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ECE 404 HW #6 3.53, 3.54, 4.1, & 4.

Introduction to Power Systems

MVA := MW kVA := kW j := −1
MVAR := MW kVAR := kW
pu := 1

3.53 The ratings of a three-phase, three-winding transformer are:

Primary: Y connected VPbase := 66⋅ kV SPbase := 15⋅ MVA

Secondary: Y connected VSbase := 13.2⋅ kV SSbase := 10⋅ MVA

Tertiary: Δ connected VTbase := 2.3⋅ kV STbase := 5 ⋅ MVA

Neglecting resistances and exciting current, the leakage reactances are:

XPS := 0.07⋅ pu on a 15 MVA and 66 kV base

XPT := 0.09⋅ pu on a 15 MVA and 66 kV base

XST := 0.08⋅ pu on a 10 MVA and 13.2 kV base

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ECE 404 HW #6 3.53, 3.54, 4.1, & 4.4
Introduction to Power Systems

Determine the per unit reactances of the per-phase equivalent circuit using a base of
15 MVA and 66 kV for the primary.

15⋅ MVA
XST := XST⋅ XST = 0.12⋅ pu
10⋅ MVA

X1 :=
(XPS + XPT − XST) X1 = 0.0200⋅ pu

X2 :=
(XPS + XST − XPT) X2 = 0.0500⋅ pu

X3 :=
(XPT + XST − XPS) X3 = 0.07⋅ pu

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ECE 404 HW #6 3.53, 3.54, 4.1, & 4.4
Introduction to Power Systems

3.54 An infinite bus, which is a constant voltage source, is connected to the primary of the
three-winding transformer of Problem 3.53. A 7.5 MVA, 13.2 kV synchronous motor with a
subtransient reactance of 0.2 per unit is connected to the transformer secondary. A 5 MW,
2.3 kV three-phase resistive load is connnected to the tertiary. Choosing a base of 66 kV
and 15 MVA in the primary, draw the impedance diagram of the system showing per unit
impedances. Neglect transformer exciting current, phase shifts, and all resistances except
the resistive load.

Using the voltage bases defined in Problem 3.53; i.e.,

VPbase = 66⋅ kV VSbase = 13.2⋅ kV VTbase = 2.3⋅ kV

Sbase := SPbase Sbase = 15⋅ MVA

Synchronous Motor on the Secondary

XSM := 0.2⋅ pu on a 7.5 MVA, 13.2 kV base

15⋅ MVA
XSM := XSM⋅ XSM = 0.4⋅ pu

Resistive Load on the Tertiary

PD := 5 ⋅ MW QD := 0 ⋅ MVAR

SD := PD + j ⋅ QD SD = 5 ⋅ MVA

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ECE 404 HW #6 3.53, 3.54, 4.1, & 4.4
Introduction to Power Systems

A quick review:

SD = 3 ⋅ VLN⋅ I VLN = ZD⋅ I I=

( ) ( ) ( VLL )
2 2 2
VLN 3 ⋅ VLN 3 ⋅ VLN
SD = 3 ⋅ VLN⋅ ⎯ = ⎯ = ⎯ = ⎯

Calculate ZD

( VTbase )
ZD := ⎯ ZD = 1.058 Ω

ZTbase := ZTbase = 0.353 Ω

ZD := ZD = 3 ⋅ pu

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ECE 404 HW #6 3.53, 3.54, 4.1, & 4.4
Introduction to Power Systems


RS := 0 ⋅ pu XS := 0 ⋅ pu


R1 := 0 ⋅ pu X1 = 0.0200⋅ pu Z1 := R1 + j ⋅ X1 Z1 = 0.0200j ⋅ pu

R2 := 0 ⋅ pu X2 = 0.0500⋅ pu Z2 := R2 + j ⋅ X2 Z2 = 0.0500j ⋅ pu

R3 := 0 ⋅ pu X3 = 0.0700⋅ pu Z3 := R3 + j ⋅ X3 Z3 = 0.0700j ⋅ pu

Synchronous Motor

RSM := 0 ⋅ pu XSM = 0.4⋅ pu ZSM := RSM + j ⋅ XSM ZSM = 0.400j⋅ pu

Resistive Load
ZD = 3.00⋅ pu

R2 + jX2 +

RS + jXS R1 + jX1 R3 + jX3 V2

+ + + +
- - - - -

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ECE 404 HW #6 3.53, 3.54, 4.1, & 4.4
Introduction to Power Systems

4.1 The Aluminum Electrical Conductor Handbook lists a dc resistance of 0.01552 ohms per 1000ft at 20 degree centigrade and a 60 Hz
resistance of 0.0951 ohm per mile at 50 degree centigrade for the all-aluminum Marigold conductor, which has 61 strands and whose
size is 1113 kcmil. Assuming an increase in resistance of 1.6% for spiraling, calculate and verify the dc resistance. Then calculate
the dc resistance at 50 degree centigrade, and determine the percentage increase due to skin effect.

π 2 3 −7 2 2
cmil := ⋅ mil kcmil := 10 ⋅ cmil kcmil = 5.067 × 10 m kcmil = 0.507 ⋅ mm

AMarigold := 1113⋅ kcmil AMarigold = 5.64⋅ cm

Ω⋅ cmil −8
ρAL20 := 17.0⋅ ρAL20 = 2.826 × 10 ⋅ Ω⋅ m

ρAL20 Ω
RDC20 := 1.016 ⋅ RDC20 = 0.01552 ⋅ at 20 degrees centigrade Verified!
AMarigold 1000⋅ ft

T1 := 20⋅ C T2 := 50⋅ C TAL := 228.1 ⋅ C

T2 + TAL Ω⋅ cmil ρAL50 − ρAL20

ρAL50 := ρAL20 ⋅ ρAL50 = 19.056⋅ = 12.092⋅ %
T1 + TAL ft ρAL20

ρAL50 Ω
RDC50 := 1.016 ⋅ RDC50 = 0.01739 ⋅ at 50 degrees centigrade RDC50⋅ 1000⋅ ft = 0.01739 Ω
AMarigold 1000⋅ ft

Ω Ω RAC50 − RDC50
RAC50 := 0.0951⋅ RAC50 = 0.09510 ⋅ = 3.544 ⋅ %
mi mi RDC50

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ECE 404 HW #6 3.53, 3.54, 4.1, & 4.4
Introduction to Power Systems

4.4 One thousand circular mils or 1 kcmil is sometimes designated by the abbreviation MCM. Data for the commercial bare aluminum
electrical conductors lists a 60 Hz resistance of 0.0740 ohm per kilometer at 75 degree centigrade for a 954 MCM All-Aluminum

a) Determine the cross-sectional conducting area of this conductor in square meters.

b) Find the 60 Hz resistance of this conductor in ohms per kilometer at 45 degrees centigrade.

−4 2
AXS := 954 ⋅ kcmil AXS = 4.834 × 10 m

RAC75 := 0.0740⋅ at 75 degrees centigrade

45⋅ C + TAL
RAC45 := RAC75⋅
75⋅ C + TAL

RAC45 = 0.0667⋅ at 45 degrees centigrade

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