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“Never dream of becoming something, if you dream, dream of doing something”

Every company in its infancy is or has been a start-up. Everyone aspires to own a start-up
now. The hype has grown so huge that there are companies that are ready to hire failed
entrepreneurs to tap into their experience.

It seems that people have plenty of innovative ideas and therefore government has come up
with various programmes like STARTUPINDIA. Indian government has also eased the
procedure for start-ups to seek income tax exemption on investments from angel funds as part
of efforts to address concerns of budding entrepreneurs. India is now the third largest tech
start-up hotspot in the world, according to a report by NASSCOM and has the fastest growing
base worldwide. By 2020, there are projected to be around 2,100 in the country altogether.

Start-up in India will help boosting entrepreneurship and economic development by ensuing
that the people who have the potential to innovate and start their own business are
encouraged. There is a hype in start-ups because people want to execute their untapped talent,
ideas and capabilities which will have an impact on economy as wealth creation, employment
and economic growth. Start-ups involve dealing with new technology which generally lies at
the highest end of value addition chain. It has already started to enhance the employment
creation and competitive dynamics in the economy. With more and more start-ups India can
aspire to be world leader in skilled work and not just an outsourcing destination for cheap IT

Start-ups work in an environment of changing technology and try to maximize profits by

innovation. This induces backward and forward linkages which stimulate the process of
economic development in the country. A start-up named “GREENSOLE” has its mission
which talks about “Donating Walks”. The company deals with recycling and refurbishing of
old discarded shoes and they try to convert them into a totally new pair of either slippers,
shoes, flats etc and provide them to rural school going kids, and not only kids but almost
across India to the people in need. It’s a start-up which not only generates employment but
also helps the society to grow with the ethical aspects.

Other than Green sole there are many start-ups which are not only helping in employment
generation but also helping in economic growth. Different countries are taking different
initiatives to link up their businesses with the Indian start-ups in almost all sectors including
defence. Such joint venture can attract the huge foreign fund which can boost the country’s
growth. According to the reports it is said that if the growth continues in the same pace then it
is expected that Indian tech start-ups will generate almost 2.5 lakh jobs in the next five years.
India is also said to enjoy demographic dividend which will boost the start-up culture in the
country. Our Prime Minister rightly quoted that “We have a million problems, but at the same
time we have over a billion minds”.
Is Your Smartphone Making You Dumb?
The greatest drawback of using smartphones is the adverse impact on people’s memory.
Nowadays, people tend to forget things due to excessive use of Smartphones. Previously,
people didn’t have any problem in remembering the telephone numbers and other tasks to do;
however, it is not the same case now. The so-called useful tools including social networking
apps, fully functional web surfing, games and many others mindlessly occupy time of people.
Instead of doing productive work, people keep on wasting their precious time. The worm is
finally turning as people start to look at the consequences of being glued to their

When you see someone glued to a smartphone screen wandering into the middle of a busy
road, the inherent dangers are unmistakable. And when you go to a restaurant and look at a
large table filled with people glued to their smartphones and making no attempt to relate to
those around them, the social consequences of this phenomenon are equally evident.

Are smartphones or any kind of smart technology essentially needed at workplace? Are they
aiding productivity or hindering it? Moreover, is the ready accessibility of information on
demand through a smartphone making people smarter or more stupid? Evidently not, because
it now appears that even companies considered to be in the hi-tech world are asking their staff
to take a break from their phones – indeed they are being ordered to put them away. Let us
talk in terms of money. A Smartphone can be bought under Rs 20000 as well as above Rs
40000. There is no doubt that the expensive ones have more features. But more than 80% of
people don’t even know what the features are. They just buy to show off, and hence are
nothing but dumb.

Smartphones make people dependent or rather say addicted to it. The users remain at the
mercy of the notifications. There is no dividing line between rational use and addiction,
which results in stress and decreased productivity. Texting on Smartphones has deteriorated
people’s English grammar and spellings. Even on formal papers they write either the SMS
language or wrong spellings. This is another step towards being a dumb. It is assumed that
with the help of technology and this so-called smartphone the stress level can be reduced to a
great extent. That’s a big “NO”, it will not reduce the stress level rather will make the metal
health of a Pearson sick which will also affect his/her physical health. Because of these
technology upgradations it has started creating imbalance in the work life of a human being.
People don’t get time to talk to each other just because they have this feature called
WhatsApp. Communications have reduced, relationships are getting affected, face to face
meetings have reduced and the list goes on. Du to everything available on google the
productivity and the innovativeness to think by themselves is also being reduced. We can’t
say smartphones are making us dumb but how the way we use it make us smarter.
Lagaan movie was a great Inspiration for Aspiring Leaders.

The movie taught us many things.

•To see problems as an opportunity: When the Captain from British

challenged Bhuvan for a cricket match, Bhuvan saw it to bring
happiness into the lives of people.

•Implementation is as important as Dreaming: Bhuvan dreamt of

bringing happiness in the lives of people by winning the match for
which he clearly defined the goal and discussed the plan and
Implementation with the villagers.

•Selflessness: It's a very great quality for a leader to have. In fact,

every leader should put the interests of his people before his own’s.
Bhuvan did the same.

•No matter what comes in your way, be determined: When Bhuvan

thought of including an untouchable in the team, villagers opposed
him, but he stood still and determined and, in the end, convinced
everyone that it would be beneficial for the team.

•Building the team. If a team must succeed, it should have the right
people and Bhuvan makes this possible by understanding the people
and treats every individual differently, again a very good quality for
a leader to have.

•Getting people into your team is just half the task, assigning them
their roles is as important.

•Lastly, OVER CONFIDENCE kills everything.

Fault in our stars
This movie is always close to my heart because it connected me emotionally. Movie taught
me that everyone in some or the other way are fighting their own battles. For ex: The weird
thing about houses is that they almost always look like nothing is happening inside of them,
even though they contain most of our lives.

 We should never quit

because we don’t know what the
other people is going through. This
movie can teach us the meaning of
 It’s ok to feel your
feelings: rather than bottling up or
just to see others happy you
pretend to show that you are happy but in real you aren’t please don’t do that.
 This is the second lesson I learned from this that our friends and family are here to
help us, so engage with them. Speak your fears, as Augustus does, and cry it out, egg
cars, and break things, as Isaac does. We don't always have to put up a facade; let
others in to help when we’re going through something.
 Experience life: even when we are teenagers, we aren’t immortal. With this thought in
mind we should get out and try to experience life to the fullest because we don’t know
what comes the next. Because there is no surety of anything life because life itself is
not sure. So, try to live each moment of your life as if it’s the last day of yours on this
 Don't get bogged down in the minutia, because it won't matter next year, or even
tomorrow. Don't be afraid of heartbreak or struggle, because look, that's inevitable
and a part of life. You never know what the world has coming for you, so go out and
make things happen.

This movie has particularly centred a kid who is suffering dyslexia,

however, is a great daydreamer and painter! The focus is majorly on how
we adults miss out the innocence, freeness, enthusiasm and our kid’s
interests just because they won’t earn them pennies! The film makers have
very well understood the need to teach our competitive generation. Such a
sensitive, vast and meaningful message this picture can convey to those with
such mentalities like that of a Childs parent in the movie. “EVERY CHILD
IS SPECIAL” We see around us people struggling to make money,
discriminating their talents and interests. After all, doing what interests us
the most will make our job more fruitful.

5 things to learn:

Role of parents in their children’s lives.

Investing a little love shall reap beautiful outcomes.

Education is a fun process, and not a boring exercise.

Creative, out of box thinking.

Role of academic institutions, role of a teacher, leadership.


 This movie taught me the life lesson

through which I get so motivated at times.
There was one line quoted in the movie
“don’t run behind the success, let success
follow you”. As everyone is not same in the
way like others.
 Everybody has their own
capabilities own interest rather than running
behind the crowd we should always try to
be the mater of the crowd and should follow
our ambitions and what interests us more. We should try to improve our abilities, try
to analyse our weak points and work on it these all things we shouldn’t do it the
motive of getting success rather than try to do without your self-motive success will
automatically come along.
 Do things with passion. Before doing anything always, try to ask a question to
yourself “are you passionate about what you are doing? If the conscious say’s yes,
then you are on the right path.
It’s a story of a father fighting the odds to make his daughters world

renowned wrestlers. The story is set in the backdrop of Haryana which had

the background of male dominating society. In spite of all the difficulties

the movie explains the journey of a father supporting his daughters all the

way and finally making them achieve their goal.

 Find solutions not excuses- in spite of the societal pressure he didn’t

give up rather he stayed determined and supported his daughters in

accomplishing their goals and come up with flying colours.

 Overcome your fears to be successful- there were many obstacles in

their lives but despite of that leaving aside everything they had one

goal to achieve.

 Discipline and hard work- The journey of wrestlers is not easy they

have to maintain a proper diet, physique and many things. Like that

no goal is easy everything requires hard work, dedication and passion

to achieve it. So, the journey of Phogat sisters is inspiring for many


There was a girl named Reena who lived in a small village in Rajasthan. She was young and
vivacious like any other teenage girl. She was very ambitious and was always keen to learn
new things. She was like any other girl but had one dream. She wanted to become an IAS

She was very young when she had understood the disparity and the evils prevailing in the
society. She knew that the best way to change the is by becoming a part of it. Stories of Kiran
Bedi had inspired her, and she dreams were just like any other child would.

Little did she know that the system she thought of

changing would be make her the predator. The culture
of child marriage in her village forced her to get
married at an early age of 18. After her marriage she
was not allowed to go to school and the age where she
should have held a pen in her hand, she was holding
utensils. Her life became like a rudderless boat, without
a mission. She felt like a bird wounded who will never
be able to take the flight of her dreams.

But life had other plans for her. It came to Reena as a

shock when she got to know that she was pregnant. Her
life changed after she became a mother of a son name
Raja, because she wanted to see her child rule the
world. The clouds of distress seemed to go away from
her life and she started feeling happy by seeing her son
grow up. She had decided that she would teach her
child and his fate would not be the same as that of his
mother. She used to feel contented to see her son to go
to school, she always used to stand near the window and say bye to him with a smile.

Raja was a very bright boy and seeing her child living his dreams made her elated. Reena’s
happiness knew no bounds when Raja cracked the UPSC exam with flying colours and
became an IAS officer.

The first day to work Reena came to see off her son like she used to from the window,
dressed in the best possible attire and waved to him. Tears rolled down her eyes because she
was literally living her dream.

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