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3. Images Selected. The images I will use will be

4. Presentation Structure
First, I will talk about How many players are involved and what do you need to
play? Well, there are two ways to play CHARADAS, the first way to play
charades is played by many people and they have to be divided into two teams,
and you don't need any special equipment, instead the second way is played
by 2 people and you need a cellphone.
Then I'm going to talk about How does the game start? The first way to play
Charades begins when 1 member of one team goes to the other team and that
team has to give a secret word or a phrase for the player to act, and the second
way begins when one chooses what is the player going to guess about?, and
then that player puts the cellphone on his/her forehead and guess the word.
Next I will talk about the rules…Nobody is allowed to say the secret word to
the player who is guessing. Even each one has a time limit to guess the word,
and the player who is doing gestures and mimics can't speak, and If the player
who is guessing is able to guess the correct word so his/her team receive 1
point. And if one team has been getting more points than the other then that
team wins.
Finally I will talk about the location…This game is played all over the world.
ALP Presentation

Intermediate 3
Ruben Condori M.

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