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Sebastian Castillo soto

Legalization of prostitution
Prostitution is known as the oldest profession in the world. People consider this job is a
social evil that must be eliminated, everything about this business and its environment
should be prohibited, and this activity should be a crime punished with jail. However, there
are people who want a law to support and recognize the rights and freedom of people who
decide to practice prostitution. For example, this can be compared to a normal job. For this,
requirements such as establishment, going to the doctor, and sanitary controls must be
strict. For these reason Prostitution should be legalized, because this problem has always
existed and will always exist, and the governments of all countries must give a solution to
this, firstly, giving people the best conditions so they can do their job.

Everyone has a point of view on prostitution, today there are three types, the first is the
people who are forced, the second place is the people who practice it, but in a resigned way,
and finally there are the people who They do it voluntarily. “Today, the big problem about
prostitution is that there are more than 2.5 million victims of human trafficking worldwide,
and approximately 42 million prostitutes around the world of which 10 million are girls.”
(Castillo, Esther; Renea, Beatriz, 213). Helena, a woman who works in prostitution, says
that a law is needed to improve the legal and social situation of people who practice it, that
is, to improve the working conditions of people, ensure social security, payment of taxes,
access to a health system, as well as the possibility of contributing to a fund to obtain a
pension in the future. In addition, it seeks to end the pimps that are people who use weak
children, men and women, in many cases immigrants to exploit them.
Moreover, in countries like Germany, prostitution is legal 16 years ago, German
psychologist Ingeborg Kraus (2016), who is currently a psychotherapist for victims of
trafficking and prostitution, says that "before the legalization in 2002, 55% of the women in
Germany who were engaged in prostitution, did so in a forced manner. After their approval,
the percentage dicreased to 40%, "explained psychologist Kraus. Finally, in societies where
prostitution is legalized, people are more tolerant, Kraus said

Many people disagree with legalizing this work, and say prostitution is a violation of
women's human rights. According to the life stories of people who practice prostitution
they affirm that they have the right to dispose of their body as they wish, and that is part of
their right to freedom, they also say that their function is similar to that of a lawyer, "with
the sole difference that they decide who to provide the service and who does not, while
lawyers have to defend on many occasions people who are criminals knowing that they are
guilty" (Holgado, 2008)

As I have discussed, prostitution should be considered as another form of work activity, like
the rest of the professions and should be regulated and take into account the labor rights of
its workers, and for this the state must determine when it is forced prostitution and
voluntary prostitution. However, before legalizing it, we need to fight for a big problem that
affects world and it’s the trafficking of people, we must ensure that all countries adopt the
same legislation to punish this type of exploitation, punish the men who treat the woman's
body as an object.
De acuerdo con las historias de vida de las personas que practican la prostitución afirman
que ellas tienen el derecho a disponer de su cuerpo como ellas quieran, y eso hace parte de
su derecho de libertad, también dicen que su función es similar a la que efectúan las
abogadas, “con la sola diferencia de que ellas deciden a quién prestar el servicio y a quién
no, mientras que las abogadas tienen que defender en muchas ocasiones a personas que son
delincuentes sabiendo que son culpables” (Holgado, 2008)
“Hoy, el gran problema acerca de la prostitución es que Hay Mas De 2,5 Millones De
Víctimas De Tráficos De Humanos Mundialmente, y aproximadamente 42 Millones De
Prostitutas Alrededor Del Mundo De Las Cuales 10 Millones Son Niñas.” (Castillo, Esther;
Renea, Beatriz, 213). Helena, mujer que se dedica a la prostitución dice que se necesita una
ley para mejorar la situación legal y social de las personas que ejercen la prostitución, es
decir mejorar las condiciones laborales de las personas que ejercen este trabajo y
asegurarles una seguridad social, el pago de impuestos, el acceso a un sistema de salud, así
como la posibilidad de aportar a un fondo para obtener una pensión en el futuro. Además,
se busca así acabar con los proxenetas que son personas que usan a niños, hombres y
mujeres débiles, en muchos casos inmigrantes para explotarlos.
En países como Alemania, donde la prostitución es legal hace 16 años, la psicóloga
alemana Ingeborg Kraus (2016), quien actualmente es psicoterapeuta de víctimas de trata y
prostitución, dice que "Antes de que se aprobara la ley en 2002, el 80% de las mujeres que
se dedicaban a la prostitución eran alemanas. Después de su aprobación, bajo el porcentaje
a un 70% ", explicó la psicóloga Kraus. Por último, las sociedades donde se legaliza la
prostitución, la gente es más tolerante aseguró Kraus.

Siempre ha existido, y cualquier intento de prohibirla solo la conduce a la clandestinidad.

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