GRP.1 (Tigris Euphrates)

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GROUP 1 Autencio, Gurtiza, Marzan, Pajimola, Sapitula



TIGRIS-EUPHRATES, Irrigation, power, and travel that dates
back to the earliest known civilizations.
CIVILIZATIONS. The Tigris is also used for Hydropower,
which has led to the construction of dams in
the region to harness the power of its flow.
The local population uses the Tigris as the
Mesopotamia source of fresh water.
In Greek, translated to Agriculture is the Primary focus for the
“THE LAND BETWEEN TWO RIVERS” people near the River. The region’s low rainfall
The birthplace of the earliest civilization and hot, dry summers mean that irrigation is
necessary for growing crops.
on the planet.
Innovations and advancements along the
same lines of hydropower will continue to
Was an ancient region located in the eastern create an evolving landscape for local
Mediterranean bounded in the northeast by the government and people of the region.
Zagros Mountains and in the southeast by the
Arabian Plateau, corresponding to today’s Iraq,
mostly, but also parts of modern-day Iran, Tigris River is one of the most
Syria and Turkey. important waterways in the Fertile Crescent,
and has supported cities like Hasankeyf,
The ‘TWO RIVERS’ of the name referred to Turkey, for centuries.
the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers and the
land was known as ‘Al Jazirah’ by the Arabs
referencing what Egyptologist J.H Breasted
would later call the Fertile Crescent, where Euphrates River
Mesopotamian civilization began. Largest river in Southwest Asia (2,781km)
long. It is formed by the confluence of two
branches, the Karasu River, and the Murat
Tigris River (1850km) River.
Surrounded by four countries (Iran, Iraq,
Turkey, and Syria), the Tigris River is the The Euphrates provided the water that
second largest river in western asia.
led to the first flowering of civilization
An important source of both travel in Sumer, dating from about the fourth
and irrigation. millennium B.C.E.Many important ancient
cities were located on or near the riverside,
TIGRIS also has a rich history that dates including Mari, Sippar, Nippur, Shuruppak,
Uruk, Ur, and Eridu.
back to the earliest known civilizations
because of its importance to a largely arid


Industry became an important factor in
The river's first mention is in the Bible
civilization as well
book of Genesis:
The people of Mesopotamia were known for
their metalwork, woolen textiles, and
The Lord God planted a garden eastward pottery.
in Eden, and there He put the man whom He Copper, tin, and timber were imported
had formed. . . Now a river went out of Eden goods exchanged for dried fish, wool, wheat,
to water the garden, and from there it parted and metal goods
and became four river heads. The name of the Around 3000 B.C. the invention of the
first is Pishon . . . The fourth . . . is the wheel was created making transportation of
Euphrates" (Genesis 2:8, 10 - 11, 14). good easier and quicker.

The river is also mentioned in regard

to the covenant God made with Abram
Social Structure
There were three major social groups in the
Sumerian city-states:
This covenant, which promised an the nobles, commoners, and the slaves.
inheritance in the land of Canaan, was made
after Abraham had left his home in Ur of the NOBLES included many of the royal and
Chaldees. God promised to give him the land religious officials.
from the Nile River to the Euphrates, which COMMONERS worked for palace and
was populated at the time by peoples such as temple domain, they also worked as farmers,
the Kenites, Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites and merchants, and crafts people.
others (Genesis 15). *More than 90 percent of the people in
Mesopotamia were farmers due to the rich
THE SLAVES worked in building buildings
TIGRIS-EUPHRATES RIVER and also belonged to the palace officials.

CIVILIZATION. Buildings/Structures
- There was never a regular supple of water in
Mesopotamia but the soil was so enriched over
the years by the layers of silt which is material
deposited by the two rivers.

- The three main independent cities in

Southern Mesopotamia were Eridu, Ur, and The most famous and important building in
Urak, these cities had a political and economic the Sumerian city was the temple dedicated to
over the surrounding countryside. the gods and goddesses of the city.
The temple was called a ziggurat and was
Economy built atop a massive stepped tower
- The Sumerian city-states was based on Housing were built by sun-dried bricks
farming and trade. A small portion of buildings were made by
stone or wood.
Tools/ Weapons/ - Ninhursag was the mother earth-goddess
-Each of these gods created lesser gods who
Technology. were also important in Mesopotamia
- Utu, the sun-god
Tools - Nanna was the moon-god.
Saws, Chisels, Hammers, Braces, Bits, Nails,
Pins, Rings, Hoes, Glue.

Weapons Writing/Literature
Arrowheads, Axes, Knives, Lancepoints, One of the greatest accomplishments of
Swords, Daggers, Clubs, Armor. the Sumerian people was the invention
of the earliest known system of writing.
Technology (Cuneiform)
Writing system, Number system, The Sumerians created written
First wheeled vehicles, Irrigation systems, documents by using a triangular-tipped
Boats, Calendar. stylus to make wedge-shaped
impressions in soft clay.
Religion Enuma Elish and Gilgamesh are
examples of great religious literature,
What they believed: while the Code of Hammurabi is one of
- In Mesopotamia, each town and city was the greatest early examples of juridical
believed to be protected by a god. literature
- The Mesopotamians believed that these People who lived north of the Sumerian
pyramid temples connected heaven and earth. city-states also known as Akkadians
- At first, many religious events were held at (Semitic) spoke a Semitic language.
the temple but later as priesthood developed,
the temple became the center of both religion
and learning for the entire community.
- The gods in Sumerian were called dingir.
- Their gods and goddesses had supernatural
- Every single city had its own patron god or
goddess who owned everything and everyone
in the city.
- Everyone was expected to sing hymns, say
prayers, make sacrifices and bring offerings to
the local temple (ziggurat) for the gods.
- In Mesopotamia the people looked to
religion to answer their questions about life
and death, good and evil, and the forces of
The Sumerians believed in divine order,
that is, everything that occurs is preplanned by
the gods
- There are four all-powerful gods that created
and controlled the universe
- An was the god of heaven
- Enlil was the air-god
- Enki was the water-god


c. 2300 BCE
MESOPOTAMIAN • King Sargon of Akkad starts
CIVILIZATION: conquering the first empire in
world history. The empire reaches
c. 5000-3500 BCE its height in c. 2220.
• Sumerian civilization in the
Tigris-Euphrates valley. c. 2100
• The first city-states gradually • The city of Ur becomes the center
develop in southern Mesopotamia. of a powerful Mesopotamian state.
This is the achievement of the It soon falls into decline. This
Sumerian people marks the decline of the
Sumerians as the Amorites, a
nomadic people, start moving into
c. 4300 BCE
• The rise of the cities by the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

c. 3500: 1792-49

• Writing begins to be developed. At • King Hammurabi of

first this is based on pictograms, Babylon conquers a large empire.
and takes about a thousand years to Hammurabi is famous for the law
evolve into a full cuneiform code which he issues. His empire
script. begins to decline immediately after
his death.

Was invented by the Sumerians.
It is distinguished by its wedge-shaped • Babylonia is conquered by the
marks on clay tablets, made by means of Kassites, who rule the area for
a blunt reed for a stylus. 400+ years.

c. 3000 BCE - c. 2900 BCE c. 1500

• Mari, the earliest known • The Mitanni, an Indo-European

planned city, is built near the people, conquer northern
eastern bank of the Euphrates. Mesopotamia, plus areas of Syria
and Asia Minor. After 200 years
the kingdom of Assyria conquers
northern Mesopotamia from the
Egyptian empire extends to the
From 1100:

• Nomadic peoples such as

the Aramaeans and the
Chaldeans overrun much of
Mesopotamia. The kingdoms of
Babylon and Assyria go into
temporary decline.



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