SpellForce 2: Empire of The Shadowtrail - Side-Quest, Lore and Loot Guide

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Empire of the Shadowtrail

Side-quest, Lore and Loot Guide

“Empire of the Shadowtrail is an epic custom campaign mod for SpellForce 2: Demons of the
Past. Play as a heroic shaikan, whose home, the Westguard city, was demolished by two opposing forces
- Empyrian and Realm troops, which were controlled by two terrible and tyrannical rulers - Shadowtrail
and King Redmond. Avenge the fall of your homeland by eliminating those two ruthless warlords and
free your people from Shadowtrail's imprisonment.” (taken from NexusMods website)

The mod is available to download on both NexusMods and ModDB sites. Download links are
provided down below:

• https://www.nexusmods.com/spellforce2demonsofthepast/mods/1
• https://www.moddb.com/mods/spellforce-2-empire-of-the-shadowtrail

This book was written for a reason to collect all the relevant information related to EotS mod that
would help the players to easily track and complete the acquired quests, find hidden loot, which they
might have missed during previous playthroughs. This guide also gives an opportunity to receive some
additional information regarding the lore of this mod.

First chapter features all the information about the side quests: its objective, awards and a small
description, which would provide some context for the readers. The following chapter consists of
information on the location of rare set-items in all campaign maps. Third chapter is dedicated to players
that are interested in a story and lore of this mod. There readers can find extended information on the
locations, characters and organizations, which appear in EotS mod.

Table of contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 2

I Chapter : Quest Book ..................................................................................................................... 4

Eversea Coast ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Silvertree Mountains ............................................................................................................................. 7

Elen’dorah ............................................................................................................................................. 9

Shadowtrail’s Empyria ........................................................................................................................ 12

Stones of Ragefire ............................................................................................................................... 13

Valley of Tarendor............................................................................................................................... 14

Shadownight Woods ............................................................................................................................ 16

Elona .................................................................................................................................................... 19

Winterwind Land ................................................................................................................................. 20

South of the Iron Heart ........................................................................................................................ 22

II Chapter : Loot ................................................................................................................................ 23

Magic skill tree .................................................................................................................................... 23

Combat skill tree.................................................................................................................................. 25

Combat or Magic (No requirements) .................................................................................................. 31

III Chapter : Lore .............................................................................................................................. 32

Locations ............................................................................................................................................. 33

Characters ............................................................................................................................................ 35

Story .................................................................................................................................................... 36

I Chapter: Quest Book
Eversea Coast
1. Barbarians of Eversea Jungle

Objective: exterminate all the dragon wyrms that live in Eversea Coast.

• 350 experience points;
• 6 barbarian units will accompany avatar for unlimited time.

After orc Ragul had escaped with his men from Depths of Kul’rath territory, which was occupied
by Shadowtrail servants, some barbarians had also followed the orc troops and ended their journey in a
remote island of the Eversea. They became an outcast group that began to wander around the island.
Unfortunately for them, the dragon wyrms began to spread greatly all around the place and it became
clear, that if the situation remained the same for a longer time, barbarian men will find themselves on a
brink of extinction.

2. Trader’s Jorge goods.

Objective: find 5 barrels of wine that were lost in the island and bring them back to the trader.

• 350 experience points.
Empyrian troops have been raiding the Eversea people for quite some time. Trader Jorge has also
suffered causalities from the raids. Without his goods, he’s not able to pursue his craft for trading.

3. Troll and the Dragon

Objective: find and kill the corrupted dragon near the trolls’ camp.

• Unlocks fire catapults.

Just like the barbarians, trolls had also followed the orc troops from the Depths of Kul’rath and
settled down in Eversea. But even here they didn’t find any peace. An old corrupted dragon had awakened
from his sleep and started to attack the newcomers. The trolls were the first ones that experienced his

4. Far from home…

Objective: escort the small group of orcs back to their base to the south. Avoid any threatening
situations along the way and make sure that all members from the group stay alive until you reach the
orc base.

• “Foeslayer” weapon;
• 350 experience points.

Ragul had sent a small group of scouts to silently infiltrate the Empyrian camp and collect some
valuable information that would help them later. Unfortunately, it is known that orcs are poorly skilled
for spying their enemies, “greenskins” hardly concentrated on their mission. Eventually they were
quickly spotted out and jailed by Shadowtrail’s men.

Silvertree Mountains
1. Dwarven workers

Objective: bring 4 dwarven workers to nearest moonsilver sources, so they could continue their work.

• Upgrades dwarven units: dwarven elites will deal +100% damage to trolls, they will also
receive “Frosty Breeze” skill. Dwarven catapults will receive +75% fire resistance.

Skjadir and his workers were recently attacked by the bandits, they had to withdraw from the
battle and stop their mining jobs. Since then, they have been looking for the help to regain their camp
and continue their work in mines. Skjadir even came up with an idea, that he would support the helper
with his forging skills.

2. Vilde’s worries

Objective: find Vilde’s husband, who presumably was kidnapped by the trolls in the north.

• Upgrades paladins and mages: paladins will receive “Wrath of the Gods” skill, mages will gain
+75% resistance against projectile attacks and +100% feedback.

Several days ago, Vilde’s husband had left their home for hunting wild forest animals, so that he
would bring some food for his family in the evening. Sadly, Vilde began to worry since her husband has
not returned from the north yet. She is pretty sure that her husband might have been caught by trolls or
beasts that recently conquered the northern territory.

1. Searching for the spider silk

Objective: collect 4 types of spider silk by killing spiders that live towards the southern part of the map.

• 1000 experience points.

Elf Katyr has shown her interest on spider silk, but has not shown any eager to reveal any purposes
on why she needs it. She might use it for crafting some magnificent mage robes, or for trading…

2. Sword of the Elen’s garden

Objective: kill the giant and prevent him from acquiring an old sword from Elen’s garden.

• 1000 experience points;
• “Icestrike” weapon.

An old legend says, that if anyone manages to take the old sword from the marvelous Elen’s
garden, then this person might release a curse, which would corrupt the surrounding area and bring
everyone in a great danger. Elen’dorah eventually would meet the same fate that the fortress of Dun Mora
had met long time ago.

3. Refugees’ struggle

Objective: collect 5 pieces of meat by killing wild animals near the human town. Bring the food to
Falida’s men, war refugees from Highmark.

• 1000 experience points.

The great war between Shadowtrail and Redmond forces had changed the manners of the High
Elves of the Finon Mir and they have decided to open their gates for the humans, war refugees, that
escaped from the Highmark. Refugees have settled down in Elen’dorah, near the White Tree, and built a
small town in the south. Though, this long trip got them completely exhausted, some assistance would
help them to increase their health or save lives.

4. Lost elven souls

Objective: escort 6 lost druid souls back to their graves to regain peace in Elen’dorah.

• 1690 experience points.

The war in Elen’dorah had frightened the souls of elven druids. They had left their graves in a
hope to escape from the screams of the fighters and find a serene place, where they could rest. But since
the shaikan hero had managed to stop the battles in the garden, elven souls can be brought back to their
old location to finally find an eternal peace.

Shadowtrail’s Empyria
1. The Power of Earth

Objective: find 6 earth hearts by destroying earth elementals in the northern plains. Bring the loot back
to the elven ghost.

• 2410 experience points;
• Earth Elementals will be summoned to aid avatar’s forces when starting an attack against
Redmond’s base.

When Shaikan Hero saves the Ghost of the Druid from the demonic creatures, she later asks the
hero to help her in collecting Earth Hearts. It is stated, that those stones have enough power that could
be used when penetrating Earth Elementals and using them as your own servants.

Stones of Ragefire
1. An unexpected offer…

Objective: find 4 pieces of adamantium and bring them back to Leif.

• “Primal Forces” robe set;
• 4800 experience points.

Merchant Leif seems to be a lonely traveler, who plans expeditions to remote and dangerous
places, where he would find some rare and unique materials for his works. It became clear that Leif has
some blacksmithing skills, since he had offered Shaikan hero a powerful robe, that could be crafted from
the materials that could be found in the Stones of Ragefire.

Valley of Tarendor
1. Magic of the Lenya

Objective: convince the elves from the south to open their gates for you to Lenya garden.

• Enables Lenya collecting.

During the Shadow wars, Sorvina had built a secret laboratory in the valley, along with the dark
elven fortress, which purpose was to guard that laboratory with its secrets. While former empress was
preparing for her experimentations on the dark energy, she used an incredibly high amount of Lenya
flowers that used to grow all over the place. Just several days after, the Lenya had become an almost
extinct resource in the Valley of Tarendor. After Sorvina’s Pact had lost the war, some elven scouts from
Finon Mir had found a small garden of Lenya in the southern plains, that seemed to have survived an
intense Pact harvesting process. Elves had built the gate leading to this area and had locked it to protect
the garden from outsiders.

2. Legend of Tarendor

Objective: stop the cultist ritual in the northeast part of the valley near the ancient dragon nest. Prevent
them from breaking the Tarendor’s curse.

• 2000 experience points;
• “Everwhite silk” robe.

Marune tells Shaikan hero a story about the ancient dragon named Tarendor, who ruled the sky
of the valley long time ago. When Tarendor was alive, he raided ancient kingdoms of the Fiara and filled
his nest with treasures he had captured during the battles. But when the Age of the Dragon Hunters had
come, Tarendor sacrificed himself and casted a spell on his nest. It is said, that if anyone manages to
break the curse, the dragon may rise again and devour the entire country by spitting deadly flames.

3. Stones of Eternal Fire

Objective: find 4 stones of Eternal Fire near the northern volcano. Keep in mind, that those stones are
guarded by mighty elemental creatures, which you’ll have to destroy before capturing the stones.

• Deactivates obsidian traps that are placed in the main Dark Elf base.

Lyriel’s archons, betrayers of the Pact, have placed several traps towards the entrance of the old
Sorvina’s laboratory in the north. Those dark elven traps are using the power of the obsidian stone, which,
according to the elven researchers, holds vulnerability against the stone of the Eternal Fire. Elves had
came up with a suggestion: they think that there might be some stones of this kind near the northern
volcano. Since obsidian traps are very dangerous and might even destroy a half of the Shaikan army, it
would be clever to follow elfs’ ideas.

Shadownight Woods
1. Mines of Shadownight

Objective: free dwarven workers from Redmond’s men.

• Gives 4500 of Stone, Silver and Lenya;
• 4680 experience points.

King Redmond has brought some dwarves from Underhall and insisted that workers must build
a huge mine in the northern region. Dwarves, that would work in this mine, were supposed to obtain
valuable resources. Hard work, sleepless nights and other harsh conditions are slowly draining the
strength of the dwarven miners, they’re waiting for someone to free them from their misery in the
Shadownight mines.

2. Priestess Sephis

Objective: find and bring back 4 scrolls to priestess Sephis, who had lost them when she arrived to
Shadownight Woods.

• 4680 experience points;
• Summons protector for a Shaikan hero.

Redmond had brought priestess Sephis from Sevenkeeps to Shadownight against her will. King
knew that Sephis was talented when casting spells of White Magic and that her abilities might be very
useful when reinforcing human armies that he would lead into the battles. Along the way to the
Shadownight Woods, Sephis had lost some valuable scrolls, that consisted of White Magic knowledge.
She has been planning on how to flee from Redmond’s Realm and retrieve lost scrolls for a while.

3. Way to home

Objective: help a former Redmond’s servant to return to his home in the north.

• 4680 experience points.

When Redmond had occupied the northern part of Shadownight Woods territory, he stated that
there he will build a huge fortress, that will be used as a temporary headquarters for his realm. The whole
constructing process had taken only two months. During this period, hundreds of Redmond’s servants
had to work under very rough conditions. At the end, only a few survived this nightmare that Redmond
had started. These survivors were willing for nothing but to return to their old home.

1. The Curse of Sadok

Objective: help elf Sadaron and her people to destroy Sadok and his minions.

• Royal Plate Helmet (belongs to 30 lv set);
• Royal Emblem (belongs to 30 lv set);
• Dwarven warriors will aid hero in the battles.

An old orc shaman, called Sadok, has been attacking Mistguard’s people by putting a spell on
animals that would make them act as fearless beasts, which slaughter Sadaron’s soldiers. Sadok has
shown his will to gain the southern territory and extend his orcish empire by eliminating Mistguard, an
old trading outpost between Dun Mora and Underhall, and building a new orcish town. Elf Sadaron, the
head of Mistguard town, is completely determined to protect her people from Sadok’s plans, but she
knows, that soon her people will need more help, which she alone cannot provide.

Winterwind Land
1. Mysterious traveler

Objective: Examine dragon eggs near the Crystal Castle in the north. Return to Murnos after the

• Royal Platemail (belongs to 30 lv set);
• Royal Signet Ring (belongs to 30 lv set);

Murnos, an old traveler, has decided to travel to the one of the most dangerous areas in the middle
of the Xu, the Winterwind Valley. Many travelers dreamed about entering the rifts of Winterwind and
learning about the forgotten secrets of this place. Murnos has found out, that ancient dragon Gnauth still
roams above the Castle of the Thousand Lights. Now he wants to start a research on this dragon and her
eggs, but he knows his own limits, so Murnos is looking for someone to support his insane ideas.

2. Hand of the Dragon

Objective: free Kor from the Black Fangs prison. Escort him to the human village.

• “Earthquake” hammer;
• “Starcutter” staff;
• 11400 experience points.
When Westguard town was ambushed by Shadowtrail’s forces, some members of the Hand of
the Dragon had managed to escape to southern plains to inform the remaining realms about the incident
in the middle of Fiara. Garret, together with orc Kor, have traveled far to the Xu, they had found a small
village, called Winterwind, which stands between Winterwind valley and Ironheart foothills. People from
Winterwind village had promised to provide shelter for Shaikan refugees. But after their arrival,
Shadowtrail established a union with the Black Fangs tribe. They started multiple attacks on the village
and took Kor as a hostage to their main base.

3. A suspect in the Winterwind village

Objective: talk with Demira, find out what she might hide.

• “Windarcher” leather armor set;
• 11400 experience points.

Villager Symon holds a feeling, that there might be some intruders walking past the streets of the
village. He suspects human woman Demira, who has arrived at the village not a long time ago. She
usually avoids any contact with people and was even caught when lurking near the houses by the night
watches. Unfortunately, it seems that Demira had bribed the soldier, who had caught her, and later
claimed that no evidence was found.

South of the Iron Heart
1. Elemental Storm

Objective: stop the elemental storm, which devastates the coast of the island, by eliminating elemental

• Helmet of Eternity (belongs to 24 lv set);

Dirar has shown his concern about the recent elemental storms that have been devastating the
southern island in recent days. They grew bigger and stronger each day. And when the hope appeared
extinct, the news from Titangate have reached the islanders, they learned about a legendary Shaikan hero,
who managed to open an old portal, which was supposed to lead the hero to the southern wastes. Dirar
had came up with a plan to meet this Shaikan and ask him/her for help. He would give the hero a magical
horn, which could provoke a powerful storm. With the help of the mentioned artifact, Shaikan would
summon the elemental storm near the coast and destroy its presence as soon as it shows up.

II Chapter: Loot
The second chapter consist of information on where and how to find rare set-items in all campaign
maps. Yellow dots indicate, that the item is placed in a chest, Blue dots – the item is meant to be acquired
when completing a quest, Red dots – the item is supposed to be dropped by killing the boss.

Magic skill tree

“The Creation” White magic robe set – Map: Winterwind Land.

“The Eternal Night” Black Magic robe set – Map: Winterwind Land.

“The Whispers of Time” Mental Magic robe set – Map: Winterwind Land.

“The Primal Forces” Elemental Magic robe set – Map: Stones of Ragefire.

Combat skill tree
“The Eternal Warrior” Plate Armor set – Map: Shrine of Nor.

“Craig’s Weapons” Chain Mail Armor set – Map: Shrine of Nor.

“Lightwoven Chains” Chain Mail Armor set – Map: Stones of Ragefire.

“Demon Hunter” Heavy Combat Arts set – Map: Shadownight Woods.

“Windarcher” Combat or Shaikan armor set – Map: Winterwind Land.

“Steel of Eternity” Heavy Armor set – Map: South of the Iron Heart.

“Bladedancer” Combat armor set – Map: South of the Iron Heart.

“Highmark Armor” Plate Armor set – Maps: Elona and Winterwind Land.

“Armor of the High Executor” Plate Armor set – Map: Shadowtrail’s Empyria.

“Chainmail of Mercy” Chain Mail Armor set – Map: Elona.

“Vestments of the Just” Heavy Armor set – Map: Valley of Tarendor.

Combat or Magic (No requirements)
“Rage of the Dead” No requirements armor set – Map: Silvertree Mountains.

“Wrath of the Gods” No requirements armor set – Map: Elona.

“Elric’s Set” Combat or Magic set – Map: Shrine of Nor.

III Chapter: Lore
The last chapter is dedicated to players that are interested in learning more about the lore of this
mod. “Empire of the Shadowtrail” mod story starts after the events of “Demons of the Past” campaign,
as if Hokan’s prophecy was true and almost all the things he foresaw had happened during the original
timeline of Eo. Though, many lore aspects from DotP scenario were changed (rewritten), fixes are
presented here:

➢ During the last battle against Zazhut, Ereon does not sacrifice his own life. Instead, the rest of
the guardians joins Ereon in the battle and eliminates Zazhut by casting a powerful ritual, which
later weakens them greatly.
➢ Masks of the Gods provide a great power to them, without these artifacts, they lose their godly
power and turn into mortals.
➢ Necros in “Empire of the Shadowtrail” is not the same character as in DotP campaign! They
supposed to be different heroes.
➢ Kerona’s character was completely reworked (more info on Elona’s map loadingscreen).

Silvertree Castle - during the great war between Shadowtrail's Empyria and Redmond's
Highmark, Lyraine and Alluvyan people were forced to temporarily leave their home to avoid the
horrendous consequences. The war refugees group, led by the Master Matricus, have traveled far to Finon
Mir to seek for some help from the Elves. The White Tree never cared for the rest of the Fiara and closed
their relationships with people long time ago. But the war had changed the manners of the Elves and they
provided a small fiefdom for the refugees of the Highmark. There they have built quite a big town with
the stone castle in the middle, but soon they have also felt the pressure of the dangerous surroundings.
Turned out, that the mountain trolls have been living in those plains for ages and now they are becoming
a threat for the newcomers.

Elen'dorah village - a Morhir outpost near the White Tree of the High Elves. The Morhir of
Elen'dorah is quite different from the other elven outcasts, like Eloni or Dun Mora, since the Elen'dorah's
elves have a permission to enter the White Tree and serve the noble Elves there, but they don't have the
certain rights, that would let them somehow influence the control over the Finon Mir, meaning that
Elen'dorah's Morhir can't reach the Elven Queen or any other higher institution. Though, Elen'dorah was
once an important part of the White Tree and greatly served the Queen, but when the elves from the
village secretly made a contract with the beasts of the southern mountains to fight the mighty undead
forces, it upset the Queen of the Finon Mir and the Elves of Elen'dorah were punished.

Shadowtrail's Empyria - after a sudden Alyah's death, Empyria's control was taken over by
the Kitaki and Hazim, the wild clans of Xu, and a powerful alchemist Shadowtrail, who have become the
leader of the city. The new emperor enslaved the Empyria's military forces and started to use them in the
battles of the Fiara. Though, the occupation of the Empyria was only a beginning in the Shadowtrail's
plans, since he's determined to win the war, so then he would rule the whole Fiara with the both clans.

Ravengor village - a small settlement of the Shaikan in the land of Lar. The village is crucial
for the Westguard and Shaikur, the both main towns of the Shaikan, since it produces a great amount of
material, that is needed and used in the forging of the various weapons and armors. Ravengor is located
in Valley of Tarendor, the place, which is known for many natural resources, that are being found in the
deep mines. During the onslaught of the Nameless demons in the Eo, Westguard sent some of the military

force along with Mordecay, who was considered as a general of the division, to protect the village of
Ravengor. But since the demons were finally gone, the Westguard's soldiers still protect the village from
the new enemies - the Norcaine archons, that joined forces with the Shadowtrail.

Town in the Shadownight Woods - A new tyrannical ruler of the Highmark - King
Redmond, has shown no mercy for the enemies and, even for his allies. He turned the whole Highmark
into a terrifying war zone, he was labelled as the one of the most horrendous rulers of the Highmark in
its history. Fortunately, a former lieautenant Falida has formed a new Realm of Rebirth in order to stop
the Redmond and avenge the fall of the Sevenkeep's peacefulness. Because of this movement, Redmond
started to worry about his reputation and throne, he feared the someone would make an attempt to
assassinate him so he fled further into north and built the secret headquarters in the Shadownight Woods.

Titangate - a dwarven and human town, located in the southern part of the Iron Heart mountains
in Xu. Titangate used to be a small and serene outpost of the Iron Heart's dwarves, but when a well-
known Necromancer Hokan Ashir brought a massive chaos to the Black Jungle by stealing the Belial's
Mask and deceiving the Zerbite Legion, the serenity in the land of Xu had vanished, since the power of
the Zerbite was disrupted and evil force of the Darkwind Mountains gained an oppurtunity to spread all
over the world. The news of the incident have reached the Fiara and it was considered, that probably the
most powerful warriors of Fiara, the Iron Falcons, should send some of their forces to aid the Xu people
in the battles against the horrific enemies of the Dark Jungle. The division of Iron Falcons has made
Titangate as their main outpost in Xu and probably will stay there until the end of time...

Lorion Shadowtrail – a mighty alchemist, who joined
Riddengard’s men during the battles in the Westguard. He had mastered
almost all magic schools and was known for being an archfire power
wielder. Ylia, ambassadress from Dun Mora, has been keeping an eye on
him for a couple of years. She found out, that he’s not just a mere mortal,
but he might bear a power of Materia Prima. It is speculated, that he
participated in the War of the Six Races, he also had joined Janus
Malacay and Dragon Hunter guild around a thousand years ago. During the Shaper onslaught in
Westguard, Ylia managed to jail Shadowtrail in Westguard’s prison, but after the War of the Nameless,
he took an opportunity to escape from there, when most of the shaikan forces were fighting in the western
plains against the demons.

King Redmond – the death of King Ulf has completely changed the nation
of the Highmark. A massive chaos, which was brought on the streets of Sevenkeeps,
have turned the place into wastes. Suddenly, a former general Redmond had managed
to sit on a throne of the Highmark. This act was considered abominable and people
of the Highmark have turned against the new king. A civil war had demolished the
city of Sevenkeeps and new realms had started to grow in order to stop Redmond and
his armies.

Falida – a former loyal servant of King Ulf, who promised to avenge the
fall of Sevenkeeps. After the civil war in Highmark, she divided her rebellion army
into smaller divisions, which expanded borders and acquired territories on different
continents, such as Xu and Urgath. Furthermore, Falida managed to earn trust from
the noble elves of Finon Mir and was able to build a town in Elen’dorah, which
later became the headquarters of her people, the Realm of Rebirth.

Yasha Ashir – a daughter of Hokan Ashir has seemed to be silent during the most
recent events. Most of the days she spent her time in Ravengor’s inns, where she was
constantly drinking and dancing until the dawn. Nevertheless, one night she got so wasted
that she accidentally blurted out that she has been expanding her Blade Empire in the lands
of Finon Mir. After the incident, almost all Ravengor people started to wonder about Yasha
and what might be her true intentions.

Shadow Warrior – a former rune warrior seems to know many secrets

surrounding alchemist Shadowtrail and his plans. Shadows have been living
between the people of Eo for millennia and managed to learn more about Lorion
since their arrival. Warrior, together with the shadow alliance, have been hiding
the truth from the rest for a long time, but they know, that the time has finally
come, when all the forgotten secrets must reach the light…

"My dear friend,

The war had shattered our home, the city of the Westguard, we have lost. It was destroyed by Redmond,
who become a new king of the Highmark, and Shadowtrail, an Emperor of the Empyria. It all started
when alchemist Shadowtrail managed to escape from the Westguard's prison one year ago, back then he
was one of the remaining Riddengard's followers. After fleeing from there, he allied with the Kitaki and
Hazim clans in Xu, who were looking for the traces of the Phoenix. They were planning on sealing the
Phoenix back into the stone, so they could use its power for their own deeds. Shadowtrail knew, that
these clans from Xu were planning to trap the Phoenix, so he tried to join their troops by telling them,
that he's capable of imprisoning the creature back into the stone. Hazim were actually impressed by the
power, which Shadowtrail would bear and the two clans accepted the union between them and the
Shadowtrail. Together, they took over the control of the Empyria and brought the chaos to the whole Xu
and continued their march by invading the Fiara.

I'm sorry my friend, I have to stop writing now. The ship, which we used to escape from the war in
Westguard, was caught in the wild storm of the Elemental Sea, we may crash somewhere. If we manage
to reach the Eversea Coast, I will write you a message." (taken from the letter of the Shaikan).

© 2019 by Shaikaner. SpellForce is a registered trademark of THQ Nordic AB, Sweden.

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