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Most of the devices today are on internet of things.The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of
physical devices, vehicles and other items embedded with software, electronics, actuator, sensor
and network connectivity which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. At our home,
we have so many devices which are connected to Internet nowadays. Example -our camera,
Refrigerator etc. Before we come home, our AC can get on, even our microwave on just one
click. Electronics company, car companies everything runs on the concept of Internet of things.
For example, there is a bridge which is made of smart cement (cement with sensors). This
sensors monitor the stresses, cracks etc. in bridge. If the bridge becomes weak or other damage,
the sensors will communicate to authority to fix the problems. Also the sensors can send signal
to a person on car to stop by as there is hazard ahead and if she/he does not stop, it will tell yhe
car to slow down . This is how sensor-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication takes
place. This is also employed in IT sector, agricultural sector.
Internet of things is the idea that any object can be connected to internet. It is estimated that
about 2020, there will be more than 50 billion connected devices and only around 7.6 billion
people. Now IoT is defined as "Things having identities and virtual personalities and operating in
smart spaces using intelligent interfaces to connect and communicate within social,
environmental and user contexts".
1. Sensor mother. It uses its own freewheel sensors to collect data about amy activity it is
assigned for and displays that data to the end user. The activities can be anything like door
opening, sleep, eating etc.
2. In a Pune startup, they made a plug and play device that displays car status, battery health and
other information on an app on our smartphone.
3. Uber also uses IoT. It finds where a customer is waiting for a ride and where a driver is ready
to provide it and connect them on an app.
4. In agriculture, also there is huge growth of IoT devices. They are used to know how much
crop has grown and what should be done to optimise the yields and when is the best time to plant
a crop etc.
Smart city is a city where everything is connected. When we go outside, per street light gets on
with our presence. We can know real time location of buses etc. We put leg towards door and it
opens. We don't have to wait at toll taxes, the payment gets deducted from our online account
.Thus our comfort level to live in the city increases by a loy amount. Trash can can also be
connected to Internet. When it will be full, only then the management has come to empty up the
can. Nobody has to tell them. Neither they have to come up everyday.
But to establish this IoT is also difficult. To setup the fiber optic lines and connecting all devices.
The disadvantage of this is that this devices can be easily hacked and this can't be avoided and
hence can lead to huge loss.

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