Cypher System Custom GM Screen

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0 Routine 0 Anyone can do this basically every time.
1 Simple 3 Most people can do this most of the time.
2 Standard 6 Typical task requiring focus, but most people can usually do this.
3 Demanding 9 Requires full attention; most people have a 50/50 chance to succeed.
4 Difficult 12 Trained people have a 50/50 chance to succeed.
5 Challenging 15 Even trained people often fail.
6 Intimidating 18 Normal people almost never succeed.
7 Formidable 21 Impossible without skills or great effort.
8 Heroic 24 A task worthy of tales told for years afterward.
9 Immortal 27 A task worthy of legends that last lifetimes.
10 Impossible 30 A task that normal humans couldn’t consider (but one that doesn’t break the laws of physics).

It’s okay to tell players—particularly
Light Armor 1 point +1 2
starting players—the difficulty of
Medium Armor 2 points +2 3
Heavy Armor 3 points

Light Weapon 2 points of damage (+ Reduces attack roll difficulty by one step) MODIFYING ABILITIES
Medium Weapon 4 points of damage Impossible task (10). Accomplish an
effect that has nothing to do
Heavy Weapon 6 points of damage
with the description or intent.
Formidable task (7). Do something
DISTANCE similar to the description or
Immediate Right there. No more than 10 feet (3m). A character can move an immediate intent, but changing its na-
distance and do something else on his turn.
Short Not far. 50 feet (15m) or so. A character can move a short distance as his turn.
Difficult task (4). Do something
Long Pretty far. 100 feet (30m) or so. A character can move a long distance as his
within the spirit and general
turn, but there is a roll involved.
idea of the ability.
1: Intrusion. The GM makes a free 20: Major Effect. If the PC spent points Damage Reduction Effect
intrusion and doesn’t award from a stat Pool on the action, 1 Hinder/Distract
experience points (XP) for it. the point cost for the action 2 Specific body part
decreases to 0, meaning 3 Knock back
17: Damage Bonus. If the roll was an
the character regains those 3 Move past
attack, it deals 1 additional 3 Strike held object
point of damage. points as if she had not spent
4 Knock down
them at all. The PC gets a
18: Damage Bonus. If the roll was an 7 Disarm
major effect in addition to 7 Impair
attack, it deals 2 additional the normal results of the task 8 Stun
points of damage. if it was not an attack. If the
19: Minor Effect. The PC gets a minor roll was an attack, it deals 4
effect in addition to the additional points of damage, WEAPON DISTINCTIONS
normal results of the task if or the PC gets a major effect, Slashing. Slashing weapons
it was not an attack. If the such as: inflict 1 additionnal point of da-
roll was an attack, it deals 3 Knock down: The foe is knocked mage against an unarmored foe
additional points of damage, prone. It can get up on its turn (without a physical protection).
or the PC gets a minor effect, if it wishes. Piercing. Piercing weapons inflict
such as:
Disarm: The foe drops one 1 additionnal point of damage on
Strike a specific body part: The object that it is holding. rolls of 17 or higher (beyond any
attacker strikes a specific spot bonus damage granted by such
on the defender’s body. The Stun: The foe loses its next
GM rules what special effect, action.
Crushing. Crushing weapons
if any, results. Impair: For the rest of the
ignore 1 point of Armor.
Knock back: The foe is knocked combat, the difficulty of all
tasks the foe attempts is Reaching. Attacks made against
or forced back a few feet. someone with a reaching weapon
modified by one step to
Move past: The character can its detriment. are modified by one step in the
move a short distance at the defender's favor (unless the
end of the attack. attacker also have a reaching
Try to use three to four weapon of its own).
Distract: For one round, the
difficulty of all tasks the foe
GM Intrusions per session.
attempts is modified by one Remember to award 2 XP
step to its detriment. points to the affected player.
First recovery roll One action Falling 1 point per 10 feet (3 m) fallen (ambient —
Second recovery roll Ten minutes damage)
Third recovery roll One hour Minor fire 3 points per round (ambient damage) Torch
Fourth recovery roll Ten hours Major fire 6 points per round (ambient damage) Engulfed in flames; lava
Acidsplash 2 points per round (ambient damage) —
Acid bath 6 points per round (ambient damage) Immersed in acid
Cold 1 point per round (ambient damage) Below freezing temperatures
Lasting damage does not heal normally, so
the points lost cannot be regained by making Severe cold 3 points per round (ambient damage) Liquid nitrogen
recovery rolls. Instead, they return at a rate of Shock 1 point per round (ambient damage) Often involves losing next action
1 point per day of complete rest (or 1 point Electrocution 6 points per round (ambient damage Often involves losing next action
per three days of regular activity). Until the Crush 3 points Object or creature falls on character
points are restored, the damage has a
Huge crush 6 points Roof collapse; cave-in
secondary effect.
Collision 6 points Large, fast object strikes character


Similar to lasting damage, permanent
damage is a special situation. Permanent Might Broken arm/ Cannot be used to hold or use objects/
damage never heals normally, although Severed hand or arm Self-explanatory
extraordinary technologies and magic can Might Muscle damage Difficulty of physical tasks increased by 1 step
potentially repair damage or replace lost
Might Tissue damage Difficulty of all tasks increased by 2 steps
body parts.
Might Torn ligament Move at half speed
Speed Broken leg Cannot move without assistance
LASTING/PERMANENT Speed Permanent limp Move at half speed
DAMAGE INSTEAD OF Speed Severed leg Cannot move without assistance
Intellect Concussion Difficulty of Intellect tasks increased by 1 step
DEATH Intellect Missing eye Diff. of most physical tasks increased by 1 step
Lasting or permanent damage can be used
Intellect Brain damage Difficulty of Intellect tasks increased by 1 step
as a substitute for death. If a PC reaches 0 in
all of her stat Pools, she can instead be Intellect Blindness Character acts as if in complete darkness
knocked unconscious and wakes up with a Intellect Deafness Character cannot hear
lasting or permanent damage.

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