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Republic of the Philippines


Carigara, Leyte


CHAPTER I Introduction
Lesson 1 Metacognition
Lesson 2 Learner-Centered Psychogical Principles (LCP)

 Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors

 Motivational and Affective Factor
 Developmental and Social Factors
 Individual Differences Factors

CHAPTER II Focus on the Learner

Lesson 1 Review of the Development Theories
 Review of Theories Related to the Learners’ Development
Lesson 2 Student Diversity
 Individual Differences
 Learning/Thinking Styles and Multiple Intelligences
 Learners with Exceptionalities

CHAPTER III Focus on the Learning

Lesson 1 Behaviorist Perspective
 Behaviorism: Pavlov, Thorndike, Skinner
 Neo-Behaviorism: Tolman and Bandura
Lesson 2 Cognitive Perspective
 Gestalt Psychology
 Information Processing
 Gagne’s Conditions of Learning
 Ausubel’s Meaningful Verbal Learning/Subsumption Theory
 Bruner’s Constructivist Theory
Lesson 3 Cognitive Processes
 Constructivism: Knowledge Construction/Concept Learning
 Transfer of Learning
 Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives-Revised
 Sternberg’s Successful Intelligence Theory and WICS Model
 Problem Solving and Creativity

CHAPTER IV Focus on Classroom Processes

Lesson 1 Motivation
 Meaning and Types of Motivation
 Theories on Factors Affecting Motivation
 Student’s Diversity in Motivation
Lesson 2 Motivation in the Classroom
 Human Environmental Factors Affecting Motivation
 The Classroom Climate
 The Physical Learning Environment
 Assessment Strategies that can Increase Motivation

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