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Payroll System

A System presented to
Lyceum of Subic Bay

In Partial Fulfilment for the Requirements in

Associate in Computer Technology &
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Amoroso, Maximino
Fabian, Patrick Jonah

Ms. Lucy Macusi-Republo

ISD Instructor


Payroll is the sum of all financial records wherein business or companies pay its

employees for the work performed during a specific period. It involves everything that

has to do with the payment of employees and the filing of employment taxes on a

computerized manner.

For the system to properly work, we have to register the employee first. Employee

Registration Module is implemented. In this module, the user or HR inputs information

about the employee (job title, description, status, name, ID, hourly rate, etc.) This module

also contains information about SSS type, Pag-ibig, Philhealth and other government


After employee registration, the user needs to import employee’s timesheet from

the company’s biometrics/attendance system. The timesheet should be in an acceptable

excel file format. First pay period covers the work rendered on every 1st to 15th day of the

month and is paid every 10th of next month. Second pay period covers the work rendered

on every 16th to end of month and is paid every 25th of next month. In the timesheet

module, the user can see and check each employee’s work hours, rendered overtimes,

breaks, holidays, etc. User can also edit times here if there are discrepancies or valid

complaints from the employee.

After checking employee’s timesheets, user can go to the Salary Computation

Module. This module is categorized into two – regular pay and special pay. Special pay is

only used for 13th month pay and other bonuses that do not occur monthly while Regular

pay is the monthly normal salary of the employees. The user can click the name of the

employee listed on the left side of the interface. After selecting an employee, this module

will collect information from the employee’s timesheet and automatically computes the

total work hours rendered, overtimes, double pays, night differential percentage pay,

taxes, loans, reimbursements (if applicable), etc.

The last process of the system is generation of payslips and financial report,

which can be done after saving and checking all of the information from the Salary

Module. Generated payslips contain the breakdown of the net pay. User can go to this

module to print payslips and easily check if in case employees have complaints about

their salaries.

To comply with the company’s policy, employees need to sign on the company’s

ledger after receiving their pay for financial accounting purposes.

Scope and Limitations of the Study


 Employee Registration Module

- Add, update employee information

- Contains SSS, Pag-ibig, Philhealth and other government contributions.

 Timesheet Module

- Handles employee timesheets (add, edit, delete)

- Data is imported from the company’s biometrics/attendance system in an

excel file.

- Recognizes holidays

 Salary Computation Module

- Computes net pay

- Deducts taxes

 Payslip Module

- Generates employee paylsip

- Prints payslip

- Contains the list of all employee’s payslip

Technical Limitations

 System is not available online

Operational Limitations

 System is not capable of transferring funds to bank accounts


Fig. 1 - Context Diagram

Fig. 2 - Level 0 DFD

Fig. 3 - Level 1 DFD Process 1.0

Fig. 4 - Level 1 DFD Process 2.0

Fig. 5 - Level 1 DFD Process 3.0

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