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Chemosphere 75 (2009) 1065–1073

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Rapid determination of arsenic species in freshwater organisms

from the arsenic-rich Hayakawa River in Japan using HPLC-ICP-MS
Shinichi Miyashita a,*, Masahito Shimoya b, Yoshiaki Kamidate c, Takayoshi Kuroiwa d, Osamu Shikino e,
Shoko Fujiwara a, Kevin A. Francesconi f, Toshikazu Kaise a
School of Life Sciences, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, 1432-1 Horinouchi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0392, Japan
GL Sciences Inc., 6-22-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo 163-1130, Japan
Nichirei Food Safety Research Center, 9 Shinminato, Mihama, Chiba 261-8545, Japan
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0045, Japan
PerkinElmer Japan Co., Ltd., 134 Koubemachi, Hodogaya, Yokohama 240-0005, Japan
Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Karl-Franzens-University, Universitaetsplatz 1, 8010 Graz, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Speciation analyses of water-soluble arsenicals from freshwater and biological samples collected from
Received 31 July 2008 the Hayakawa River (Kanagawa, Japan), which contains a high concentration of arsenic, were performed
Received in revised form 9 January 2009 using high performance liquid chromatography/inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-
Accepted 9 January 2009
ICP-MS). River water contained only arsenate, which is a pentavalent inorganic arsenical. The water
Available online 8 February 2009
bug Stenopsyche marmorata contained inorganic arsenicals accounting for 77% of the water-soluble arsen-
icals, followed by oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol, which is a type of dimethylarsinoylriboside (arsenosugar).
The freshwater green macroalga Cladophora glomerata contained oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol and oxo-
arsenosugar-phosphate as 64% of the water-soluble arsenicals. Production of the same types of arsenosu-
Speciation analysis gars was confirmed in the freshwater green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC125 experimentally
Freshwater ecosystem exposed to arsenate. The muscle tissues of all freshwater fish and crustaceans analyzed contained arsen-
Biotransformation obetaine, oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol, and/or oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate in various concentrations. Seven
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii freshwater fish (Cobitis biwae, Leuciscus hakonensis, Phoxinus lagowski steindachneri, Plecoglossus altivelis,
Rhinogobius sp. CB, Rhinogobius sp. CO, Sicyopterus japonicus) and the crustacean Macrobracbium nippone-
nese contained arsenobetaine in their muscle tissues as the predominant form, contributing up to 80% of
the water-soluble arsenicals, while the freshwater fish Anguilla japonica muscle tissues primarily con-
tained dimethylarsinic acid as 77% of the water-soluble arsenicals, followed by arsenobetaine. The fresh-
water fish Zacco platypus muscle tissues predominantly contained oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate,
accounting for 51% of the water-soluble arsenicals, followed by dimethylarsinic acid and arsenobetaine.
These biological samples possessed non-extractable arsenical(s) accounting for more than 50% of the
total arsenic concentration.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction fish and crustaceans (Peshut et al., 2008). In marine bivalves and
sponges, arsenosugars and arsenobetaine have been identified as
Arsenic is ubiquitous in the biosphere and undergoes uptake the primary arsenicals (Shibata and Morita, 1992; Yamaoka et al.,
and bioaccumulation through food chains, followed by alkylation 2001).
to form a variety of arsenicals in organisms. Arsenic circulation In contrast to the large number of reports on arsenicals in mar-
in the marine environment has been extensively studied. Marine ine organisms, there are fewer data on arsenic speciation in fresh-
organisms contain much higher concentrations of arsenic (<10– water organisms. Certain river waters in Japan contain much
100 mg kg1 dry weight [DW]) than seawater (1.0–1.8 lg L1), higher arsenic concentrations than seawater (0.25–7.7 lg L1), be-
and inorganic arsenicals are biotransformed into organoarsenicals cause hot-spring waters containing large amounts of arsenic (10–
through marine food chains (Francesconi and Edmonds, 1997). 5000 lg L1) mix with river water in some areas (Kanamori and
Arsenosugars are its predominant forms in marine algae (McShee- Sugawara, 1965). Mt. Hakone is famous as a hot-spring area in
hy et al., 2002), while arsenobetaine is most abundant in marine Japan, and Owakudani Valley is one source of the hot springs.
The hot-spring waters containing high concentrations of arsenic
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 42 676 1633; fax: +81 42 676 5084. from the Owakudani Valley flow into the Hayakawa River. Kaise
E-mail address: (S. Miyashita). et al. (1997) found that the major arsenic species in river water,

0045-6535/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1066 S. Miyashita et al. / Chemosphere 75 (2009) 1065–1073

freshwater algae, and freshwater fish from the Hayakawa River Malonic acid (analytical grade) was purchased from Wako Pure
were inorganic arsenicals, dimethylated arsenicals, and trimethy- Chemical Industries, Ltd. (Osaka, Japan). Sodium arsenate
lated arsenicals, respectively. Shiomi et al. (1995) and Slejkovec (Na2HAsO4), sodium arsenite (NaAsO2), methylarsonic acid
et al. (2004) reported that arsenobetaine was a major arsenical in (CH3AsO(OH)2), dimethylarsinic acid ((CH3)2AsO(OH)), arsenobe-
freshwater fish, while Zheng and Hintelmann (2004) found that taine ((CH3)3As+CH2COO), trimethylarsine oxide ((CH3)3AsO),
arsenobetaine was present only in trace amounts in freshwater tetramethylarsonium iodide ((CH3)4As+I), and arsenocholine bro-
fish, and Lawrence et al. (1986) did not detect arsenobetaine at mide ((CH3)3As+CH2CH2OHBr) were obtained from Tri Chemical
all in freshwater fish. Koch et al. (2001) and Soeroes et al. (2005) Laboratories Inc. (Yamanashi, Japan). Oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol
reported that arsenosugars predominated in some freshwater fish, was synthesized following the procedures described in McAdam
and that arsenobetaine was present as only a minor arsenical. et al. (1987). Brown macroalga Fucus extract containing four types
Schaeffer et al. (2006) found that the dominant arsenic species in of oxo-arsenosugars was prepared as described by Madsen et al.
freshwater algae, mussels, and fish from a river were oxo-arse- (2000). The structures of these oxo-arsenosugars are shown
nosugars, and that the freshwater mussels and fish contained only in Fig. 1. Certified reference materials (CRMs) such as NMIJ 7402-
traces of arsenobetaine. Thus, there is little consensus on the major a cod-fish tissue and NIES No.9 Sargasso were utilized to evaluate
arsenic species present in freshwater organisms, and it is impor- analytical methods. Freshwater green microalga C. reinhardtii
tant to understand arsenic behavior in freshwater ecosystems from CC125 (wild-type mt+) strain was provided by Dr. Mikio Tsuzuki
the standpoint of environmental assessment. (Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Tokyo, Japan).
In the present study, freshwater and biological samples were
collected from the Hayakawa River, which contains a high level 2.2. Collection of water and biological samples from the Hayakawa
of arsenic from the hot springs at Mt. Hakone. The chemical forms River
of water-soluble arsenicals were analyzed by high performance li-
quid chromatography/inductively coupled plasma mass spectrom- Sample collection was carried out in the Hayakawa River
etry (HPLC-ICP-MS). Experimentally, the freshwater green (Kanagawa, Japan) in May and June, 2005. The river water contains
microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC125 (C. reinhardtii CC125) a much higher arsenic concentration than the environmental water
was also exposed to arsenate and arsenic metabolites in the cells quality standard in Japan (10 lg L1) (Kaise et al., 1998). The col-
were analyzed to confirm biotransformation of arsenic. The results lected samples were: hot-spring water, river water, a water bug
suggest that the hot-spring water and river water contained only (Stenopsyche marmorata), a green macroalga (Cladophora glomera-
arsenate, and also that the water bug collected from the river con- ta), an omnivorous crustacean (Macrobracbium nipponenese), a her-
tained arsenate as the predominant water-soluble arsenical. On the bivorous fish (Plecoglossus altivelis), and eight omnivorous fish
other hand, the freshwater green algae, crustaceans, and fish con- (Anguilla japonica, Cobitis biwae, Leuciscus hakonensis, Phoxinus
tained oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol and/or oxo-arsenosugar-phos- lagowski steindachneri, Rhinogobius sp. CB, Rhinogobius sp. CO, Sicy-
phate at variety of concentrations and, moreover, the crustaceans opterus japonicus, Zacco platypus).
and fish contained arsenobetaine as a primary water-soluble Water samples were cryopreserved at 84 °C. Biological sam-
arsenical. ples were rinsed with water and green macroalga and water bug
were freeze-dried. The muscle tissues of fish and crustaceans were
2. Experimental isolated by scalpel from the skin, viscera, bones, and carapaces and
freeze-dried. Freeze-dried samples were homogenized by pestle
2.1. Materials and kept in a powdered state until extraction.

Water was prepared with a Milli-Q water system 2.3. Experimental exposure of freshwater algal cells to arsenate
(18.2 MX cm1). Methanol (HPLC grade), hydrogen peroxide (spe-
cial grade), and nitric acid (ultrapure grade) were purchased from The green microalga C. reinhardtii CC125 was cultured mixotro-
Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. (Tokyo, Japan). Sodium 1-butane sulfonate phically in tris-acetate-phosphate (TAP) medium. Cultures in flasks
and tetramethylammonium hydroxide pentahydrate were ob- were agitated on a gyratory shaker (120 rpm) at 27 °C with a 12 h
tained from the Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). light and 12 h dark cycle at 35 lmol photons m2 s1 of fluorescent

O O O O-

Oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol Oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate


H3C As O SO3- H3C As O OSO3-


Oxo-arsenosugar-sulfonate Oxo-arsenosugar-sulfate

Fig. 1. Structures of oxo-arsenosugars relevant to this study.

S. Miyashita et al. / Chemosphere 75 (2009) 1065–1073 1067

light. The cells were cultivated until the stationary phase, and the Table 1
culture medium was replaced with fresh medium. After the addi- Analytical conditions for HPLC-ICP-MS: (a) ICP-MS conditions applied for specific
determination of arsenic, (b) HPLC conditions used for separation of water-soluble
tion of arsenate to the cell suspension at a final concentration of arsenicals.
200 lg L1, the cells were cultured for 3 d. The exposure concen-
tration was selected based on the range of total arsenic concentra- Parameter Setting

tions in river water from the Hayakawa River (6.2–98 lg L1) (a)
(Kaise et al., 1998). The cells were collected in 15-mL polypropyl- RF power 1550 W
Nebulizer gas flow 1.04 L min1
ene centrifuge tubes, and the tubes were centrifuged at 1600 g Auxiliary gas flow 1.28 L min1
for 5 min. The supernatants were removed, and the cells were Plasma gas flow 17.8 L min1
rinsed with 10 mL arsenic-free medium three times and finally Monitored ion m/z 91 (AsO+)
rinsed with 10 mL water. After rinsing, the cells were transferred Reaction gas O2 (purity: 99.999%)
Cell gas flow 0.8 mL min1
into 1.5-mL polypropylene tubes and frozen for 1 h at 20 °C.
RPq 0.5
The tubes were sonicated for 10 min at 4 °C using a sonication Axial field voltage 325–350 V
bath, and the cells were freeze-dried and homogenized by pestle. (b)
Column Shiseido CAPCELL PAK C18 MGII
2.4. Sample preparation for total arsenic analysis by ICP-MS 4.6 mm id  250 mm, 5 lm
Guard column Shiseido CAPCELL PAK C18 MGII
4.0 mm id  10 mm, 5 lm
Nitric acid (1.0 mL) was added to weighed powdered samples in Column temperature 40 °C
15-mL centrifuge tubes and allowed to stand for 10 min. The sus- Mobile phase 10 mol m3 sodium 1-butansulfonate
pensions were heated at 110 °C for 30 min in a heating block 4 mol m3 tetramethylammonium hydroxide
4 mol m3 malonic acid
(HF-200; Yamato Scientific Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Hydrogen per-
0.5% methanol
oxide (500 lL) was added to the tubes at room temperature, and pH 3.0 adjusted with HNO3
the suspensions were heated again at 110 °C for 30 min. Solubi- Injection volume 10 lL
lized solutions were diluted with water to 50 mL in DigiTUBEs Flow rate 1.0 mL min1
(SCP SCIENCE, Baie D’Urfé, Quebec, Canada) and filtered using
0.45-lm membrane filters (GL Sciences Inc., Tokyo, Japan).
Table 2
2.5. Sample preparation for arsenic speciation analysis by HPLC-ICP- Analytical results of arsenic species for the CRMs.
MS CRM Certified value Measured value
(lg g1) (lg g1)
Hot-spring water and river water were filtered using 0.45-lm Total As AsB Total As AsB
membrane filters. Water-soluble arsenicals in freeze-dried biolog-
NMIJ CRM 7402-a cod-fish tissue 36.7 ± 1.8 33.1 ± 1.5 39.5 ± 1.3 30.3 ± 1.7
ical samples were extracted as follows. Freeze-dried samples (10– NIES CRM No. 9 Sargasso 115 ± 9.0 128 ± 4.4
20 mg) were weighed in 1.5-mL tubes, and methanol/water (1:1, v/
Values are means ± standard deviations of triplicates.
v) solutions (400 lL) were added. After standing for 10 min, the
suspensions were sonicated for 10 min and centrifuged at 5200 g
for 2 min, and the initial extracts were transferred to new tubes.
Methanol/water (1:1, v/v) solutions (200 lL) were added to the arsenobetaine (AsB), trimethylarsine oxide (TMAO), tetramethy-
residues, and the water-soluble arsenicals were reextracted two larsonium (TMA), and arsenocholine (AsC) were included in quali-
more times. Combined extracts for each sample were dried under tative and quantitative analyses by HPLC-ICP-MS. Fucus extract
vacuum. The dried extracts were dissolved in water, followed by containing oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol, oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate,
filtration using 0.45-lm membrane filters. oxo-arsenosugar-sulfonate, and oxo-arsenosugar–sulfate was used
for arsenic qualitative analyses by HPLC-ICP-MS.
2.6. Total and speciation analyses of arsenic using ICP-MS and HPLC- These analytical methods were validated through analyses of
ICP-MS NMIJ CRM 7402-a cod-fish tissue and NIES CRM No.9 Sargasso,
and the measured values of the total arsenic and AsB concentra-
ICP-MS (ELAN DRC-e; PerkinElmer SCIEX Inc., Ontario, Canada) tions acceptably agreed with the certified values for the CRMs.
was used to specifically detect arsenic. High levels of chloride The certified and measured values are shown in Table 2.
can interfere with arsenic due to the formation of argon chloride
ion (ArCl+) in plasma, which has the same mass-to-charge ratio 3. Results and discussion
as arsenic (m/z 75). Therefore, a dynamic reaction cell (DRC) tech-
nique was applied to oxidize arsenic under an oxygen atmosphere 3.1. Total arsenic analyses of water and biological samples from the
and generate arsenic oxide (AsO+, m/z 91). The calibration curve for Hayakawa River
total arsenic analysis was based on arsenate. A signal intensity of
10 times the standard deviation of the blank sample was used to Total arsenic concentrations in water and biological samples
estimate the minimum limits of quantitation (LOQs). Analytical from the Hayakawa River are shown in Table 3. The arsenic con-
conditions for the ICP-MS analyses are shown in Table 1a. centration in the hot-spring water (750 lg L1) that flows into
An HPLC connected to an ICP-MS was used to separate and de- the Hayakawa River was about 45 times higher than the river
tect arsenicals for speciation analysis. The HPLC system was com- water (17 lg L1). All of the biological samples contained much
posed of a carrier reservoir (CR670), a metal free pump (PU611; GL higher arsenic concentrations than did river water, although there
Sciences, Inc., Tokyo, Japan), an autosampler with a built-in column was a considerable range of concentrations among the various
oven (MIDAS; Spark Holland, Emmen, Netherlands), and an ODS organisms. In particular, the water bug and green macroalga sam-
column (Shiseido CAPCELL PAK C18 MGII; Shiseido Co., Ltd., Tokyo, ples contained high concentrations of total arsenic (18 000 and
Japan). Analytical conditions for the HPLC analyses are shown 18 000 lg kg1 DW, respectively), followed by crustacean and fish
in Table 1b. The standard arsenic species arsenate (iAsV), arsenite muscle tissues (2600 ± 90 and 150–2100 lg kg1 DW, respec-
(iAsIII), methylarsonic acid (MAA), dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA), tively). Total arsenic concentrations in the same types of organisms
Table 3
Analytical results for arsenic species in water and biological samples from the Hayakawa River.

Sample Concentration (lg L1 or lg kg1 DW) Extraction

yield (%)
Total As Sum of iAsV iAsIII MAA DMAA AsB TMAO TMA AsC Oxo-arsenosugar Oxo-arsenosugar Unknown a

species -glycerol -phosphate

Hot-spring water b 750 750 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
River water b 17 17 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
Water bug Stenopsyche 18 000 6300 4600 190 81 310 20 ND ND 32 500 ND 530 35
marmorata b,c (100) (74) (3) (1) (5) (<1) (1) (8) (8)
Green macroalga Cladophora 18 000 2800 620 ND 53 350 ND ND ND ND 1700 170 <0.43 16
glomerata b (100) (22) (2) (12) (58) (6) (<1)

S. Miyashita et al. / Chemosphere 75 (2009) 1065–1073

Omnivorous Macrobracbium 2600 ± 90 460 ± 170 16 ± 23 5.7 ± 8.0 0.13 ± 0.18 28 ± 0.21 280 ± 76 3.8 ± 5.4 22 ± 17 6.5 ± 9.1 39 ± 6.5 44 ± 16 14 ± 8.2 17
nipponenese (100) (4) (1) (<1) (6) (61) (1) (5) (1) (9) (10) (3)
Plecoglossus altivelis 860 ± 410 240 ± 240 7.5 ± 10 ND ND 34 ± 37 120 ± 88 64 ± 90 ND ND ND 8.1 ± 11 ND 28
(100) (3) (14) (52) (27) (3)
Anguilla japonica 150 ± 15 37 ± 8.8 0.25 ± 0.00 ND 0.25 ± 0.00 29 ± 5.7 7.8 ± 2.5 ND ND ND 0.16 ± 0.28 0.16 ± 0.28 ND 25
(100) (1) (1) (77) (21) (<1) (<1)
Cobitis biwaec 660 200 <0.25 ND 23 <0.25 140 ND ND ND ND 36 ND 31
(100) (<1) (11) (<1) (71) (18)
Leuciscus hakonensis 300 ± 26 64 ± 36 6.2 ± 8.4 ND ND 13 ± 7.1 19 ± 10 11 ± 3.0 ND ND 15 ± 7.4 ND ND 21
(100) (10) (20) (29) (17) (24)
Phoxinus lagowski 310 ± 140 130 ± 120 15 ± 29 ND 0.13 ± 0.14 13 ± 19 54 ± 12 22 ± 27 23 ± 20 ND 2.0 ± 3.6 4.1 ± 7.9 ND 42
steindachneri (100) (11) (<1) (10) (41) (16) (18) (2) (3)
Rhinogobius sp. CB 720 ± 120 150 ± 67 6.1 ± 6.2 ND 0.15 ± 0.14 2.6 ± 3.3 100 ± 26 1.1 ± 2.2 ND 4.9 ± 4.8 8.5 ± 14 24 ± 10 ND 21
(100) (4) (<1) (2) (69) (1) (3) (6) (16)
Rhinogobius sp. CO 700 ± 120 210 ± 130 1.3 ± 2.4 ND 0.10 ± 0.14 1.1 ± 2.0 170 ± 84 0.17 ± 0.24 ND 5.6 ± 7.4 3.0 ± 4.1 28 ± 20 2.0 ± 4.4 30
(100) (1) (<1) (1) (80) (<1) (3) (1) (13) (1)
Sicyopterus japonicus 2100 ± 490 440 ± 120 5.1 ± 4.6 ND ND 44 ± 26 290 ± 53 18 ± 17 ND 0.086 ± 0.19 ND 78 ± 23 ND 20
(100) (1) (10) (67) (4) (<1) (18)
Zacco platypus 1000 ± 500 180 ± 90 0.25 ± 0.00 ND ND 35 ± 26 31 ± 14 13 ± 19 ND ND 7.3 ± 10 89 ± 21 ND 17
(100) (<1) (20) (18) (8) (4) (51)

Values are means ± standard deviations of the analytical results for at least two samples per organism, and the values in parentheses are the percentages of each arsenic species of the sum of species.
LOQs: 0.25 lg L1 for iAsV, iAsIII, MAA, DMAA, and AsB; 0.43 lg L1 for TMAO, AsC, and TMA; 0.49 lg L1 for oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol and oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate.
ND: not detected.
Arsenic concentrations were estimated by comparison to the peak areas of the nearest-neighbor standard arsenic species.
Arsenic concentrations were determined only once.
Only one sample was collected from the Hayakawa River.
S. Miyashita et al. / Chemosphere 75 (2009) 1065–1073 1069

decreased with each step up in both experimental food chain mod- and animals from a river were below 50% (mean 36%) (Schaeffer
els, one of which used a freshwater green microalga (Chlorella vul- et al., 2006). These results imply that substantial arsenical(s) not
garis), a herbivorous shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata), and a extractable by aqueous solution may exist in water bugs, green al-
carnivorous fish (Oryzias latipes), and the other using the same gae, and muscle tissues of crustaceans and fish from freshwater
kinds of alga and shrimp and a carnivorous killifish (Tilapia mos- environments.
sambica) (Kuroiwa et al., 1994; Suhendrayatna et al., 2002). These
results indicate that total arsenic concentrations in freshwater 3.2.1. Hot-spring water and river water
organisms may decrease by an order of magnitude with each Speciation analyses of hot-spring water and river water samples
higher trophic level. showed only the presence of arsenate (Fig. 3a), which is expected
to exist in most waters (Cullen and Reimer, 1989). Koch et al.
3.2. Arsenic speciation analyses and extraction yields for water and (1999) reported only the presence of arsenate in the water from
biological samples from the Hayakawa River hot springs. However, arsenite made up as much as 80% of the total
arsenic in a hot creek (Wilkie and Hering, 1998). These results im-
Speciation analyses of water-soluble arsenicals were carried out ply that if arsenite initially dissolves from minerals, oxidation to
using HPLC-ICP-MS. Eight standard arsenic species were rapidly arsenate may take place after outflow of the water from the source.
separated into each peak within 10 min without interference with
ArCl+, and also four oxo-arsenosugars in the Fucus extract were 3.2.2. Water bug
separated under the same analytical conditions. The chromato- The water bug S. marmorata contained 18 000 lg kg1 DW total
grams for the standard arsenic species and the Fucus extract are arsenic, and most of the extractable arsenic was present as arse-
shown in Fig. 2, although oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol is not visible nate at the high concentration of 4600 lg kg1 DW (Fig. 3b). In
in Fig. 2b because of dilution. addition, the small amounts of several arsenicals such as arsenite,
Analytical results for arsenic species in water and biological MAA, DMAA, AsB, AsC, oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol, and unknown
samples from the Hayakawa River are summarized in Table 3, arsenicals were also detected. These results imply that the water
and representative chromatograms are shown in Fig. 3. Oxo- bug may take up arsenate in the river water or prey on plankton
arsenosugar-sulfonate and oxo-arsenosugar-sulfate were not de- or algae containing these arsenicals, and also retain incorporated
tected in any sample. Extraction yields for water-soluble arsenicals arsenate rather than actively metabolizing it.
in marine organisms are usually above 70% and often above 95%,
while those for the freshwater organisms analyzed in this study 3.2.3. Freshwater green macroalga
were quite low (16–42%) (Schaeffer et al., 2005). Notably, the green The green macroalga C. glomerata contained 18 000 lg kg1 DW
macroalga C. glomerata had the lowest extraction yield. In green al- total arsenic, and the dominant water-soluble arsenical was oxo-
gae from hot springs, more than 50% of the arsenic was not ex- arsenosugar-glycerol at a concentration of 1700 lg kg1 DW
tracted using methanol/water (1:1, v/v) solution (Koch et al., (Fig. 3c). Additionally, oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol and oxo-arseno-
1999). Furthermore, the water extraction yields for algae, plants, sugar-phosphate accounted for 64% of the water-soluble arsenicals.

a 30000
DMAA Standard arsenic species
10 µg L-1
Pulse Intensity

10000 Oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (sec)

Fucus extract
Pulse Intensity




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (sec)

Fig. 2. HPLC-ICP-MS chromatograms of (a) standard arsenic species and (b) Fucus extract containing oxo-arsenosugars.
1070 S. Miyashita et al. / Chemosphere 75 (2009) 1065–1073

a 20000

Pulse Intensity
10000 iAsV

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (sec)

b 70000
Pulse Intensity




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (sec)

c 20000
Pulse Intensity


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (sec)

Pulse Intensity




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Time (sec)

Fig. 3. HPLC-ICP-MS chromatograms of (a) river water, (b) the water bug Stenopsyche marmorata, (c) the green macroalga Cladophora glomerata, (d) the omnivorous
crustacean Macrobracbium nipponenese muscle tissue, (e) the herbivorous fish Plecoglossus altivelis muscle tissue, and (f) the omnivorous fish Sicyopterus japonicus muscle
tissue from the Hayakawa River; and (g) the freshwater green microalga C. reinhardtii CC125 exposed to 200 lg L1 of arsenate for 3 d.
S. Miyashita et al. / Chemosphere 75 (2009) 1065–1073 1071


Pulse Intensity 1000



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (sec)

f 8000
7000 AsB
Pulse Intensity

3000 DMAA Oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate

2000 TMAO
1000 iAs
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (sec)

g 40000
Pulse Intensity

20000 Oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Time (sec)

Fig. 3 (continued)

Koch et al. (1999) reported that small amounts of arsenosugars species were also detected as minor arsenicals, including arsenate,
were detected in green algae from hot springs, whose waters pri- arsenite, MAA, DMAA, TMAO, TMA, AsC, oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol,
marily contained arsenate and arsenite, implying that green algae and oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate. Devesa et al. (2002) reported that
are capable of producing arsenosugars from arsenate or arsenite. the freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii from a polluted river
The production of arsenosugars after experimental exposure to primarily contained inorganic arsenicals and lower amounts of
arsenate was confirmed in the marine brown alga Fucus gardneri AsB. The freshwater herbivorous crustacean Moina macrocopa took
and the freshwater green microalga C. vulgaris (Granchinho et al., up more arsenic from arsenic-containing food than from arsenic-
2001; Murray et al., 2003). These results indicate that these primary containing water (Suhendrayatna et al., 2002). Furthermore, the
producers may take up arsenate and transform arsenate into freshwater herbivorous shrimp Neocaridina denticulate, which
arsenosugars. preyed on arsenate-exposed freshwater green microalga C. vulgaris,
contained small amounts of trimethylated arsenicals (Kuroiwa
3.2.4. Freshwater crustaceans et al., 1994). These data imply that the various arsenicals detected
The omnivorous crustacean M. nipponenese muscle tissues con- may result from predation on plankton, algae, or small fish con-
tained 2600 ± 90 lg kg1 DW total arsenic, and AsB was present as taining these arsenicals. The crustaceans may also internally pro-
the primary extractable arsenical at a concentration of 280 ± 76 lg duce AsB from precursor arsenical(s), but these pathways have
kg1 DW (Fig. 3d). Intriguingly, almost all of the standard arsenic not been demonstrated.
1072 S. Miyashita et al. / Chemosphere 75 (2009) 1065–1073

3.2.5. Freshwater fish TMAO as the primary extractable arsenical (Edmonds et al.,
The herbivorous fish P. altivelis muscle tissues contained 1997). Hanaoka (2004) reported that AsB could be degraded into
860 ± 410 lg kg1 DW total arsenic, and AsB was the main arseni- TMAO by microorganisms. However, the common marine shrimp
cal detected at a concentration of 120 ± 88 lg kg1 DW (Fig. 3e). Crangon crangon exposed to TMAO in food contained unmetabo-
Small amounts of arsenate, DMAA, and oxo-arsenosugar-phos- lized TMAO as a minor arsenical (Hunter et al., 1998). Conse-
phate were also detected. Muscle tissues from eight omnivorous quently, the TMAO present in analyzed crustaceans and fish may
fish contained a wide range of total arsenic concentrations come from internal production from precursor arsenical(s) of
(150 ± 15 to 2100 ± 490 lg kg1 DW), and the predominating TMAO, microbial degradation of AsB, or predation on other organ-
water-soluble arsenical was also AsB with the exception of two ism(s) containing TMAO.
species, ranging from 19 ± 10 to 290 ± 53 lg kg1 DW (Fig. 3f).
Interestingly, the omnivorous fish A. japonica muscle tissues pri- 3.4. Total arsenic and speciation analyses of arsenate-exposed
marily contained DMAA at a concentration of 29 ± 5.7 lg kg1 freshwater green microalga C. reinhardtii CC125
DW, and another omnivorous fish Z. platypus muscle tissues pre-
dominantly contained oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate at a concentra- C. reinhardtii CC125 cells contained 11 000 ± 290 lg kg1 DW
tion of 89 ± 21 lg kg1 DW. AsB was detected in all fish samples total arsenic after exposure to 200 lg L1 arsenate for 3 d. The con-
and made up relatively large percentages of the water-soluble centration of the water-soluble arsenicals was 3400 ± 790 lg kg1
arsenicals (18–80%). Furthermore, arsenosugars were also detected DW, and the extraction yield was quite low (32%), similar to the
in all fish samples at various concentrations contributing up to 55% biological samples from the Hayakawa River. Oxo-arsenosugar-
of the water-soluble arsenicals. phosphate was the primary water-soluble arsenical detected at a
AsB is the most abundant and stable organoarsenical in marine concentration of 2400 ± 500 lg kg1 DW (Fig. 3 g). In addition,
animals. The Japanese freshwater smelt Hypomesus nipponensis traces of arsenate and DMAA and oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol
also contained AsB as a major arsenical (Shiomi et al., 1995). In (620 ± 120 lg kg1 DW) were also detected. These results indicate
addition, the freshwater salmonids Salmo marmoratus, Oncorhyn- that the freshwater green microalga C. reinhardtii CC125 took up
chus mykiss, and Salmo trutta m. fario from several rivers predomi- arsenate from the culture medium and transformed it into oxo-
nantly contained AsB (Slejkovec et al., 2004). On the other hand, arsenosugar-glycerol and oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate.
AsB was found at minor concentrations in freshwater fish from
the arsenic-rich lake and moreover was not detected in the fresh- 3.5. Comparison of arsenic speciation patterns between freshwater and
water fish families Esocidae, Cyprinidae, and Percidae (Zheng and marine organisms
Hintelmann, 2004). Fish may take up arsenate in river water and
metabolize incorporated arsenate to AsB. Indeed, the freshwater While arsenosugars are most abundant in marine algae, AsB is
carnivorous fish T. mossambica accumulated arsenate in culture the predominant form of arsenic in marine fish and crustaceans,
medium and transformed small amounts of it into trimethylarsenic along with traces of MAA, DMAA, TMAO, and TMA (Hirata and
species (Suhendrayatna et al., 2002). However, the freshwater Toshimitsu, 2007). Interestingly, arsenic speciation patterns in
omnivorous fish Cyprinus carpio exposed to arsenate were unable marine and freshwater organisms have some similarities, because
to produce AsB (Maeda et al., 1993). Accordingly, the presence of the freshwater green macroalga and fish samples in the present
AsB in freshwater fish may result from predation on other organ- study primarily contained arsenosugars and AsB, respectively.
ism(s). The freshwater carnivorous killifish O. latipes, which preys However, AsB was identified as a minor arsenical in some marine
on the herbivorous shrimp N. denticulata containing dimethylated algae (Nischwitz and Pergantis, 2005), although the presence of
arsenicals and small amounts of trimethylated arsenicals, predom- AsB was not confirmed in our freshwater green algal samples. Fur-
inantly possessed trimethylated arsenicals (>80%) (Kuroiwa et al., thermore, total arsenic concentrations in the freshwater green
1994). The internal production of AsB by fish after predation on macroalga, crustaceans, and fish from the Hayakawa River
other organism(s) containing precursor arsenical(s) of AsB has (18 000, 2600 ± 90, and 150–2100 lg kg1 DW, respectively) were
not been effectively proven. much lower than those in same types of marine samples (1400–
62 000, 14 000–68 000, and 3500–60 000 lg kg1 DW, respectively)
3.3. Similarity of arsenic speciation patterns between freshwater (Francesconi and Edmonds, 1997). In addition, the extraction yields
crustaceans and fish of the water-soluble arsenicals from the freshwater samples ana-
lyzed in this study were quite low (16–42%) compared with those
Most of the extractable arsenicals were present as AsB in both from marine organisms (>70%) (Schaeffer et al., 2005). These differ-
freshwater crustaceans and fish samples from the Hayakawa River, ences imply that freshwater organisms possess non-extractable
although little is known regarding the biosynthesis of AsB. It is now arsenical(s) to some extent, which might be important for under-
speculated that AsB is formed via degradation of arsenosugars by standing arsenic behavior in freshwater ecosystems.
microbial activity (Ritchie et al., 2004). Water extracts of fish and
mussel samples from a river contained only traces of AsB, and
oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate was the major arsenical (Schaeffer 4. Conclusions
et al., 2006). Arsenosugars were also the major arsenicals in fresh-
water mussels (Koch et al., 2001). Crustacean and fish muscle In this study, arsenic species in water and biological samples
tissues analyzed in this study contained, to some extent, oxo- from the arsenic-rich Hayakawa River and freshwater green micro-
arsenosugar-glycerol or oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate. These oxo- alga C. reinhardtii CC125 exposed to arsenate were analyzed using a
arsenosugars presumably came from predation on algae, because rapid determination method with HPLC-ICP-MS. The speciation
the freshwater green macroalga C. glomerata, collected from the analyses revealed that the hot-spring water and river water con-
Hayakawa River, contained the same types of oxo-arsenosugars. tained only arsenate, and the water bug collected from the river
The crustaceans and six kinds of fish analyzed in this study con- also contained arsenate as a major water-soluble arsenical, while
tained small amounts of TMAO. In the silver carp Hypophthamich- the freshwater green algae, crustaceans, and fish contained
thys molitrix, collected from a river, TMAO was the only arsenical oxo-arsenosugar-glycerol and/or oxo-arsenosugar-phosphate in
detected (Schaeffer et al., 2006). Moreover, the marine teleost fish various concentrations and, furthermore, the crustaceans and fish
silver drummer Kyphosus sydneyanus muscle tissue contained contained arsenobetaine as a major water-soluble arsenical. In
S. Miyashita et al. / Chemosphere 75 (2009) 1065–1073 1073

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