Labrel SJ Cases

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G.R. No. L-34974 July 25, 1974 establishment of private respondent, B. F.

Philippines, Inc. Even a cursory reading of the
P. A. ALMIRA, P. M. AMURAO, J. R. ANGELES, records will make evident that on both sides, there
R. N. BADIOLA, LILIA R. BAUTISTA, G. B. LAIZ, was the feeling that the other party was guilty of
N. A. CANLAS, C. S. DE CASTRO, C. V. CELIS, conduct the most reprehensible resulting in the
JR., A. M. DIONISIO, V. S. ESPIRITU, E. S. flagrant disregard of its rights. With such a
GUERRERO, J. R. GUTIERREZ, E. HERMIDA, M. background, there was a greater need for objectivity
O. LORENZO, R. S. MARQUEZ, C. G. PAISO, C. in the application of the authoritative legal norms to
DELA PAZ, O. RABULAN, A. C. SALCEDO, C. P. the facts as found. It cannot be said that respondent
SAN JUAN, D. T. SULIT, I. F. UY, FELIX BAYANI Court, more precisely respondent Joaquin Salvador,
LOPEZ, GERRY DOMINGO, Z. DACLISON, A. then the Judge whose order is now on appeal, was
PANGINDIAN, T. F. PESTANO, P. FULGAR, fully cognizant that such should be the case.1 It is
BEATRIZ M. LACSON, EROL A. SUGUITAN, hard not to lend credence to the contention of
ROSALIE O. ROMERO, AMADOR S. JALOSJOS, petitioners that there was undue receptivity to the
R. G. ARTEFICIO, M. R. BARTOLOME, MANUEL claim of private respondent, no doubt induced by the
BASILIA, SYLVIA CAGUIOA, REBECCA DELA skill, competence, and resourcefulness of its
CRUZ, ROGELIO I. CRUZ, LIGAYA A. DURAN, counsel, Atty. Manuel Chan. It was unfortunate that
ENRIQUE GALIERO, ANNA T. GAMBOA, FELIPE in some of the crucial stages of the controversy,
LLAVORE ARSENIO A. MENDOZA, JUSTO petitioners did not have the same
MUEDEN, STALINITA QUIJANO, PATRICIA advantage.2 Nonetheless, as will be shown, the
RODRIGUEZ, ALLINAS P. ALBINDA, RUBEN A. strike could have been viewed with a little less
ANTONIO, HERMINIA CANDO, NICOLAS CRUZ, disapproval and even if declared illegal, need not
TEREZA A. CRUZ, ANGELES Q. DELA CRUZ, have been attended with such a drastic
DANIEL F. BAGUIO, MARCIAL DE LA LUPO, C. consequence as termination of employment
DE CASTRO, AMELIA R. CEDRO ISLA, ANDRES relationship. This last point is even more compelling
LACSAMANA, JOSE S. SIENA, ROLANDO S. considering the security of tenure which is one of the
JOSE, GERFE P. LOHO, BERNARDO MARTINEZ, notable features in the present Constitution.3
AUGUSTO SANCHEZ, MANUEL V. TIBAY, The facts according to the appealed order follow: "As
MANUEL ALMENDRALA, E. V. FRANCIA, to the conduct of the strike and the picketing, this
CARMELO CAPARROS, ROQUE DUMAGUING, Court's Order of July 1, 1971 has fully described the
F. P. ESPIRITU, G. I. MANANSALA, CARLOS same. In the course of the mass picketing, illegal and
SANTOS, FELITO E. CABANGON, ANGEL unlawful acts were committed by the respondents
TICSAY, ROBERTO FORMELOZA, ROMEO such as physically blocking and preventing the entry
GONZALES, and FLORENCIO of complainant's customers, supplies and other
MARQUEZ, petitioners, employees who were not on strike, both in
vs. complainant's premises in Makati and Marikina,
B. F. GOODRICH PHILIPPINES, INC., COURT OF Rizal. Injuries likewise were inflicted on certain
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS and HONORABLE employees of complainant. Such acts of violence
JOAQUIN SALVADOR, respondents. and intimidation appear to be of such a widespread
nature so as to create an impression that there is a
Domingo E. de Lara & Associates for petitioners. common pattern of action set into motion by the
respondents. The actuations of respondents are
Manuel O. Chan for private respondent. Jose K likewise illegal. In the premises of complainant at
Manguiat, Jr. for respondent Court. Makati, Rizal, the respondents who picketed the
same on April 20, 1971 were identified ... . Similarly,
some of the respondents who picketed the Marikina
premises of complainants were identified
FERNANDO, J.:p ....4 Further: 'The complainant caused the
publication of notices in both the Manila Times and
Daily Mirror, newspapers of general and wide
What is readily apparent in this appeal from a
circulation ... for all employees not participating in
decision of respondent Court of Industrial Relations,
the illegal strike to report for work on or before April
declaring a strike illegal because of the means
23, 1971, otherwise such failure will be considered
employed, and dismissing petitioners, was the high
as participation therein. Such notices were
pitch of bitterness that marked the relationship
accompanied by instructions to personnel at all
between labor and management in the
levels on how reporting for work will be illegal on the basis of the attendant circumstances in
accomplished, considering the precarious situation this case." 11 It mentioned the attendant
in relation to the safety of employees brought about circumstances, but as was apparent in an earlier
by the strike of respondents. With respect to this portion of such order, what respondent Judge
particular aspect, certain of the respondents who apparently could not resist was the compelling force
were not seen in the picket line on or before April 23, of what by now should be an outmoded view of a
1971 were identified as having failed to report for strike being "by its very nature ... coercive ... ." 12 To
work ... . It would appear, however, that these listed display such a predisposition is to ignore the leading
respondents who failed to report for work likewise case of Cebu Portland Cement Co. v. Cement
were seen picketing the premises of complainant Workers Union. 13 For, as was therein pointed out,
after April 26, 1971, ... ."5 Then came this portion: "It the ruling in National Labor Union, Inc. v. Philippine
would seem that the picketing by respondents has Match Factory 14 to the effect that a strike "is an
continued up [to] the present under the same pattern economic weapon at war with the policy of the
of coercive activities narrated in our Order Of July 1, Constitution and the law," resort to which "is not, in
1971. Physical injuries where inflicted on plain terms, outlawed," 15although certainly
complainants personnel manager. Mass picketing discouraged, is obsolete, for as was so clearly
with the employment of intimidatory statements have pointed out by Justice J. B. L. Reyes in Cebu
again started on January 3, 1972. The roof of the Portland Cement Co. v. Cement Workers
complainants Makati Recap Plant was set on fire on Union: 16 "For a time, decisions on the issue under
January 13, 1972 ..."6 consideration were characterized by strict
adherence to the ruling in the Philippine Match
Based on the above facts, it was in the appealed Factory Case." 17 Further, it was stated by him: "The
order of Judge Salvador; "On the basis, therefore, of actual break-away from the doctrine laid down in the
the motivation as well as the conduct of the strike, Philippine Match Factory case came in Dinglasan v.
the respondent are declared to have committed an National Labor Union, when the discretionary power
illegal strike, which is likewise an unfair labor of the Court of Industrial Relations to grant
practice"7 As consequence, in the dispositive affirmative relief was recognized. ... Thereafter, the
portion, petitioner where "declared to have lost their doctrine enunciated in Interwood Employees
status of employees of the complainant corporation Association ... that good faith of the strikers in the
as of April 19, 1971"8 The appealed order was staging of the strike is immaterial in the
handed down on February 4, 1972. Had greater determination of the legality or illegality of the strike,
awareness been displayed to the approach followed was abandoned. In the case of Ferrer v. CIR, et al.
by this court in a 1968 decision, Cebu Portland the belief of the strikers that the management was
Cement Co. v. Cement Workers Union,9 as well as committing unfair labor practice was properly
to Shell Oil Workers' Union v. Shell Co. of the considered in declaring an otherwise premature
Philippines, Ltd. 10 there would have been less strike, not unlawful, and in affirming the order of the
certitude displayed in the opinion of Judge Salvador Labor Court for the reinstatement without back
as to the correctness of its decision. Moreover, as wages of said employees." 18 This 1968 decision of
stated at the outset, if there be deference to what of this Court, if present in the consciousness of
late has been so evident, even on the assumption of respondent Judge Salvador, certainly could have
the illegality of the strike, there need not be the caused, at the very least, a hesitancy on his part to
automatic termination of the employment declare the strike illegal. This is not to deny that the
relationship, especially so in view of the command of labor union ought not to have declared a strike under
the present Constitution as to the security of tenure. such circumstances, but at least, while premature, it
could have been plausibly viewed as inspired by
1. It is understandable why respondent Judge good faith, although perhaps not guided by sound
Salvador was unsympathetic to a strike in which legal advice.
petitioners participated, considering the pendency of
a certification election, just because management 2. What was set forth in the facts as found by
would not consider their union as the exclusive respondent Judge Salvador would indicate that it
collective bargaining representative. At the very was during the picketing, certainly not peaceful, that
least, it was premature. Nonetheless, there was this the imputed acts of violence did occur. It cannot be
commendable admission in the appealed order of ignored, however, that there were injuries on both
Judge Salvador; "Lest we be miscontrued, the sides because management did not,
ilegality of the strike for recognition as general understandably, play a passive role confronted as it
proposition is not absolute. We declare such strike was with the unruly disruptive tactics of labor. This is
not, by any means, to condone activities of such illegality on a strike or to cause the loss of
character, irrespective of the parties responsible. It employment by the guilty party." 22
is merely to explain what cannot be justified.
Nonetheless, did the acts in question call for an There was in that case a concurring opinion by
automatic finding of illegality? Again, the order Justice Barredo which elicited the approval of the
issued on February 4, 1972 appeared to be oblivious present Chief Justice. Thus: "All these, however, do
of a 1971 decision of this Court, Shell Oil Workers' not mean, on the other hand, that petitioner's strike
Union v. Shell Company of the Philippines, should necessarily be held to be illegal. It is always
Ltd. 19 There it was clearly held: "A strike otherwise a wholesome attitude in cases of this nature to give
valid, if violent in character, may be placed beyond but secondary importance to strict technicalities,
the pale. Care is to be taken, however, especially whether of substantive or remedial law, and to
where an unfair labor practice is involved, to avoid constantly bear in mind the human values involved
stamping it with illegality just because it is tainted by which are beyond pecuniary estimation. 23
such acts. To avoid rendering illusory the recognition
of the right to strike, responsibility in such case It would seem, therefore, to reiterate a point, that on
should be individual and not collective. A different the date of the appealed order of February 4, 1972,
conclusion would be called for, of course, if the a less condemnatory attitude to the appearance of
existence of force while the strike lasts is pervasive violence as such was part of the law of the land. It is
and widespread, consistently and deliberately to be admitted that this is one of those close cases.
resorted to as a matter of policy. It could be What is merely emphasized is that the imputation of
reasonably concluded then that even if justified as to illegality on the ground of the means employed is not
ends, it becomes illegal because of the means automatically called for.
employed. 20 It must be pointed out likewise that the
facts as there found would seem to indicate a greater 3. This is not to say that the appealed order is totally
degree of violence. Thus: "Respondent Court must bereft of support in law. It is merely to point out that
have been unduly impressed by the evidence the facts as found did not point automatically and
submitted by the Shell Company to the effect that unerringly to so severe a result, namely the
the strike was marred by acts of force, intimidation dismissal of petitioners. From a perspective more
and violence on the evening of June 14 and twice in attuned to the trend indicated in current decisions of
the mornings of June 15 and 16, 1967 in Manila. this Court, the three cited cases being
Attention was likewise called to the fact that even on representative, the conclusion reached could have
the following day, with police officials stationed at the been cast in a different mold. In labor law, as in
strike-bound area, molotov bombs did explode and constitutional law, it is no doubt true that the issues
the streets were obstructed with wooden planks submitted, in the language of Justice Malcolm, may
containing protruding nails. Moreover, in the be "determined by the court's approach to
branches of the Shell Company in Iloilo City as well them." 24 It is submitted that the direction indicated in
as in Bacolod, on dates unspecified, physical injuries the express language of both the 1935 and the
appeared to have been inflicted on management present Constitution, is that which leads to
personnel. Respondent Court in the appealed protection to labor. 25
decision did penalize with loss of employment the
ten individuals responsible for such acts. Nor is it to As previously noted, both petitioners and private
be lost sight of that before the certification on June respondent were guilty of practices far from peaceful
27, 1967, one month had elapsed during which the in character. The original blame must of course be
Union was on strike. Except on those few days assumed by petitioners, for they ought to have
specified then, the Shell Company could not allege known that the picketing that comes within the
that the strike was conducted in a manner other than protection of the free speech guarantee is one that
peaceful. Under the circumstances, it would be is peaceful. It involves people marching to and fro
going too far to consider that it thereby became with placards to acquaint the public with the facts of
illegal." 21 Then, mention was made of a decision a labor dispute. So it has been ruled from Mortera v.
"in Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Employees' Court of Industrial Relations 26 a 1947 decision,
Association v. Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd. to Chan Bros., Inc. v. Federacion Obrera de la
[where] there is the recognition by this Court, Industria Tabaquera y Otros Trabajadores de
speaking through Justice Castro, of picketing as Filipinas 27 decided in January of this year. When
such being 'inherently explosive.' It is thus clear that they obstructed entrance into the premises of private
not every form of violence suffices to affix the seal of respondent, they ought to have known that they
were inviting reprisal. It has been observed of course
that in labor controversies the unstructured of which was to felicitously referred to
incoherencies of vehement protest for grievances, by the First Lady as the
sincerely even if erroneously felt, may easily flare up Compassionate Society. 31 To the
into rowdy conduct. So it did come about. The possible objection that in this
appealed order took note of the resulting melee. Philippine Air Lines case, there was
From the standpoint of settling a dispute, it would not an order of reinstatement, it suffices
suffice just to visit recriminations on either or both by way of an answer that while the
parties. The more crucial question is what to do next. facts could be distinguished, the
basic principle in accordance with a
We start with the circumstances that ought to be constitutional mandate, in the
considered. To repeat, the breach of the peace, language of Justice Cardozo, speaks
though started by petitioners, was not solely their with a reverberating clang that
responsibility as it turned out. For criminal charges drowns all weaker sounds.
and counter charges were filed by one group against
the other. The reply brief of private respondent, It would imply at the very least that where a penalty
submitted on March 8, 1973, included a less punitive would suffice, whatever missteps may
memorandum from a certain Attorney Rolando A. be committed by labor ought not to be visited with a
Velasco, speaking of the status of the criminal cases consequence so severe. It is not only because of the
filed by the group of petitioners against management law's concern for the workingman. There is, in
men, 28 , and of thirteen criminal cases as well as addition, his family to consider. Unemployment
complaints against at least thirty individuals brings untold hardships and sorrows on those
identified with private respondent. 29 In some of dependent on the wage-earner. The misery and pain
them the complainants did not press charges, and attendant on the loss of jobs then could be avoided
the cases were dismissed. With the submission of if there be acceptance of the view that under all the
such data, its objection to the admission of circumstances of this case, petitioners should not be
information similar in character as to the status of the deprived of their means of livelihood. Nor is this to
criminal cases against petitioners loses weight. condone what had been done by them. For all this
What is more, it does not appear as of this date as while, since private respondent considered them
to who of the petitioners were found guilty of what separated from the service, they had not been paid.
was referred to it in the Shell opinion as committing From the strictly juridical standpoint, it cannot be too
serious acts of violence. As a matter of fact, the strongly stressed, to follow Davis in his masterly
appealed order merely referred to the instances of work, Discretionary Justice, 32 that where a decision
picketing conducted illegally without specifically pin- may be made to rest an informed judgment rather
pointing the culprits to whom such kind of conduct than rigid rules, all the equities of the case must be
could be ascribed. It would seem therefore, that the accorded their due weight. Finally, labor law
wholesale dismissal of petitioners is far from determinations, to quote from Bultmann, should be
warranted. It is to be admitted though that on a not only secundum rationem but also secundum
showing of having engaged in non-peaceful caritatem.
activities of a serious character, the right to re-
admission is defeated. 4. This is all that needs to be said except to remind
petitioners that the basic doctrine underlying the
This conclusion is further fortified by the stress on provisions of the Constitution so solicitous of labor
the security of tenure that is a notable feature of the as well as the applicable statutory norms is that both
present Constitution. As pointed out in a decision the working force and management are necessary
rendered only last month, Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. components of the economy. The rights of labor
Philippine Air Lines Employees Association: 30 "The have been expanded. Concern is evident for its
futility of this appeal becomes even more apparent welfare. The advantages thus conferred, however,
considering the express provision in the Constitution call for attendant responsibilities. The ways of the
already noted, requiring the State to assure workers law are not to be ignored. Those who seek comfort
'security of tenure.' It was not that specific in the from the Shelter that it affords should be the last to
1935 Charter. The mandate was limited to the State engage in activities which negate the very concept
affording protection to labor, especially to working of a legal order as antithetical to force and coercion.
women and minors, .... What is equally important is that in the steps to be
taken by it in the pursuit of what it believes to be its
... That is to conform to the ideal of rights, the advice of those conversant with the
the New Society, the establishment requirements of legal norms should be sought and
should not be ignored. It is even more important that the National Assembly or by executive orders of the
reason and not violence should be its milieu. President of the Philippines" and to close them
temporarily to any or all classes of traffic "whenever
WHEREFORE, the appealed order of February 4, the condition of the road or the traffic thereon makes
1972 as affirmed in a resolution of March 14, 1972 such action necessary or advisable in the public
is reversed and set aside. Petitioners against whom convenience and interest." The delegated power, if
no criminal charges filed in relation to their acts at all, therefore, is not the determination of what the
referred to in this decision are still pending are law shall be, but merely the ascertainment of the
ordered reinstated to their employment, with the facts and circumstances upon which the application
right to backpay corresponding to eighteen (18) of said law is to be predicated. To promulgate rules
months, at the respective rates of compensation and regulations on the use of national roads and to
they were being paid on February 4, 1972, without determine when and how long a national road should
any deduction corresponding to any possible income be closed to traffic, in view of the condition of the
earned elsewhere since their dismissal to the road or the traffic thereon and the requirements of
present. Those petitioners against whom criminal public convenience and interest, is an administrative
complaints have been filed shall be reinstated, with function which cannot be directly discharged by the
the right to backpay as herein indicated, only upon National Assembly. It must depend on the discretion
the final dismissal of said cases or their acquittal of some other government official to whom is
therein. Respondent Court is hereby ordered to confided the duty of determining whether the proper
implement this decision as expeditiously as occasion exists for executing the law. But it cannot
possible. No costs. be said that the exercise of such discretion is the
making of the law.

[G.R. No. 47800. December 2, 1940.] 2. ID.; ID.; POLICE POWER; PERSONAL LIBERTY;
MAXIMO CALALANG, Petitioner, v. A. D. Commonwealth Act No. 548 was passed by the
WILLIAMS, ET AL., Respondents. National Assembly in the exercise of the paramount
police power of the state. Said Act, by virtue of which
Maximo Calalang in his own behalf. the rules and regulations complained of were
promulgated, aims to promote safe transit upon and
Solicitor General Ozaeta and Assistant Solicitor avoid obstructions on national roads, in the interest
General Amparo for respondents Williams, and convenience of the public. In enacting said law,
Fragante and Bayan therefore, the National Assembly was prompted by
considerations of public convenience and welfare. It
City Fiscal Mabanag for the other respondents. was inspired by a desire to relieve congestion of
traffic, which is, to say the least, a menace to public
SYLLABUS safety. Public welfare, then, lies at the bottom of the
enactment of said law, and the state in order to
1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; CONSTITUTIONALITY promote the general welfare may interfere with
OF COMMONWEALTH ACT No. 648; personal liberty, with property, and with business
DELEGATION OF LEGISLATIVE POWER; and occupations. Persons and property may be
AUTHORITY OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS subjected to all kinds of restraints and burdens, in
AND SECRETARY OF PUBLIC WORKS AND order to secure the general comfort, health, and
COMMUNICATIONS TO PROMULGATE RULES prosperity of the state (U.S. v. Gomer Jesus, 31
AND REGULATIONS. — The provisions of section Phil., 218). To this fundamental aim of our
1 of Commonwealth Act No. 648 do not confer Government the rights of the individual are
legislative power upon the Director of Public Works subordinated. Liberty is a blessing without which life
and the Secretary of Public Works and is a misery, but liberty should not be made to prevail
Communications. The authority therein conferred over authority because then society will fall into
upon them and under which they promulgated the anarchy. Neither should authority be made to prevail
rules and regulations now complained of is not to over liberty because then the individual will fall into
determine what public policy demands but merely to slavery. The citizen should achieve the required
carry out the legislative policy laid down by the balance of liberty and authority in his mind through
National Assembly in said Act, to wit, "to promote education and, personal discipline, so that there may
safe transit upon, and avoid obstructions on, roads be established the resultant equilibrium, which
and streets designated as national roads by acts of means peace and order and happiness for all. The
moment greater authority is conferred upon the Works and to the Secretary of Public Works and
government, logically so much is withdrawn from the Communications that animal-drawn vehicles be
residuum of liberty which resides in the people. The prohibited from passing along Rosario Street
paradox lies in the fact that the apparent curtailment extending from Plaza Calderon de la Barca to
of liberty is precisely the very means of insuring its Dasmariñas Street, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and
preservation. from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.; and along Rizal Avenue
extending from the railroad crossing at Antipolo
3. ID.; ID.; SOCIAL JUSTICE. — Social justice is Street to Echague Street, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.,
"neither communism, nor despotism, nor atomism, from a period of one year from the date of the
nor anarchy," but the humanization of laws and the opening of the Colgante Bridge to traffic; that the
equalization of social and economic forces by the Chairman of the National Traffic Commission, on
State so that justice in its rational and objectively July 18, 1940 recommended to the Director of Public
secular conception may at least be approximated. Works the adoption of the measure proposed in the
Social justice means the promotion of the welfare of resolution aforementioned, in pursuance of the
all the people, the adoption by the Government of provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 548 which
measures calculated to insure economic stability of authorizes said Director of Public Works, with the
all the competent elements of society, through the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and
maintenance of a proper economic and social Communications, to promulgate rules and
equilibrium in the interrelations of the members of regulations to regulate and control the use of and
the community, constitutionally, through the traffic on national roads; that on August 2, 1940, the
adoption of measures legally justifiable, or extra- Director of Public Works, in his first indorsement to
constitutionally, through the exercise of powers the Secretary of Public Works and Communications,
underlying the existence of all governments on the recommended to the latter the approval of the
time-honored principle of salus populi est suprema recommendation made by the Chairman of the
lex. Social justice, therefore, must be founded on the National Traffic Commission as aforesaid, with the
recognition of the necessity of interdependence modification that the closing of Rizal Avenue to traffic
among divers and diverse units of a society and of to animal-drawn vehicles be limited to the portion
the protection that should be equally and evenly thereof extending from the railroad crossing at
extended to all groups as a combined force in our Antipolo Street to Azcarraga Street; that on August
social and economic life, consistent with the 10, 1940, the Secretary of Public Works and
fundamental and paramount objective of the state of Communications, in his second indorsement
promoting the health, comfort, and quiet of all addressed to the Director of Public Works, approved
persons, and of bringing about "the greatest good to the recommendation of the latter that Rosario Street
the greatest number." and Rizal Avenue be closed to traffic of animal-
drawn vehicles, between the points and during the
hours as above indicated, for a period of one year
DECISION from the date of the opening of the Colgante Bridge
to traffic; that the Mayor of Manila and the Acting
Chief of Police of Manila have enforced and caused
LAUREL, J.: to be enforced the rules and regulations thus
adopted; that as a consequence of such
enforcement, all animal-drawn vehicles are not
Maximo Calalang, in his capacity as a private citizen allowed to pass and pick up passengers in the
and as a taxpayer of Manila, brought before this places above-mentioned to the detriment not only of
court this petition for a writ of prohibition against the their owners but of the riding public as well.
respondents, A. D. Williams, as Chairman of the
National Traffic Commission; Vicente Fragante, as It is contended by the petitioner that Commonwealth
Director of Public Works; Sergio Bayan, as Acting Act No. 548 by which the Director of Public Works,
Secretary of Public Works and Communications; with the approval of the Secretary of Public Works
Eulogio Rodriguez, as Mayor of the City of Manila; and Communications, is authorized to promulgate
and Juan Dominguez, as Acting Chief of Police of rules and regulations for the regulation and control
Manila. of the use of and traffic on national roads and streets
is unconstitutional because it constitutes an undue
It is alleged in the petition that the National Traffic delegation of legislative power. This contention is
Commission, in its resolution of July 17, 1940, untenable. As was observed by this court in Rubi v.
resolved to recommend to the Director of Public Provincial Board of Mindoro (39 Phil, 660, 700), "The
rule has nowhere been better stated than in the early upon and avoid obstructions on, roads and streets
Ohio case decided by Judge Ranney, and since designated as national roads by acts of the National
followed in a multitude of cases, namely: ’The true Assembly or by executive orders of the President of
distinction therefore is between the delegation of the Philippines" and to close them temporarily to any
power to make the law, which necessarily involves a or all classes of traffic "whenever the condition of the
discretion as to what it shall be, and conferring an road or the traffic makes such action necessary or
authority or discretion as to its execution, to be advisable in the public convenience and interest."
exercised under and in pursuance of the law. The The delegated power, if at all, therefore, is not the
first cannot be done; to the latter no valid objection determination of what the law shall be, but merely
can be made.’ (Cincinnati, W. & Z. R. Co. v. the ascertainment of the facts and circumstances
Comm’rs. Clinton County, 1 Ohio St., 88.) upon which the application of said law is to be
Discretion, as held by Chief Justice Marshall in predicated. To promulgate rules and regulations on
Wayman v. Southard (10 Wheat., 1) may be the use of national roads and to determine when and
committed by the Legislature to an executive how long a national road should be closed to traffic,
department or official. The Legislature may make in view of the condition of the road or the traffic
decisions of executive departments or subordinate thereon and the requirements of public convenience
officials thereof, to whom it has committed the and interest, is an administrative function which
execution of certain acts, final on questions of fact. cannot be directly discharged by the National
(U.S. v. Kinkead, 248 Fed., 141.) The growing Assembly. It must depend on the discretion of some
tendency in the decisions is to give prominence to other government official to whom is confided the
the ’necessity’ of the case."cralaw virtua1aw library duty of determining whether the proper occasion
exists for executing the law. But it cannot be said that
Section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 548 reads as the exercise of such discretion is the making of the law. As was said in Locke’s Appeal (72 Pa. 491): "To
assert that a law is less than a law, because it is
"SECTION 1. To promote safe transit upon, and made to depend on a future event or act, is to rob
avoid obstructions on, roads and streets designated the Legislature of the power to act wisely for the
as national roads by acts of the National Assembly public welfare whenever a law is passed relating to
or by executive orders of the President of the a state of affairs not yet developed, or to things
Philippines, the Director of Public Works, with the future and impossible to fully know." The proper
approval of the Secretary of Public Works and distinction the court said was this: "The Legislature
Communications, shall promulgate the necessary cannot delegate its power to make the law; but it can
rules and regulations to regulate and control the use make a law to delegate a power to determine some
of and traffic on such roads and streets. Such rules fact or state of things upon which the law makes, or
and regulations, with the approval of the President, intends to make, its own action depend. To deny this
may contain provisions controlling or regulating the would be to stop the wheels of government. There
construction of buildings or other structures within a are many things upon which wise and useful
reasonable distance from along the national roads. legislation must depend which cannot be known to
Such roads may be temporarily closed to any or all the law-making power, and, must, therefore, be a
classes of traffic by the Director of Public Works and subject of inquiry and determination outside of the
his duly authorized representatives whenever the halls of legislation." (Field v. Clark, 143 U. S. 649,
condition of the road or the traffic thereon makes 694; 36 L. Ed. 294.)
such action necessary or advisable in the public
convenience and interest, or for a specified period, In the case of People v. Rosenthal and Osmeña,
with the approval of the Secretary of Public Works G.R. Nos. 46076 and 46077, promulgated June 12,
and Communications."cralaw virtua1aw library 1939, and in Pangasinan Transportation v. The
Public Service Commission, G.R. No. 47065,
The above provisions of law do not confer legislative promulgated June 26, 1940, this Court had occasion
power upon the Director of Public Works and the to observe that the principle of separation of powers
Secretary of Public Works and Communications. has been made to adapt itself to the complexities of
The authority therein conferred upon them and modern governments, giving rise to the adoption,
under which they promulgated the rules and within certain limits, of the principle of "subordinate
regulations now complained of is not to determine legislation," not only in the United States and
what public policy demands but merely to carry out England but in practically all modern governments.
the legislative policy laid down by the National Accordingly, with the growing complexity of modern
Assembly in said Act, to wit, "to promote safe transit life, the multiplication of the subjects of
governmental regulations, and the increased The scope of police power keeps expanding as
difficulty of administering the laws, the rigidity of the civilization advances. As was said in the case of
theory of separation of governmental powers has, to Dobbins v. Los Angeles (195 U.S. 223, 238; 49 L.
a large extent, been relaxed by permitting the ed. 169), "the right to exercise the police power is a
delegation of greater powers by the legislative and continuing one, and a business lawful today may in
vesting a larger amount of discretion in the future, because of the changed situation, the
administrative and executive officials, not only in the growth of population or other causes, become a
execution of the laws, but also in the promulgation of menace to the public health and welfare, and be
certain rules and regulations calculated to promote required to yield to the public good." And in People
public interest. v. Pomar (46 Phil., 440), it was observed that
"advancing civilization is bringing within the police
The petitioner further contends that the rules and power of the state today things which were not
regulations promulgated by the respondents thought of as being within such power yesterday.
pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. The development of civilization, the rapidly
548 constitute an unlawful interference with increasing population, the growth of public opinion,
legitimate business or trade and abridge the right to with an increasing desire on the part of the masses
personal liberty and freedom of locomotion. and of the government to look after and care for the
Commonwealth Act No. 548 was passed by the interests of the individuals of the state, have brought
National Assembly in the exercise of the paramount within the police power many questions for
police power of the state. regulation which formerly were not so
considered."cralaw virtua1aw library
Said Act, by virtue of which the rules and regulations
complained of were promulgated, aims to promote The petitioner finally avers that the rules and
safe transit upon and avoid obstructions on national regulations complained of infringe upon the
roads, in the interest and convenience of the public. constitutional precept regarding the promotion of
In enacting said law, therefore, the National social justice to insure the well-being and economic
Assembly was prompted by considerations of public security of all the people. The promotion of social
convenience and welfare. It was inspired by a desire justice, however, is to be achieved not through a
to relieve congestion of traffic. which is, to say the mistaken sympathy towards any given group. Social
least, a menace to public safety. Public welfare, justice is "neither communism, nor despotism, nor
then, lies at the bottom of the enactment of said law, atomism, nor anarchy," but the humanization of laws
and the state in order to promote the general welfare and the equalization of social and economic forces
may interfere with personal liberty, with property, by the State so that justice in its rational and
and with business and occupations. Persons and objectively secular conception may at least be
property may be subjected to all kinds of restraints approximated. Social justice means the promotion of
and burdens, in order to secure the general comfort, the welfare of all the people, the adoption by the
health, and prosperity of the state (U.S. v. Gomez Government of measures calculated to insure
Jesus, 31 Phil., 218). To this fundamental aim of our economic stability of all the competent elements of
Government the rights of the individual are society, through the maintenance of a proper
subordinated. Liberty is a blessing without which life economic and social equilibrium in the interrelations
is a misery, but liberty should not be made to prevail of the members of the community, constitutionally,
over authority because then society will fall into through the adoption of measures legally justifiable,
anarchy. Neither should authority be made to prevail or extra-constitutionally, through the exercise of
over liberty because then the individual will fall into powers underlying the existence of all governments
slavery. The citizen should achieve the required on the time-honored principle of salus populi est
balance of liberty and authority in his mind through suprema lex.
education and personal discipline, so that there may
be established the resultant equilibrium, which Social justice, therefore, must be founded on the
means peace and order and happiness for all. The recognition of the necessity of interdependence
moment greater authority is conferred upon the among divers and diverse units of a society and of
government, logically so much is withdrawn from the the protection that should be equally and evenly
residuum of liberty which resides in the people. The extended to all groups as a combined force in our
paradox lies in the fact that the apparent curtailment social and economic life, consistent with the
of liberty is precisely the very means of insuring its fundamental and paramount objective of the state of
preservation. promoting the health, comfort, and quiet of all
persons, and of bringing about "the greatest good to
the greatest number."cralaw virtua1aw library Then she continued: "I was awakened by a certain
weight upon my body and when I was awakened,
In view of the foregoing, the writ of prohibition prayed accused Rodrigo Cawili was on top of me and [I] felt
for is hereby denied, with costs against the pain in my private parts."2 She then pushed and
petitioner. So ordered. kicked him and shouted at the top of her voice
"Inang" (Mother).3 Asked why she had felt such pain,
she answered that his genital organ was inserted in
SECOND DIVISION hers.4 Obviously alarmed by her shout, Rodrigo
Cawili released her and ran downstairs; her mother,
awakened by the shout, went to the kitchen and
came back with a bolo to chase Cawili but she did
not catch up with
G.R. No. L-30543 July 15, 1975
him.5 On cross-examination, Elizabeth de Jesus
admitted that when she went to bed she had her
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- panties on, but that when she woke up, she noticed
appellee, that not only was appellant on top of her but also that
vs. she was divested of such garment.6 The trial court
RODRIGO CAWILI, defendant-appellant. itself did not merely accept her story. It pursued the
matter further.7 She explained that the previous
Office of the Solicitor General Felix Q. Antonio, night, a Saturday, she had attended a party in Barrio
Assistant Solicitor General Hector C. Fule and Pulo, Hermosa, Bataan, one that lasted until almost
Solicitor Vicente A. Torres for plaintiff-appellee. morning. All day the next day, she pressed clothes.
Thus it was that on the night of February 11, 1968,
Juan T. Aquino (as Counsel de Oficio) for defendant- she went to bed tired and drowsy. She slept soundly.
appellant. It was not unexpected then for appellant to be able
to remove such garment and for him to place himself
on top of her, without her immediately noticing
it.8 When the incident happened, on February 11,
FERNANDO, J.: 1968, the young girl's father was not at home. When
he came back from work from Subic, Zambales, on
The difficulty that faces appellant Rodrigo Cawili, February 17, 1968, his daughter was so ashamed of
prosecuted and convicted for the crime of rape in the what had happened to her that she did not even tell
lower court, arises from the coherent and straight- him specifically that appellant had succeeded in
forward story narrated by the offended party, a having carnal knowledge of her. It was only after she
thirteen-year old girl, who, while asleep in her house was brought to a doctor on February 19, 1968, and
was taken by surprise by the accused and thus fell it was discovered that she had a swollen vulva, a
victim to his carnal desires. Nonetheless, there is in swollen urethral orifice and a ruptured hymen with
the brief submitted by counsel a sustained effort to two healed lacerations, 9 that she admitted to her
seek a reversal predicated on the ground that an father that appellant succeeded in his designs.
appraisal of the testimony offered by the prosecution Rodrigo Cawili, a neighbor and a "compadre" of the
would reveal that the constitutional presumption of young victim's mother, was readily recognized by
innocence had not been overcome.1 A careful study Elizabeth de Jesus because "the house was bright
of the records, however, discloses that the lower inside, it being lighted by a lamp, second, there was
court did consider carefully and meticulously the a light on the post just opposite our house, and third,
evidence of both the complainant and the accused. it was a moonlit night." 10 The facts narrated above
It was his conclusion that there was enough proof to gave rise to the charge of rape against Rodrigo
satisfy the requirement that guilt be shown beyond Cawili.
reasonable doubt. We are not justified in viewing the
matter differently. We affirm. After trial duly had, he was convicted and sentenced
to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua, to
The victim of rape in this case is Elizabeth de Jesus, indemnify the offended party and to recognize and
who, at the time of the commission of the offense, support the offspring, if any. The case is before us
was thirteen years of age. She was in the sixth now on appeal. As noted at the outset, the principal
grade. She began by stating that she was asleep in ground relied upon as the basis for reversal is that
her house at Barrio Almacen, Hermosa, Bataan, at the constitutional presumption of innocence had not
about 10:00 in the evening of February 11, 1968. been overcome by proof beyond reasonable doubt.
While there is a recognition that the appraisal of the subjected continued all throughout the next day
lower court of the evidence offered is accorded when the hearing was resumed. Her version of what
deference and respect, it is submitted that such transpired came under the most rigorous scrutiny,
finding cannot prevail in the absence of a showing again from both the defense and the court itself. No
that suffices to overturn what is so clearly expressed contradiction was elicited although it was quite
in the fundamental law that guilt is not to be obvious that she would rather not remember the
presumed. 11 As a statement of juridical norm, that is details of that unfortunate incident. Twice the
correct. This Court has repeatedly stressed that session had to be suspended because she was in
accusation cannot be considered as synonymous tears. 20 The second time, the court itself was moved
with culpability, and the evidence offered by the to declare: "The witness is still crying. Let us have a
prosecution must meet the required standard. Only recess." 21
then is a conviction warranted. 12 It is on that basis
that in several recent decisions, a person accused of 2. This notwithstanding, counsel for appellant would
and sentenced for rape succeeded in obtaining a have the temerity to assert that the testimony of
reversal. 13 This is not, however, as already complainant was "evasive." 22 He would seek to
mentioned, one such case. impress on us that there was not enough evidence
to warrant conviction for the offense of rape and
1. In appellant's brief, the principal authority cited in would imply that perhaps only trespass to dwelling
support of the plea that the constitutional was committed. Such a contention is devoid of merit.
presumption of innocence had not been overcome is As was stressed in People v. Baylon: 23 "The other
an excerpt from Justice Laurel's opinion in People v. point raised in the brief for appellant that the crime
Manoji. 14 What was conveniently left out was the of rape was not shown to have been committed
opening phrase of the citation which certainly casts defies rationality, let alone commonsense. Time and
a different light on the matter. Accuracy demands time again, this Court had correctly observed that no
that this particular sentence relied upon he quoted in woman, especially one of tender age, would willingly
full: "In the light of the facts and circumstances of expose herself to the embarrassment of a public trial
record, we feel that it is better to acquit a man on wherein she would have not only to admit but also to
reasonable doubt, even though he may in reality be narrate the violation of her person, if such indeed
guilty, than to confine in the penitentiary for the rest were not the case. Far better it is in not a few cases
of his natural life a person who may be innocent. to spare herself the humiliation if there be some
..." 15 As a matter of fact, the opening sentence of other way of bringing the offender to justice. Here,
that particular paragraph starts with this phrase: there was such a testimony coming from the
"Upon the other hand, there are certain facts which offended party, firm, categorical, straightforward. ...
if taken together are sufficient to raise in the mind of It is quite a strain on one's credulity to believe that
the court a grave doubt as to the guilt of the under such circumstances, the young girl's honor
defendant-appellant, ..." 16 In this case, on the remained unsullied, the nefarious design unfulfilled.
contrary, the testimony of the offended party, so firm To repeat, appellant had not made out a case for a
and so categorical, does not give rise to any such reversal." 24 The succeeding paragraph in the
misgivings. When put on the stand by her counsel, opinion therein rendered likewise deserves mention:
she was able to narrate clearly and concisely the "Nor is this all. As was noted in a recent
untoward event that befell her in the evening on case, People vs. Molina, it is manifest in the
question. Afterwards, she was cross-examined decisions of this Court that where the offended
intensively and exhaustively for two parties are young and immature girls like the victim
days. 17 Questions searching in character but in this case, there is a marked receptivity on its part
unavoidable considering the nature of the offense, to lend credence to their version of what transpired.
quite embarassing for a young girl of tender years, It is not to be wondered at. The state, asparens
came not only from the defense but also from the patriae, is under the obligation to minimize the risk
judge, desirous of ascertaining the truth and of harm to those, who, because of their minority, are
conscious of the dire penalty that goes with as yet unable to take care of themselves fully. Those
conviction for this heinous crime. At one stage, her of tender years deserve its utmost protection.
counsel had to ask the court for a recess of five Moreover, the injury in cases of rape is not inflicted
minutes as she was evidently under strain and she on the unfortunate victim alone. The consternation it
was feeling dizzy. 18 The court granted a suspension causes her family must also be taken into account.
of the session not for five minutes sought but for ten It may reflect a failure to abide by the announced
minutes. Moreover, right afterwards, it was concern in the fundamental law for such institution.
adjourned. 19 The grueling ordeal to which she was There is all the more reason then for the rigorous
application of the penal law with its severe penalty cut on the upper left eyebrow." 27 What had been
for this offense, whenever warranted." 25 stated earlier as to the ordeal undergone by the
offended party when she was placed on the stand to
3. There is one other matter equally deserving of give her credible and competent testimony with a
attention. Counsel for appellant did not even clear identification of the accused would serve to
mention the defense offered by his client. It is bolster further the characterization of his defense as
understandable why. In the statement of the undeserving of serious consideration. Moreover,
accused taken before Corporal Cipriano there is this excerpt from the recent decision of
Vistan 26 and subscribed before the Municipal Judge People v. Cudalina: 28 "It suffices to state that this
Bernabe T. Peñaflor of Hermosa, Bataan, he Court when confronted with the defense of alibi in
admitted having entered the house of complainant rape cases has invariably found it unconvincing and
with the explanation that he made a mistake due to unsatisfactory." 29
his being in a state of intoxication, but denied having
done anything reprehensible. At the trial, he had WHEREFORE, the appealed decision of March 31,
another version. He would rely on alibi. This is how 1969 by the then Judge Tito V. Tizon of the Court of
the lower court disposed of the matter: "The defense First Instance of Bataan is affirmed. Costs against
interposed by the accused is alibi. His testimony is appellant.
to the effect that starting from 9:00 o'clock in the
evening of February 11, 1968, he was in his house FIRST DIVISION
at Almacen, Hermosa, Bataan, asleep with his wife
and child. He asserts that the filing of the instant G.R. No. 164733 September 21, 2007
criminal charge against him was ill-motivated,
because his wife and the spouses Dominador de MICHAEL JOHN Z. MALTO, Petitioner,
Jesus and Rufina Santos had a misunderstanding; vs.
that the spouses used to buy goods on credit from PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent.
their store and failed to pay their account; that prior
to February 11, 1968, the spouses tried to get some DECISION
more goods on credit which he refused, because the
old debt was not paid; that because of the incident, CORONA, J.:
the spouses went to the extent of approaching
Nicanor Sioson, the owner of the lot where his store
Whereas, mankind owes to the child the best it has to
is erected for the purpose of having him ejected from give. (Final preambular clause of the Declaration of the
Sioson's lot. The accused further testified that he Rights of the Child)
was forced to give his statement, Exhibit C, and had
to sign it because he was mauled. He showed a scar
This is a petition for review1 of the decision2 dated July
on the upper left eyebrow; and [said] that he signed 30, 2004 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR
his statement not before the subscribing officer, No. 25925 affirming with modification the decision3 of
Municipal Judge Peñaflor, but in jail. The defense Branch 109 of the Regional Trial Court of Pasay City in
deserves no serious consideration. The accused Criminal Case No. 00-0691 which found petitioner
could not produce any one of the persons he Michael John Z. Malto guilty for violation of paragraph
mentioned ... to corroborate his testimony. His claim 3, Section 5(a), Article III of RA 7610,4 as amended.
that his sworn statement, Exhibit C, was forcibly
taken out of him as evidenced by his swollen left Petitioner was originally charged in an information
eyebrow, was belied both by Pat. Conrado Alvaro of which read:
the Hermosa Police Force, who fetched the accused
from his house to the Municipal Building for The undersigned Assistant City Prosecutor accuses
investigation, and by P.C. Sgt. Cipriano Vistan. Pat. MICHAEL JOHN Z. MALTO of VIOLATION OF
Alvaro testified that when he made a preliminary SECTION 5(b), ARTICLE III, REPUBLIC ACT 7610,
inquiry, the accused admitted to him having entered AS AMENDED, committed as follows:
the house of Dominador de Jesus on the night in
question because he was drunk. Pat. Alvaro denied That on or about and sometime during the month of
having mauled the accused. Likewise Sgt. Vistan November 1997 up to 1998, in Pasay City, Metro
declared that in the course of his investigation, the Manila, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this
accused revealed to him that he (accused) was Honorable Court, the above-named accused, Michael
boxed by Dominador de Jesus, father of the John. Z. Malto, a professor, did then and there willfully,
complainant, [thus explaining] the swollen face and unlawfully and feloniously induce and/or seduce his
student at Assumption College, complainant, AAA, a On October 10, 1997, petitioner reiterated his invitation
minor of 17 years old, to indulge in sexual intercourse to AAA and her friends to watch his collection of
for several times with him as in fact said accused had pornographic films. Afraid of offending petitioner, AAA
carnal knowledge. and two of her friends went with him. They rode in his
car and he brought them to the Anito Lodge on
Contrary to law.5 Harrison St. in Pasay City. They checked in at a
"calesa room." Petitioner was disappointed when he
This was subsequently amended as follows: found out there was neither a video cassette player (on
which he could play his video tapes) nor an x-rated
show on the closed-circuit television. He suggested
The undersigned Assistant City Prosecutor accuses
that they just cuddle up together. AAA and her friends
ignored him but he pulled each of them towards him to
lie with him in bed. They resisted until he relented.
AS AMENDED, committed as follows:
AAA and her friends regretted having accepted
That on or about and sometime during the month of
petitioner’s invitation. For fear of embarrassment in
November 1997 up to 1998, in Pasay City, Metro
case their classmates got wind of what happened, they
Manila, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this
agreed to keep things a secret. Meanwhile, petitioner
Honorable Court, the above-named accused, Michael
apologized for his actuations.
John. Z. Malto, a professor, did then and there willfully,
unlawfully and feloniously take advantage and exert
influence, relationship and moral ascendancy and Thereafter, petitioner started to show AAA amorous
induce and/or seduce his student at Assumption attention. He called her on the phone and paged8 her
College, complainant, AAA, a minor of 17 years old, to romantic messages at least thrice a day. When
indulge in sexual intercourse and lascivious conduct for semestral break came, his calls and messages
several times with him as in fact said accused has became more frequent. Their conversation always
carnal knowledge. started innocently but he had a way of veering the
subject to sex. Young, naive and coming from a broken
family, AAA was soon overwhelmed by petitioner’s
Contrary to law.6
persistence and slowly got attracted to him. He was the
first person to court her. Soon, they had a "mutual
Petitioner did not make a plea when arraigned; hence, understanding" and became sweethearts.
the trial court entered for him a plea of "not guilty." After
the mandatory pre-trial, trial on the merits proceeded.
When AAA secured her class card in Philosophy II at
the start of the second semester, petitioner told her that
The prosecution established the following: he gave her a final grade of "3." She protested, stating
that her mid-term grade was "1.2." He gave her a grade
At the time of the incident, private complainant AAA of "1.5" when she promised not to disclose his intimate
was 17 years old.7 She was a college student at the messages to her to anyone. He also cautioned her not
Assumption College in San Lorenzo Village, Makati to tell anyone about their affair as it could jeopardize
City. Petitioner, then 28, was her professor in her his job.
Philosophy II class in the first semester of the school
year 1997 to 1998. On November 19, 1997, at around 11:00 a.m., AAA
agreed to have lunch with petitioner outside the
On July 18, 1997, AAA was having lunch with her premises of the college. Since she was not feeling well
friends when petitioner joined their group. He told them at that time, he asked her to lie down in the backseat
to address him simply as "Mike." He handed them his of his car. She was surprised when he brought her to
organizer and asked them to list down their names and Queensland Lodge9 on Harrison St. in Pasay City.
contact numbers. Once inside the motel room, he kissed her at the back
and neck, touched her breasts and placed his hand
On October 3, 1997, while AAA and her friends were inside her blouse. She resisted his advances but he
discussing the movie Kama Sutra, petitioner butted in was too strong for her. He stopped only when she got
and bragged that it was nothing compared to his angry at him.
collection of xxx-rated films. To the shock of AAA’s
group, he lectured on and demonstrated sexual acts he On November 26, 1997, petitioner asked AAA to come
had already experienced. He then invited the group to with him so that they could talk in private. He again
view his collection. brought her to Queensland Lodge. As soon as they
were inside the room, he took off his shirt, lay down in
bed and told her, "halika na, dito na tayo mag-usap."
She refused but he dragged her towards the bed, faculty concert slated on December 12, 1997. At lunch
kissed her lips, neck and breasts and unsnapped her time, he attended the birthday treat of a colleague,
brassiere. She struggled to stop him but he Evelyn Bancoro.
overpowered her. He went on top of her, lowered her
pants and touched her private part. He tried to On November 29, 1997, he attended AAA’s 18th
penetrate her but she pushed him away forcefully and birthday party. That was the last time he saw her.
she sat up in bed. He hugged her tightly saying, "Sige
na, AAA, pumayag ka na, I won’t hurt you." She According to petitioner, AAA became his sweetheart
refused and said, "Mike, ayoko." He angrily stood up when she was already 19 years old and after he was
saying, "Fine, hindi na tayo mag-uusap. Don’t come to dismissed from Assumption College. On December 27
the faculty room anymore. You know I need this and if and 28, 1998, they spent time together, shared their
you will not give in or give it to me, let us end this." She worries, problems and dreams and kissed each other.
replied, "Mike, hindi pa ako ready and it was you who On January 3, 1999, he brought her to Queensland
said it will be after my debut" on December 3, 1997. He Lodge where they had sexual intercourse for the first
insisted that there was no difference between having time. It was repeated for at least 20 times from January
sex then and after her debut. He told her, "kung hindi 1999 until they broke up in July 1999, some of which
ko makukuha ngayon, tapusin na natin ngayon." were done at either his or her house when no one was
Pressured and afraid of his threat to end their around.
relationship, she hesitantly replied "Fine." On hearing
this, he quickly undressed while commenting "ibibigay
The trial court found the evidence for the prosecution
mo rin pala, pinahirapan mo pa ako" and laughed. They
sufficient to sustain petitioner’s conviction. On March 7,
had sexual intercourse.
2001, it rendered a decision finding petitioner
guilty.10 The dispositive portion read:
In July 1999, AAA ended her relationship with
petitioner. She learned that he was either intimately
In view of the foregoing, the Court finds the accused
involved with or was sexually harassing his students in
Michael John Malto y Zarsadias guilty beyond
Assumption College and in other colleges where he
reasonable doubt for violation of Article III, Section
taught. In particular, he was dismissed from the De La
5(a)[,] paragraph 3 of RA 7610[,] as amended and
Salle University-Aguinaldo for having sexual relations
hereby sentences him to reclusion temporal in its
with a student and sexually harassing three other
medium period or an imprisonment of seventeen (17)
students. His employment was also terminated by
years, four (4) months and one (1) day to twenty (20)
Assumption College for sexually harassing two of his
years and to pay civil indemnity in the amount of Php
students. It was then that AAA realized that she was
75,000.00 and moral and exemplary damages of Php
actually abused by petitioner. Depressed and
50,000.00 to minor complainant with subsidiary
distressed, she confided all that happened between
imprisonment in case of insolvency.11
her and petitioner to her mother, BBB.
Petitioner questioned the trial court’s decision in the
On learning what her daughter underwent in the hands
CA. In a decision dated July 30, 2004,12 the appellate
of petitioner, BBB filed an administrative complaint in
court affirmed his conviction even if it found that his
Assumption College against him. She also lodged a
acts were not covered by paragraph (a) but by
complaint in the Office of the City Prosecutor of Pasay
paragraph (b) of Section 5, Article III of RA 7610. It
City which led to the filing of Criminal Case No. 00-
further observed that the trial court failed to fix the
minimum term of indeterminate sentence imposed on
him. It also ruled that the trial court erred in awarding
In his defense, petitioner proffered denial and alibi. He ₱75,000 civil indemnity in favor of AAA as it was proper
claimed that the alleged incidents on October 3, 1997 only in a conviction for rape committed under the
and October 10, 1997 did not happen. He spent circumstances under which the death penalty was
October 3, 1997 with his colleagues Joseph Hipolito authorized by law.13 Hence, the CA modified the
and AJ Lagaso while he was busy checking papers and decision of the trial court as follows:
computing grades on October 10, 1997. The last time
he saw AAA during the first semester was when she
WHEREFORE, the appealed Decision of conviction
submitted her final paper on October 18, 1997.
is AFFIRMED, with the MODIFICATION that (1)
On November 19, 1997, between 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 hereby sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of Eight
p.m., he sorted out conflicts of class schedules for the (8) Years and One (1) Day of prision mayor as
second semester at the Assumption College. On minimum, to Seventeen (17) Years, Four (4) Months
November 26, 1997, he was at St. Scholastica’s and One (1) Day of reclusion temporal as maximum;
College (where he was also teaching) preparing a
and (2) the sum of ₱75,000.00 as civil indemnity The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period
is DELETED.14 to reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the
Hence, this petition.
(a) Those who engage in or promote, facilitate
Petitioner contends that the CA erred in sustaining his or induce child prostitution which include, but
conviction although it found that he did not rape AAA. are not limited to, the following:
For him, he should have been acquitted since there
was no rape. He also claims that he and AAA were 1. Acting as a procurer of a child
sweethearts and their sexual intercourse was prostitute;
2. Inducing a person to be a client of a
Petitioner is wrong. child prostitute by means of written or
oral advertisements or other similar
The Offense Stated in the Information Was Wrongly means;
3. Taking advantage of influence or
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused is entitled to relationship to procure a child as a
be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation prostitute;
against him.15 Pursuant thereto, the complaint or
information against him should be sufficient in form and 4. Threatening or using violence
substance. A complaint or information is sufficient if it towards a child to engage him as a
states the name of the accused; the designation of the prostitute; or
offense by the statute; the acts or omissions
complained of as constituting the offense; the name of 5. Giving monetary consideration,
the offended party; the approximate date of the goods or other pecuniary benefit to a
commission of the offense and the place where the child with intent to engage such child in
offense was committed.16 prostitution.

The complaint or information shall state the (b) Those who commit the act of sexual
designation of the offense given by the statute, aver the intercourse or lascivious conduct with a
acts or omissions constituting the offense and specify child exploited in prostitution or subjected to
its qualifying and aggravating circumstances.17 If there other sexual abuse: Provided, That when the
is no designation of the offense, reference shall be victim is under twelve (12) years of age, the
made to the section or subsection of the statute perpetrators shall be prosecuted under Article
punishing it.18 The acts or omissions constituting the 335, paragraph 3, for rape and Article 336 of
offense and the qualifying and aggravating Act No. 3815, as amended, the Revised Penal
circumstances must be stated in ordinary and concise Code, for rape or lascivious conduct, as the
language and not necessarily in the language used in case may be: Provided, that the penalty for
the statute but in terms sufficient to enable a person of lascivious conduct when the victim is under
common understanding to know what offense is being twelve (12) years of age shall be reclusion
charged as well as its qualifying and aggravating temporal in its medium period; and
circumstances and for the court to pronounce
judgment.19 xxx xxx x x x(emphasis supplied)

The designation of the offense in the information The elements of paragraph (a) are:
against petitioner was changed from "violation of
Section 5(b), Article III" of RA 7610 to "violation of
1. the accused engages in, promotes,
Section 5(a), Article III" thereof. Paragraphs (a) and (b)
facilitates or induces child prostitution;
of Section 5, Article III of RA 7610 provide:
2. the act is done through, but not limited to, the
Section 5. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse.
following means:
- Children, whether male or female, who, for money,
profit, or any other consideration or due to the
coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or a. acting as a procurer of a child
group, indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious prostitute;
conduct, are deemed to be children exploited
in prostitution and other sexual abuse.
b. inducing a person to be a client of a in sexual intercourse and lascivious conduct and AAA
child prostitute by means of written or was a 17-year old minor. These allegations support a
oral advertisements or other similar charge for violation of paragraph (b), not paragraph (a),
means; of Section 5, Article III, RA 7610.

c. taking advantage of influence or The Real Nature of the Offense is Determined by

relationship to procure a child as a Facts Alleged in the Information, Not By the
prostitute; Designation

d. threatening or using violence The designation in the information of the specific

towards a child to engage him as a statute violated is imperative to avoid surprise on the
prostitute or accused and to afford him the opportunity to prepare
his defense accordingly. However, the failure to
e. giving monetary consideration, designate the offense by statute,21 or to mention the
goods or other pecuniary benefit to a specific provision penalizing the act,22 or an erroneous
child with intent to engage such child in specification of the law violated23 does not vitiate the
prostitution; information if the facts alleged clearly recite the facts
constituting the crime charged.24 What controls is not
3. the child is exploited or intended to be the title of the information or the designation of the
exploited in prostitution and offense but the actual facts recited in the
information.25 In other words, it is the recital of facts of
the commission of the offense, not the nomenclature of
4. the child, whether male or female, is below
the offense, that determines the crime being charged
18 years of age.
in the information.26
On the other hand, the elements of paragraph (b) are:
The facts stated in the amended information against
petitioner correctly made out a charge for violation of
1. the accused commits the act of sexual Section 5(b), Article III, RA 7610. Thus, even if the trial
intercourse or lascivious conduct; and appellate courts followed the wrong designation of
the offense, petitioner could be convicted of the offense
2. the act is performed with a child exploited in on the basis of the facts recited in the information and
prostitution or subjected to other sexual abuse duly proven during trial.
Petitioner violated Section 5(b), Article III of RA
3. the child, whether male or female, is below 7610, as amended
18 years of age.
The first element of Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610
Paragraph (a) essentially punishes acts pertaining to pertains to the act or acts committed by the accused.
or connected with child prostitution. It contemplates The second element refers to the state or condition of
sexual abuse of a child exploited in prostitution. In the offended party. The third element corresponds to
other words, under paragraph (a), the child is abused the minority or age of the offended party.
primarily for profit.
The first element was present in this case. Petitioner
On the other hand, paragraph (b) punishes sexual committed lascivious conduct against and had sexual
intercourse or lascivious conduct not only with a child intercourse with AAA in the following instances: (1) on
exploited in prostitution but also with a child subjected November 19, 1997, when he kissed her at the back
to other sexual abuse. It covers not only a situation and neck, touched her breasts and placed his hand
where a child is abused for profit but also one in which inside her blouse to gratify his lust; (2) on November
a child, through coercion, intimidation or influence, 26, 1997, when, with lewd designs, he dragged her
engages in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct.20 towards the bed of the motel room and forcibly kissed
her on the lips, neck and breasts and (3) when he
The information against petitioner did not allege exerted moral influence on her and pressured her until
anything pertaining to or connected with child she surrendered herself to him on November 26, 1997.
prostitution. It did not aver that AAA was abused for His acts were covered by the definitions of sexual
profit. What it charged was that petitioner had carnal abuse and lascivious conduct under Section 2(g) and
knowledge or committed sexual intercourse and (h) of the Rules and Regulations on the Reporting and
lascivious conduct with AAA; AAA was induced and/or Investigation of Child Abuse Cases promulgated to
seduced by petitioner who was her professor to indulge
implement the provisions of RA 7610, particularly on On November 19, 2007 and November 26, 2007, AAA
child abuse: was a child as she was below 18 years of age. She was
therefore within the protective mantle of the law.
(g) "Sexual abuse" includes the employment,
use, persuasion, inducement, enticement or Since all three elements of the crime were present, the
coercion of a child to engage in, or assist conviction of petitioner was proper.
another person to engage in, sexual
intercourse or lascivious conduct or the Violation of Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610 and
molestation, prostitution, or incest with Rape are Separate and Distinct Crimes
Petitioner was charged and convicted for violation of
(h) "Lascivious conduct" means the Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610, not rape. The
intentional touching, either directly or offense for which he was convicted is punished by a
through clothing, of the genitalia, anus, special law while rape is a felony under the Revised
groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks, or the Penal Code.28 They have different elements.29 The two
introduction of any object into the genitalia, are separate and distinct crimes. Thus, petitioner can
anus or mouth, of any person, whether of the be held liable for violation of Section 5(b), Article III of
same or opposite sex, with an intent RA 7610 despite a finding that he did not commit rape.
to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade,
or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any Consent of the Child is Immaterial in Criminal
person, bestiality, masturbation, lascivious Cases Involving Violation of Section 5, Article III of
exhibition of the genitals or public area of a RA 7610
person. (emphasis supplied)
Petitioner claims that AAA welcomed his kisses and
The second element was likewise present here. The touches and consented to have sexual intercourse with
following pronouncement in People v. Larin27 is him. They engaged in these acts out of mutual love and
significant: affection. But may the "sweetheart theory" be invoked
in cases of child prostitution and other sexual abuse
A child is deemed exploited in prostitution prosecuted under Section 5, Article III of RA 7610? No.
or subjected to other sexual abuse, when the child
indulges in sexual intercourse or lascivious The sweetheart theory applies in acts of lasciviousness
conduct (a) for money, profit, or any other and rape, felonies committed against or without the
consideration; or (b) under thecoercion or influence consent of the victim. It operates on the theory that the
of any adult, syndicate or group. (emphasis supplied) sexual act was consensual. It requires proof that the
accused and the victim were lovers and that she
On November 19, 1997, due to the influence of consented to the sexual relations.30
petitioner, AAA indulged in lascivious acts with or
allowed him to commit lascivious acts on her. This was For purposes of sexual intercourse and lascivious
repeated on November 26, 1997 on which date AAA conduct in child abuse cases under RA 7610, the
also indulged in sexual intercourse with petitioner as a sweetheart defense is unacceptable. A child exploited
result of the latter’s influence and moral ascendancy. in prostitution or subjected to other sexual abuse
Thus, she was deemed to be a "child subjected to other cannot validly give consent to sexual intercourse with
sexual abuse" as the concept is defined in the opening another person.
paragraph of Section 5, Article III of RA 7610 and
in Larin.
The language of the law is clear: it seeks to punish
The third element of the offense was also satisfied.
[t]hose who commit the act of sexual intercourse or
Section 3 (a), Article I of RA 7610 provides:
lascivious conduct with a child exploited in prostitution
or subjected to other sexual abuse.
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. –
Unlike rape, therefore, consent is immaterial in cases
(a) "Children" refers [to] persons below eighteen involving violation of Section 5, Article III of RA 7610.
(18) years of age or those over but are unable to fully The mere act of having sexual intercourse or
take care of themselves or protect themselves from committing lascivious conduct with a child who is
abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination exploited in prostitution or subjected to sexual abuse
because of a physical or mental disability or condition; constitutes the offense. It is a malum prohibitum, an
(emphasis supplied) evil that is proscribed.
A child cannot give consent to a contract under our civil welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative
laws.31 This is on the rationale that she can easily be authorities, and legislative bodies, consistent with the
the victim of fraud as she is not capable of fully principles of First Call for Children as enunciated in the
understanding or knowing the nature or import of her United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
actions. The State, as parens patriae, is under the Child. Every effort shall be exerted to promote the
obligation to minimize the risk of harm to those who, welfare of children and enhance their opportunities
because of their minority, are as yet unable to take care for a useful and happy life.40 (emphasis supplied)
of themselves fully.32 Those of tender years deserve its
protection.33 Petitioner May Enjoy the Benefits of the
Indeterminate Sentence Law
The harm which results from a child’s bad decision in a
sexual encounter may be infinitely more damaging to The penalty prescribed for violation of the provisions of
her than a bad business deal. Thus, the law should Section 5, Article III of RA 7610 is reclusion temporal in
protect her from the harmful consequences34 of her its medium period to reclusion perpetua. In the
attempts at adult sexual behavior.35 For this reason, a absence of any mitigating or aggravating
child should not be deemed to have validly consented circumstance, the proper imposable penalty
to adult sexual activity and to surrender herself in the is reclusion temporal in its maximum period, the
act of ultimate physical intimacy under a law which medium of the penalty prescribed by the
seeks to afford her special protection against abuse, law.41Notwithstanding that RA 7610 is a special law,
exploitation and discrimination. (Otherwise, sexual petitioner may enjoy the benefits of the Indeterminate
predators like petitioner will be justified, or even Sentence Law.42 Since the penalty provided in RA
unwittingly tempted by the law, to view her as fair game 7610 is taken from the range of penalties in the
and vulnerable prey.) In other words, a child is Revised Penal Code, it is covered by the first clause of
presumed by law to be incapable of giving rational Section 1 of the Indeterminate Sentence Law.43 Thus,
consent to any lascivious act or sexual intercourse.36 1âw phi 1

he is entitled to a maximum term which should be

within the range of the proper imposable penalty
This must be so if we are to be true to the of reclusion temporal in its maximum period (ranging
constitutionally enshrined State policy to promote the from 17 years, 4 months and 1 day to 20 years) and a
physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well- minimum term to be taken within the range of the
being of the youth.37 This is consistent with the penalty next lower to that prescribed by the law: prision
declared policy of the State mayor in its medium period to reclusion temporal in its
minimum period (ranging from 8 years and 1 day to 14
[T]o provide special protection to children from all years and 8 months).
forms of abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation and
discrimination, and other conditions prejudicial to The Award of Damages Should Be Modified
their development; provide sanctions for their
commissionand carry out a program for prevention The trial court awarded AAA ₱75,000 as civil
and deterrence of and crisis intervention in situations indemnity, ₱50,000 as moral and exemplary damages.
of child abuse, exploitation, and The CA deleted the award for civil indemnity. It
discrimination.38 (emphasis supplied) correctly reasoned that the award was proper only in a
conviction for rape committed under the circumstances
as well as to under which the death penalty is authorized by law.
Consistent, however, with the objective of RA 7610 to
intervene on behalf of the child when the parents, afford children special protection against abuse,
guardian, teacher or person having care or custody of exploitation and discrimination and with the principle
the child fails or is unable to protect the child against that every person who contrary to law, willfully or
abuse, exploitation, and discrimination or when such negligently causes damage to another shall indemnify
acts against the child are committed by the the latter for the same,44 civil indemnity to the child is
said parent, guardian, teacher or person having care proper in a case involving violation of Section 5(b),
and custody of the same.39(emphasis supplied) Article III of RA 7610. Every person criminally liable is
civilly liable.45 The rule is that, in crimes and quasi-
This is also in harmony with the foremost consideration delicts, the defendant shall be liable for all damages
of the child’s best interests in all actions concerning him which are the natural and probable consequences of
or her. the act or omission complained of.46Thus, ₱50,000 civil
indemnity ex delicto shall be awarded in cases of
violation of Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610.47
The best interest of children shall be the
paramount consideration in all actions concerning
them, whether undertaken by public or private social
Moreover, the CA erred in affirming the grant of consideration of her promise to facilitate approval of
₱50,000 as "moral and exemplary damages." The rule their applications for telephone
is that, in every case, trial courts must specify the installation. 1 Investigated and heard, she was found
award of each item of damages and make a finding guilty as charged and accordingly separated from the
thereon in the body of the decision.48 Thus, moral service.2 She went to the Ministry of Labor and
damages and exemplary damages should be separate Employment claiming she had been illegally removed.
items of award. After consideration of the evidence and arguments of
the parties, the company was sustained and the
AAA testified that she was "emotionally devastated" complaint was dismissed for lack of merit.
and "lost touch of her inner self" as a result of what Nevertheless, the dispositive portion of labor arbiter's
petitioner did to her. Because of the mental anxiety and decision declared:
wounded feelings caused by petitioner to her, she had
several sessions with the dean for student affairs49 and WHEREFORE, the instant complaint is
the guidance counselor of Assumption College as well dismissed for lack of merit.
as with a psychiatrist. This was corroborated by her
mother and the dean of student affairs of Assumption Considering that Dr. Helen Bangayan
College. Thus, she is entitled to moral damages of and Mrs. Consolacion Martinez are not
₱50,000. However, in the absence of an aggravating totally blameless in the light of the fact
circumstance, the grant of exemplary damages is that the deal happened outhide the
unwarranted.50 premises of respondent company and
that their act of giving P3,800.00
Accordingly, the petition is hereby DENIED. Petitioner without any receipt is tantamount to
Michael John Z. Malto is hereby found guilty of violating corruption of public officers,
Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610, as amended, for complainant must be given one month
which he is sentenced to 14 years and 8 months pay for every year of service as
of reclusion temporal as minimum to 20 years financial assistance. 3
of reclusion temporal as maximum. He is further
ordered to pay AAA ₱50,000 as civil indemnity and Both the petitioner and the private respondent
₱50,000 for moral damages. appealed to the National Labor Relations Board, which
upheld the said decision in toto and dismissed the
Costs against petitioner. appeals. 4 The private respondent took no further
action, thereby impliedly accepting the validity of her
SO ORDERED. dismissal. The petitioner, however, is now before us to
question the affirmance of the above- quoted award as
having been made with grave abuse of discretion.
In its challenged resolution of September 22, 1987, the
G.R. No. 80609 August 23, 1988
NLRC said:
... Anent the award of separation pay
COMPANY, petitioner,
as financial assistance in
complainant's favor, We find the same
to be equitable, taking into
and MARILYN ABUCAY, respondents.
consideration her long years of service
to the company whereby she had
Nicanor G. Nuevas for petitioner. undoubtedly contributed to the success
of respondent. While we do not in any
way approve of complainants (private
respondent) mal feasance, for which
CRUZ, J.: she is to suffer the penalty of dismissal,
it is for reasons of equity and
The only issue presented in the case at bar is the legality of the award of compassion that we resolve to uphold
financial assistance to an employee who had been dismissed for cause as
found by the public respondent.
the award of financial assistance in her
favor. 5
Marilyn Abucay, a traffic operator of the Philippine
Long Distance Telephone Company, was accused by The position of the petitioner is simply stated: It is
two complainants of having demanded and received conceded that an employee illegally dismissed is
from them the total amount of P3,800.00 in entitled to reinstatement and backwages as required
by the labor laws. However, an employee dismissed for because of her failure to account for certain funds but
cause is entitled to neither reinstatement nor she was awarded separation pay equivalent to one-half
backwages and is not allowed any relief at all because month's salary for every year of her service of 15 years.
his dismissal is in accordance with law. In the case of In Engineering Equipment, Inc. v. NLRC, 10 the
the private respondent, she has been awarded dismissal of the employee was justified because he
financial assistance equivalent to ten months pay had instigated labor unrest among the workers and had
corresponding to her 10 year service in the company serious differences with them, among other grounds,
despite her removal for cause. She is, therefore, in but he was still granted three months separation pay
effect rewarded rather than punished for her corresponding to his 3-year service. In New Frontier
dishonesty, and without any legal authorization or Mines, Inc. v. NLRC, 11 the employee's 3- year service
justification. The award is made on the ground of equity was held validly terminated for lack of confidence and
and compassion, which cannot be a substitute for law. abandonment of work but he was nonetheless granted
Moreover, such award puts a premium on dishonesty three months separation pay. And in San Miguel
and encourages instead of deterring corruption. Corporation v. Deputy Minister of Labor and
Employment, et al ., 12 full separation pay for 6, 10, and
For its part, the public respondent claims that the 16 years service, respectively, was also allowed three
employee is sufficiently punished with her dismissal. employees who had been dismissed after they were
The grant of financial assistance is not intended as a found guilty of misappropriating company funds.
reward for her offense but merely to help her for the
loss of her employment after working faithfully with the The rule embodied in the Labor Code is that a person
company for ten years. In support of this position, the dismissed for cause as defined therein is not entitled to
Solicitor General cites the cases of Firestone Tire and separation pay. 13 The cases above cited constitute the
Rubber Company of the Philippines v. Lariosa 6 and exception, based upon considerations of equity. Equity
Soco v. Mercantile Corporation of Davao, 7 where the has been defined as justice outside law, 14 being ethical
employees were dismissed for cause but were rather than jural and belonging to the sphere of morals
nevertheless allowed separation pay on grounds of than of law. 15 It is grounded on the precepts of
social and compassionate justice. As the Court put it in conscience and not on any sanction of positive
the Firestone case: law. 16 Hence, it cannot prevail against the expressed
provision of the labor laws allowing dismissal of
In view of the foregoing, We rule that employees for cause and without any provision for
Firestone had valid grounds to separation pay.
dispense with the services of Lariosa
and that the NLRC acted with grave Strictly speaking, however, it is not correct to say that
abuse of discretion in ordering his there is no express justification for the grant of
reinstatement. However, considering separation pay to lawfully dismissed employees other
that Lariosa had worked with the than the abstract consideration of equity. The reason is
company for eleven years with no that our Constitution is replete with positive commands
known previous bad record, the ends of for the promotion of social justice, and particularly the
social and compassionate justice protection of the rights of the workers. The
would be served if he is paid full enhancement of their welfare is one of the primary
separation pay but not reinstatement concerns of the present charter. In fact, instead of
without backwages by the NLRC. confining itself to the general commitment to the cause
of labor in Article II on the Declaration of Principles of
In the said case, the employee was validly dismissed State Policies, the new Constitution contains a
for theft but the NLRC nevertheless awarded him full separate article devoted to the promotion of social
separation pay for his 11 years of service with the justice and human rights with a separate sub- topic for
company. In Soco, the employee was also legally labor. Article XIII expressly recognizes the vital role of
separated for unauthorized use of a company vehicle labor, hand in hand with management, in the
and refusal to attend the grievance proceedings but he advancement of the national economy and the welfare
was just the same granted one-half month separation of the people in general. The categorical mandates in
pay for every year of his 18-year service. the Constitution for the improvement of the lot of the
workers are more than sufficient basis to justify the
Similar action was taken in Filipro, Inc. v. award of separation pay in proper cases even if the
NLRC, 8 where the employee was validly dismissed for dismissal be for cause.
preferring certain dealers in violation of company policy
but was allowed separation pay for his 2 years of The Court notes, however, that where the exception
service. In Metro Drug Corporation v. NLRC, 9 the has been applied, the decisions have not been
employee was validly removed for loss of confidence consistent as to the justification for the grant of
separation pay and the amount or rate of such award.
Thus, the employees dismissed for theft in the misappropriation of the receipts of his sales. This is no
Firestone case and for animosities with fellow workers longer mere incompetence but clear dishonesty. A
in the Engineering Equipment case were both awarded security guard found sleeping on the job is doubtless
separation pay notnvithstanding that the first cause subject to dismissal but may be allowed separation pay
was certainly more serious than the second. No less since his conduct, while inept, is not depraved. But if
curiously, the employee in the Soco case was allowed he was in fact not really sleeping but sleeping with a
only one-half month pay for every year of his 18 years prostitute during his tour of duty and in the company
of service, but in Filipro the award was two months premises, the situation is changed completely. This is
separation pay for 2 years service. In Firestone, the not only inefficiency but immorality and the grant of
emplovee was allowed full separation pay separation pay would be entirely unjustified.
corresponding to his 11 years of service, but in Metro,
the employee was granted only one-half month We hold that henceforth separation pay shall be
separation pay for every year of her 15year service. It allowed as a measure of social justice only in those
would seem then that length of service is not instances where the employee is validly dismissed for
necessarily a criterion for the grant of separation pay causes other than serious misconduct or those
and neither apparently is the reason for the dismissal. reflecting on his moral character. Where the reason for
the valid dismissal is, for example, habitual intoxication
The Court feels that distinctions are in order. We note or an offense involving moral turpitude, like theft or illicit
that heretofore the separation pay, when it was sexual relations with a fellow worker, the employer may
considered warranted, was required regardless of the not be required to give the dismissed employee
nature or degree of the ground proved, be it mere separation pay, or financial assistance, or whatever
inefficiency or something graver like immorality or other name it is called, on the ground of social justice.
dishonesty. The benediction of compassion was made
to cover a multitude of sins, as it were, and to justify the A contrary rule would, as the petitioner correctly
helping hand to the validly dismissed employee argues, have the effect, of rewarding rather than
whatever the reason for his dismissal. This policy punishing the erring employee for his offense. And we
should be re-examined. It is time we rationalized the do not agree that the punishment is his dismissal only
exception, to make it fair to both labor and and that the separation pay has nothing to do with the
management, especially to labor. wrong he has committed. Of course it has. Indeed, if
the employee who steals from the company is granted
There should be no question that where it comes to separation pay even as he is validly dismissed, it is not
such valid but not iniquitous causes as failure to comply unlikely that he will commit a similar offense in his next
with work standards, the grant of separation pay to the employment because he thinks he can expect a like
dismissed employee may be both just and leniency if he is again found out. This kind of misplaced
compassionate, particularly if he has worked for some compassion is not going to do labor in general any
time with the company. For example, a subordinate good as it will encourage the infiltration of its ranks by
who has irreconcilable policy or personal differences those who do not deserve the protection and concern
with his employer may be validly dismissed for of the Constitution.
demonstrated loss of confidence, which is an allowable
ground. A working mother who has to be frequently The policy of social justice is not intended to
absent because she has also to take care of her child countenance wrongdoing simply because it is
may also be removed because of her poor attendance, committed by the underprivileged. At best it may
this being another authorized ground. It is not the mitigate the penalty but it certainly will not condone the
employee's fault if he does not have the necessary offense. Compassion for the poor is an imperative of
aptitude for his work but on the other hand the every humane society but only when the recipient is not
company cannot be required to maintain him just the a rascal claiming an undeserved privilege. Social
same at the expense of the efficiency of its operations. justice cannot be permitted to be refuge of scoundrels
He too may be validly replaced. Under these and any more than can equity be an impediment to the
similar circumstances, however, the award to the punishment of the guilty. Those who invoke social
employee of separation pay would be sustainable justice may do so only if their hands are clean and their
under the social justice policy even if the separation is motives blameless and not simply because they
for cause. happen to be poor. This great policy of our Constitution
is not meant for the protection of those who have
But where the cause of the separation is more serious proved they are not worthy of it, like the workers who
than mere inefficiency, the generosity of the law must have tainted the cause of labor with the blemishes of
be more discerning. There is no doubt it is their own character.
compassionate to give separation pay to a salesman if
he is dismissed for his inability to fill his quota but surely
he does not deserve such generosity if his offense is
Applying the above considerations, we hold that the records indicate that the employment of Daabay with
grant of separation pay in the case at bar is unjustified. Coca-Cola as Sales Logistics Checker was
The private respondent has been dismissed for terminated by the company in June 2005,5 following
dishonesty, as found by the labor arbiter and affirmed receipt of information from one Cesar Sorin (Sorin)
by the NLRC and as she herself has impliedly admitted. that Daabay was part of a conspiracy that allowed
The fact that she has worked with the PLDT for more the pilferage of company property.6
than a decade, if it is to be considered at all, should be
taken against her as it reflects a regrettable lack of
The allegations of Sorin were embodied in an
loyalty that she should have strengthened instead of
affidavit which he executed on April 16, 2005.7 The
betraying during all of her 10 years of service with the
company. If regarded as a justification for moderating losses to the company were also confirmed by an
the penalty of dismissal, it will actually become a prize inventory and audit conducted by Coca-Cola’s
for disloyalty, perverting the meaning of social justice Territory Finance Head, Silvia Ang. Such losses
and undermining the efforts of labor to cleanse its ranks comprised of cases of assorted softdrinks, empty
of all undesirables. bottles, missing shells and missing pallets valued at
The Court also rules that the separation pay, if found
due under the circumstances of each case, should be Coca-Cola then served upon Daabay a Notice to
computed at the rate of one month salary for every year Explain with Preventive Suspension, which required
of service, assuming the length of such service is him to explain in writing his participation in the
deemed material. This is without prejudice to the scheme that was reported to involve logistics
application of special agreements between the checkers and gate guards. In compliance therewith,
employer and the employee stipulating a higher rate of Daabay submitted an Explanation dated April 19,
computation and providing for more benefits to the 2005 wherein he denied any participation in the
discharged employee. 17 reported pilferage.9

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The A formal investigation on the matter ensued.
challenged resolution of September 22,1987, is Eventually, Coca-Cola served upon Daabay a
AFFIRMED in toto except for the grant of separation Notice of Termination that cited pilferage, serious
pay in the form of financial assistance, which is hereby misconduct and loss of trust and confidence as
DISALLOWED. The temporary restraining order dated
grounds. At the time of his dismissal, Daabay had
March 23, 1988, is LIFTED. It is so ordered.
been a regular employee of Coca-Cola for eight
years, and was receiving a monthly pay of
FIRST DIVISION ₱20,861.00, exclusive of other benefits.10

G.R. No. 199890 August 19, 2013 Daabay then filed the subject labor complaint
against Coca-Cola and Roberto Huang (Huang),
JEROME M. DAABAY, PETITIONER, Raymund Salvador (Salvador) and Alvin Garcia
vs. (Garcia), who were the President and Plant Logistics
COCA-COLA BOTTLERS PHILS., Managers, respectively, of Coca-Cola at the time of
INC., RESPONDENT. the dispute.11 On April 18, 2008, Executive Labor
Arbiter Noel Augusto S. Magbanua (ELA Magbanua)
DECISION rendered his Decision12 in favor of Daabay. He ruled
that Daabay was illegally dismissed because his
REYES, J.: participation in the alleged conspiracy was not
proved by substantial evidence. In lieu of
This resolves petitioner Jerome M. Daabay’s reinstatement and considering the already strained
(Daabay) Verified Petition for Review1 , which relations between the parties, ELA Magbanua
assails the Decision2dated June 24, 2011 and ordered the payment to Daabay of backwages and
Resolution3 dated December 9, 2011 of the Court of separation pay or retirement benefits, as may be
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 03369-MIN. applicable. The dispositive portion of ELA
Magbanua’s Decision reads:
The case stems from a complaint for illegal
dismissal, illegal suspension, unfair labor practice WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is
and monetary claims filed by Daabay against hereby rendered declaring the dismissal of
respondent Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., Inc. (Coca- complainant Jerome Daabay as illegal, and ordering
Cola) and three officers of the company.4The
respondents to pay complainant his backwages in Let, however, this case be REMANDED to the
the amount of [P]750,996.00. Executive Labor Arbiter or the Regional Arbitration
Branch of origin for the computation of complainant’s
Additionally, respondents are hereby ordered to pay retirement benefits in accordance with the latest
complainant his separation pay at one (1) month for Collective Bargaining Agreement prior to his
every year of service, or his retirement benefits termination.
based on the latest Collective Bargaining Agreement
prior to his suspension/termination. SO ORDERED.18

Other claims are hereby ordered dismissed for Coca-Cola’s partial motion for reconsideration to
failure to substantiate. assail the award of retirement benefits was denied
by the NLRC in a Resolution19 dated October 30,
SO ORDERED.13 2009. The NLRC explained that there was a need "to
humanize the severe effects of dismissal"20 and "tilt
Dissatisfied, Coca-Cola, Huang, Salvador and the scales of justice in favor of labor as a measure
Garcia, appealed from ELA Magbanua’s Decision to of equity and compassionate social
the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). justice."21 Daabay also moved to reconsider, but his
Daabay filed a separate appeal to ask for his motion remained unresolved by the
reinstatement without loss of seniority rights, the NLRC. Undaunted, Coca-Cola appealed to the
payment of backwages instead of separation pay or CA.
retirement benefits, and an award of litigation
expenses, moral and exemplary damages and The CA agreed with Coca-Cola that the award of
attorney’s fees. retirement benefits lacked basis considering that
Daabay was dismissed for just cause. It explained:
The NLRC reversed the finding of illegal dismissal.
In a Resolution14 dated August 27, 2009, the NLRC We are not oblivious of the instances where the
held that there was "reasonable and well-founded Court awarded financial assistance to dismissed
basis to dismiss [Daabay], not only for serious employees, even though they were terminated for
misconduct, but also for breach of trust or loss of just causes. Equity and social justice was the vague
confidence arising from such company justification. Quickly realizing the unjustness of
losses." Daabay’s participation in the conspiracy
15 these [s]o-called equitable awards, the Supreme
was sufficiently established. Several documents Court took the opportunity to curb and rationalize the
such as checkers receipts and sales invoices that grant of financial assistance to legally dismissed
made the fraudulent scheme possible were signed employees. Thus, in Philippine Long Distance
by Daabay.16 The NLRC also found fault in Daabay Telephone Company v. National Labor Relations
for his failure to detect the pilferage, considering that Commission, the Supreme Court recognized the
the "timely recording and monitoring as security harsh realities faced by employees that forced them,
control for the outgoing [sic] of company products despite their good intentions, to violate company
are necessarily connected with the functions, duties policies, for which the employer can rightfully
and responsibilities reposed in him as Sales terminate their employment. For these instances,
Logistics Checker."17 Notwithstanding its ruling on the award of financial assistance was allowed. But,
the legality of the dismissal, the NLRC awarded in clear and unmistakable language, the Supreme
retirement benefits in favor of Daabay. The Court also held that the award of financial assistance
dispositive portion of its Resolution reads: should not be given to validly terminated employees,
whose offenses are iniquitous or reflective of some
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal of depravity in their moral character. x x x.23 (Citation
complainant is DENIED for lack of merit, while that omitted)
of respondent Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc. is
GRANTED. Thus, the dispositive portion of its Decision dated
June 24, 2011 reads:
Accordingly, the assailed 18 April 2008 Decision of
the Executive Labor Arbiter is hereby REVERSED FOR THESE REASONS, the writ of certiorari is
and SET ASIDE, and a new judgment is entered GRANTED; the portion of the Resolution
DISMISSING the present complaint for want of promulgated on 27 August 2009 remanding of the
evidence. case to the Executive Labor Arbiter or the Regional
Arbitration Branch of origin for computation of Before the CA and this Court, Daabay attempts to
retirement benefits is DELETED. justify his plea for relief by stressing that he had filed
his own motion for reconsideration of the NLRC’s
SO ORDERED.24 Resolution dated August 27, 2009 but the same
remained unacted upon by the NLRC. Such bare
Daabay’s motion for reconsideration was denied in allegation, however, is insufficient to allow the issue
a Resolution25 dated December 9, 2011; hence, this to be disturbed through this petition. We take note of
petition. Daabay’s failure to attach to his petition a copy of the
motion which he allegedly filed with the NLRC. It is
It bears stressing that although the assailed CA also quite baffling why Daabay does not appear to
decision and resolution are confined to the issue of have undertaken steps to seek the NLRC’s
Daabay’s entitlement to retirement benefits, Daabay resolution on the motion, even after it remained
attempts to revive through the present petition the unresolved for more than two years from its
issue of whether or not his dismissal had factual and supposed filing.
legal bases. Thus, instead of confining itself to the
issue of whether or not Daabay should be entitled to Granting that such motion to reconsider was filed
the retirement benefits that were awarded by the with the NLRC, the labor tribunal shall first be given
NLRC, the petition includes a plea upon the Court to the opportunity to review its findings and rulings on
affirm ELA Magbanua’s Decision, with the the issue of the legality of Daabay’s dismissal, and
modification to include: (a) his allowances and other then correct them should it find that it erred in its
benefits or their monetary equivalent in the disposition. The Court cannot, by this petition, pre-
computation of his backwages; (b) his actual empt the action which the NLRC, and the CA in case
reinstatement; and (c) damages, attorney’s fees and of an appeal, may take on the matter.
litigation expenses.
Even as we limit our present review to the lone issue
We deny the petition. that was involved in the assailed CA decision and
resolution, the Court finds no cogent reason to
We emphasize that the appeal to the CA was reverse the ruling of the CA.
brought not by Daabay but by Coca-Cola, and was
limited to the issue of whether or not the award of Daabay was declared by the NLRC to have been
retirement benefits in favor of Daabay was proper. lawfully dismissed by Coca-Cola on the grounds of
Insofar as CA-G.R. SP No. 03369-MIN was serious misconduct, breach of trust and loss of
concerned, the correctness of the NLRC’s confidence. Our pronouncement in Philippine
pronouncement on the legality of Daabay’s Airlines, Inc. v. NLRC31 on the issue of whether an
dismissal was no longer an issue, even beyond the employee who is dismissed for just cause may still
appellate court’s authority to modify. In Andaya v. claim retirement benefits equally applies to this
NLRC,26 the Court emphasized that a party who has case. We held:
not appealed from a decision may not obtain any
affirmative relief from the appellate court other than At the risk of stating the obvious, private respondent
what he had obtained from the lower court, if any, was not separated from petitioner’s employ due to
whose decision is brought up on appeal.27 Further, mandatory or optional retirement but, rather, by
we explained in Yano v. Sanchez,28 that the termination of employment for a just cause. Thus,
entrenched procedural rule in this jurisdiction is that any retirement pay provided by PAL’s "Special
a party who did not appeal cannot assign such errors Retirement & Separation Program" dated February
as are designed to have the judgment modified. All 15, 1988 or, in the absence or legal inadequacy
that he can do is to make a counter-assignment of thereof, by Article 287 of the Labor Code does not
errors or to argue on issues raised below only for the operate nor can be made to operate for the benefit
purpose of sustaining the judgment in his of private respondent. Even private respondent’s
favor.29 Due process prevents the grant of additional assertion that, at the time of her lawful dismissal, she
awards to parties who did not appeal.30 Considering was already qualified for retirement does not aid her
that Daabay had not yet appealed from the NLRC’s case because the fact remains that private
Resolution to the CA, his plea for the modification of respondent was already terminated for cause
the NLRC’s findings was then misplaced. For the thereby rendering nugatory any entitlement to
Court to review all matters that are raised in the mandatory or optional retirement pay that she might
petition would be tolerant of what Daabay was have previously possessed.32 (Citation omitted and
barred to do before the appellate court. emphasis ours)
In ruling against the grant of the retirement benefits, do not deserve the protection and concern of the
we also take note of the NLRC’s lone justification for Constitution.36 (Emphasis ours)
the award, to wit:
Clearly, considering that Daabay was dismissed on
Where from the facts obtaining, as in this case, there the grounds of serious misconduct, breach of trust
is a need to humanize the severe effects of dismissal and loss of confidence, the award based on equity
and where complainant’s entitlement to retirement was unwarranted.1âwphi1
benefits are even admitted in [Coca-Cola’s] motion
to reduce bond, [w]e can do no less but tilt the scales Even the NLRC’s reliance on the alleged admission
of justice in favor of labor as a measure of equity and by Coca-Cola in its motion to reduce bond that
compassionate social justice, taking into Daabay is entitled to retirement benefits is
consideration the circumstances obtaining in this misplaced. Apparently, the supposed admission by
case.33 (Emphasis ours) Coca-Cola was based on the following:

Being intended as a mere measure of equity and In support of its motion to reduce bond, Coca-cola
social justice, the NLRC’s award was then akin to a seeks leniency for its failure to include in the posting
financial assistance or separation pay that is granted of the bond the monetary award for [Daabay’s]
to a dismissed employee notwithstanding the legality retirement benefits which, as directed by the
of his dismissal. Jurisprudence on such financial Executive Labor Arbiter, should be computed in
assistance and separation pay then equally apply to accordance with the latest Collective Bargaining
this case. The Court has ruled, time and again, that Agreement prior to his termination. Coca-Cola
financial assistance, or whatever name it is called, explains that the amount of the retirement benefits
as a measure of social justice is allowed only in has not been determined and there is a need to
instances where the employee is validly dismissed compute the same on appeal. x x x.37
for causes other than serious misconduct or those
reflecting on his moral character.34 We explained in It is patent that the statements made by Coca-Cola
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company v. were in light of ELA Magbanua’s ruling that Daabay
NLRC35: was illegally dismissed. Furthermore, any admission
was only for the purpose of explaining the non-
[S]eparation pay shall be allowed as a measure of inclusion of the amount of retirement benefits in the
social justice only in those instances where the computation of the appeal bond posted with the
employee is validly dismissed for causes other than NLRC. Coca-Cola’s statements should be taken in
serious misconduct or those reflecting on his moral such context, and could not be deemed to bind the
character. Where the reason for the valid dismissal company even after the NLRC had reversed the
is, for example, habitual intoxication or an offense finding of illegal dismissal. And although retirement
involving moral turpitude, like theft or illicit sexual benefits, where not mandated by law, may still be
relations with a fellow worker, the employer may not granted by agreement of the employees and their
be required to give the dismissed employee employer or as a voluntary act of the
separation pay, or financial assistance, or whatever employer,38 there is no proof that any of these
other name it is called, on the ground of social incidents attends the instant case.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The
A contrary rule would, as the petitioner correctly Decision dated June 24, 2011 and Resolution dated
argues, have the effect, of rewarding rather than December 9, 2011 of the Court of Appeals in CA-
punishing the erring employee for his offense. And G.R. SP No. 03369-MIN are AFFIRMED.
we do not agree that the punishment is his dismissal
only and that the separation pay has nothing to do SO ORDERED.
with the wrong he has committed. Of course it has.
Indeed, if the employee who steals from the
company is granted separation pay even as he is
validly dismissed, it is not unlikely that he will commit
a similar offense in his next employment because he G.R. No. 165951 March 30, 2010
thinks he can expect a like leniency if he is again
found out. This kind of misplaced compassion is not SOLIDBANK CORPORATION, Petitioner,
going to do labor in general any good as it will vs.
encourage the infiltration of its ranks by those who NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION;
MARTINEZ, MA. VICTORIA LABORTE, Before this Court is a Petition for Review
ROBERTO F. MADRID, EVELYN S. SERVIETO, on certiorari,1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court,
MILAGROS MUJER, GIL CABAÑAS, LILIA CUAN, seeking to set aside the May 28, 2004 Decision2 and
NORMA V. GO, IRMA M. MANAOIS, WILFREDO October 28, 2004 Resolution3 of the Court of
SANTOS, BIENVENIDO M. SILANGIL, awarded financial assistance to respondents
GODOFREDO F. DE LEON, NORMAN R. REYES, Rodolfo Bombita et al. out of "compassionate
ALFONSO S. MORALES, JR., MERCEDITA I. justice" despite the fact that petitioner Solidbank
MAGSUMBOL, ROSARIO G. UMALI, VICENTA Corporation had already paid the respondents their
LOPEZ, PRISCILLA F. CRUZ, MA. CARMEN A. separation pay in accordance with Article 283 of the
ROSARIO, RUBEN A. FELEBRICO, RUBY ROSA The facts of the case are as follows:
Sometime in May 2000, petitioner decided to cease
its commercial banking operations and forthwith
surrendered to the Bangko Central ng Pilipinas its
expanded banking license. As a result of petitioner’s
decision to cease its operations, 1,867 of its
employees would be terminated.
RICARDO M. BONDOC, ROLANDO M. HALLIG, On July 25, 2000, petitioner sent individual letters to
ROMEO C. BONDOC, HENRY F. LEE LEONG, its employees, including respondents, advising them
FRANCISCA S. ZABALA, RENE G. ALBANA, of its decision to cease operations and informing
EDUARDO T. JUAN, MERLIN L. VILLASIS, them that their employment would be terminated.
EDWIN O. CACHO, NICOLAS S. DIAZ, EDUARDO The pertinent portions of said letter are hereunder
M. LIMBAGA, JESUS P. TREYES, MAXIMO S. reproduced, to wit:
PALAFOX, EVANGELINE S. YANZON, DARIO V. With the cessation of the banking operations of
ABOGA, MODESTO V. BALTAZAR, ROBERTO L. Solidbank Corporation and the surrender of its
MAPA, ISAURO A. ARELLANO, MAXIMO D. banking license to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
SUNER, NOMER A. VIDAL, EDUARDO V. (BSP), the employment of all Solidbankers will have
ILAGAN, ROMEO D. MENDOZA, FLORO A. to be terminated.
We regret that your services as an employee of financial assistance of one month’s salary to
Solidbank are hereby terminated, effective the close respondents. The dispositive portion of the Decision
of business hours on 31 August 2000. Your reads:
separation package will be in accordance with the
implementing guidelines issued to all officers and WHEREFORE, the Complaints for illegal dismissal
staff in President/CEO D.N. Vistan’s Memorandum filed by the complainants under the above-stated
of 14 July 2000. You will receive your separation pay case numbers are hereby dismissed for lack of merit.
only upon release of your clearance, but not later However, inspired by compassionate justice, this
than the effectivity date of your termination from the Office hereby orders the respondent Solidbank
Bank. Corporation to provide each complainant a financial
assistance of one month’s salary.
We wish you success in your future endeavors.4
Metrobank’s motion to dismiss the claim against it
On July 31, 2000, petitioner sent to the Department for want of jurisdiction is DENIED for lack of merit.
of Labor and Employment a letter5 dated July 28,
2000, informing said office of the termination of its Complainants’ motion to admit annexes dated
employees, the pertinent portions of which read: March 12, 2001, together with their motions to
amend affidavits/complaints dated January 22, 2001
In compliance with the provisions of Article 283 of are hereby GRANTED for being meritorious.
the Labor Code, we would like to inform the
Department of Labor and Employment that Solidbank’s counterclaim is dismissed for lack of
Solidbank Corporation will cease operations and merit.
surrender its banking license to the Bangko Sentral
ng Pilipinas effective 31 August 2000. SO ORDERED.9

Due to the cessation of the Bank’s operations, the Both parties appealed the LA’s Decision to the
employment of all officers and staff of Solidbank will National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC).
be terminated effective the close of business hours
on 31 August 2000. As a result, the Bank will On October 29, 2002, the NLRC rendered a
implement a separation program in accordance with Decision10 affirming the findings of the LA that
the attached guidelines. The separation package respondents were validly terminated. The NLRC
offered to Solidbankers is more than what is required ruled that the closure of a business is an authorized
by law.6 cause sanctioned under Article 283 of the Labor
Code and one that is ultimately a management
Petitioner granted to its employees separation pay prerogative. The NLRC, however, modified the LA’s
equivalent to 150% of gross monthly pay per year of Decision by increasing the amount of financial
service, and cash equivalent of earned and accrued assistance to two month’s salary out of
vacation and sick leaves as a result of their compassionate justice. The dispositive portion of the
dismissal. Upon receipt of their separation pay, the Decision reads:
employees of petitioner, including respondents,
individually signed a "Release, Waiver, and WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision
Quitclaim."7 appealed from is affirmed with modification as to the
award of the financial assistance.
On September 27, 2000, respondents filed with the
Labor Arbiter (LA) complaints for illegal dismissal, SO ORDERED.11
underpayment of separation pay, plus damages and
attorney’s fees, and these were docketed as NLRC Aggrieved by the NLRC Decision, petitioner then
NCR Case Nos. 30-09-03843-00, 30-1004350-00, appealed to the CA, specifically questioning the
30-10-03928-00, 30-10-04200-00, and 30-10- grant of financial assistance to respondents.
On May 28, 2004, the CA rendered a Decision
On July 22, 2002, the LA rendered a Decision8 ruling reversing the Decision of the NLRC. The CA shared
that respondents were validly terminated from the view of the LA that respondents should only be
employment as a result of petitioner’s decision to awarded one month’s salary as financial assistance
cease its banking operations. The LA, however, and not two month’s salary as previously decreed by
inspired by compassionate justice, awarded
the NLRC. The dispositive portion of the Decision On this note, it is well settled that this Court is not a
reads: trier of facts. To begin with, the question of whether
respondents were dismissed for authorized cause is
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the assailed a question of fact which is beyond the province of a
Decision is hereby REVERSED, and the 22 July petition for review on certiorari. It is fundamental that
2002 Decision of the Labor Arbiter is hereby the scope of the Supreme Court’s judicial review
REINSTATED. under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court is confined only
to errors of law. It does not extend to questions of
SO ORDERED.12 fact; more so, in labor cases where the doctrine
applies with greater force.18
Petitioner then filed a motion for reconsideration,
which was, however, denied by the CA in a The LA and the NLRC have already determined the
Resolution dated October 28, 2004. factual issues, and these were affirmed by the CA.
Thus, they are accorded not only great respect but
Hence, herein petition, with petitioner raising the also finality, and are deemed binding upon this Court
following assignment of errors, to wit: so long as they are supported by substantial
evidence. A heavy burden rests upon respondents
THERE IS NO LEGAL BASIS FOR THE COURT OF to convince the Court that it should take exception
APPEALS’ AWARD OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE from such a settled rule.19
THE RESPONDENTS AFTER ITS FINDING THAT Moreover, what is damning to the cause of the
SOLIDBANK HAS MORE THAN COMPLIED WITH respondents is the fact that the issue of the validity
THE MANDATE OF THE LAW ON PAYMENT OF of their dismissal is now already final. As correctly
SEPARATION PAY.13 manifested by petitioner, respondents had earlier
filed with this Court a petition for review20 dated
THE AWARD OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE December 28, 2004, docketed as G.R. No. 165985,
CANNOT BE JUSTIFIED ON THE BASIS OF entitled Rodolfo Bombita, et al. v. Solidbank
"COMPASSIONATE JUSTICE" AND AS A FORM Corporation, et al., which questioned the validity of
OF "EQUITABLE RELIEF."14 their termination. A perusal of said petition shows
that the issues raised therein are the very same
issues respondents now raise in their Comment. On
February 21, 2005, this Court’s Second Division
issued a Resolution21 denying respondents’ petition
for review. On September 20, 2005, an Entry of
Judgment22 was rendered. Based on the foregoing,
the validity of the termination of respondents is an
issue that this Court must no longer look into as a
necessary consequence of the denial of their petition
for review before this Court.
The petition is meritorious. The errors being
Now, going to the issues raised by petitioner, this
interrelated, this Court shall discuss the same
Court finds the same to be impressed with merit.
Article 283 of the Labor Code provides:
Before anything else, this Court shall first address
the allegations raised by respondents in their
Comment,16 which deal with the issue of the validity ARTICLE 283. Closure of establishment and
of their termination. Respondents, in the main, claim reduction of personnel. - The employer may also
that their termination was unlawful as petitioner did terminate the employment of any employee due to
not really cease its operations.17 Thus, the installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy,
notwithstanding their admission that the LA, the retrenchment to prevent losses or the closing or
NLRC, and the CA all ruled in unison that their cessation of operation of the establishment or
termination was in accordance with law, undertaking unless the closing is for the purpose of
respondents seek this Court’s discretion to reverse circumventing the provisions of this Title, by serving
such findings. a written notice on the workers and the Ministry of
Labor and Employment at least one (1) month before
the intended date thereof. In case of termination due
to the installation of labor-saving devices or months salary to each employee. This means that
redundancy, the worker affected thereby shall be Solidbank now has the obligation to pay the
entitled to a separation pay equivalent to at least his employees not only their wages, benefits and other
one (1) month pay or to at least one (1) month pay privileges under the law, and separation pay in an
for every year of service, whichever is higher. In amount equivalent to 150% of their one month’s pay,
case of retrenchment to prevent losses and in cases but also financial assistance equivalent to two
of closures or cessation of operations of months pay to each employee. Such a situation
establishment or undertaking not due to serious cannot be upheld by this Court. As discussed above,
business losses or financial reverses, the separation all that the law requires in cases of dismissal due to
pay shall be equivalent to one (1) month pay or at an authorized cause is that the employer must pay
least one-half (1/2) month pay for every year of financial assistance or separation pay in an amount
service, whichever is higher. A fraction of at least six equivalent to "one month’s pay or one-half month’s
(6) months shall be considered one (1) whole for every year of service, whichever is
year. 23 higher." Solidbank has complied with the mandate of
the law. Hence, it would be unjust and inequitable to
Based on Article 283, in case of cessation of allow the employees to receive higher benefits than
operations, the employer is only required to pay his those prescribed by the Labor Code and
employees a separation pay of one month pay or at jurisprudence.25
least one-half month pay for every year of service,
whichever is higher. That is all that the law requires. Moreover, a review of jurisprudence relating to the
application of "compassionate and social justice" in
In the case at bar, petitioner paid respondents the granting financial assistance in labor cases shows
following: (a) separation pay computed at 150% of that the same has been generally used in instances
their gross monthly pay per year of service; and (b) when an employee has been dismissed for a just
cash equivalent of earned and accrued vacation and cause under Article 282 of the Labor Code and not
sick leaves. Clearly, petitioner had gone over and when an employee has been dismissed for an
above the requirements of the law. Despite this, authorized cause under Article 283.
however, petitioner has been ordered to pay
respondents an additional amount, equivalent to one As a general rule, an employee who has been
month’s salary, as a form of financial assistance. dismissed for any of the just causes enumerated
under Article 28226of the Labor Code is not entitled
The LA awarded the financial assistance out of to separation pay.27 Although by way of exception,
"compassionate justice." The CA affirmed such the grant of separation pay or some other financial
grant also out of "compassionate justice" and as a assistance may be allowed to an employee
form of "equitable relief" for the employees who were dismissed for just causes on the basis of equity.28
suddenly dismissed due to exigencies of business.24
The reason that the law does not statutorily grant
After a thorough consideration of the circumstances separation pay or financial assistance in instances
at bar, this Court finds that the award of financial of termination due to a just cause is precisely
assistance is bereft of legal basis and serves to because the cause for termination is due to the acts
penalize petitioner who has complied with the of the employee. In such instances, however, this
requirements of the law. Court, inspired by compassionate and social justice,
has in the past awarded financial assistance to
It behooves this Court as to why the CA affirmed the dismissed employees when circumstances
grant of financial assistance notwithstanding its warranted such an award.1avvphi1
pronouncement that it would be inequitable to allow
respondents to receive benefits than those In Central Philippines Bandag Retreaders, Inc. v.
prescribed by law and jurisprudence, to wit: Diasnes,29 this Court discussed the parameters of
awarding separation pay to dismissed employees as
In the instant case, both the Labor Arbiter and the a measure of financial assistance, viz:
NLRC upheld the validity of the dismissal of the
employees and of the quitclaim agreements To reiterate our ruling in Toyota, labor adjudicatory
between the affected employees and employer officials and the CA must demur the award of
Solidbank. However, it was a strange occurrence separation pay based on social justice when an
when the NLRC granted an additional award of employee’s dismissal is based on serious
separation pay in an amount equivalent to two misconduct or willful disobedience; gross and
habitual neglect of duty; fraud or willful breach of countenance, as the same serves to penalize
trust; or commission of a crime against the person of petitioner, which has already given more than what
the employer or his immediate family - grounds the law requires. Moreover, any award of additional
under Art. 282 of the Labor Code that sanction financial assistance to respondents would put them
dismissals of employees. They must be most at an advantage and in a better position than the rest
judicious and circumspect in awarding separation of their co-employees who similarly lost their
pay or financial assistance as the constitutional employment because of petitioner’s decision to
policy to provide full protection to labor is not meant cease its operations.
to be an instrument to oppress the employers. The
commitment of the Court to the cause of labor should Withal, the law, in protecting the rights of the
not embarrass us from sustaining the employers laborers, authorizes neither oppression nor self-
when they are right, as here. In fine, we should be destruction of the employer. While the Constitution
more cautious in awarding financial assistance to is committed to the policy of social justice and the
the undeserving and those who are unworthy of the protection of the working class, it should not be
liberality of the law.30 supposed that every labor dispute will be
automatically decided in favor of labor. The
Thus, in Philippine Commercial International Bank v. management also has its own rights, as such, are
Abad,31 this Court, having considered the entitled to respect and enforcement in the interest of
circumstances present therein and as a measure of simple fair play. Out of its concern for those with less
social justice, awarded separation pay to a privileges in life, the Supreme Court has inclined
dismissed employee for a just cause under Article more often than not toward the worker and upheld
282. The same concession was given by this Court his cause in his conflicts with the employer. Such
in Aparente, Sr. v. National Labor Relations favoritism, however, has not blinded the Court to the
Commission32 and Tanala v. National Labor rule that justice is in every case for the deserving, to
Relations Commission.33 be dispensed in the light of the established facts and
applicable law and doctrine.34
Looking now at Article 283, this Court holds that the
same was drafted by the legislature, taking the best WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is
interest of laborers in mind. It is clear that the causes GRANTED. The May 28, 2004 Decision and
of the termination of an employee under Article 283 October 28, 2004 Resolution of the Court of
are due to circumstances beyond their control, such Appeals, in CA-G.R SP No. 76879, are REVERSED
as when management decides to reduce personnel and SET ASIDE.
based on valid grounds, or when the employer
decides to cease operations. Thus, the bias towards SO ORDERED.
labor is very apparent, as the employer is statutorily
required to pay separation pay, the amount of which EN BANC
is also statutorily prescribed.
G.R. No. 196201 June 19, 2012
While the CA should not be faulted for sympathizing
with the plight of respondents as they suddenly lost
FRANCISCO T. DUQUE III, in his capacity as
their means of livelihood, this Court holds that it is
Chairman of the CIVIL SERVICE
precisely because of the sudden loss of employment
COMMISSION, Petitioner,
− one that is beyond the control of labor − that the
law statutorily grants separation pay and dictates
how the same should be computed. Thus, any
business establishment that decides to cease its
operations has the burden of complying with the law. DECISION
This Court should refrain from adding more than
what the law requires, as the same is within the BRION, J.:
realm of the legislature.
We review the petition filed under Rule 45 of the
It bears to stress, however, that petitioner may, as it Rules of Court by petitioner Francisco T. Duque III,
has done, grant on a voluntary and ex gratia basis, in his capacity as Chairman of the Civil Service
any amount more than what is required by the law, Commission (CSC), assailing the decision1 and the
but to insist that more financial assistance be given resolution2 issued by the Court of Appeals (CA)3 in
is certainly something that this Court cannot CA-G.R. SP No. 01682-MIN. The CA modified CSC
Resolution No. 061714,4 finding Florentino Veloso The Present Petition
(respondent) guilty of dishonesty, by reducing the
penalty imposed by the CSC from dismissal from the The CSC argues that the CA disregarded the
service to suspension from office for one year applicable law and jurisprudence which penalize the
without pay. offense of dishonesty with dismissal from the
service. The CSC also argues that there are no
The Facts mitigating circumstances to warrant a reduction of
the penalty, for the following reasons:
The records show that the respondent, then District
Supervisor of Quedan and Rural Credit Guarantee (1) The respondent’s length of service
Corporation (Quedancor), Cagayan de Oro City, aggravated his dishonesty since the
was administratively charged with three (3) counts of respondent took advantage of his authority
dishonesty in connection with his unauthorized over a subordinate and disregarded his oath
withdrawals of money deposited by Juanito Quino that a public office is a public trust. The
(complainant), a client of Quedancor. The respondent’s length of service cannot also
complainant applied for a restructuring of his loan be considered mitigating given the number of
with Quedancor and deposited the amount of times the dishonest acts were committed and
₱50,000.00 to Quedancor’s cashier for his Manila the supervisory position held by the
account. In three (3) separate occasions, the respondent.
respondent, without notice and authority from the
complainant and with the assistance of Quedancor’s (2) The admission of guilt and the restitution
cashier, managed to withdraw the ₱50,000.00 by the respondent were made in 2003, while
deposit. Upon the discovery of the withdrawals, the the misappropriation took place in 2001. The
complainant demanded the return of the money and respondent admitted his culpability and
called the attention of the manager of Quedancor in effected payment not because of his desire
Cagayan de Oro City, who issued to the respondent to right a wrong but because he feared
a memorandum requiring him to explain the possible administrative liabilities.
withdrawals and to return the money.
(3) The respondent was charged with, and
In compliance with the memorandum, the admitted having committed, dishonesty in
respondent returned the money. The respondent three separate occasions.
admitted having received the ₱50,000.00 from
Quedancor’s cashier knowing that it was intended (4) Section 52(A)(1), Rule IV of the Uniform
for the complainant’s loan repayment. Rules imposes dismissal from the service for
dishonesty, even for the first offense.
From the established facts, the respondent was
charged by Quedancor with dishonesty, and was In compliance with our Minute Resolution dated May
subsequently found guilty of the charges and 31, 2011, the respondent filed his comment to the
dismissed from the service. The CSC affirmed the petition. The respondent begs the Court to apply
findings and conclusions of Quedancor on appeal. jurisprudence where the Court, for humanitarian
reasons, refrained from meting out the actual
Dissatisfied with the adverse rulings of Quedancor penalties imposed by law, in the presence of
and the CSC, the respondent elevated his case to mitigating circumstances. In this case, the
the CA which adjudged him guilty of dishonesty, but respondent calls attention to the following
modified the penalty of dismissal to one (1) year circumstances: (1) that he is the sole breadwinner of
suspension from office without pay. The CA cited the his family; (2) his length of service with Quedancor;
case of Miel v. Malindog5 as supporting basis and and (3) other than this case, no other administrative
relied on Section 53, Rule IV of the Uniform Rules case had been filed against him for his past 21 years
on Administrative Cases (Uniform Rules) which of government service.6
allows the appreciation of mitigating circumstances
in the determination of the proper imposable penalty. The Issue
The CA took into account the following mitigating
circumstances: (1) the respondent’s length of The issue in this case is the determination of the
service of 18 years; (2) the prompt admission of proper administrative penalty to be imposed on the
culpability; (3) the return of the money; and (4) the respondent.
respondent’s status as a first time offender.
The Court’s Ruling In the clearest of terms, the CA upheld that factual
findings of the CSC. Thus, it is on the basis of these
We grant the petition. findings that we must now make our own
independent appreciation of the circumstances cited
Dismissal from the service is the prescribed penalty by the respondent and appreciated by the CA as
imposed by Section 52(A)(1), Rule IV of the Uniform mitigating circumstances. After a careful review of
Rules for the commission of dishonesty even as a the records and jurisprudence, we disagree with the
first offense. The aforesaid rule underscores the CA’s conclusion that mitigating circumstances
constitutional principle that public office is a public warrant the mitigation of the prescribed penalty
trust and only those who can live up to such exacting imposed against the respondent.
standard deserve the honor of continuing in public
service.7 It is true that Section 53, Rule IV of the First, we have repeatedly held that length of service
Uniform Rules provides the application of mitigating, can either be a mitigating or an aggravating
aggravating or alternative circumstances in the circumstance depending on the facts of each
imposition of administrative penalties. Section 53, case.12 While in most cases, length of service is
Rule IV applies only when clear proof is shown, considered in favor of the respondent, it is not
using the specific standards set by law and considered where the offense committed is found to
jurisprudence, that the facts in a given case justify be serious or grave;13 or when the length of service
the mitigation of the prescribed penalty. helped the offender commit the infraction.14 The
factors against mitigation are present in this case.
In appreciating the presence of mitigating,
aggravating or alternative circumstances to a given Under the circumstances, the administrative offense
case, two constitutional principles come into play of dishonesty committed by the respondent was
which the Court is tasked to balance. The first is serious on account of the supervisory position he
public accountability which requires the Court to held at Quedancor and the nature of Quedancor’s
consider the improvement of public service, and the business. Quedancor deals with the administration,
preservation of the public’s faith and confidence in management and disposition of public funds which
the government by ensuring that only individuals the respondent was entrusted to handle.
who possess good moral character, integrity and
competence are employed in the government The respondent’s dishonest acts carried grave
service.8 The second relates to social justice which consequences because Quedancor is a credit and
gives the Court the discretionary leeway to lessen guarantee institution, and the public’s perception of
the harsh effects of the wrongdoing committed by an its credibility is critical. In this case, the sanction of
offender for equitable and humanitarian dismissal imposed on the respondent as a dishonest
considerations. employee assures the public that: first, public funds
belonging to Quedancor are used for their intended
A significant aspect which the CA failed to consider purpose; second, public funds are released to their
under the circumstances is the inapplicability to the proper recipients only after strict compliance with the
present case of the Court’s ruling in Vicente A. Miel standard operating procedure of Quedancor is
v. Jesus A. Malindog,9 which in turn cited Apuyan, Jr. followed; and lastly, only employees who are
v. Sta. Isabel10 and Civil Service Commission v. competent, honest and trustworthy may manage,
Belagan.11 The rulings in these three (3) cases were administer and handle public funds in Quedancor.
rendered under different factual circumstances
involving dishonest acts, i.e., submission of false Like a bank, Quedancor as a credit and guarantee
entries in the Personal Data Sheet, the solicitation of institution is expected to observe the highest degree
money, or the non-compliance with the prescribed of competence and diligence as it is a business
court procedure, among others. In terms of imbued with public interest.15 To promote trust and
seriousness and gravity, these dishonest acts differ confidence, employees in Quedancor are expected
from the dishonest acts committed by the to possess the highest standards of integrity and
respondent who used public funds under his moral uprightness. The respondent’s dismissal from
responsibility for his own personal benefit. Unlike the the service is a measure of self-protection and self-
cases cited by the CA, we also take into account the preservation by Quedancor of its reputation before
nature of Quedancor’s business – it is a credit and its clients and the public.
guarantee institution where the public perception of
the official’s credibility and reputation is material. We additionally note that length of service should
also be taken against the respondent; the infraction
he committed and the number of times he committed guilt and the restitution effected were clearly mere
the violations demonstrate the highest degree of afterthoughts made two (2) years after the
ingratitude and ungratefulness to an institution that commission of the offense and after the
has been the source of his livelihood for 18 years. administrative complaint against him was filed. With
His actions constitute no less than disloyalty and these circumstances in mind, we do not find it
betrayal of the trust and confidence the institution justified to relieve the respondent of the full
reposed in him. They constitute ingratitude for the consequences of his dishonest actions.
opportunities given to him over the years for career
advancement. Had it not been for the respondent’s All told, in reversing the CA’s decision, we
length of service, he could not have taken the emphasize that the principle of social justice cannot
subject funds for his own use as he could not have be properly applied in the respondent’s case to
held a supervisory position. In addition, the shield him from the full consequences of his
respondent’s length of service allowed him to take dishonesty. The Court, in Philippine Long Distance
advantage of his familiarity with Quedancor Telephone Co. v. NLRC,20 clearly recognized the
operations and employees – a factor that made the limitations in invoking social justice:
misappropriation possible.
The policy of social justice is not intended to
Second, the circumstance that this is the countenance wrongdoing simply because it is
respondent’s first administrative offense should not committed by the underprivileged. At best it may
benefit him. By the express terms of Section 52, mitigate the penalty but it certainly will not condone
Rule IV of the Uniform Rules, the commission of an the offense. Compassion for the poor is an
administrative offense classified as a serious imperative of every humane society but only when
offense (like dishonesty) is punishable by dismissal the recipient is not a rascal claiming an undeserved
from the service even for the first time. In other privilege. Social justice cannot be permitted to be
words, the clear language of Section 52, Rule IV [the] refuge of scoundrels any more than can
does not consider a first-time offender as a equity be an impediment to the punishment of
mitigating circumstance. Likewise, under statutory the guilty. Those who invoke social justice may
construction principles, a special provision prevails do so only if their hands are clean and their
over a general provision.16 Section 53, Rule IV of the motives blameless and not simply because they
Uniform Rules, a general provision relating to the happen to be poor. This great policy of our
appreciation of mitigating, aggravating or alternative Constitution is not meant for the protection of those
circumstances, must thus yield to the provision of who have proved they are not worthy of it, like the
Section 52, Rule IV of the Uniform Rules which workers who have tainted the cause of labor with the
expressly provides for the penalty of dismissal even blemishes of their own character.21 [Emphases
for the first commission of the offense. supplied.]

While we are not unmindful of the existing Prejudice to the service is not only through wrongful
jurisprudence17 cited by the respondent where the disbursement of public funds or loss of public
penalty of dismissal from the service was not property.22Greater damage comes with the public’s
imposed despite the clear language of Section 52, perception of corruption and incompetence in the
Rule IV of the Uniform Rules, the respondent failed government.23
to clearly show exceptional and compelling reasons
to justify a deviation from the general rule. Thus, the Constitution stresses that a public office is
a public trust and public officers must at all times be
Finally, we reject as mitigating circumstances the accountable to the people, serve them with utmost
respondent’s admission of his culpability and the responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and efficiency, act
restitution of the amount.1âwphi1 As pointed out by with patriotism and justice, and lead modest
the CSC, the respondent made use of the lives.24 These constitutionally-enshrined principles,
complainant’s money in 2001 while the restitution oft-repeated in our case law, are not mere rhetorical
was made only in 2003, during the pendency of the flourishes or idealistic sentiments. They should be
administrative case against him.18 Under the taken as working standards by all in the public
circumstances, the restitution was half-hearted and service.25
was certainly neither purely voluntary nor made
because of the exercise of good conscience; it was WHEREFORE, premises considered, we GRANT
triggered, more than anything else, by his fear of the petition, and REVERSE and SET ASIDE the
possible administrative penalties.19 The admission of decision dated August 20, 2010 and the resolution
dated March 8, 2011 issued by the Court of Appeals Field Office on April 16, 1999 for verification and
in CA-G.R. SP No. 01682-MIN. The resolutions of approval.8 It was then discovered that Dumduma did
the Civil Service Commission, affirming the decision not have the proper civil service eligibility, contrary
dated August 11, 2004 of the Quedan and Rural to what he disclosed in his PDS. His name was not
Credit Guarantee Corporation, imposing upon included in the CSC-National Capital Region (CSC-
respondent Florentino Veloso the penalty of NCR) Regional Register of Eligibles for the Career
dismissal from the service, with the accessory Service Professional Examination conducted on
penalties of cancellation of eligibility, forfeiture of December 15, 1998; instead, his name appeared in
retirement benefits, and perpetual disqualification for the Regional List of Passing/Failing Examinees with
reemployment in the government service, for a rating of 25.82%. Accordingly, the director of the
dishonesty, are hereby REINSTATED. CSC-NCR, Adoracion F. Arenas disapproved
Dumduma’s appointment on the ground of spurious
SO ORDERED. eligibility.9 On June 6, 2002, the CSC-NCR formally
charged Dumduma with Dishonesty.10
Dumduma denied the charge.11 His version of the
G.R. No. 182606 December 4, 2011 circumstances surrounding his alleged eligibility is
as follows: Prior to the date of the examination,
Dumduma met a certain Salome Dilodilo (Dilodilo),
CESAR S. DUMDUMA, Petitioner,
who was allegedly a retired CSC director. Dilodilo
promised Dumduma her "total support in
[Dumduma’s] x x x examination [but] (i)n return, she
asked [Dumduma] to convince [his] close friend x x
DECISION x to sell x x x a property x x x [to her]."12 On the day
before the examination,13 Dumduma and Dilodilo
PER CURIAM: went to the CSC Office located at Kaliraya Street,
Quezon City in order to facilitate an early
Before the Court is a Petition for Review examination schedule14 for Dumduma. The following
on Certiorari1 assailing the January 31, 2008 day, December 15, 1998, Dumduma took the Career
Decision,2 as well as the April 10, 2008 Service Professional Examination.15 A week later,
Resolution,3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. he received his Certificate of Eligibility16 from an
SP No. 98207, which affirmed the order of the unnamed person, who claimed to be Dilodilo’s
respondent Civil Service Commission (CSC) emissary.17 The Certificate of Eligibility stated that
dismissing petitioner Cesar S. Dumduma Dumduma passed the examination with a rating of
(Dumduma) from government service. 81%.18 Dumduma then wrote the said information in
his PDS, allegedly in good faith that the Certificate
Factual Antecedents of Eligibility was authentic.

Dumduma entered public service in 1979 as a Dumduma waived the formal investigation and
patrolman in the then Integrated National Police.4 He submitted the case for resolution based on the
steadfastly rose through the ranks until he was available documents.19
promoted in 1991 as Senior Police Officer 4 (SPO4)
of the Philippine National Police (PNP). He was then Decision of Civil Service Commission-National
designated as officer-in-charge of San Miguel Police Capital Region20
Station in San Miguel, Leyte.5 On December 15,
1998, he took the Career Service Professional The CSC-NCR held that the Certificate of Eligibility
Examination in Quezon City.6 relied upon by Dumduma in making his PDS entry
was spurious because it was contrary to the CSC’s
On March 7, 1999, Dumduma filled out a Personal Regional List of Eligibles. The Regional List prevails
Data Sheet (PDS) pursuant to his promotional over the Certificate of Eligibility because the former
appointment as Police Inspector. On Item No. 18 of is the primary official record of eligibles hence is
the PDS, Dumduma stated that he passed the presumed genuine and accurate, unless proven
Career Service Professional Examination otherwise. Since Dumduma failed to satisfactorily
Computer-Assisted Test in Quezon City on explain the discrepancy posed by his Certificate of
December 15, 1998 with a rating of 81%.7 His Eligibility, the presumption is that the same was
appointment was then forwarded to the PNP-CSC falsified for his benefit.21 Based on CSC
Memorandum Circular No. 15, series of 1991, the Commission on Audit for its appropriate action.
Dumduma’s procurement and use of a spurious The CSC-NCR is hereby ordered to monitor the
Certificate of Eligibility constituted the offense of implementation of this Resolution.
Dishonesty,22 which merited dismissal from
government service with all the accessory Quezon City, January 23, 2006.28

penalties.23 Dumduma filed a Motion for Reconsideration but the

same was denied in CSC Resolution No.
Ruling of the Civil Service Commission 07030629 dated February 19, 2007.

Dumduma appealed the adverse CSC-NCR Ruling of the Court of Appeals

Decision to the CSC. Dumduma maintained his
good faith in relying on the Certificate of Eligibility Dumduma reiterated his defense of good faith in his
that was delivered to his residence. Any defect in his appeal to the CA,30 but the appellate court was
Certificate of Eligibility must be blamed on some unconvinced. The CA found substantial evidence
unnamed and unknown CSC personnel, who most supporting the conclusion that Dumduma’s
probably authored the falsification. Without any Certificate of Eligibility was spurious. It was contrary
proof that he colluded with these CSC personnel, to the entries in the Regional List of Passing/Failing
Dumduma contended that he cannot be found guilty Examinees and those in the Regional Register of
of dishonesty.24 Eligibles. Moreover, it was delivered to Dumduma
contrary to the standard operating procedures of
In its Resolution No. 06009825 dated January 23, CSC.31
2006, the CSC found Dumduma’s version of how he
obtained his certificate of eligibility implausible. The The CA held that Dumduma’s possession and use
CSC noted that the standard operating procedure for of the falsified certificate for his own benefit created
the Career Service Professional Examination the presumption that he was the author of such
Computer-Assisted Test is to hand-over the falsification. It was incumbent upon Dumduma to
certificates of eligibility of the passers immediately overcome the said presumption with controverting
after the examination. Since Dumduma did not get evidence. His bare assertion of good faith did not
his certificate in the standard manner, he had the suffice as a rebuttal.32
burden of explaining what merited the unorthodox
procedure. This he failed to do.26 The CA disposed in this wise:

The CSC further held that Dumduma failed to rebut WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant
the presumption that he, as possessor of a falsified petition is DISMISSED. The assailed CSC
document, was the author thereof. His bare Resolutions STAND.
assertion of good faith could not stand against the
presumption.27 The CSC thus affirmed the CSC- SO ORDERED.33
NCR’s Decision. The dispositive portion of the
CSC’s January 23, 2006 Dumduma moved for a reconsideration but the CA
denied the same in its Resolution dated April 10,
Resolution reads as follows: 2008.34

WHEREFORE, the appeal of Cesar S. Dumduma is Our Ruling

Petitioner Dumduma is now before us questioning
DISMISSED. Accordingly, the Decision dated March the sufficiency of the evidence against him. He is of
19, 2004 of the CSC-NCR, finding him guilty of the impression that he was found guilty of dishonesty
Dishonesty and imposing on him the penalty of on a mere presumption – that the holder of a forged
dismissal from the service, forfeiture of retirement document is the forger – despite the presence of
benefits and perpetual disqualification from contrary evidence.35 His alleged contrary evidence
reemployment in the government service is hereby consist of the apparent authenticity of his Certificate
AFFIRMED. Further, since this involves of Eligibility (which did not alert him to any irregularity
disbursements of funds for the salaries and benefits therein)36 and the absence of evidence that he
of Dumduma after his appointment was
disapproved, let a copy of this decision be furnished
colluded with CSC personnel to falsify the of good faith in administrative cases such as this one
certificate.37 is explained in a recent case in this wise:

The question raised by Dumduma regarding the Good faith is ordinarily used to describe that state of
CA’s appreciation of the evidence against him is mind denoting honesty of intention and freedom
ineluctably one of fact, which is beyond the ambit of from knowledge of circumstances which ought to put
this Court’s jurisdiction in a petition for review on the holder upon inquiry; an honest intention to
certiorari. It is not this Court’s task to go over the abstain from taking any unconscientious advantage
proofs presented below to ascertain if they were of another, even through technicalities of law,
appreciated and weighed correctly, most especially together with absence of all information, notice, or
when the CA and the CSC speak as one in their benefit or belief of facts which render [a] transaction
findings and conclusions.38 While it is widely held unconscientious. In short, good faith is actually a
that this rule of limited jurisdiction admits of question of intention. Although this is something
exceptions, none exists, or is even alleged as internal, we can ascertain a person’s intention not
existing, in the instant case. from his own protestation of good faith, which is self-
serving, but from evidence of his conduct and
The Court agrees with the CSC and the CA that the outward acts.40
undisputed facts, as revealed by the evidence, make
out a clear case of dishonesty against Dumduma. In the instant case, the facts and circumstances
When Dumduma’s claim of eligibility was surrounding Dumduma’s acquisition of the
contradicted by the CSC Register of Eligibles and Certificate of Eligibility cast serious doubts on his
the List of Passing/Failing Examinees, it became good faith. He made a deal with a retired CSC official
incumbent upon Dumduma to explain why he made and accepted the Certificate of Eligibility from her
the incorrect entry in his PDS. Unlike his PDS entry, representative. These circumstances reveal
the CSC records are presumed correct and made in Dumduma’s knowledge that Dilodilo could have
the regular course of official business.39 In pulled strings in order to obtain his Certificate of
explaining his action, however, Dumduma dug a Eligibility and have it delivered to his residence. How
deeper hole from which he could not extricate else would a retired employee obtain the said
himself. certificate? Dumduma cannot feign innocence given
his unquestioning cooperation with Dilodilo.
He admitted in his Counter-Affidavit that Dilodilo, a
retired CSC official, promised to help him with his Besides, whether some CSC personnel should be
CSC examination in exchange for a personal favor. held administratively liable for falsifying Dumduma’s
They then proceeded to the CSC Office together and Certificate of Eligibility is beside the point. The fact
Dilodilo was welcomed by her former colleagues. that someone else falsified the certificate will not
After Dumduma took the exam, he went home excuse Dumduma for knowingly using the same for
without knowing the result thereof (a procedure that his career advancement.
is contrary to CSC practice). Several days later,
Dumduma professed that he received his Certificate Dumduma maintains that it is entirely possible that
of Eligibility from a man sent by Dilodilo, who is a his Certificate of Eligibility is correct and that the
retiree hence without official ties with the CSC. CSC’s Register of Eligibles and the List of
Instead of exculpating him, Dumduma’s explanation Passing/Failing Examinees are the ones with
completed the evidence against him. He not only incorrect entries. In light of the circumstances, the
failed to explain the discrepancy, he even explained Court cannot accept this theory. As Dumduma
how he obtained a spurious Certificate of Eligibility. himself admitted, he did not obtain the Certificate of
Eligibility from the CSC but from a representative of
Dumduma asserts that, despite the questionable his facilitator, Dilodilo. The official records kept by
circumstances, he is in good faith and that the blame the CSC deserve credence compared to a certificate
is with the CSC personnel who gave him a that admittedly originated from a dubious
Certificate of Eligibility. Their actions should not be source.1avvphi1
attributable to him, unless there is evidence that he
colluded with them. This is not the first time that a government employee
had been dismissed from service for falsification of
Dumduma’s contention is in stark contrast to his his eligibility for appointment purposes.
admissions and does not merit belief. The concept
Maniebo v. Court of Appeals41 is analogous to the constitutional exhortation that public office is a public
instant case. Maniebo denied any participation in the trust deserve the honor of continuing in public
preparation of her spurious Certificate of Eligibility. service.
She maintained that she only received the same
through the mails and was in good faith in submitting Dumduma makes a final plea for leniency but the law
the same for her appointment. The Court held that and the prevailing jurisprudence binds the hands of
the presumption of good faith does not apply when this Court. We cannot change the imposable
the employee’s Certificate of Eligibility conflicts with penalties for a clear case of dishonesty without at
the CSC’s Masterlist of Eligibles. Moreover, the the same time, visiting injustice against all the other
Court did not accept Maniebo’s long and satisfactory government employees that were similarly placed
government service in order to mitigate the penalty but received the full force of the law.
of dismissal. The Court noted that Maniebo was
undeserving of the mitigation given her refusal to Nevertheless, the Court recognizes that petitioner
own up to, and her lack of remorse for, her was once an outstanding member of the police force.
dishonesty. He risked life and limb serving the citizenry of Region
8 with total dedication and hard work. His service
In Bacsasar v. Civil Service record shows that, since his original appointment in
Commission,42 Bacsasar obtained her Certificate of 1979, he patiently rose through the ranks until he
Eligibility from a private individual and not from the was promoted to SPO4 in 1991. While justice
CSC. The CSC verified the spurious nature of her exhorts that petitioner suffer the full penalties
eligibility because Bacsasar was not included in the imposed by law, temperance cries out that he be
CSC Masterlist of Passing/Failing Examinees. The recognized for whatever good he has done prior to
Court rejected Bacsasar’s defense of good faith his mistake. Thus, the Court deems proper, on a pro
given that she did not even take the civil service hac vice basis, to extend financial assistance of
exam. ₱50,000.00 to petitioner, which amount shall be
taken from his forfeited retirement benefits. This
In Civil Service Commission v. Cayobit,43 Cayobit award in no sense mitigates his offense but is made
received her Certificate of Eligibility through mail and solely out of equity and humanitarian considerations.
maintained that she believed the same to be
genuine. The Court found her guilty of dishonesty WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The assailed
given that she failed to explain the discrepancy in her January 31, 2008 Decision and April 10, 2008
passing grade in the certificate and the failing grade Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP
reflected in the CSC masterlist. No. 98207 are AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION.
Petitioner is extended a FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE
Like Dumduma, the dismissed employee in Re: of ₱50,000.00, to be taken from his forfeited
Tessie G. Quires44 also maintained that she was retirement benefits on a pro hac vice basis.
merely a victim of fixers operating within the CSC
Office. The Court did not accede to her pleas and SO ORDERED.
meted the prescribed penalty for dishonesty.
Disapproved Appointment of Limgas45 also involved
an employee who maintained that she acted in G.R. No. L-58639 August 12, 1987
complete reliance that the Certificate of Eligibility
she received after taking the CSC examination was
authentic. Limgas claimed that "she was a victim of
CORPORATION), petitioner,
an injustice perpetrated by fixers, insiders and
syndicates operating in the Regional Offices of the
CSC."46 In rejecting her plea, the Court expressed its
LABOR and RAMON PILONES, respondents.
disbelief that a fixer would act for Limgas’ benefit,
without the latter having any knowledge of the
anomalous transaction.1avvphi1

Guided by the foregoing cited authorities, the Court CRUZ, J.:

holds that the CA did not err in affirming the penalty
of dismissal and all its accessory penalties imposed The private respondent was removed by the
by the CSC. Only those who can live up to the petitioner and complained to the Ministry of Labor.
His complaint was dismissed by the regional Article 282 of the Labor Code, "an employee who is
director, who was, however, reversed by the public allowed to work after a probationary period shall be
respondent. Required to reinstate the separated considered a regular employee." Hence, Pilones
employee and pay him back wages, the petitioner was already on permanent status when he was
has come to us, faulting the Deputy Minister with dismissed on August 21, 1978, or four days after he
grave abuse of discretion. We have issued in the ceased to be a probationer.
meantime a temporary restraining order. 1
The petitioner claims it could not have dismissed the
The public respondent held that Ramon Pilones, the private respondent earlier because the x-ray
private respondent, was already a permanent examination was made only on August 17, 1978,
employee at the time of his dismissal and so was and the results were not immediately available. That
entitled to security of tenure. The alleged ground for excuse is untenable. We note that when the
his removal, to wit, "pulmonary tuberculosis petitioner had all of six months during which to
minimal," was not certified as incurable within six conduct such examination, it chose to wait until
months as to justify his separation. 2 Additionally, the exactly the last day of the probation period. In the
private respondent insists that the petitioner should light of such delay, its protestations now that
have first obtained a clearance, as required by the reinstatement of Pilones would prejudice public
regulations then in force, for the termination of his health cannot but sound hollow and hypocritical. By
employment. its own implied admission, the petitioner had
exposed its customers to the employee's disease
The petitioner for its part claims that the private because of its failure to examine him before
respondent was still on probation at the time of his entrusting him with the functions of a "syrup man."
dismissal and so had no security of tenure. His Its belated concern for the consuming public is
dismissal was not only in conformity with company hardly persuasive, if not clearly insincere and self-
policy but also necessary for the protection of the righteous.
public health, as he was handling ingredients in the
processing of soft drinks which were being sold to There is proof in fact that the private respondent was
the public. It is also argued that the findings of the first hired not on February 16, 1978, but earlier in
regional director, who had direct access to the facts, 1977. This is the 1977 withholding tax
should not have been disturbed on appeal. For these statement 5 issued for him by the petitioner itself
same reasons, it contends, the employee's which it does not and cannot deny. The petitioner
reinstatement as ordered by the public respondent stresses that this is the only evidence of the private
should not be allowed. respondent's earlier service and notes that he has
not presented any co-worker to substantiate his
The original findings were contained in a one-page claim. This is perfectly understandable. Given the
order 3 reciting simply that "complainant was natural reluctance of many workers to antagonize
employed on a probationary period of employment their employers, we need not wonder why none of
for six (6) months. After said period, he underwent them testified against the petitioner.
medical examination for qualification as regular
employee but the results showed that he is suffering We are satisfied that whether his employment began
from PTB minimal. Consequently, he was informed on February 16, 1978, or even earlier as he claims,
of the termination of his employment by respondent." the private respondent was already a regular
The order then concluded that the termination was employee when he was dismissed on August 21,
"justified." That was all. 1978. As such, he could validly claim the security of
tenure guaranteed to him by the Constitution and the
As there is no mention of the basis of the above Labor Code.
order, we may assume it was the temporary payroll
authority 4submitted by the petitioner showing that The applicable rule on the ground for dismissal
the private respondent was employed on probation invoked against him is Section 8, Rule I, Book VI, of
on February 16, 1978. Even supposing that it is not the Rules and Regulations Implementing the Labor
self- serving, we find nevertheless that it is self- Code reading as follows:
defeating. The six-month period of probation started
from the said date of appointment and so ended on Sec. 8. Disease as a ground for
August 17, 1978, but it is not shown that the private dismissal. — Where the employee
respondent's employment also ended then; on the suffers from a disease and his
contrary, he continued working as usual. Under continued employment is prohibited
by law or prejudicial to his health or to We take this opportunity to reaffirm our concern for
the health of his co-employees, the the lowly worker who, often at the mercy of his
employer shall not terminate his employers, must look up to the law for his protection.
employment unless there is a Fittingly, that law regards him with tenderness and
certification by a competent public even favor and always with faith and hope in his
health authority that the disease is of capacity to help in shaping the nation's future. It is
such nature or at such a stage that it error to take him for granted. He deserves our
cannot be cured within a period of six abiding respect. How society treats him will
(6) months even with proper medical determine whether the knife in his hands shall be a
treatment. If the disease or ailment caring tool for beauty and progress or an angry
can be cured within the period, the weapon of defiance and revenge. The choice is
employer shall not terminate the obvious, of course. If we cherish him as we should,
employee but shall ask the employee we must resolve to lighten "the weight of centuries"
to take a leave. The employer shall of exploitation and disdain that bends his back but
reinstate such employee to his former does not bow his head.
position immediately upon the
restoration of his normal health. WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED and the
temporary restraining order of November 18, 1981,
The record does not contain the certification is LIFTED. The Order of the public respondent dated
required by the above rule. The medical certificate July 14, 1981, is AFFIRMED, but with the
offered by the petitioner came from its own modification that the backwages shall be limited to
physician, who was not a "competent public health three years only and the private respondent shall be
authority," and merely stated the employee's reinstated only upon certification by a competent
disease, without more. We may surmise that if the public health authority that he is fit to return to work.
required certification was not presented, it was Costs against the petitioner.
because the disease was not of such a nature or
seriousness that it could not be cured within a period SO ORDERED.
of six months even with proper medical treatment. If
so, dismissal was unquestionably a severe and
unlawful sanction.

It is also worth noting that the petitioner's application

for clearance to terminate the employment of the
private respondent was filed with the Ministry of
Labor only on August 28, 1978, or seven days after
his dismissal. 6 As the NLRC has repeatedly and
correctly said, the prior clearance rule (which was in
force at that time) was not a "trivial technicality." It
required "not just the mere filing of a petition or the
mere attempt to procure a clearance" but that "the
said clearance be obtained prior to the operative act
of termination. 7

We agree that there was here an attempt to

circumvent the law by separating the employee after
five months' service to prevent him from becoming a
regular employee, and then rehiring him on
probation, again without security of tenure. We
cannot permit this subterfuge if we are to be true to
the spirit and mandate of social justice. On the other
hand, we have also the health of the public and of
the dismissed employee himself to consider. Hence,
although we must rule in favor of his reinstatement,
this must be conditioned on his fitness to resume his
work, as certified by competent authority.

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