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Simplified Lesson Plan


I am excited and at the same time I’m so nervous for the first td session which is getting to
know my Tutees. But as I recall of what my G10 Friends told me that Td is stressing yet fun
and exciting. Yet, it still make me nervous because they are questions like “what if” this
happens during our sessions. The one that I am afraid or nervous is when my tutees won’t
listen to me and will get bored. But my purpose here is to let them learn something from
me and also by learning from them, and to make them remember our memories as we
CONTEXT/ bond each other and teach other for 8 months. When I met my tutees I was a bit nervous
TUTOR’S but they showed or act as if I don’t need to be nervous, and because of that I was inspired
REFLECTION to do more for them, to interact, to ask about how’s their life and also by playing some
games. But before when we meet our tutees we’ve been oriented about the possible
scenarios that will happen during td sessions and What I’ve learned from that is we should
always be prepared on what will happen and stay calm. For the upcoming sessions, I will do
my best in order for them to understand the different topics in math and also to let them
have the scholarship in Xavier, because for me it makes me happy that my tutees will get
the scholarship in Xavier because of this program which is tulong dunong(TD).
LESSON (1): (Problem-Solving Strategy: Writing equations)
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this wonderful day! Thank you for all the blessings you’ve showered upon us.
Thank you for the opportunity to let me teach my tutees and for bringing us safe here in
MES. May you bless us as we tackle our first lesson about problem solving strategy: writing
equations, so that we may be able to understand it well and be more productive. In Jesus
name Amen!
1) First I will call them one by one so that I can test myself to remember their name.
2) Greet them (How are you?/kamusta mo?/How’s life?)
3) Ask them what they discussed in their own classes our what they have learned.
4) Let them explain what the lesson was all about to test if they understand.
5) After they explain on what they learned from the previous lessons, I will start
discussing about the objectives for the day.
Mixed Flash Cards. Mixed flash cards contains addition, subtraction, and multiplication. First
I will group the class into 2-3 groups. They will form one line each group facing the board. I
will show the flash cards and count 123 and they will run towards the board and write the
correct answer that was shown in the flash cards. The first one to write the board and go
back to their line and has the correct answer will have the point, and so on and so forth. At
the end of the game, the group who has many points will have a reward or plus points if I
give them quiz.
DEVELOPMENT First I will give them a problem from the module. I will ask the tutees to read aloud the
problem and ask them if they understand the questions. If they say yes, I will ask them
if what have they understand or what is the problem all about. Next I will ask them
what the problem asked for. Next I will ask them what are the operations involved in
the problem. If they say no, then we will discuss the answer together.
In order for them to understand the lesson, first I will introduce them the method GRESCA.
Which means G- given, R-required, E- equation, S- solution, C- checking and lastly A-
answer. Next I will let them understand the given and required, and discuss why given and
examples are need to find in a specific problem. Next is equation, I will discuss to them
what is the equation in the problem, based on the given and required. Next is Solution, I
will discuss and explain to them the steps on how to solve the specific problem and ask
them if they still understand the process. Next is checking, before we box our final answer,
I will teach them how to check their answers if they arrived in the correct answer. And
Lastly Answer, after all the process in GRESCA I will let them box their final answer. And ask
them if they understand the process.

Tulong Dunong (Simplified Lesson Plan) | Page 1 of 2

After I discussed the method GRESCA, I will explain the terms that I used on the problem
like the equations and variables on how we get that. After that I will give them a 10 items.
For the first items they will answer it by group (their group will be based on the
motivational activity) and the last five items will the answered individually.
In the end of our session, I will ask them if they have questions or clarifications on our
lesson. After that I will ask them if they understand the lessons well. There could be a
possibility that some of my tutees will be shy in answering my questions, so I will ask them
personally and encourage them not to be shy next time. After all the follow up questions I
will end the session with a prayer.
INSTRUCTIONS: Let x be the number. Match the phrases below with the following
A. x + 2 B. x – 2 C. 2x (or 2 * n)
1. Number increased by 2
2. double a number
3. a number decreased by 2
4. two more than a number
Bonus: Write the operation of the phrase: a number divided by 2
LESSON GUIDE NO. 1 – Problem-solving strategy: Writing equations
1. White board with marker
2. Manila paper with the definitions of variables and equation. Their seatwork and
3. Attachments: problem solving- introduction to equations.
4. Attachments: Translations of phrases to numbers

Louise Monica C. Cabatingan Sir Mario Alejandro Jacinto Neri

Grade 10 Pope Francis Tulong Dunong Formator


to be filled-up by the teacher


1. HEADER ITEMS: Are the following accurately indicated and complete: Name, Yr./Sec. Subject 1
Taught, Tutoring Date, Lesson Topic?
2. CONTEXT/REFLECTION: Does it include a description of “where the kids are at” in relation to
the topic? Does it adequately and clearly communicate the tutor’s description of, feeling and/or insights 5
about the previous tutoring session or activity?

3. OPENING PRAYER: Is it indicated clearly and related to the lesson? 1

4. SHORT REVIEW: Is there an appropriate review of the past topic? 1

5. MOTIVATIONAL ACTIVITY: Is it creative and engaging? Does it logically and appropriately 2
introduce the main lesson?
6. LESSON DEVELOPMENT: Is the lesson introduced well? Are the strategies, procedures and 4
activities you intend to do during the session helpful in the learning process? Is the session ended properly?
7. ASSIGNMENT: Is the homework clearly stated with detailed, well-constructed questions and/or drill? 2
Are there enough valid items that deepen the skill and evaluate the learning?
8. ATTACHMENTS: Are the necessary materials (i.e. lesson guide, handouts, exercise sheets, quizzes, 2
HW, etc.) attached?
9. GENERAL QUALITIES: Is the LP neat, organized, and well-written (without typos or error on the 2
use of grammar rules)? Were format instructions followed? (A4 paper, clear printing)


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