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Morphology of root

Non-green underground, descendent part of underground plant axis

Characteristics of root: -(1) colour less exp. Tinospora dordifolia, no nodes internodes and buds, endogenous origin,
root hair exogeneous, growing apex protected - terrestrial root cap and aquatic root pockets

Root regions – Root cap (parenchyma-tous multicellular structure, secrete mucilage)root pockets(Lemna, Pistia
Stratiote), meristematic growth region (1mm) (mitotic cell division), zone of elongation(absorb water & vacuolated &
starts differentiation), Root hair zone(elongation of epidermal cell 1-6cm),Zone of mature cells(outermost layer
covered by periderm or thick cell wall by cuticle

Function of root system: - Primary function (Anchorage, Absorption, Conduction of water and minerals,
Translocation of organic nutrients) Secondary function (food storage, assimilation, aeration, nitrogen fixation,
hydroscopic root, reproduction)

Types of root: - (a)Tap root system (acropetal succession, deep feeders) (b) Adventitious root system (seminal roots
and is also called fibrous root system exp foliar roots bryophyllum, begonia)

Modification of root: - Normal (1) storage of food (a)Conical (border at base and tapper gradually towards apex
example cone carrot) (B) Fusiform (swollen in middle, narrow towards base & apex example shape spindle radish)(c)
Napiform (nearly globular and spherical in shape, Basel is swollen and apex is tapper, shape top-shaped e.g. Turnip,
beet root)(d)Tuberous (no definite shape e.g. Marcibilis jalapa (2) Nodulated roots (nodule like welling called root
nodules contains nitrogen fixation bacteria[ rizobious leguminiosarium]{nitrogen into ammonia} mutualistic
symbiosis ) (3) Respiratory roots or pneumatophores(pores lenticels)e.g. sonneratia, heritiera, Rhizophora

Modification of adventitious root: - (i) Mechanical root (a) Prop roots - stem branches [ banyan tree ficus
benghalensis] (b) Still roots – delicate steam develops shot and thick supporting roots from the basal portion of
steam e.g. zea maya, pandanus, Sugar cane (c) climbing roots – arise from nodes & twin round the support or
produce a viscous substance which on drying sticks to the plant e.g. Piper betel, Pothos (d) Clinging roots - Vanda (e)
Root thorn – Acanthoriza (f) root buttresses – Bombax ceiba (ii) Storage of food – (a) Root tubers or Tuberous root
e.g. sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) (b) Fasciculate root e.g. Dahlia (c) Palmate tuberous - orchid (d) Moniliform Commented [dp1]:
roots – alternatively swollen & constricted giving a beaded appearance e.g. Dioscorea alata, Momordica charantia
(e) Annulated roots – disk like structure placed one above another e.g. cephaelis

Physiological function (a) Epiphytic root – orchid (Vanda) tissue – velamen (b) Assimilatory root - develop chlorophyll
synthesis carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water in presence of sunlight (photosynthesis) e.g. Tinospora
cordifolia (c) Haustorial roots – absorb nutrition e.g. cascuta (d) Reproductive roots – Dahlia, sweet potato

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