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Actividad de aprendizaje 15

Evidencia 5: Summary “Export-import theory”

Contar con los conocimientos necesarios para realizar un proceso de exportación,

requiere no solo de manejar habilidades lectoras para apropiar las normas y pasos
a seguir, sino también comprender y extraer los aspectos más importantes de cada
texto. Existen gran cantidad de textos referentes exportación e importación en
inglés, por lo cual es necesario fortalecer las competencias en dicha lengua.

Para reforzar lo mencionado, realice las siguientes actividades:

1. Lea el siguiente texto:

Export-Import Theory1

Setting up the business

Whether it is a new or existing export-import business, the legal form, or

structure, will determine how the business is to be conducted, its tax liability,
and other important considerations. Each form of business organization has
its own advantages and disadvantages, and the entrepreneur has to select
the one that best fulfills the goals of the entrepreneur and the business.
Selection of an appropriate business organization is a task that requires
accounting and legal expertise and should be done with the advice of a
competent attorney or accountant.

Ownership structure

In this section, we examine different forms of business organizations: sole

proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies.

Belay, S. (2009). Export-Import Theory, Practices, and Procedures. (2a ed.). New York: Routledge.
Sole proprietorships

A sole proprietorship is a firm owned and operated by one individual. No

separate legal entity exists. There is one principal in the business who has
total control over all export-import operations and who can make decisions
without consulting anyone. The major advantages of sole proprietorships are
as follows:

1. They are easy to organize and simple to control. Establishing an export-

import business as sole proprietorship is simple and inexpensive and requires
little or no government approval. At the state level, registration of the business
name is required, while at the federal level, sole proprietors need to keep
accurate accounting records and attach a profit or loss statement for the
business when filing individual tax returns (Schedule C, Internal Revenue
Service Form 1040). They must operate on a calendar year and can use the
cash or accrual method of accounting.

2. They are more flexible to manage than partnerships or corporations. The

owner makes all operational and management decisions concerning the
business. The owner can remove money or other assets of the business
without legal or tax consequences. He or she can also easily transfer or
terminate the business.

3. Sole proprietorships are subject to minimal government regulations versus

other business concerns.

4. The owner of a sole proprietorship is taxed as an individual, at a rate lower

than the corporate income tax rate. Losses from the export import business
can be applied by the owner to offset taxable income from other sources. Sole
proprietors are also allowed to establish tax exempt retirement accounts.
(Harper, 1991; Cheeseman, 2006a)
The major disadvantage of running an export-import concern as a sole
proprietorship is the risk of unlimited liability. The owner is personally liable
for the debts and other liabilities of the business. Insurance can be bought to
protect against these liabilities; however, if insurance protection is not
sufficient to cover legal liability for defective products or debts, judgment
creditors’ next recourse is the personal assets of the owner. Another
disadvantage is that the proprietor’s access to capital is limited to personal
funds plus any loans that can be obtained. In addition, very few individuals
have all the necessary skills to run an export-import business, and the owner
may lack certain skills. The business may also terminate upon the death or
disability of the owner.

Establishing an appropriate business organization: pointers

 Does the entrepreneur intend to be the sole owner of the export-import

business? If not, how many people have an ownership interest?

 Does the entrepreneur need additional capital and/or expertise?

 What legal form provides the greatest flexibility for management?

 What legal form affords the most advantageous tax treatment for the
business concern and individual entrepreneurs?

 Which legal structure is easy and less expensive to establish and subject
to a low degree of government regulation?

 How important is it to limit personal liability of owners?

o Which legal structure is the most appropriate in light of the goals and
objectives of the export-import business? (Belay, 2009).
2. Elabore una lista de vocabulario sobre el texto, mínimo de 15 palabras y escriba
su respectivo significado en inglés.

Disadvantages: Circumstance of being worse or being in a worse situation one

thing with respect to others of the same nature with which it is compared. Less
favorable situation in which a person or thing is with respect to others with which it
is compared.

Desventajas: Circunstancia de ser peor o estar en peor situación una cosa respecto
a otras de la misma naturaleza con la que se compara. Situación menos favorable en
que se halla una persona o cosa respecto a otras con las que se compara.

Attorney: Person legally authorized to advise and defend the rights and interests of
another person in legal matters and represent it in a lawsuit.

Abogado: Persona legalmente autorizada para asesorar y defender los derechos e

intereses de otra persona en materia jurídica y representarla en un pleito.

Proprietorships: Property rights, In the right, the domain or property, is the direct
and immediate power over an object or good, by which is attributed to its owner the
ability to dispose of it, without further limitations than those imposed by law.

Propietarios: Derecho de propiedad, en el derecho, el dominio o propiedad, es el

poder directo e inmediato sobre un objeto o bien, por la que se atribuye a su titular la
capacidad de disponer del mismo, sin más limitaciones que las que imponga la ley.

Advantages: Circumstance or situation that gives superiority in something.

Ventajas: Circunstancia o situación que da superioridad en alguna cosa.

Without: Indica falta o carencia de alguna cosa material o inmaterial.

Sin: Indicates lack or lack of something material or immaterial

Returns: The return is the act of giving something back to someone. It is a process
that is based on a right of possession of a certain person with respect to a certain
good that was delivered with some type of specific objective.

Devoluciones: La devolución es el acto de entregar algo nuevamente a alguien. Es

un proceso de se sustenta en un derecho de posesión de una determinada persona
con respecto a un determinado bien que fue entregado con algún tipo de objetivo
Loans: A loan is an operation by which a financial institution puts at our disposal a
certain amount of money through a contract.

Prestamos: Un préstamo es una operación por la cual una entidad financiera pone a
nuestra disposición una cantidad determinada de dinero mediante un contrato.

Skills: The ability is the innate aptitude, talent, skill or ability that a person holds to
carry out and of course with success, certain activity, work

Habilidades: La habilidad es la aptitud innata, talento, destreza o capacidad que

ostenta una persona para llevar a cabo y por supuesto con éxito, determinada
actividad, trabajo

Applied: That puts effort, interest and perseverance in the accomplishment of a

work or in the development of an activity, especially in the study.

Aplicado: Que pone esfuerzo, interés y constancia en la realización de un trabajo o

en el desarrollo de una actividad, en especial en el estudio.

Losses: Small amount of blood or discharge from the womb that is abnormally
expelled outside of the menstrual period.

Pérdidas: Cantidad pequeña de sangre o flujo procedente de la matriz que se expulsa

anormalmente fuera del período menstrual.

Upon: Heritage prefix of Latin origin that enters the formation of names with the
meaning of 'above', 'besides'.

Sobre: Prefijo patrimonial de origen latino que entra en la formación de nombres con
el significado de ‘por encima de’, ‘además de’

Judgment: Faculty of understanding, by virtue of which man can distinguish good

from evil and true from false.

Juicio: Facultad del entendimiento, por cuya virtud el hombre puede distinguir el bien
del mal y lo verdadero de lo falso

Little: That has a smaller size than normal.

Pequeño: Que tiene un tamaño menor de lo normal.

Sole: It applies to one or several things of which or of whose species there are no

Único: Se aplica a una o varias cosas de las cuales o de cuya especie no hay otras.

Income: Amount of money earned or collected.

Ingresos: Cantidad de dinero ganada o recaudada.

3. El texto sugerido al inicio de esta evidencia cuenta con varios párrafos, y al

interior de cada párrafo se encuentran varias ideas principales. Por favor, lea el
material complementario “Identifying the main idea” para conocer cómo se puede
encontrar la idea principal en un párrafo escrito en inglés.


 The director controls all export and import operations

 The sole proprietors are simple and low in costs
 The owners are in charge of making all the decisions
 How to carry out a business
 There are different forms of commercial organizations
 The individual companies are governmental
 The individual owners have a lower rate than the tax rate
 The owners are responsible for their business

4. Luego de analizar el material complementario, por favor escriba las ideas

principales de cada párrafo, en presente simple, en inglés. No haga transcripción
literal de los párrafos. A continuación, transforme la oración a presente
progresivo, también en inglés.
Simple Present Tense Present Progressive Tense
How to carries out a business How to carriesing out a business

There's are different forms of There's are differenting forms of

commercial organizations commercial organizations
The director controls all export and The director controlling all export and
import operations import operations
The sole proprietors are simple and The sole proprietors are simple and
lows in costs low in costsing
The owners are in charges of make all The owners are in charge of making all
the decisions the decisions
The individual companies are The individual companying are
governamental governamental
The individual owners have a lower The individual owners having a lower
rate than the tax rate rate than the tax rate
The owners are responsible for their The owners are responsible for their
business business

5. Organice las ideas en un solo resumen, de manera que se conecten

coherentemente, en 15 líneas.

How to carry out an export and import business, in different forms of

commercial organizations since the director controls all export and import
operations, where the sole proprietors are simple and low in cost and make
all the decisions in front of the business. Individual companies are
governmental and have a lower rate than the tax rate, thus carrying the
responsibility of the business

Knowing well that each legal form in which the company has its legal bases
will apply different processes why you should know what you should apply to
have greater knowledge and not have legal consequences in the environment
even with a single administrator or boss immediately co-author all the legal
health and tax aspects for a better export or import in order to provide the
company with better quality and good recognition at the international level and
to conquer or reach large countries for its advertising and industry growth.

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