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Understanding Climate crisis and What Should We Do?

Climate change has become a planetary emergency today with sea-level rise, natural resources
depletes, species extinctions, extreme weather events etc. The climate crisis generates and feeds
several other crises pushing human society towards an unimaginable situation of chaos. Even the
most conservative estimate suggests that we have already overpass the tipping point and the earth
has entered a new and dangerous epoch. Despite the years of international co-operation, national
commitments and individual actions the crisis, experts say, will deepen for sometimes thanks to
unrestrained exploitation of natural resources, the growth paradigm, the inability of nation-state to
act beyond their self-interest.
The climate crisis affects the most those nations, communities and individuals who are least
responsible for it and also are most vulnerable to its consequences. Unfortunately, the solutions
being offered are populist ones which are a market-driven, technocratic and short term which only
paradoxically boomerangs and feeds several other crises. Just as ‘Climate threat’ is everywhere
and overwhelming, we need a thread grand enough and global enough, to plausibly conjure into
being a system of true international co-operation. But sadly, now, just as the need for that kind of
cooperation is paramount, we are only unbuilding those alliances - recoiling into nationalistic
corners and retreating from our collective responsibility and from each other.

The solution of the crisis lies in realizing climate justice which simultaneously addresses the
question of equality, dignity, justice and rights. This meet, in this similar line, will bring all of the
concerned ones to deliberate on what we could individually and collectively do to realize a truly
ecological society and a world good for all.

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