Guidelines in Writing Science Investigatory Project: Author's Name and Affiliations

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Papers are accepted in English. Font is Times New Roman and the size should be 12 for the text and 10 for
the tables. All titles in the first row of the table should be bold and only the first word should be capitalized.
The margin should be 1 inch on top, bottom and right while the left side should be 1.5. The size of the paper
is Letter (8.5”x11” inches).

The format of the manuscript should observe the following:


It should be concise and informative not exceeding 10-15 word. It should all be capitalized and written in
bold letters and centered in the text. The font should be Times New Roman and the size should be 12.

Author’s name and Affiliations

 The name/s of the author (lower case except for the first letter) should be written in full except for
the middle name which is written using the initial only. The titles and or positions of the author and
or their designations are normally not included.


A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the
methodology used, the principal results, major conclusions and recommendations. It is presented separately
from the article so it should stand on its own. It should be written in a simpler manner as possible so that it
will be easily understood by those who are not specialist. Do not use unfamiliar terms, acronyms, trade
names, abbreviations, and symbols which do not have explanations. It should be around 150-200 words


Keywords should be written below the abstract, the keyword should be bold and only the first word should
be capitalized. It should be followed by a semi colon and five important word which are alphabetized and
italized, and only the first letter of each word should be capitalized. Observe proper writing of scientific
words. Be sparing with abbreviations, only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be considered.
The keywords are being used for indexing purposes.


It should be bold, capitalized and centered. This should include a brief consideration of the problem and its
importance, a short survey of the relevant literature and the aims or objectives of the work to be described
in the paper.


Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated
by a reference: only significant modifications should be described. All techniques used should be written
in detail together with a broad outline of the work that follows. The materials should be written in paragraph
form and not in Recipe type. The System Internationale Should be used for the units. The abbreviations
should be m for meter, g for grams, ml for millimetres, mol for mole, d for day, h for hour, min for minutes,
sec for seconds, etc.

Subheadings may be deleted and detailed descriptions of the work can be written paragraph by paragraph.
In addition, clearly state the statistical methods that you have utilized. The brands of the commercial
products used should not be stated in this section instead, the generics may be utilized.


Presentation of result should correspond to the objectives of the study. It should be presented in an orderly
fashion and tables and figures may be utilized where necessary. Sections can be presented into subheadings
to facilitate easy reading and understanding. Discussion should focus on the work presented and its
relationship with other relevant published works.


Each table should carry a brief descriptive title and number above each table and a legend or any footnotes
appearing below the table. It should be self-explanatory and must replace long discussion in the text that
may not suffice without a table. In the body of the table, references to footnotes should be written in
numerals. To indicate significant differences among means within a row or column, superscript lowercase
letters should be used. Limit the number of tables and only those with essential data should be incorporated.
Highlight the upper and lower lines of the table (3 pt.) the description is Times New Roman 12 while the
title in each column should be 10 and bold.


Figures and illustrations should be simple, few and labelled completely. The figures, including titles and
legends should be prepared in separate sheets. Symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters used to identify parts
of the illustrations should be explained in the legends.


Conclusions should jibe with the objectives, materials and methods and results and discussions of the study.
It has to be presented in paragraph form and not bullet form.


Recommendations should be written in paragraph form and should highlight the most important findings
of the study and their applications.


Only those whose have direct contributions to the study should be included particularly the source of


References should be cited alphabetically and minimize their numbers. They should not be numbered. In
the text, the names of two authors are linked by ‘and’, for three or more, the first author’s name is followed
by ‘et al’ (italized) and letters a, b, c are used to distinguish several papers by the same author in one year.
Papers or data that have not been accepted for publication may not be included in the list of references and
must be cited in the text as ‘unpublished data ‘or as personal communication’. Only those that can be found
in the text should be written in the references.
There should be no et al in the references. All names of the authors must be written. Each reference should
contain the last name followed by the full name of the first and initial of the middle name (where available)
of the author/s year, title or reference, name of journal/book, volume, page number or inclusive pages, place
of publication and publisher (for books). All references should be capitalized and bold.


1. Book.

Author (s), year of publication, and title of chapter in a book, title of book, volume (if applicable), publisher,
and place of publication.


KINNEY, JOHN J. 2003. Design of Science and Engineering Experiments. Statistics for Science
Engineering. Pp. 277-345. Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd 23 First Lok Yang Road, Singapore

2. Report/Bulletin

Author (s) year of publication, title of report, title of series, volume of series, place of publication.


SHEPERD, T.G., AND NEALL, V. E. 1986. Soil taxonomic enuit descriptions for Tutu Estate,
Tavenui Island, Fiji. New Zealand, Soil Taxanomic Descriptions No. 13, Wellington

3. Web References

Wikipedia and anonymous web references should not be included in the references. Included the Author’s
name, title of reference, year, full URL and the date it was retrieved or accessed.


BULAO, MARIA FE S. 2016. Status of Small Animal Nutrition in the Philippines. Retrieved 2016

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