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Final Assessment (Date: 6th May 2019)

Grade 9 - MYP
Max Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 142
SECTION A – Biology (37 marks)

1. 1.1 What is classification? (2)

1.2 Why there is a need of classification? Give examples. (3)

1.3 Briefly describes the rules of Binomial nomenclature. (4)

2. 2.1 Differentiate Monocots and Dicots plants. Give examples. (3)

2.2 Compare plant cells and animal cells. (3)

2.3 Mechanical and chemical digestion (3)

3. Briefly describe the function of any five cell organelle. (5)

4. What are specialized cells? Discuss 4 examples in details. (4)

5. What is digestion? Briefly explain the digestion of fats in human body. (6)
6. Name any four parts of human eye and write specific function of the same. (4)

SECTION B – Chemistry (55 Marks)

1. What are acids and bases? Name and give formulae of any 5 acids and 2 bases. (10)

2. What do you understand by weak acids and strong acids? (4)

3. What are the following? Give examples/reactions (6)

1. Neutralization reaction
2. Synthesis reaction

3. Decomposition

4. Write down the reaction of the acid with: (6)

1. Metal

2. Metal oxide

3. Metal Carbonate

5. (10)
6. What are the types of oxides? Give example (8)

7. How does the acid rain forms? (3)

8. Describe patterns (density and reactivity) of Group 1 and Group 7 elements. (4)

9. What is ionization energy? What happens to ionization energy across the periods? (4)
SECTION C- Physics (50 marks)

1. Differentiate the following: (10)

1. Mass and weight

2. Scaler and vector quantity

3. Distance and displacement

4. Retardation and acceleration

5. Velocity and Speed

2. What to do understand by the following: (12)

1. Aim/ Research Question:

2. Hypothesis (including justification):

3. Independent variable:

4. Dependent variable:

5. Controlled variable:

6. Evaluation of an experiment:

3. (5)
4. (8)
5. (15)

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