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COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE FEE STRUCTURE - 2018-19 Under Graduate - S. Y. B. TECH (DIR) 5 Head OPEN] TES | SCCAT | ST CAT] O86 | EBCTT car | car sac i nT carey A | Tution Foe 15000 | = = -_| 700 B | DevetopmentFee 3aaso| 3950] [3088039080] 29.50 C|QtherFee Gyhene 500 | tg00 | = =| 00 Training & Pacemert "oqo [1.c00 | = [00 Library _ 4500 | 4so0 |= = =| 4500 Laneratry ‘5000 | ¥5 000 [ 2 =| i5.00 Internet &€ Wa za] 2200[ = = [2200 Gathering is] _1300[ = [=| 1500 Sub Total 26000 | 25000 | = [608 D | College Fee CMD. fefundabe) S00 | 5.000 3.000 | 500 Beat Cub Fee eco | coo coo| son Boat Cub Memenbership 130] 150 "30| 139 Student Ad Fund 70 | 250] 250] — 20] 5) Student AceHontinsuranee Pronium cd ‘s0| 150 Eranination Fee “isto | 7x00 | 1500, s00 | 750 identity Card ao | t00 [100 00] 100 Lore | 30 30] 80 Sub Toll Taco | 700 Ta00 | 750 E | University Fee [Torversiy Fee Regator w|i] ta] a0] 0] Univesity Fee legibility Fee seo 300 s00| s00| S00] 0 Univesity Fee Elegibty Form Fee s0[ 50] 0 | so} University Fee Equvaence F seo | —s00 | soo] 00] 600] 500 ‘Univesity Fee Reystiaton Fee =| = = ‘Sub Total ato | i200 | —iza0 | a0] 1200] —t200 F | Aurn’ Associaton ie Nomberehip Fee | i000] ta00| ooo] 000] 4,000] 000 ‘otal Calege Fee | soso | T5500 | a5 50] aw ase | as Hoots Fee Hoio | Hyon | Pr aeo | 2700] 7,000] 7.900 Hostel Deposit oc0| 000] S000] 3.000] 5,000] — 5.000 ton Maney oper, eat uk Manor n Fon, ety Card Fe, Unrate, Unraty Fon Fa, ivr Eaualancn ennné Host Doi rt be gicony one ving amin ith ate Ntes- Sucens are eauete eproserve onal receipt for clang Ceton Norey Deposit /HestlDepesitDupleat> recip wi ot be pamites or era of Caton Money Uepost Hostel Deposit Allstedonts are requnsto to prot sl:olags Postal feo reels compton of our course [Allteente are requsstto ren sl Coleg! Hota Fe Receipt tl emoion ol yeu courte We sugpes you to tpi Your malbor,feebook whet ec ee, whch nip yox atthe tine of"No Dues cette Allstadents are raquasto cain rfundof your "Castion Norey Dost ant "Hose Deposit immediately aercompietin of vou curse, Relundof Depot wl te cri or the basso "riinal College ee Hostel Fes Recent ‘upeate Fe Reel wil etonpaymentor 4s 20-foreae ex, so presone cael ‘Alltudens are raqunstto open Bank Aecourt a! ary State Ean of Indaallver be county wth inert aco online paymentofColage Fe este! Fe, Government isis for ‘tine Transactions rl, wehaeto follow the sane (Mf EBCIORCV.ATISHC Stuer) paerts neome is above 80 ak during thetinandal year 207-1 requree to pay ope catagory fee [EBC Categery student Peas tum scholarship amount drectyrecenetin your account wthin 7 day, , Director College of Engineetl

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