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Fault-controlled dolomitization in a rift basin

Cathy Hollis1, Eivind Bastesen2, Adrian Boyce3, Hilary Corlett1*, Robert Gawthorpe2, Jesal Hirani1†, Atle Rotevatn2, and
Fiona Whitaker4
School of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Bergen N-5020, Norway
Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, East Kilbride G75 0QF, UK
School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK

ABSTRACT and rare earth element (REE) analysis. Full ana-

There are numerous examples of fault-controlled, so-called hydrothermal dolomite (HTD), lytical details are provided by Hirani (2014). See
many of which host economic mineral deposits or hydrocarbons, but there remains a lack of the GSA Data Repository1 for dolostone body
consensus as to how they form. In particular, multiple phases of diagenetic overprinting can and limestone data.
obscure geochemical fingerprints. Study of a Cenozoic succession with a relatively simple
burial history here provides new insights into the development of differentially dolomitized DOLOMITIZATION ON THE HAMMAM
beds. The Hammam Faraun fault (HFF) block within the Suez Rift, Egypt, hosts both mas- FARAUN FAULT BLOCK
sive and stratabound dolostone bodies. Non-fabric-selective massive dolostone is limited to The Thebes Formation comprises debrites
the damage zone of the fault, while fabric-selective stratabound dolostone bodies penetrate and foraminiferal grainstone turbidites embed-
nearly 2 km into the footwall. Oligo-Miocene seawater is interpreted to have been drawn ded in skeletal wacke- to packstone, interpreted
down discrete faults into a deep aquifer and convected upwards along the HFF. Escape of as platform slope deposits (Hirani, 2014). Two
fluids from the incipient HFF into the lower Thebes Formation led to differential, stratabound types of dolostone bodies occur: massive and
dolomitization. Once the HFF breached the surface, fluid circulation focused along the fault stratabound (Figs. 1 and 2A).
plane to form younger, massive dolostone bodies. This study provides a snapshot of dolomi- Two massive dolostone bodies, each ~80
tization during the earliest phases of extension, unobscured by subsequent recrystallization m thick and up to 500 m wide, are non–facies
and geochemical modification. Contrary to many models, stratabound dolomitization pre- selective, fabric destructive, dark brown to red,
ceded non-stratabound dolomitization. Fluids were hydrothermal, but with little evidence pervasively fractured, and chaotically brecciated
for rapid cooling and brecciation common to many HTD bodies. These results suggest that (Fig. 2B). The bodies have a sharp basal con-
many of the features used to interpret and predict the geometry of HTD in the subsurface tact with the underlying Esna Shale. Laterally
form during later phases of structural deformation, perhaps overprinting less structurally they terminate as short (<100-m-long) tongues
complex dolomite bodies. or abruptly against NNE-SSW– and NW-SE–
trending fracture corridors (Fig. 1C). Dolomite
INTRODUCTION AND GEOLOGICAL The Suez Rift in Egypt (Fig. 1) is the aborted is non-ferroan with nonplanar textures (sensu
SETTING arm of the Red Sea rift. The Hammam Faraun Sibley and Gregg, 1987) and a mottled bright
Hydrothermal dolomite (HTD) forms when fault (HFF) defines the western side of the HFF red and orange cathodoluminescence (CL), com-
dolomitization occurs from fluids that are sig- block and tips out northward (Fig. 1). The par- monly with cloudy cores and a clear cement rim
nificantly hotter than the ambient rock (Machel tially dolomitized Eocene (Ypresian) Thebes (Figs. 2C and 2D). Bulk-rock stable δ13Cdolomite
and Lonnee, 2002). HTD has become common Formation (Fig. 1B) is exposed in the footwall, values have a narrow range but δ18Odolomite values
parlance for dolomite formed proximal to faults, overlying the Paleocene Esna Shale, carbonate- are scattered (Fig. 3A). REE profiles have nega-
with a non-stratabound core and stratabound dominated Cretaceous strata, and the Paleozoic tive Ce and positive La anomalies and a flattened
margin, commonly localized around normal Nubian Sandstone, composed largely of quartz heavy REE (HREE) profile (Fig. 3B). 87Sr/86Sr
and strike-slip faults, with little consensus on arenite (Nabawy et al., 2009). The overlying values are bimodal and range from 0.70811 to
the source of fluid or Mg2+ or the process for syn-rift succession is dominantly siliciclastic, 0.70858 (Fig. 3C).
dolomitization (Davies and Smith, 2006). Fur- overlain by Miocene evaporites (Moustafa, Stratabound dolostone bodies are more
thermore, most case studies are in pre-Cenozoic 2003). Rifting was initiated in the Oligocene numerous, 5–300 m long and 25 cm to 15 m
strata, so multiple phases of structural reactiva- (26 Ma) along numerous small faults until thick, weakly fabric preserving, and dark brown
tion, fluid flow, and recrystallization are likely displacement localized on the HFF by ca. 17 in color. They formed exclusively within debrite
to have obscured the geochemical fingerprint Ma (rift climax; Gawthorpe et al., 2003). This and grainstone turbidite beds with sharp upper
of the oldest dolomite phases. In contrast, the resulted in offset of nearly 5 km and formed and basal contacts and abrupt lateral terminations
simple burial and exhumation history of the an ~500-m-wide damage zone that is bounded (Fig. 2E). The bodies extend discontinuously into
dolostone bodies in this study allows insight by discontinuous fracture corridors (Fig. 1C;
into fluid flux and dolomitization during early Rotevatn and Bastesen, 2014). 1
GSA Data Repository item 2017057, data for
rifting. dolostone bodies and limestone (carbon and oxygen
ANALYTICAL METHODS stable isotope, 87Sr/86Sr, rare earth element, major ele-
All samples were georeferenced in the field ment bulk rock, and bulk rock XRD), and formation
*Current address: Alberta Geological Survey, thicknesses and permeability for pre- and syn-rift sedi-
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3, Canada. and prepared as polished thin sections, and ments on the Hammam Faraun fault block, is available

Current address: Badley Ashton and Associates matching offcuts were microdrilled for isotopic online at or
Ltd., Horncastle LN9 6PB, UK. analysis or powdered for bulk X-ray diffraction on request from

GEOLOGY, March 2017; v. 45; no. 3; p. 1–4 | Data Repository item 2017057 | doi:10.1130/G38s394.1 | Published online XX Month 2016
© | VolumeGold
2017 The Authors. 45 |Open
Number 3 |
Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. 1
30˚ 33˚E Mediterranean :
B enough to overprint the geochemical signature

Dead Sea
Thebes Formation

Wadi Wasit Fault

Sea Wadi Wa
basinal mudstones sit
of the precursor limestone (Banner et al., 1988).

Slumps Using the method of Matthews and Katz

(1977), the lightest and heaviest δ18Odolomite for

Gebel Fault


each body, and δ18Oseawater = −1‰ to +0‰ SMOW

m Esna Formation


a m Bl


Sudr Formation
(standard mean ocean water) (Veizer and Pro-

African Plate
Fa ck




Gulf Matulla Formation
koph, 2015), the stratabound dolostone is cal-
Suez Not mapped in study culated to have formed at ~40–70 °C and the
massive dolostone at ~40–100 °C. Assuming a
geothermal gradient of 45 °C km–1 and surface
El ck

seawater temperatures of 25 °C, ambient rock





temperatures would have been ~56 °C at maxi-


mum burial (Hirani, 2014), so dolomitizing fluids

di ig. 1

re C
Dip direction
F can mostly be interpreted as hydrothermal. No

(rift direction in

inset map)
primary fluid inclusions suitable for thermometry

Thal Fault
N Basement
were identified, but the calculated temperatures

Dolomitized N

Red of are consistent with those measured by clumped
500 m
Sea Suez isotope analysis (51–75 °C, n = 5; Hirani, 2014).
50 km Hurghada
lt If fluid-rock interaction enriched δ18Owater, or sea-
water became enriched by evaporation, then the
C Stratabound dolostone bodies temperature of dolomitization could be some-
Massive dolostone bodies what higher than estimated (by between 10 and
Fracture corridor Gebel F
ault 20 °C, assuming δ18Owater = +2‰ SMOW).

Base Thebes Mechanism for Fluid Flux and

Massive dolostone bodies
Top Sudr
Stratabound Since deposition, the Thebes Formation in
dolostone bodies the footwall of the HFF has been uplifted and
rotated from >550 m burial depth (Hirani, 2014).
Base Thebes The only available fluid, within the observed
Top Sudr
N Zone of Esna
temperature range, of sufficient volume and Mg/
hot springs Volcanics
Ham Ca ratio for dolomitization, during this period,
100 m

F arau
nF ault Mattula
was seawater. This is consistent with the 87Sr/86Sr
200 m and REE signature of the dolostones. At rift ini-
tiation, the proto–HFF block was dissected by
Figure 1. A: Regional geological map and location map (inset), Suez Rift, Egypt. B: Geologi- numerous discrete faults. Offset on the incipient
cal map of Hammam Faraun fault (HFF) block (modified after Moustafa, 2003). C: HFF block HFF was minor, with the fault tip most likely in
viewed looking northeast (see B). the Thebes Formation (Gawthorpe et al., 2003).
Seawater could have been drawn down the dis-
the footwall for up to 2 km, decreasing in fre- interpreted to be located within the damage zone crete, surface-breaching faults (Fig. 4A) and
quency away from the HFF, and are offset by the of the HFF. Hence the massive dolostone must fluxed into the Nubian Sandstone, the principal
Gebel fault (Fig. 1C). Dolomite is non-ferroan have formed at the rift climax, after localization aquifer in the region today with permeabilities
with planar-s and nonplanar cloudy core–clear of deformation on the HFF. 87Sr/86Sr ratios for of several darcys (Nabawy et al., 2009). There,
rimmed fabrics (sensu Sibley and Gregg, 1987; the stratabound dolostone appear to correspond seawater could have been entrained into free
Fig. 2F). Under CL, the cores luminesce bright to late Oligocene seawater (ca. 28–24 Ma), coin- convection cells, enhanced by a high heat flux
red and orange while clear rims have a concentri- cident with rift initiation. 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the due to rifting (e.g., Garven et al., 1999). The
cally zoned, yellow-green-orange luminescence massive dolostone are bimodal: a subset of sam- close fit of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios to the Oligo-Mio-
(Fig. 2G). Bulk stable isotope values are depleted ples has ratios that match Oligocene seawater cene seawater curve (Fig. 3C) suggests little Sr
relative to the unaltered limestone, with a narrow (ca. 26–24 Ma), but the majority have an appar- enrichment of the seawater by fluid-rock inter-
range (Fig. 3A). REE profiles have negative Ce ently younger age that is consistent with the rift action during convection, consistent with the
and positive La anomalies and depleted and flat- climax (ca. 22–17 Ma; Fig. 3C). inert, quartz-rich composition of the Nubian
tened HREE profile (Fig. 3B). 87Sr/86Sr ranges The negative Ce and positive La anomalies Sandstone (Nabawy et al., 2009). On reaching
from 0.70806 to 0.70824 (Fig. 3C). and slightly flattened HREE profiles of both the HFF, buoyant, hot fluids could have escaped
types of dolostone bodies compared to the host upwards to discharge laterally into the lower
Timing, Fluid Composition, and limestone imply that they record the REE signa- Thebes Formation at the fault tip.
Temperature ture of suboxic seawater (Haley et al., 2004). The As strain localized onto the HFF, movement
The stratabound dolostone bodies are off- δ13C for all dolostone bodies is more depleted on the smaller, discrete faults ceased (Gawthorpe
set by the Gebel fault, which became inactive than for the precursor limestone (Fig. 3A) and et al., 2003) and uplift of the HFF footwall led to
in the early Miocene (Gawthorpe et al., 2003), Oligocene-Miocene seawater (2‰–4‰; Veizer emergence of the footwall, terminating the influx
suggesting that they formed prior to the rift and Prokoph, 2015) and may reflect an input of seawater. Convection could have persisted
climax. Because the massive dolostone bodies of isotopically light carbon by degradation of by drawdown of seawater along faults in the
are densely fractured and brecciated, and par- organic matter. Both observations imply dolo- hanging wall of the HFF, as well as by convec-
tially bounded by fracture corridors, they are mitization at fluid-rock ratios that were high tion directly along the plane of the HFF, which

2 | Volume 45 | Number 3 | GEOLOGY

would have breached the seafloor at this time
A S (Fig. 4B). The restriction of the dolostone bod-
S ies to the narrow, highly fractured damage zone
suggests limited lateral flux of seawater into the
footwall. Given the limited opportunity for fluid
M mixing, wide-ranging oxygen and 87Sr/86Sr ratios
in the massive dolostone may reflect multiple
phases of dolomitization by numerous passes
of seawater at a range of temperatures. As such,
B E the oldest (Oligocene) ages may represent the
earliest phases of massive dolomitization or rem-
nant, precursor stratabound dolostone. Forma-
tion of the younger (ca. 17 Ma) dolostone could
have also been facilitated by the flux of seawater
with enhanced solute concentrations as the basin
became increasingly isolated, evidenced by the
late syn-rift evaporite succession.


Many conceptual models of HTD use a geo-
metrical association of massive and stratabound
dolostone to interpret contemporaneous forma-
r c tion by fluid supplied from a fault. This study
identifies stratabound dolostone that predates
massive dolostone, apparently by several million
years, indicating that it is not necessarily valid to
assume a syngenetic relationship between mas-
sive and stratabound bodies. Instead, although
the two types of dolostone bodies may be linked
to structural evolution, they can be decoupled
D G in time. At rift initiation, fluid flux appears to
have been controlled largely by geothermal con-
vection, resulting in fabric-retentive dolomite in
r c discrete beds with a well-constrained geochemis-
try. At rift climax, we suggest that intense struc-
tural deformation resulted in repeated, transient
pulses of fluid within the damage zone of the
fault. This led to multiple phases of dolomitiza-
tion, forming brecciated, non-fabric-retentive,
non-stratabound dolostone bodies. Strikingly,
several characteristic textural features of HTD,
Figure 2. A: Massive dolostone (M) and stratabound dolostone (S) bodies viewed from such as saddle dolomite, zebra dolomite, and
beach, adjacent to Hammam Faraun fault (HFF), Egypt. B: Chaotic breccia within massive hydrobreccia (Davies and Smith, 2006), are con-
dolostone. C: Massive dolostone in transmitted light showing non-planar replacive dolomite spicuously absent on the HFF block. Because the
(r) and dolomite cement (c). D: Image C in cathodoluminescence (CL), showing mottled
orange-red luminescence. E: Stratabound dolostone (dashed). F: Cloudy core–clear rimmed study area has undergone a short and simple his-
dolomite within stratabound dolostone (transmitted light). G: CL image of F showing zoned tory of burial and exhumation, it is possible that
orange-red luminescence. such apparently diagnostic HTD textures only

A Massive dolostone
B Rare Earth Elements C 0.7092 Koepnick et al., 1985
data limits
Widespread negative 1 Seawater line
2 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 0.7090
δ18O values
δ13C VPDB (‰)

87Sr/86Sr values:

0.7088 Unaltered limestones

0.1 Stratabound dolostone
0.7086 bodies
-2 Massive dolostone

0.7084 bodies
Stratabound dolostone -4
constrained isotopic 0.01
composition 0.7082
-14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 0.7080
δ18O VPDB (‰)

Figure 3. A: δ18O and δ13C for dolostone and whole-rock unaltered limestone (dashed oval), Hammam 0.7076
Faraun fault area, Egypt. VPDB—Vienna Peedee belemnite. B: Rare earth element data normalized P Miocene Oligo Eocene Paleo
to Post-Archean Australian Shale (PASS). C: Strontium isotope ratios relative to seawater strontium 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
curve (Koepnick et al., 1985). P—Pliocene; Oligo—Oligocene; Paleo—Paleocene. In all images, strat- Age (Ma)
abound dolostone is purple, massive dolomite is red, and limestone is black. Syn-rift Pre-rift

GEOLOGY | Volume 45 | Number 3 | 3

Surface- Surface-
breaching B breaching fault HFF
A HFF fault

Stratabound Massive Stratabound

dolomite dolomite dolomite

Figure 4. Fluid circulation and dolomite formation in response to progressive rifting and development of faults, Hammam Faraun fault (HFF)
area, Egypt. A: Rift initiation. Cool seawater is drawn down discrete open faults on proto-footwall, heated, and convected within Nubian
Sandstone. Buoyant, hot fluids circulate up proto-HFF into lower Thebes Formation and react to form stratabound dolostone. B: Rift climax.
Deformation is transferred to HFF, which breaches surface. Cold seawater is drawn into convection cells along fault plane, with hot, rising
fluids forming massive dolostone in damage zone. Some entrained seawater in Nubian Sandstone may also contribute to circulation.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS geology Journal, v. 7, p. 108–126, doi:10.1007 (western Sinai Peninsula): American Association
This project was funded via Industry Technology /s100400050183. of Petroleum Geologists Datapages GIS Series 34,
Facilitator project 3310PSD by BG-Group, Saudi Gawthorpe, R.L., Jackson, C.A.L., Young, M.J., Sharp, 34 p.
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LaLonde and Germain Bayon, University of Brest, doi:10.1016/S0191-8141(02)00088-3. Rotevatn, A., and Bastesen, E., 2014, Fault linkage
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clumped isotope analysis. Thanks to Eva Bjorseth who iments: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 68, permeability structure along segmented normal
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4 | Volume 45 | Number 3 | GEOLOGY

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