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Crime is one of the most prevalent problems in any society. People live in fear
and are even afraid to leave their houses. The rate of crime is increasing in all parts of
the world. Some people don’t work to work for the things they want so they think it is
easier to take it from other people. No one has the right to take anyway anything from
another person that doesn’t belong to them. Crime represents a deviation from the
social norms.
They are divided into various categories depending on how severe the offense is,
the age of the offender, and type of punishment the offender will get. In today’s world,
people commit criminal offenses, get away with them and prosecute other people for
the same crimes they committed. People commit crimes due to various reasons
Some causes to crime.
 Education: The education system doesn’t put enough emphasis on the morals and
character of an individual.
 Poverty: One of the biggest causes of crime is poverty. The rich are continuing to
get richer, and the poor get poorer. Living in poverty can get frustrating making
people do unethical acts such as prostitution, corruption, and bribery among many
When you think of your family, and how they will go a night without food, turning
to crime doesn’t look like such a bad idea after all. You might think you are doing
the right thing by feeding them, but how you do it matters. Does the goal justify the
 Politics: Around the world, politicians have a group of mafias who do the dirty work
for them in exchange for pushing their agenda. They misuse political power by
taking advantage of the weaker group which in turn forces them to resort to crime
because no one is looking out for their interests. Supporters of the politicians may
not agree with the other parties which make them resolve to crime just to prove a
 Racism: Racism is a major problem in today’s world. People discriminating against
each other can cause violence and crime to erupt. Racism causes unrest in many
parts of the world when people don’t look at each other as human beings, but rather
they want to look at the physical appearance.
 Unemployment: Unemployment plays a huge role when it comes to crime. Having
too much idle time can make you have many evil thoughts. A young person who is
always looking for work but never finds a break-through can become a robber. This
is mostly the case in developing countries.
 Drugs: A person addicted to drugs isn’t able to support their addiction. Therefore
they’ll resort to crime to support their habit. Other people who don’t use the drugs
get involved in criminal activities.
 Family: No family is perfect. Sorting family domestics is an easy thing for some but
for others, it is hard to deal with some conditions. When people don’t get love and
attention, they turn to criminal activities.

2016 crimes in the Philippines

Philippines' crime rate falls 13% in 2016

Categories of crimes which includes homicide, murder, physical injury, rape, robbery
and theft -- numbered 139,462 for 2016.Meanwhile, "non-index crimes," or those that
involve violations of special laws and ordinances, made up the remaining 445,347

In manila the number of crimes committed in the Philippines dropped by 13 percent

in 2016, according to records from the national police, showing a continuation of the
downtrend in the last four years, and amid President Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs which
was launched last year.

Data obtained by Kyodo News from the Philippine National Police indicates that the
total crime volume across the country fell from 675,816 recorded incidents in 2015 to
584,809 in 2016.Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption, a local crime watch group,
believes Duterte's illegal drugs campaign has added much to the decline in the number of
crimes in the last year. Dante Jimenez, the group's founding chairman told Kyodo News,
stating that that a large number of crimes in the country are borne out of drug addiction.

The overall index crime rate went down but the murder rate soared during the first
5 months of the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, according to latest figures
from the Philippine National Police (PNP).

The Presidential Communications Office, in a press release, said PNP figures showed
the index crime volume declining to 55,391 from July-November this year, compared to
81,064 from July-November 2015, or a drop of 31.67 percent.The PNP defines index crimes
as against persons, such as murder, homicide, physical injury and rape, and crimes against
property like robbery, theft, carnapping, and cattle rustling.

Crimes against property slid down 42.48 percent, from 52,075 last year to 29,953 this
year, the PNP said. Crimes against persons, on the other hand, fell 12.25 percent from
28,989 to 24,438.The PNP said the total crime volume decreased by 13% through the first
and second quarters of 2016 -- from 52,950 crime incidents in January to 46,060 in June
2016. The police figures show that in the January-August period of 2015, serious crime was
down 22 percent compared with the same period the previous year. In 2014, it declined
26 percent. Nearly 2,300 people have been killed in police operations or by suspected
vigilantes since Duterte took office on June 30, according to the Philippines police. That
figure was revised down this month by the police from an original tally of 3,600 deaths.

Dela Rosa said the PNP will focus on preventing and solving seven crimes, namely:

7 focused crimes:

murder, homicide, theft, robbery, physical injuries, car and motorcycle theft, rape.
Crimes, except homicide, in the Philippines down by
21.8% in 2017
MANILA, Philippines – The volume of crimes in the Philippines has dropped in 2017, data
from the Philippine National Police (PNP) show.

According to numbers acquired by Rappler from the PNP's Directorate for Investigation
and Detective Management (DIDM), there was a total of 100,668 index crimes recorded
from January to November 2017.

It represents a 21.8% drop from the period in 2016, where they recorded 128,730 index
crime incidents.

The December crime data is set to be released in mid-January 2018.

Index crimes are offenses against persons and against property that are recognized
nationwide and used by the PNP to assess public safety.

Non-index crimes refer to violations of special laws and ordinances. Because the counts
vary as one crosses local government territories, the PNP does not use them as a gauge of
public safety.

PNP spokesperson Chief Superintendent Dionardo Carlos said the numbers show that the
country has become a "safer" place in 2017.

"If we would look at the crime environment as the basis, then 2017 is safer for Filipinos or
anybody here in the Philippines," Carlos told Rappler in an interview.
PNP: Total crime volume down in 2018
MANILA, Philippines — The number of crimes in the country went down by at least nine
percent last year, the Philippine National Police (PNP) announced yesterday.
PNP records showed a total of 473,068 crimes were recorded in 2018. The figure was 9.13
percent lower compared to 520,641 crimes posted in 2017.
The eight focus crimes -– murder, homicide, physical injury, rape, robbery, theft, carjacking
of four-wheeled vehicles and motorcycles – went down by 28.14 percent, from 107,254
cases in 2017 to 77,068 last year.
Robbery cases registered the highest drop with 32.38 percent, from 16,076 to 10,870.
Theft incidents decreased by 31.49 percent, from 34,435 to 23,590.
Murder cases dropped by 22.20 percent, from 8,826 to 6,866. Homicide cases posted a
17.01 percent decrease from 2,592 to 2,151.
Cases of physical injuries went down by 29.95 percent, from 30,691 to 21,498.
Among the localities across the country, Quezon City recorded the highest number with a
total crime volume of 41,152.
But the PNP said 36,707 or 89.19 percent of the incidents were non-index crimes such as
vehicular accidents and violations of local laws.
Manila ranked second with 21,386 crimes followed by Cebu City with 12,130, the PNP said.
PNP spokesman Senior Superintendent Bernard Banac attributed the decrease in the crime
rate to the Duterte administration’s efforts to go hard on crime rings.
President Duterte has launched a crackdown on illegal drugs and other crimes since he
assumed office in 2016.
“The intensified law enforcement operations and the drug war have direct bearing on the
decrease in the total crime volume nationwide,” Banac said.
He cited a recent survey by the Social Weather Stations, which showed that the number of
drug users have decreased, resulting in fewer drug-related crimes.
The PNP will continue to further bring down the number of crimes in the country, Banac
“We assure the public that the PNP will continue to vigorously enforce the law, pursue the
campaign against drugs and prevent crimes with respect for human rights and value of
life,” he said.

PNP: says total crime volume down 20% in first two

years of Duterte term
Amid the high-profile killings of politicians in recent weeks, the Philippine National Police
announced Sunday that the country's total crime volume has gone down by 20 percent in
the first two years of President Rodrigo Duterte's term.
A day before Duterte is scheduled to deliver his third State of the Nation Address, the PNP
said that from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2018, the Philippines' two-year Total Crime Volume
fell by 20.4 percent from the previous two-year total for the period from July 1, 2014 to
June 30, 2016.
The statement did not include actual numbers for the Total Crime Volume, but stated that
the number of index crimes "plunged 46.95 percent to only 212,773 incidents, from July 1,
2016 to June 30, 2018 from a high of 401,112 incidents recorded in the previous 2-year
The Philippine Statistics Authority defines index crimes as crimes that are "sufficiently
significant and which occur with sufficient regularity to be meaningful." Included in this
category are murder, homicide, robbery, theft, carnapping, and physical injury.
According to the PNP, there were 99,773 incidents of crimes against persons from July
2016 to June 2018, a number 30.42 percent lower than the 143,385 incidents reported in
the same period from 2014 to 2016.
The PNP also said that there was a 56.16-percent decline in crimes against property,
including fewer robbery (52.12 percent), theft (58.50 percent) and carnapping (50.10
percent) incidents, as part of a "steady downtrend over the past five years.
Managing Police Operations
Patrolling remains the backbone of the campaign against criminals and criminality. Personnel who
were downloaded to the police stations provided the manpower to patrol the streets. To
institutionalize patrolling nationwide, separate and distinct Patrol Operations Sections were
activated in NCR Police Stations, City Police Offices (CPOs), Component City Police Stations (CCPSs)
and Municipal Police Stations (MPSs) nationwide. This measure intends to address the identified
causes of limited patrol personnel, such as the non-responsive Police Station organization
structure and staffing patterns, the inappropriate rank for patrol duties, the absence of specific
instructions or job descriptions for patrollers, and the irrational distribution of patrol beats.

Kulang pa ………


Wala pa………

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