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Room 51
Biology A Syllabus
(All information is subject to change)
Rules and Classroom Expectations
● Be Respectful
○ To others, equipment, and yourself.
● Be Prepared and on Time
○ Have something to write with and write on.
● Complete all Work to the Best of Your Ability
○ I don’t expect perfect work, I expect 100% effort.
● Student absent
○ Students ​EMAIL​ Ms. Molony to see if/what can be made up.
○ Prolonged absences or expected absences will be handled on a case to
case basis prior to absence or via ​email​.
○ Parents may also contact Ms. Molony via email.
● Late Work
○ May be accepted the next day for half credit.
○ Anything after that will be on a case-by-case basis.
● Test/ Quiz retakes
MATERIALS​ ​(make test corrections and give a rationale).
○ Students will earn the higher of the two scores.
○ Students have ONE week from the day the tests are given back for a
chance to retake.
● Cooperation and Collaboration
○ Group work is essential to labs and other activities. Learn to work with
● Tardy Policy
○ No EXCUSES, unless signed slip or phone call from another Staff
■ 1st tardy will be marked on Infinite Campus and student will be
notified verbally
■ 2nd tardy will be marked on Infinite Campus and student will be
notified verbally
■ 3rd tardy will be reported to the office on a referral form, the student
will serve one hour of detention, and parents will be notified.
● If you need to use a pencil, I will lend you a pencil, however, you must lend me
something as collateral for the pencil.
● Cell phones
○ There may be a time when I allow cell phone use, I will tell you when it is
that time.
■ First Offense, take device and you can pick it up after school.
■ Second, take device and parents must come pick it up.
■ Third, device taken and 1 hour of detention.
■ Fourth, device is taken and an in school suspension will be served.
Lab Expectations
● Lab equipment ​are not​ toys.
● Hazardous materials should be handled with extreme care.
● If you feel there is something wrong, notify Ms. Molony immediately.
● Use common sense.
​Grade Scale ​Grade breakdown
100-93 -- A
92-90 -- A-
89-87 -- B+ Major (Quizzes, Tests) --- 50%
86-83 -- B
82-80 -- B- Minor (Lab, Daily Work) --- 40%
79-77 -- C+
76-73 -- C Weekly participation --- 10%
72-70 -- C-
69-67 -- D+
66-63 -- D
62-60 -- D-
● Students are required to attend if asked by Ms. Molony.
● Students below 60% are required to come to E​2​.
● If you have missed a class, have questions, or make-up work.
● ALL​ tests and quizzes started during E​2​ time ​MUST​ be finished during E​2​ time.

What we will cover?

● How do living organisms function?
○ Includes: homeostasis, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and more!
● What factors influence diversity on Earth?
○ Includes: DNA, cell division, genetics and heredity, common ancestry, and more!

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