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1. What elements of the literary ballad are found in “The Bridegroom”. Briefly explain.

(25 pts)

The elements of the literally ballad that can be found in “The Bridegroom” are: the use of simple
language, it is a poem that tells a story, the presence of a dialogue, and third-person objective narration.
First, the use of simple language is seen when reading the poem. It is straightforward and does not
contain any extra unnecessary events, characters, and vocabulary. The readers are able to fully grasp
and understand the story due to the absence of unnecessary long and baroque sentences. Second, the
poem is telling a story, and not simply the feelings of the writer, which is present in other types of
poetry. The characters are emphasized, the specific formation and progression of their individuality and
not the writer’s is highlighted. Third, there is a dialogue between the characters and not simply a
characterization of the characters. It is written in a way where the characters are not just described, but
are actually conversing. The characters are brought to life through the portrayal of actual dialogues and
words coming from the characters themselves and not just a description of the action or feelings of the
characters. In “The Bridegroom”, a dialogue is present at almost every stanza. Lastly, “The Bridegroom”
is written in a third-person perspective, hence the writer does not state his personal feelings or opinions
in the story, but rather emphasizes the characters and their dialogue.

2. Is Naturalism operant in “Two Friends”? Briefly explain (25 pts)

Naturalism is operant in “Two Friends” due to the story’s focus on human behavior and the
external factors that affect the characters. Furthermore, the story is based on facts and actual events
that occurred during the time of writing. The specific event is the Franco-Prussian war which influenced
the works of the author of the “Two Friends”. The presence of objectivity in the story’s construction and
form is also proof that Naturalism is evident in the story. Stories where naturalism is apparent tend to
focus on people and the events that may affect their decisions throughout the stories, as well as the
scientific behavior of the characters. Naturalism also entails a story that is more realistic. Central themes
present in the story portrayed the pressing issues during the author’s time and issues that authors had
himself: war and politics, friendship, and bravery. Naturalism is not only factual and objective in a sense
that it is affected by the occurring events, but the personality and experiences of the author is also
reflected in the story that he has written.

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