in Europe and Russia.

Can I hire Motorcycle in Georgia?

We always keep our motorcycles in perfect technical condition. Therefore, leaving a request for rental of a
motorcycle, you can be sure it will be well-maintained and prepared for your journey. You will also receive
information about interesting routes and sights in Georgia for free. You can even take part in our organized tours.
They will let you enjoy the road from 2 days up to 2 weeks.

What is the distance between Tbilisi Airport to Rustavi?

The driving distance between Tbilisi Airport to Rustavi is 30 km. 

Enduro Tour In Georgia

Enduro tours have become very popular worldwide. The popularity of our tours and the positive reviews of those who had
experienced this adventure with us gave us strength and inspiration to develop further. So, now we offer new directions
and vehicles.



Enduro adventure tours in Georgia Enduro
adventure tours in Georgia with RIMAdventures.

Enduro adventure tours in Georgia


Best extreme experience you can imagine
Beautiful country Grate tour Very professional
guide ..........

“Georgia by RZR and BETA


E-mail: rimadventures@gmail.com

Phone:+995 595 425 525

Mon-Fri 10:00 a.m. – 07:00 p.m.

About us

Enduro tours

Safari tours

Hot-air balloons




Motorcycle hire

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