Draft BNR Troubleshooting 20130221 GD V3

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Banknote Recycler

BNR Troubleshooting Guide

Release R1

MEI Incorporated
© 2012 MEI. All rights reserved MEI® BNR Troubleshooting Guide 12345 x 044 – R1
Information subject to change without
prior notice
Published by:
MEI Inc.
P.O. Box 2650
Ch-1211 Geneva 2

MEI® BNR Banknote Recycler – "Front Title"

© 2010 MEI. All rights reserved.

MEI ® and the MEI logo are registered trademarks.
Except as permitted under the relevant local legislation, no part of this publication may be copied,
transmitted, transcribed or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or
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permission of MEI Inc.
MEI Inc. reserves the right to change the product specifications at any time. While every effort has
been made to ensure that the information in this publication is accurate, MEI Inc. disclaims any
liability for any direct or indirect losses (howsoever caused) arising out of use or reliance on this
This document does not necessarily imply product availability.

Part Number: 12345 x 044 Release

This edition April 2010 G1
ECN number 5 000 000 xxxxx
File reference Document2


Release R1
(Reference: 12345-x-044_R1 - 2010-04-26)

© 2012 MEI. All rights reserved MEI® BNR Troubleshooting Guide 12345 x 044 – R1
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prior notice
Table of Contents
MEI® BNR .................................................................................................................................. 1
Banknote Recycler ..................................................................................................................... 1
Release R1................................................................................................................................. 1
1. PRESENTATION ............................................................................................................. 5
2. OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 7
3. MAIN MODULE .............................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Inlet Bill Sensor (BI.S1) ....................................................................................................... 12
3.2 X Channel Sensor (BI.S2)................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Bill Width Sensor (BI.S3) .................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Bill Intake Bill Sensor (BI.S4) .............................................................................................. 14
3.5 Positioner Bill Sensor (PR.S1) ............................................................................................ 15
3.6 Bottom Transport Bill Sensor (BT.S1)................................................................................. 16
3.7 Outlet Bill Sensor (BT.S2) ................................................................................................... 17
3.8 Main Transport Motor (MM.M1) .......................................................................................... 17
3.9 Stacker ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.10 Bundler Diverter System ................................................................................................. 20
3.11 Recognition Sensor ......................................................................................................... 21
3.12 Positioner Wheel ............................................................................................................. 22
3.13 Outlet Flap Sensor .......................................................................................................... 23
4. BUNDLER ...................................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Bundler Transport Motor (BU.M1)....................................................................................... 24
4.2 Bill and Drum Sensor (BU.S1) ............................................................................................ 25
5. SPINE ............................................................................................................................ 27
5.1 Spine Bill Sensor n (SP.Sn2) .............................................................................................. 29
5.2 Spine Diverter n (SP.DIVn) ................................................................................................. 30
6. CASHBOX ..................................................................................................................... 32
7. RECYCLER n ................................................................................................................ 34
7.1 Bill Sensor (REn.S1) ........................................................................................................... 36
7.2 Transport Motor (REn.M1) .................................................................................................. 37
7.3 Tape Position ...................................................................................................................... 38
8. LOADER ........................................................................................................................ 40
8.1 Bill Sensor (LO.S1) ............................................................................................................. 42
8.2 Transport Motor (LO.M1) .................................................................................................... 43
8.3 Pressure Plate..................................................................................................................... 44
8.4 Anti-Fishing Flap ................................................................................................................. 45
9. Overview of the BNR ..................................................................................................... 47
9.1 Main Module........................................................................................................................ 47
9.2 Cashbox .............................................................................................................................. 47
9.3 Loader ................................................................................................................................. 48
9.4 Recycler .............................................................................................................................. 48
9.5 Spine ................................................................................................................................... 49
10. Bill Transport Sections ................................................................................................... 50
11. Easy Jam Clearing ......................................................................................................... 51
© 2012 MEI. All rights reserved MEI® BNR Troubleshooting Guide 12345 x 044 – R1
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11.1 In the Spine ..................................................................................................................... 51
11.2 In the Recognition Sensor ............................................................................................... 52
11.3 In the Regcognition Sensor to Spine interface ................................................................ 53
11.4 In the Positioner, at the inlet ............................................................................................ 54
11.5 In the Loader cassette ..................................................................................................... 55
11.6 At the Cashbox pusher plate ........................................................................................... 56
12. Advanced Jam Clearing ................................................................................................. 58
12.1 Bottom ............................................................................................................................. 58
12.2 Bundler ............................................................................................................................ 59
12.3 Recycler........................................................................................................................... 61
12.4 Piston in Box.................................................................................................................... 66

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This document is meant to help the BNR Support Tool’s user to do a preliminary diagnosis
on each trouble the BNR can encounter.

Using the Support Tool, the user will be able to visualize Status information for each module
and sub-module.
The meaning of each status will be described here.

For each line, the background colour may change:

- GREEN: no problem, everything’s OK
- YELLOW: warning. The system gives an information that won’t prevent the BNR
from working (ex: Recycler empty).
The warning is also marked with a sign in the module’s thumbnail and near
the relevant line.
- RED: an error occurred and an action needs to be taken to return to normal.
The error is also marked with a sign in the module’s thumbnail and near the
relevant line.

In the example below, there is a warning in the Overview page (operationalStatus = IDLE)
and an error (errorCode = UNLOCKED).
There are also warning and error marks on the thumbnails for the Overview, the Main
Module and the Cashbox Module.

In this case, the different modules having a mark will have to be checked.

There are also different levels of actions that can be taken:

- Host: Automat software which controls the BNR.

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- Basic Field Operator: his role is to monitor locally the BNR functioning and
report problems.
He comes to the system when a user complains, when the automat reports a
problem or simply to check if everything works well. He gets information through
the automat or his control PC.
He can clear basic bill jam, in a simple manner, just by opening the covers.
He has access to the BNR body.

- Advanced Field Operator: Same role as the Basic Field Operator, but with a
higher level of competencies and tools. He’s requested for a “top quality”
He can retrieve audit from the BNR or modify the configuration.
He performs advance jam clearing, for which he needs:
A view of what happened in the last (or current) transaction
Detailed BNR status and jam information
A way to perform tests
He has access to the BNR body.

- Field Service Technician: his role is to repair the BNR in the field.
He can do a simple failure analysis and can replace a faulty module or the
complete system.
He can easily and quickly identify a module performing poorly.
He must be able to test the BNR to be sure that everything works well.
He needs a “module” level knowledge of the BNR.
He has access to the BNR body.

- Field Cash Refiller: his role is to load bills in the BNR when needed.
He can do it with the Loader. He needs the right to remove this module and the
right to open it.

Check for the corresponding colour to know which solution you

can apply.

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On this page, you can find the general information about the BNR (status, firmware version,
PCUs and LCUs ...).
The general status is given here:

The different values are:

- operational Status:
OPERATIONAL (0): no errors, the module or element is operational. No action

IDLE (1): the system is idle due to a configuration change, a power up, reboot or
because the system has been opened.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: check that all the covers are closed
2) Host: send Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): The system is not operational. The system has an error.
Refer to errorCode and billTransportStatus.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): If the system is not operational, see the modules

OPENED (1): one of the cover is open

SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: close all the covers
2) Host: send Reset Command

UNLOCKED (2): the Interlock System is unlocked

SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Make sure all the modules are in the
correct position. Lock the Interlock system

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2) Host: send Reset Command

- billTransportStatus:
OK (0): no bill stopped in the transport system. No action required.

BILL_STOP(1): One or more bills are stopped in the transport system, due to a
power down, system restart, system opening or a hardware failure (e.g. motor)

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BILL_ERROR (3): A non transportable bill or bundle has been detected in the
transport system
TRANSPORT_ERROR (4): A bill hasn't reached its final destination, even after
several trials.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Top cover or Recognition
module. Remove bill. Close cover.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset Command

BILL_JAM (2): One or more bills are stopped in the transport system due to a bill jam
or an undetected failure.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open cover, remove bill, close cover.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

if problem persists:
3) Advanced Field Operator: remove Cashbox (and Main
Module, not necessary if jam in the Spine, check
billTransportStatus of the Modules). Remove bill (if any) from
bottom of main module. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

4) Host: send Reset command

- billStorageStatus:
ERROR (1): The Cashbox is full.
SOLUTION: change with an empty and armed Cashbox

OK (3): No error: Cashbox is not full, and every loader has bills of the right
denomination. No action required.

WARNING (4): At least one loader is empty or contains bills of wrong denomination
or recycler is full. Check billStorageStatus of the modules for more details.
SOLUTION: 1) Field Cash Refiller: Insert a loader with bills of correct
denomination, secure the BNR
2) Host: send Reset command

- cashTypeStatus:
UNKNOWN (0): One of the present modules has its cashTypeStatus set to
#CTS_UNKNOWN. Check cashTypeStatus of the modules for more details.

OK (1): All the present modules have their cashTypeStatus set to #CTS_OK, and all
the BillTypes have their billTypeStatus set to #BTS_OK

WARNING (2): At least one present Loader or Recycler has its CashTypeStatus set

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at least one BillType has its billTypeStatus different from #BTS_OK. Check
cashTypeStatus and billTypeStatus of the modules for more details.
SOLUTION: Reposition recyclers at their correct place.

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational - No errors.

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module - Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: 1) Host: send Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational - Module or sub-module part has

an error.
SOLUTION: Refer to errorCode or billErrorTransportSection

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No action required. If the module is not operational, check the sub-

INCOMPATIBLE_SW (1): Software not compatible with one of the Main Module
BOOT_RUNNING (3): Module working with the boot application.
SOLUTION: 1) Field Maintenance Technician or Host : Download correct
module FW version with BNR Support Tool or BNRFlash utility

OPENED (2): Module is open.

SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Close open cover.
2) Host: send Reset command

- billTransportStatus:
OK (0): no bill stopped in the transport system. No action required.

BILL_STOP(1): One or more bills are stopped in the transport system, due to a
power down, system restart, system opening or a hardware failure (e.g. motor)
BILL_JAM (2): One or more bills are stopped in the transport system due to a bill jam
or an undetected failure.
BILL_ERROR (3): A non transportable bill or bundle has been detected in the
transport system
TRANSPORT_ERROR (4): A bill hasn't reached its final destination, even after
several trials.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open cover, remove bill, close cover.
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See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

If problem persists:
3) Advanced Field Operator: remove cashbox and Main
Module. Remove bill (if any) from bottom of main module.
Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

4) Host: send Reset command

3.1 Inlet Bill Sensor (BI.S1)

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational, no errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the module. It will
be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module has an

error. Refer to errorCode.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high.
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be repaired

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Top Cover, remove object (if
any) from the inlet area, clean inlet, close cover.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2)Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3)Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

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3.2 X Channel Sensor (BI.S2)

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational, no errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the module. It will
be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module has an

error. Refer to errorCode.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high.
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be repaired

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Top Cover, remove object (if
any) from the inlet area, clean inlet, close cover.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

3.3 Bill Width Sensor (BI.S3)

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational, no errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the module. It will
be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module has an

error. Refer to errorCode.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high.
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be repaired

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Top Cover, remove object (if
any) from the inlet area, clean inlet, close cover.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

3.4 Bill Intake Bill Sensor (BI.S4)

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational, no errors
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CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the module. It will
be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module has an

error. Refer to errorCode.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high.
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be repaired

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Top Cover, remove object (if
any) from the inlet area, clean inlet, close cover.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2)Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3)Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

3.5 Positioner Bill Sensor (PR.S1)

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational, no errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the module. It will
be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module has an

error. Refer to errorCode.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

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SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high.
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be repaired

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Top Cover, remove object (if
any) from the inlet area, clean inlet, close cover.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

3.6 Bottom Transport Bill Sensor (BT.S1)

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational, no errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the module. It will
be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module has an

error. Refer to errorCode.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high.
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be repaired

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Top Cover, remove object (if
any) from the inlet area, clean inlet, close cover.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

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3.7 Outlet Bill Sensor (BT.S2)

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational, no errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the module. It will
be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module has an

error. Refer to errorCode.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high.
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be repaired

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Top Cover, remove object (if
any) from the inlet area, clean inlet, close cover.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

3.8 Main Transport Motor (MM.M1)

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. It will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module part has

an error. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

NOT_STARTED (2): Motor failed to start

SPEED_TOO_LOW (3): Motor’s speed low limit has been reached
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Open all covers, remove object
(if any) from the bill path, and close covers.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Main Module or/and Spine
module needs to be repaired.

3.9 Stacker

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module part has

an error. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:

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CANNOT_POSITION (1): ST.S2 sensor did not change while moving around home
HARDWARE_FAILURE (3): The stacker sensor ST.S2 is not covered after some
BLOCKED_AT_HOME (4): The stacker motor did not start. The stacker is still in
home position.
BLOCKED_AT_BILL_PATH (5): While moving up, the stacker was blocked at the bill
path position.
BLOCKED_AT_CB_ENTRY (6): While moving up, the stacker was blocked at the
cashbox entry.
BLOCKED_AROUND_HOME (7): While moving up, the stacker was blocked around
its home position.
STOPPED_AT_BILL_PATH (9): While moving down, the stacker was stopped at the
bill path position. BNR tried to move back the stacker in home position before
declaring this error.
STOPPED_AT_CB_ENTRY (10): While moving down, the stacker was stopped at
the cashbox entry. BNR tried to move back the stacker in home position before
declaring this error. May be due to bad insertion of the cashbox.
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: remove cashbox. Remove
object (if any) blocking the Stacking Mechanism. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

If problem persists:
3) Field service Technician: Main Module needs to be

CANNOT_MOVE_TO_TRASHBIN (2): The stacker motor was blocked while trying to

move to trash bin position from its home position. The stacker is still in home
SOLUTION: Send to repair

BLOCKED_IN_CB (8): While moving up, the stacker was blocked inside the
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: remove Main Module and
cashbox using “Piston in box – Removal procedure” (See
Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”). Secure BNR.
2) Host: send Reset command.
If problem persists:
3) Field service Technician: Main Module and/or cashbox
needs to be repaired.

STOPPED_IN_CB (11): While moving down, the stacker was stopped at the cashbox
entry. BNR tried to move back the stacker in home position before declaring this
error. Plate might be blocked or cashbox is full.
SOLUTION: 1a) Cassette Exchanger: Cashbox likely full. Exchange
cashbox. Secure BNR.

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1b) Advanced Field Operator: Remove cashbox. Remove
object (if any) blocking the Stacking Mechanism or jams inside
the cashbox. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

3.10 Bundler Diverter System

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Module or sub-module part has

an error. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:

BLOCKED (1): The bundler diverter system motor’s speed was null or too low.
CANNOT_POSITION (2): The bundler diverter system failed to reach the requested
EXTRACTION_POS_NOT_CONFIRMED (3): The bundler diverter system position
confirmation sensor (BU.S3) should have been covered on extraction position.
OUTLET_POS_NOT_CONFIRMED (4): The bundler diverter system position
confirmation sensor (BU.S3) should have been covered on outlet position.
CANNOT_FIND_MARK (5): The bundler diverter system could not find the position
mark during initialisation cycle.
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: remove cashbox. Remove
unexpected object (if any) in the Bundler area. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
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3) Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

3.11 Recognition Sensor

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module part has

an error. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:

OFFSET_COMPENSATION_ERROR (1): Impossible to compensate the offset.

REMAINING_OFFSET_TOO_LOW (2): The remaining offset is too low.
C_COEF_DIV_BY_ZERO (5): Divide by zero while calculating C coefficients.
C_COEF_NEG_VALUE (6): One or more c coefficients are below zero.
C_COEF_OVERFLOW (7): Overflow on C coefficients.
C_COEF_OUT_OF_RANGE (8): One or more C coefficients values are out of range.
SOLUTION: 1) Field Service Technician: Open Recognition Module.
Check if flat cable is correctly connected. If not, Power off,
insert correctly the flat cable then power on. Close Recognition

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2) Host: send Reset Command
If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

REMAINING_OFFSET_TOO_HIGH (3): The remaining offset is too high.

SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: switch off every luminous light
close to Recognition Module (if any)
2) Host: send reset command
If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

CANNOT_REGULATE_FOR_DSR_IDENT (4): Impossible to regulate for

CANNOT_REGULATE (9): Impossible to regulate the sensor.
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Open Recognition sensor
module. Remove unexpected object (if any), clean the sensor.
Close the module.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send a Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field service Technician: Main Module needs to be

3.12 Positioner Wheel

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:

3.13 Outlet Flap Sensor

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module part has

an error. Refer to errorCode, billTransportStatus, billStorageStatus.

- errorCode:

CANNOT_FIND_MARK (1): The bundler could not find the position mark during
initialization cycle.
CANNOT_INIT_WITH_BILLS (2): The bundler initialization cycle could not be done
because it contains bills.
SOLUTION: 1) Host: send Reset Command
if problem persist:
2) Field Maintenance Technician: Remove cash box.
Remove bills from Bundler from the bottom Main Module
aperture. If unsuccessful, remove/exchange Main Module.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

INIT_REQUIRED (3): After a cycle, the position mark has not been detected.
SOLUTION: Host: send Reset command

4.1 Bundler Transport Motor (BU.M1)

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. It will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

NOT_STARTED (2): Motor failed to start

SPEED_TOO_LOW (3): Motor’s speed low limit has been reached
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Remove cashbox, remove
object (if any) from the bottom bill path, and secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send a Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Remove cashbox, remove Main
Module remove object (if any) from the Bundler area, secure
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

4) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
5) Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be

4.2 Bill and Drum Sensor (BU.S1)

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational, no errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the module. It will
be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode table.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Main Module needs to be repaired.

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low
SOLUTION: 1) Field Service Technician: Remove cashbox, remove Main
Module, remove object (if any) from the bundler area, and
secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field service Technician: Main Module needs to be

BAD_REGULATION (4): Transitory error code: detector regulation attempts are

made. No action possible.
SOLUTION: Module needs to be repaired

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module part has

an error. Refer to errorCode and billTransportStatus

- errorCode:

COM_BREAKDOWN (1): No communication with the module.

SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Switch power off, check Spine
connector and cable and switch BNR power on.

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If problem persists:
2) Field Service Technician: send the BNR to a repair center.

INCOMPATIBLE_MODULE (2): The module is not compatible with the BNR

SOLUTION: Update BNR with a correct software configuration.

MISSING_MODULE (3): Module not present in the system.

SOLUTION: 1) Field Maintenance Technician: Verify module is
properly connected; if necessary reconnect after Power
down. Power up

2) Host: send Reset command

OPENED (4): The module is open.

SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Close open cover.
2) Host: send Reset command

WRONG_MODULE_TYPE (5): Incompatible module with the slot configuration.

BOOT_RUNNING (6): Module working with the boot application.

SOLUTION: 1) Field Maintenance Technician or Host : Download correct
module FW version with BNR Support Tool or BNRFlash utility

- billTransportStatus:
OK (0): no bill stopped in the transport system. No action required.

BILL_STOP(1): One or more bills are stopped in the transport system, due to a
power down, system restart, system opening or a hardware failure (e.g. motor)
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Spine door. Remove bill. Close
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset Command

BILL_JAM (2): One or more bills are stopped in the transport system due to a bill jam
or an undetected failure.
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Unlock BNR. Remove Recycler
clear bill path. Put back Recycler. Lock BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

BILL_ERROR (3): A non transportable bill or bundle has been detected in the
transport system
TRANSPORT_ERROR (4): A bill hasn't reached its final destination, even after
several trials.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open cover, remove bill, close cover.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

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2) Host: send Reset command

5.1 Spine Bill Sensor n (SP.Sn2)

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The element is operational, no errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the element. It

will be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode table.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Spine Module needs to be

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Spine Door, remove object (if
any) in the Spine bill path, close door.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field service Technician: Spine Module needs to be

COM_BREAKDOWN (3): No communication with the module owning the detector.

SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Spine Door. Check the good
connection of the cable between the Main Module and the
Spine. Close door.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:

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3) Field service Technician: Spine Module needs to be

5.2 Spine Diverter n (SP.DIVn)

- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the element. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:

CANNOT_MOVE_TO_SPINE (1): The diverter failed to move to Spine position.

CANNOT_MOVE_TO_MODULE (2): The diverter failed to move to Module position.
CANNOT_STAY_TO_MODULE (3): The diverter failed to stay on Module position.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Spine door, remove object (if
any) blocking the diverters, close door.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Spine Module needs to be

COM_BREAKDOWN (4): No communication with the module that owns the diverter.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Spine door. Check good
connection of the cable between Main Module and Spine.
Close door.

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2) Host: send Reset command.
If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Spine Module needs to be

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:

COM_BREAKDOWN (1): No communication with the module.

INCOMPATIBLE_MODULE (2): Software version of the module is incompatible with


MISSING_MODULE (3): No module present.

SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Interlock yellow lever. Insert
an armed cashbox (indicator green). Close Interlock yellow

2) Host: send Reset command

BOOT_RUNNING (6): Module working with the boot application. ONLY WITH A

MODULE_NOT_DETECTED (9): No communication with the module. ONLY WITH A

SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Check if the Cashbox is armed
(indicator green). If not, open Interlock yellow lever. Insert an
armed cashbox (indicator green). Close Interlock yellow lever.

2) Host: send Reset command

SHUTTER_CLOSED (10): The Cashbox shutter is closed and cannot be opened by

the BNR

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SOLUTION: 1) Field Maintenance Technician: Remove Cashbox, Open it
and close it correctly. Reinsert Cashbox.

2) Host: send Reset command

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module part has

an error. Refer to errorCode

SW_LOCKED (4): Module has been locked by configuration. Loader or Recycler


- errorCode:

COM_BREAKDOWN (1): No communication with the module.

SOLUTION: If test done: Switch power off, plug again spine connector and
switch BNR on.

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If not a test:
1) Field Maintenance Technician: Send the BNR to a repair

INCOMPATIBLE_MODULE (2): Module is not compatible with the BNR

SOLUTION: Update BNR with a correct software configuration

MISSING_MODULE (3): Module not present in the system.

SOLUTION: 1) Cassette Exchanger: Open Interlock yellow lever. Insert a
recycler. Close Interlock yellow lever.

2) Host: send Reset command

WRONG_MODULE_TYPE (5): Incompatible module with the slot configuration.

SOLUTION: 1) Advanced field operator: Remove the loader cassette and
insert a recycler module, secure the BNR.

2) Host: send Reset command.

BOOT_RUNNING (6): Module working with the boot application.

SOLUTION: 1) Field Maintenance Technician or Host: Load correct
module FW version with BNR Support Tool or BNRFlash utility

- billTransportStatus:
OK (0): no bill stopped in the transport system. No action required.

BILL_STOP(1): One or more bills are stopped in the transport system, due to a
power down, system restart, system opening or a hardware failure (e.g. motor)

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SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Spine door. Remove bill.
Close door.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset Command

BILL_JAM (2): One or more bills are stopped in the transport system due to a bill jam
or an undetected failure.
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Unlock BNR. Remove Recycler
clear bill path. Put back Recycler. Lock BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

BILL_ERROR (3): A non transportable bill has been detected in the transport system
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Spine cover, remove bill, close
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

TRANSPORT_ERROR (4): A bill hasn't reached its final destination, even after
several trials.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open cover, remove bill, close
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

- cashTypeStatus:
UNKNOWN (0): The status is not available.

OK (1): The configuration of the module is compatible with the physical cash unit’s

WRONG_SETTING (2): The configuration of the module is not compatible with the
physical cash unit’s one.
SOLUTION: Reposition Recyclers at their correct place.

WRONG_BILLS (3): The module contains bills of a denomination which is not

compatible with the physical cash unit’s configuration (Loader module only).

BILLS_NOT_VALID (4): The module contains not valid bills of a denomination which
is compatible with the physical cash unit’s configuration (Loader module only).

7.1 Bill Sensor (REn.S1)

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The element is operational, no errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the element. It

will be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode table.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Recycler Module needs to be

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Remove Recycler. Remove
object (if any) in the Recycler bill path. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field service Technician: Recycler Module needs to be

COM_BREAKDOWN (3): No communication with the module owning the detector.

SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Unsecure BNR. Check if there
are any unexpected objects on Spine or Recycler’s connector.
Insert the Recycler back into its slot. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field service Technician: Recycler and/or Spine Module
needs to be repaired.

7.2 Transport Motor (REn.M1)

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. It will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

COM_BREAKDOWN (1): No communication with the element that owns the motor.
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Unsecure BNR. Check if any
unexpected object is on Spine or Recycler’s connector. Insert
the Recycler. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Recycler and/or Spine Module
needs to be repaired.

NOT_STARTED (2): Motor failed to start

SPEED_TOO_LOW (3): Motor’s speed low limit has been reached
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Remove Recycler, review
mechanical status of parts, remove (if any) blocking the tape.
Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send a Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Recycler Module needs to be

7.3 Tape Position

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the element. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:

COM_BREAKDOWN (1): No communication with the element that owns the tape.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Unsecure BNR. Check if there is any
unexpected object on Spine or Recycler’s connector. Insert the
Recycler. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Recycler and/or Spine Module
needs to be repaired.

NO_STEP_FOR_BILL_REEL (1): Bill reel coding wheel counted no step while motor
was on.
NO_STEP_FOR_TAPE_REEL (2): Tape reel coding wheel counted no step while
motor was on.
SOLUTION: 1) Field Service Technician: Remove Recycler. Remove
object (if any) on the coding wheel sensors. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Recycler Module needs to be

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The module or element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the module. Will be

determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Module not operational. Module or sub-module part has

an error. Refer to errorCode

SW_LOCKED (4): Module has been locked by configuration. Loader or Recycler


- errorCode:

COM_BREAKDOWN (1): No communication with the module.

SOLUTION: If test done: Switch power off, plug again spine connector and
switch BNR on.

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If not a test:
1) Field Maintenance Technician: Send the BNR to a repair

INCOMPATIBLE_MODULE (2): Module is not compatible with the BNR

SOLUTION: Update BNR with a correct software configuration

MISSING_MODULE (3): Module not present in the system.

SOLUTION: 1) Cassette Exchanger: Open Interlock yellow lever. Insert a
Loader. Close Interlock yellow lever.

2) Host: send Reset command

WRONG_MODULE_TYPE (5): Incompatible module with the slot configuration.

SOLUTION: 1) Advanced field operator: Remove the Recycler and insert
a Loader module, secure the BNR.

2) Host: send Reset command.

BOOT_RUNNING (6): Module working with the boot application.

SOLUTION: 1) Field Maintenance Technician or Host: Load correct
module FW version with BNR Support Tool or BNRFlash utility

- billTransportStatus:
OK (0): no bill stopped in the transport system. No action required.

BILL_STOP(1): One or more bills are stopped in the transport system, due to a
power down, system restart, system opening or a hardware failure (e.g. motor)
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open Spine door. Remove bill.
Close door.

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See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset Command

BILL_JAM (2): One or more bills are stopped in the transport system due to a bill jam
or an undetected failure.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Unlock BNR. Remove the jammed
bill from the Spine/Loader. Lock BNR.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

BILL_ERROR (3): A non transportable bill or bundle has been detected in the
transport system
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Open cover, remove bill, close
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

TRANSPORT_ERROR (4): A bill hasn't reached its final destination, even after
several trials.
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Unlock BNR. Open the Loader.
Remove jammed bill. Relock BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

- cashTypeStatus:
UNKNOWN (0): The status is not available.

OK (1): The configuration of the module is compatible with the physical cash unit’s

WRONG_SETTING (2): The configuration of the module is not compatible with the
physical cash unit’s one.
SOLUTION: Set Cashtype to the same denomination as the one used in the
ConfigureCashUnit command.

WRONG_BILLS (3): The module contains bills of a denomination which is not

compatible with the physical cash unit’s configuration (Loader module only).
BILLS_NOT_VALID (4): The module contains not valid bills of a denomination which
is compatible with the physical cash unit’s configuration (Loader module only).
SOLUTION: Open BNR and fill the Loader with the correct denomination.

8.1 Bill Sensor (LO.S1)

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The element is operational, no errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): cannot determine the operational state of the element. It

will be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: send a Reset Command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode.

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

SIGNAL_HIGH (1): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too high
SOLUTION: Field Service Technician: Loader Module needs to be

SIGNAL_LOW (2): Detector could not be regulated because signal is too low
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Remove Loader. Open Loader,
place bills correctly, review mechanical status of parts. Secure

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field service Technician: Loader Module needs to be

COM_BREAKDOWN (3): No communication with the module owning the detector.

SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Unsecure BNR. Check if there
are any unexpected objects on Spine or Loader’s connector.
Insert the Loader back into its slot. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 12 “Advanced Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field service Technician: Loader and/or Spine Module
needs to be repaired.

8.2 Transport Motor (LO.M1)

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the element. It will

be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error

COM_BREAKDOWN (1): No communication with the module that owns the motor.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Unsecure BNR. Check if any
unexpected object is on Spine or Loader’s connector. Insert
the Loader. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Loader and/or Spine Module
needs to be repaired.

NOT_STARTED (2): Motor failed to start

SPEED_TOO_LOW (3): Motor’s speed low limit has been reached
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Remove Loader, open Loader
and place bills correctly. Review mechanical status of parts.
Secure BNR.

2) Host: send a Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Loader Module needs to be

8.3 Pressure Plate

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the element. It will

be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): No error.

COM_BREAKDOWN (1): No communication with the module that owns the motor.
SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Unsecure BNR. Check if any
unexpected object is on Spine or Loader’s connector. Insert
the Loader. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Loader and/or Spine Module
needs to be repaired.

PLATE_BLOCKED (2): The plate is blocked.

PLATE_TOO_LOW (3): The plate position is too low.
SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Remove Loader, open Loader
and place bills correctly. Review mechanical status of parts.
Secure BNR.

2) Host: send a Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Loader Module needs to be

8.4 Anti-Fishing Flap

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- operationalStatus:
OPERATIONAL (0): The element is operational. No errors

CHECKING_ERROR (1): Cannot determine operational state of the element. It will

be determined on next test.
SOLUTION: Host: Send Reset command

NOT_OPERATIONAL (2): Element not operational. Refer to errorCode

- errorCode:
NO_ERROR (0): no error

CLOSE (1): The flap stays closed.

SOLUTION: 1) Advanced Field Operator: Remove Loader, open Loader
and place bills correctly. Review mechanical status of parts.
Secure BNR.

2) Host: send a Reset command.

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Loader Module needs to be

NO_COM (2): No communication with the plate.

SOLUTION: 1) Basic Field Operator: Unsecure BNR. Check if any
unexpected object is on Spine or Loader’s connector. Insert
the Loader. Secure BNR.
See Chapter 11 “Easy Jam Clearing”

2) Host: send Reset command

If problem persists:
3) Field Service Technician: Loader and/or Spine Module
needs to be repaired.

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9. Overview of the BNR

Here is an overview of each module of the BNR, with the different elements (sensors, motors, ...).

9.1 Main Module

9.2 Cashbox

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9.3 Loader

9.4 Recycler

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9.5 Spine

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10. Bill Transport Sections

Here will you find the different bill transport sections.

Refer to this document to know where the jam took place.

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11. Easy Jam Clearing
It may happen that a banknote is jammed in the BNR.
The following cases of jammed banknotes are easy to clear.
It can be done by technicians with minimum knowledge on the BNR

For more difficult cases of jammed banknotes, refer to next chapter “Advanced Jam

11.1 In the Spine

1. Open the Spine door: lift

and hold up the yellow
button and pull the door.

2. Carefully withdraw the banknote, take care that the banknote does not fall behind the

3. Close the Spine door

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11.2 In the Recognition Sensor

1. Open the Recognition Sensor door.

Push on the two yellow buttons and
pull the door.

2. Carefully withdraw the banknote.

3. Close the Recognition Sensor door.

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11.3 In the Regcognition Sensor to Spine interface

1. Open the Spine door. Lift and hold

up the yellow button and pull the

2. Open the Recognition Sensor door.

Push on the two yellow buttons and
pull the door.

3. Carefully withdraw the banknote.

4. Close the Recognition Sensor Door first and finally the Spine door.

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11.4 In the Positioner, at the inlet

1. Open the Spine door, then open the

Recognition Sensor door, and finally
open the Positioner door. Lift and hold
up the yellow button and pull the door.

2. Carefully withdraw the banknote.

3. Close the Positioner door, close the Recognition Sensor door and finally close the
Spine door.

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11.5 In the Loader cassette

1. Open the Spine door

to check if the
banknote is jammed
in exiting the Loader

2. If you see the

banknote, carefully
withdraw it.

3. If you don’t see the banknote, close the Spine door.

4. Remove and then open the Loader Cassette, refer to “LOADER CASSETTE

5. Carefully withdraw the banknote.

6. Close and install the Loader Cassette, refer to “LOADER CASSETTE HANDLING,
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MACHINE” chapter.

11.6 At the Cashbox pusher plate

1. Remove Cash-Box.
2. Inspect the BNR pusher plate located inside the BNR at the top of the opening where the
Cash-Box was removed from.
3. If you see a banknote, carefully remove it.
4. The Cash-Box must be opened, emptied and rearmed before it can be re-installed in the
5. Replace the rearmed Cash-Box.

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12. Advanced Jam Clearing

It is possible for a banknote to jam inside the BNR.

Here are the advanced cases of jammed banknotes to clear.

12.1 Bottom

1. For this operation, you will need the key of the Interlock System and
an empty Cash-Box.

2. Remove the Cash-Box.

3. You can see the jammed

banknote at the Bottom part of
the Main Module.

4. Carefully withdraw the banknote.

5. Replace the Cash-Box with an empty one.

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12.2 Bundler

1. Remove the Main Module.

2. Place the Main Module upside down.

3. Move the two yellow opening

levers together (1) and raise
the Bottom assembly (2). When
the Bottom assembly is fully
open, a mechanism will hold it
in place.

4. Turn the Main Module.

Raise the first diverter at the
outlet of the bundler (1) and
move the second diverter (2).

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5. Manually turn the drum with your finger using the green or pink rubber wheel.

6. The banknote will appear at the exit of the Bundler.

7. Continue to turn
the drum and
press on the
second diverter in
order to direct the
banknote out of the

8. Carefully withdraw the banknote.

9. Close the Bottom assembly and lock it by moving the two yellow opening levers

10. Install the Main Module.

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12.3 Recycler

1. For this operation you will need the key of the Interlock System and
the key of the Recyclers.

2. Remove the Recycler:

2.1. Release the Interlock System

with lock (1) and lever (2) using
the key.

2.2. Remove the Loader Cassette


2.3. Raise up the Loader

locking pin (1) in the back
of the chassis and position
the key with your left hand
to unlock the first

2.4. Push and turn the key 90°

to the right (2), remove the
key before removing the
Recycler A (3).

2.5. Same handling for the

Recycler B if you need to
remove it (there is no
locking pin in the back of
the Chassis for the lower

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3. Bill jam in the 30 note Recycler 3 or Recycler 5:

3.1. Position the Recycler so that the front side is

in front of you.

3.2. On the right hand side, hold Comment [WK1]: Eric can we
remove references to the
the white puck labeled “load disengageable gear ? It is not
30” (1). necessary to use the gear anymore.
You can simply turn the white puck with
the gear in place

Warning, do not attempt to

disassemble or destroy the
spring box as the flat spring
roll would release itself and
may injure someone.

3.3. On the left hand side, pull

and hold the “disengageable”
gear in order to decouple the
gears (2).

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3.4. Manually turn the white
puck on the right hand
side clockwise. The
banknotes move to the
exit on the backside of
the Recycler.

NOTE: do not release

the white puck,
otherwise the
system will

3.5. The banknotes will appear at the exit in back of the recycler.

3.6. Continue to turn the white puck until all banknotes are removed from the

3.7. When the banknotes are emptied from the Recycler, release the
“disengageable” gear first and then release the white puck.

4. Bill jam in the Recycler 4 or Recycler 6:

4.1. Put the Recycler so the front of the module is

facing you.

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4.2. On the right hand side, hold Comment [BF3]: Recycler drawing
should be updated to reflect latest
the white puck labeled “load Recycler (with tape guides)
60”. Comment [BF2]: See coment BF24

Warning, do not attempt to

disassemble or destroy the
spring box as the flat spring
roll would release itself and
may injure someone

4.3. On the left hand side,

pull and hold the
“disengageable” gear in
order to decouple the

4.4. Manually turn the white puck Comment [BF4]: Update drawing to
show latest recycler w/ tape guide
on the right hand side counter
clockwise. The banknotes
move to the exit on the
backside of the Recycler.

NOTE: do not release the

white puck, otherwise
the system will rewind.

4.5. The banknotes will appear at the banknote exit located at the back of the

4.6. Continue to turn the white puck until all banknotes exit the Recycler.

4.7. When the Recycler is emptied of all banknotes, release the “disengageable”
gear first and then release the white puck.

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5. Install the Recycler:

5.1. Re-install the Recycler

modules in the Chassis (1).
Recycler with the label «B»
is located at the bottom of
the BNR. Recycler with the
label «A» is located over
the Recycler «B».

5.2. Install and lock the bottom

recycler (B) prior to
installing the top recycler

5.3. Position the key to lock the

Recycler module with your
left hand. Push and turn the
key 90° to the left (2).

5.4. Lower the Loader locking

pin in the back of the
Chassis (3).

5.5. Install the Loader Cassette


5.6. Lock the Interlock System

with lever (2) and lock (3)
using the key.

6. Connect the power cable and the USB cable.

7. Switch the power ON and restart the BNR.

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12.4 Piston in Box

1. For this operation you will need the key of the Interlock System and the
key of the Cash-Box.

2. When the piston of the Main Module plunges into the Cash-Box and jams, you cannot
remove the Cash-Box, but it is possible to remove the Main Module.

3. Open the Cash-Box as it is still

in the Chassis using the key.

4. A mechanical system will release the Main Module via the Interlock System.

5. Remove the Main Module.

In this case the Cash-Box will remain in the Chassis during the removal.

6. Indentify the failure and repair it.

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