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English Iv – third class

Read the e-mail and answer the questions below.

Dear Julia,

Hello! How are you? I couldn't write to you for a long time, because I was very busy with my studies. I want to tell you
about my life in the city.

I live in Ukraine, Odessa. Odessa is a really exciting city full of beautiful people. People here are friendly and honest.
They always spend a lot of time together. Example, most of them meet in restaurants with their friends and make
picnics, walk in the park. Streets in the city are very wide and clean because here people throw rubbish in a bin and care
about nature.

I like living here now. Odessa has different wonderful places. My favorite place is Ukrainian theatre because there come
talented actors. In my opinion, the weather in Odessa is varied, so people are always interested in how it is going to be
tomorrow. But I like when it is sunny. Buildings here are beautiful, although I don't like all of them. The biggest and
greatest building is City Center. There you can go shopping and spend good time with your family and friends.

Well, it is all my news for now. I am waiting for you with your family to visit me as soon as you can. I will be happy to see
and hear you.

Lots of love,


1. What city does she live in?

2. What does the people use to do with friends?
3. What is her favorite place? Why?
4. What is the name of the biggest building?
5. Why is the city so clean?

Write the correct option below each one of the images

Read the next email and give directions to a friend to meet in a specific place.

Dear Julia,

I am very happy to hear that next week you are coming to my place and staying with me for two days. Unfortunately, I
won’t be able to fetch you from the station as I have a meeting on that day. But don’t worry. I will give you the
directions, so you will have no difficulty finding my place.

After getting off the train at the Roma Street train station, walk to the bus stand which is just 5 minutes from there. Wait
on platform 2 for the bus number 12. It will take you to my home through the inner streets of the suburb. As you enjoy
the journey through the suburbs, look out for the old heritage church in Salisbury. You have to get off the bus at the next
stop. Then take the Orange Grove road which is opposite the bus stop.

I’ll leave the keys under the door mat. Get inside and make yourself comfortable. I will be back home by 5:30 pm.
Thereafter we will go to the city and have dinner in a restaurant of your choice.

I can’t wait to see you. Have a safe trip.



Write the directions given


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