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BJEP Lesson Plan

Kitah: 5
Teacher(s): Anna
Lesson #: 18
Date: 03/18

Time Activity Extra Materials


9:30 Opening - I usually open with a little icebreaker questions: the best part of their week,
favorite meal, something like that just as they’re all walking in to catch up and start on a fun
note. The madrichot will help with attendance. In the 5a box are name tags for each of the
students, you can ask the madrichot to lay them out around the table in an order that will help
control the classroom.

9:40 - 10:20 Judaics Markers (found

upstairs in the art
I actually think I’m going to use Anna Stern’s 4th grade ‘women of exodus’ lesson in this closet)
lesson plan, because I think they have learned the story and about the Seder before, so I want 4 printouts of
to introduce something very different this year about Passover. each of the
documents linked
First, ask someone to summarize the Passover story for the class. If they have trouble, you below
can call on multiple students or help out telling them the basic story.

Next, ask the class to list the characters they remember from the story. Write them on the
board -- they will probably remember Moses, Pharaoh, Aaron.

After, introduce that there are many women in the story that get overlooked. They are
sometimes known as the ‘rebel’ women of the exodus. What is a rebel? Can you think of any
women in the story?

Introduce Miriam, Shifrah, Puah, Yocheved and Batya (Bat Pharaoh - the daughter of
Pharaoh). Talk a little about what each did (it’s all in the worksheets)

Then count off by 4 to create 4 groups. Hand out one of each of the 4 worksheets to each
group and have them fill it out. When they finish, hand the group a new sheet. Try to hand
each group different sheets at first to encourage them to work within their groups.

You and each of the madrichot can go around the room and work with the different groups to
help keep them on task.

10:20-10:30 Snack - The madrichot will go get snack and can run a short activity during that time.

10:30-11:00 Electives- Schiffman 216 upstairs - Set Design

In the closet in the back of the room is a big bin with bottles of paint. Most of the sets are
rolled up pieces of butcher paper in that bin, the other two you can ask Adina about as she
put them away for me last week. If you get out paint and brushes from that closet, then some
paper plates and plastic cups filled with water from the closet all the way on the right, the
kids will generally know what to do. Aim to get as much of it done as possible - ideally all of
the sets should be completely painted. At the end of the day, if the sets are dry please roll
them back up and put them back in the bin. If they are still wet, let Adina know where you
are leaving them and she can help put them away.

11:00-11:40 Hebrew 15 printouts of the

In Hebrew we are starting ​G’vurot​. We just finished A ​ vot​ last week, there are some printouts G’vurot ​prayer
of that page in the class box/folder -- do a quick review of this. Next, start with reading with translation
G’vurot​. Split the class into pairs and have each of them read through the entire prayer, while
you and Francesca go around the room to help with the words. You can hand out pencils so
that they can write out transliteration for themselves on the tricky words. Make sure they’re
each​ reading and practicing, it is okay if this takes a while, I would rather them know the
words well than rush through it.

After, if you have more time, you can come back together as a class and talk a bit about the
meaning of the prayer and how it connects to the Avot.

Homework: PRACTICE over break!

11:40-Noon T’fillah - Schiffman 219

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