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The Legend of Kesodo Feast

Hundreds years ago, the last king of Majapahit had a young princess from one of his wives. The
princess was named Roro Anteng. Later, Roro Anteng married Joko Seger, who came from Brahman

Because of unfortunate situation the couple was forced to leave the kingdom. They settled in the
mountain area. They ruled the area and named it Tengger, which was derived from their names,
Roro Anteng and Joko Seger.

After several years of reign, the region flourished in prosperity, but Roro Anteng and Joko Seger
were sad because they did not have a child. They climbed the top of mountain and prayed there
night and day hoping that the God would listen. The prayer was heard and Betoro Bromo promised
them many children. However, they had to promise that they would sacrifice their youngest child in

Roro Anteng gave birth to a child, then another and another. In the end, Roro Anteng and Joko Seger
had 25 children. Soon it was time to sacrifice the youngest child, Kusuma, but the parents could not
do it. They tried to hide him, but an eruption happened and Kusuma fell into the crater. There was
silence before they heard a voice. “I have to be sacrificed so that you will all stay alive. From now on,
you should arrange an annual offering ceremony on the 14th of Kesodo (the twelfth month of
Tengerese calendar)”. It was Kusuma’s voice. Kusuma’s brothers and sisters held the offering
ceremony every year. Instead of human being, they collected fruits, vegetables, rice, and meat to be
offered to the Gods. And this has been done generation after generation until today.


What is the title of the story above?

Answer: …………………………………………

How many characters in the story above? Mention them!

Answer: …………………………………………

Who was Roro Anteng?

Answer: …………………………………………

How could Roro Anteng and Joko Seger name the place where they lived Tengger?
Answer: …………………………………………

Why were Roro Anteng and Joko Seger sad?

Answer: …………………………………………

Dialogue 2

Tom : Good morning, Aunt lucy! How’s life?

Aunt Lucy : Never better, Tom. Ready for school?

Tom : Yes, I’ve got to come early for a class meeting.

Aunt Lucky : I made some brownies. Want some?

Tom : Thank you, I would. Hem…. delicious. Ca I have money?

Aunt lucy : Sure, help yourself.

Tom : Thanks, Aunt lucy. bye!

Discuss the questions

What are Tom and Sofia talking about?

Is it the first time Aunt lucy has visited their town?

What does aunt lucy like about the town?

What doesn’t she like about the town?

what is Tom offering to Sofia?

How did sofia select the colour?

Why did Tom go to school early?

What did aunt lucy offer Tom?


The following text is for questions 1-4

The Tyrant Who Became a Just Ruler

In the olden times there was a king who was so cruel and unjust toward his subjects that he was
always called The Tyrant. So heartless was he that people used to pray night and day that might have
a new king.

One day, he called his people together and said to them, “My dear subjects, the day of my tyranny
are over. Henceforth, you shall live in peace and happiness, for I have decided to try my rule
henceforth justly and well.”

The king kept his words so well that soon he was known throughout the land as The Just King. By and
by of his favorites came to him said, “Your Majesty I beg you to tell me how it was that you had this
change of heart towards our people.”

And the King replied “As I was galloping through my forest one afternoon, I Caught sight of a hound
chasing o fox. The fox escaped into his hole, but not until he had been bitten by the dog so badly
that he would be lame for life. The hound, returning home, met a man who threw a stone at him,
which broke his leg. And the horse, starting to run, fell into a hole and broke his leg, Here I came to
my senses, and resolved to change my rule. ‘for surly,’ I said to my self; he who does evil will sooner
or later be overtaken by evil.”

1. The above text is in the form of……….

a. Spoof

b. Report

c. Recount

d. Procedure

e. Narration

Jawaban : E
2. To show the real words of the speakers, the writer uses………….

a. Passive Voice

b. Direct Speech

c. Reported speech

d. Simple past tense

e. Simple present tense

Jawaban : D

3. The Communicative purpose of the text is……………….

a. To criticize a work of art

b. To describe particular person

c. To describe how something is accomplished

d. To entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience

e. To share an account of unusual or amusing incident with others

Jawaban : D

4. The organization of the text above is…………….

a. Goal, material, step

b. Identification, description

c. News event, Background event, sources

d. Orientation, Crisis, Reaction, Coda, Reorientation

e. Orientation, Evaluation, Complication, Resolution, Reorientation

Jawaban : E


The following text is for questions 5-9

The popular markets are held every Thursday from 5 p.m to 10 p.m., April to October, and also on
Sundays from 4 p.m., to 9 p. m., June to September. There are lots of stalls selling multicultural mix
of great cuisine, crafts, produce and other items. There are also dance performances and musical
entertainment. The parking area is choked with cars and it is amazing to see people flooding into the
market area. The place is certainly a gathering point for both Darwinians and visitor. Some families
even bring chairs and they enjoy food while watching the sunset. There is also a kind of small farm
where children can play with farm where children can play with farm animals like chickens, rabbits,
sheep, dogs and duck. It is a really wonderful place to spend the evening.

5. What does the text mainly about?

a. A multicultural mix in Darwin

b. Beach sunset markets in Darwin

c. A gathering point for Darwinians

d. Popular markets in Darwin

e. A wonderful place to spend the evening

Jawaban : D

6. The main idea of the paragraph is that……………

a. The popular markets are visited by people with different purposes

b. The popular markets are only visited by Darwinians

c. People visit the popular markets just for watching the sunset

d. The popular markets are open form morning to evening

e. The Darwinians go to the popular markets for gathering

Jawaban : E

7. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. Musical entertainment is also held in the popular markets.

b. The Darwinians go to the markets to sell their products

c. There farm animals to play with

d. A lot of stalls are selling many kids of products

e. We can see dance performance

Jawaban : B

8. It is a really wonderful place to spend the evening.

The underlined word means ……..

a. Attractive

b. Boring
c. Pleasant

d. Frightening

e. Dull

9. The following are things you can find in the popular markets, EXCEPT ………..

a. Play ground

b. Restaurant

c. Entertainment

d. Farm animals

e. Lot of stalls

Jawaban : A


The following text is for questions 10-13

Vitamin B6 15 one of our hardest working nutrients, being involved in over 100 chemicals reactions
which take place in our bodies. However, it has been found that bodies need. This is because it is
very easily broken down during food processing, storage, and cooking, and it cannot be stored in our
bodies. Among its many functions are : manufacturing amino acids, the building blocks which make
proteins ; producing neurotransmitters, the chemicals which send nerve messages around our
bodies, helping to release energy from the food we eat ; keeping our hormones in balance and
helping to maintain our immune systems.

10. The above text is in the form of…………………..

a. Hortatory exposition

b. Analytical exposition

c. Descriptive

d. Report

e. Explanation

Jawaban : C

11. The topic of the text is ………….

a. The usefulness of vitamin B 6

b. The effects of a lack of vita B 6

c. The manufacture of vita B 6

d. The nutrients needed by our body

e. The chemical reaction on our body

Jawaban : A

12. Which of the following is not the function of Vita B6?

a. To help maintain the immune systems

b. To help produce protein in the body

c. To break down foods stored in our body

d. To keep the hormones in our body in balance

e. To help release energy from the food

Jawaban : E

13. The writer uses …………… the text, except.

a. Simple present tense

b. Passive voice

c. Adjective clauses

d. Direct indirect speech

Jawaban : B


The following text is for questions 14-18

Few mammals actually live in the sea. Whales seal, and sea otter are the only important
mammalians members of the marine community. Life all mammals, they …………..( 14 ) body hair that
is used for insulation. Oil pollution causes the hair to become matted, which reduces
it’s………………(15) as thermal insulator. The animal will there fore, either freeze or drop to diseases
because of lowered …………..( 16 ).Mammals are also affected by oil through the food chain. This is
important in whales……………..(17 ) they are plankton feeders. Reduction in the plankton …………..( 18
) may cause whales to starve.
14. a. Raise

b. Produce

c. Process

d. Yield

e. Stimulate

Jawaban : B

15. a. effective

b. effect

c. effectively

d. effectiveness

e. effected

Jawaban : B

16. a. resistance

b. resistant

c. resisting

d. resistible

e. resist

Jawaban : A

17. a. However

b. Therefore

c. Nevertheless

d. Despite

e. Since

Jawaban : A

18. a varieties

b. population

c. societies
d. categories

e. inhabitants

Jawaban : B

19. ‘____ the assignment for Monday ?

‘Sure, and now I have time to finish the novel I started reading yesterday!

a. will you do

b. were you doing

c. have you done

d. are you doing

e. do you going

Jawaban : C

20. ‘Several hotels in this region are closing down.

‘That’s because tourism it self ______ since last year.

a. is declining

b. declined

c. has been declining

d. was declining

e. had declining

Jawaban : C

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