Research Instrument & Data Gathering Procedure

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Research Instrument

The researchers used survey questionnaire-rating scale in order to determine the

Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of the First Year BS Accountancy

Students at Laguna University A.Y. 2018-2019. This research instrument will be useful

for the researchers to gather data and information in a good and organized way.

Table 2. The Composite Table for Verbal Interpretation

Scale Verbal interpretation

5 Strongly Agree

4 Agree

3 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

1 Never

Table 2 The Composite Table for Verbal Interpretation shows the five rating scale

and verbal interpretation that were used in survey questionnaire-rating scale.

Data Gathering Procedures

Upon the approval of the researcher’s title, the first chapter was made and after

receiving the guidelines that the researchers should follow for the second chapter, the

researchers immediately started working on it. Then, the researchers get the total

number of the First Year BS Accountancy Students at Laguna University wherein these

students was the respondents that would be part in this study. From the whole

population, the researchers used the Slovin’s formula and simple random sampling

technique to get the sample size for each section. In preparation for the gathering of

data, the researchers started making a survey questionnaire to the students. After
gathering the data, the data was tallied, analyzed and interpreted according to the

specific problems set forth.

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