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Linear Calibration using SETPOINT and SPAN

William Sims, Controls Principal Engineer

September 22, 2011 (v1.0)

The intent of the calibration procedure is to establish a linear relationship across the entire range
of target dispense quantities. The calibration procedure compensates for deviations in the system
introduced by the physical properties of the machine. The algorithm used is derived from the
slope-intercept form (y=mx+b) where a target value (x) is entered by the operator, and the actual
value (y) is produced by the machine. Setpoint (b) and span (m) values are used to compensate
for error.

The procedure starts by determining the target low (TL) and target high (TH) values that establish
the operable range of the machine. The TL value should be 10% below the smallest target charge
size and TH should be 10% above the largest charge size.

The graph below represents the target values.



1 2
Figure 1

After the target low and target high quantities have been established, collect three samples from
the machine at the low and high target points. Average each set of values to establish an average
actual low (AL) and average actual high (AH) value. The Figure 2 shows the target and actual
values charted.

Actual AH



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Figure 2

Figure 2 represents the amount of deviation in the system between the target values that you are
trying to achieve and actual values that the machine is producing. Correcting this deviation is a
two step process. The SPAN factor is used to change the slope of the line making the two lines
parallel. The SETPOINT factor is used to offset the actual line so that both the actual and target
are at the same position.

Calculating the SPAN factor

The SPAN factor is used to change the slope of the line making the two lines parallel.





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Figure 3

Use the following formula and the values represented in Figure 1 to generate a SPAN factor.
SPAN factor = ( AH - AL ) / ( TH - TL )

The SPAN factor should now be entered in the appropriate manner.

Calculating the SETPOINT factor

The SETPOINT factor is used to change the consistent offset generated by the SPAN factor. The
SETPOINT can be calculated using the original samples and calculating the effect of the SPAN
(theoretical data) or by collecting three additional samples at the high and low target values and
calculating the SETPOINT with actual data (empirical data). Both formulas will be demonstrated

NOTE: To achieve greater accuracy, the SETPOINT factor should be calculated by collecting
additional samples at the target high and low values.

Formula for calculating SETPOINT with new sample values (Empirical Method); shown in
Figure 3.
SETPOINT factor = [ ( TH – AH1 ) + ( TL- AL1 ) ] / 2

Formula for calculating SETPOINT with original sample values (Theoretical Method); shown in
Figure 2.
SETPOINT factor = [ ( TH – ( AH / SPAN ) ) + ( TL- ( AL / SPAN ) ) ] / 2

After the SETPOINT value is entered. The two lines on the graph should be at the same position
as shown in the Figure 4.



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Figure 4

Target Low (TL) = 300 grams
Target High (TH) = 2000 grams

Actual Low Samples Actual High Samples

1. 294.9 1. 2002.6
2. 295.4 2. 2000.2
3. 296.2 3. 1999.3
Average Low = 295.5 Average High = 2000.7

SPAN factor = ( AH - AL ) / ( TH - TL )
SPAN factor = ( 2000.7 – 295.5 ) / ( 2000 - 300 ) = 1705.2 / 1700 = 1.003
SPAN factor = 1.003

Formula for calculating SETPOINT with new sample values (Empirical Method).
SETPOINT factor = [ ( TH – AH1 ) + ( TL- AL1 ) ] / 2
SETPOINT factor = [ ( 2000 – 1994.6 ) + ( 300 - 294.6 ) ] / 2 = 5.4
SETPOINT factor = 5.4

Formula for calculating SETPOINT with original sample values (Theoretical Method).
SETPOINT factor = [ ( TH – ( AH / SPAN ) ) + ( TL- ( AL / SPAN ) ) ] / 2
SETPOINT factor = [ ( 2000 – ( 2000.7 / 1.003 ) ) + ( 300- ( 295.5 / 1.003 ) ) ] / 2
SETPOINT factor = [ ( 2000 – 1994.6 ) + ( 300 - 294.6 ) ] / 2 = 5.4
SETPOINT factor = 5.4

Target = (Actual / Span) + Setpoint
300 = (295.5 / 1.003) + 5.4 or 2000 = (2000.7 / 1.003) + 5.4

Deriving the Equation
When calibrating the machine, the Target and Actual values are used to calculate the setpoint and
span values. When the flow meter is controlling the output, the Target is the amount that is
expected from the machine and the Actual is what the machine dispensed when the Target was
requested. Based on the calibration method, the following formula is used to achieve the Target
using the Actual with the calculated setpoint and span values.

Target = (Actual / Span) + Setpoint

Since the “Actual” used in the equation is the result of the performance of the machine, we solve
for Actual to derive the equation to compensate the value being dispensed.

Actual = (Target – Setpoint ) * Span)

- becomes -
Actual Dispensed = ((Raw Pulses/K-Factor) - Set Point) * Span

The “Actual” becomes our Actual Dispensed value and the “Target” is the (Pulses / K-Factor)
value. After calibrating the value from the flow meter, the Actual Dispensed should reflect what
is being dispensed from the flow meter. The Actual Dispensed value can then be used to
compare with the requested dispense amount when controlling the amount of fluid dispensed.

Implementing the Setpoint and Span Factors

Regardless of whether the flow meter is used to control or monitor the flow of fluid, the setpoint,
span, and K-Factor values are implemented mathematically identical based on the calibration

Actual Dispensed = ( ( ( Raw Pulses / K-Factor ) - Setpoint) * Span )

When calibrating a device that is used for verification only

When a device is used for controlling the flow of a fluid, the device must be calibrated using the
Target as the required dispensed value and the Actual as the verification value on the scale.

When using a device to monitor the flow, the device must be calibrated to read what is actually
being dispensed. The Target is the verification value on the scale and the Actual is the value the
device is displaying.

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