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Assessment 2: Independent Reading (written) – Omid Beagimoradi (001069525)

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The writer offers interviewees five

important keys which help them to
tackle the difficulties of an interview.
First of all, it is normal that one begins
panic in an interview and you are not
the only one in the world that has
experienced such a hard situation. In
the second step, you, as an
interviewee should ask more
5 Things to Remember at a Job Interview questions of the interviewers and
gather more information about the
career position. The third step is
22/02/2019 saying “NO” to you before or after the
advice/career/job-interviews/5-things-to-remember-at- interview is a normal thing and you
a-job-interview-1724 should modify your errors. The fourth
thing is that “practice and practice”
especially about questions in an
interview. Last but not least, at the end
of the interview, instead of asking a
stupid question about salary, ask your
interviewers about the position that
has been advertised. So, they realize
you are going to fit in the job and the
position appropriate to you.
According to the text, I believe that
welding jobs, regardless of your
qualifications and certification, you
Is Welding A Good Career Option in Australia?
could withstand and adapt yourself to
24/02/2019 harsh conditions such as working in
the desert on a pipeline project. But
welders and welding engineers are
high in demand in the Australian job
market and more than 80 percent of

Assessment 2: Independent Reading (written) – Omid Beagimoradi (001069525)

them have landed their jobs before

graduation. Also, when you are
familiar with the handling of a welding
torch swapping from a pressure
vessel project to fuel-storage tank
erection could be a good challenge for
welders. The reasonable salary which
starts for newcomers from $25 would
encourage some people to pursue
welding jobs. Whether you are a
welder or welding engineer, the nature
of welding is a demanding job. So, it is
not a piece of cake but it worth it.
The writer, Rick Smith, describes the
importance of using social media in
our lives and particularly the effect of
LinkedIn for finding a new job. He said
that our relations are divided into two
parts, “strong ties” and “weak ties”.
Strong ties are relevant to family and
close friends who have more common
The LinkedIn Effect: Why Social Media Is Now
interests with us, whereas weak ties
Mandatory for Success
are related to those people that we
meet once in a blue moon and we
drink a cuppa with them. However, it is
surprisingly confirmed by sociologists
that weak ties should be more
important for finding a new job. Why?
Because they live, think and work in a
different way and that’s why they are
not in our strong ties. They could act
as a source for the next job. You, as a
job seeker should cultivate your weak
ties as much as you can in order to
make more connections. Also,

Assessment 2: Independent Reading (written) – Omid Beagimoradi (001069525)

psychologists have shown that the

human brain cannot remember more
than 300 ties. Thanks to social media
and especially LinkedIn, people find it
easy to manage and develop their
relations so that their “weak ties”
circles could guarantee your next job.
This is a short story about over 20
dives into the biggest aquatic hole. As
a matter of fact, the hole itself was a
limestone cave more than a hundred
thousand years ago which was
submerged by water after the last ice
age. However, exploration has been
conducted by famous billionaire
Mystery Tracks Discovered at Bottom of Great
Richard Branson and some of his
Blue Hole
fellows to find out what is under the
“Great Blue Hole”. In the journey to the 26/02/2019
hole the most breathtaking stalactites
in the world have been explored and
has been taken a 3D map of the hole.
The map will be shared with the
Government of Belize and some
scientific organizations for further
investigations. Sad but true, the most
shocking ashamed thing of the
expedition was that Mr. Branson and
his team found plastic bottles in the
The article has been attached to a
World's Largest Dinosaur Footprints Discovered in
video. Here, I am writing a synopsis of
Nowadays, we are familiar with small
and pretty animals and do not have
any actual images from creatures

Assessment 2: Independent Reading (written) – Omid Beagimoradi (001069525) such as dinosaurs that survived 20

largest-dinosaur-footprints-discovered-australia.htm million years ago. In a specific area
called “Walmandany”, Queensland,
Australia, several researchers and
archologies from the University of
Queensland have discovered
thousands of track-print fossils and
some of them are the biggest in the
world. They have estimated that in
“Australia’s Jurassic Park” (another
name of the place) around 21 species
had existed ages ago and that some
of them were more than 5 meters tall.
Steve Salisbury, one of the
researchers said that they spent more
than 400 hours out of the reefs at low
tide for planning, measuring,
photographing them. Also, he
mentioned that the places that
investigations were hard and they
used a drone to map and digitalize the
tracks for further research.
It is a short article about how voluntary
works help you in your life. As a matter
of fact, voluntary work can be divided
into two categories. “Formal” and
Benefits of volunteering
“Informal” voluntary work. The last one
mostly is about your DIY “do it
yourself” jobs at home or helping your
family and friends without payment.
However, the “Formal” type takes
place in an organization like Red
Cross to help people. So, it could be
very helpful because:

Assessment 2: Independent Reading (written) – Omid Beagimoradi (001069525)

 Makes you sociable and helps

you to make more connections
and develops your circle of
 Do not feel loneliness and
 Feel a valuable asset to your
 Share your skills and
experience and learn various
things from others.
 Develop your communication
 Build your self-esteem and
The voluntary organisations are
mostly governmental to help the
welfare of animals, the impoverished
and senior citizens, child care. Also,
they can conduct conservation of eco-
system, aiding rural people in urgent
situation such as fire, and international
voluntary projects.

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