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Ling OC3115 TTh Day – AB English 3-A

Language of Literature Tues. Night – AB English 3-1

Dr. Sheilalaine G. Romulo Thurs. Night – AB English 3-2

Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to major literary

theories of formalism, psychological criticism, Marxist criticism,
feminist criticism, reader-response, deconstruction, new
historicism and other theories of the twentieth century.
Corollary to this is the basic literary criticism focusing on the
language of the twentieth-century poetry.

Course Learning Outcomes:

Given the learning tasks, the students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate effective communication skills in the application of

various theories to works of literature;
2. Articulate their understanding of the beauty and aesthetic value of
literature in broader ways;
3. Discover the voice of women in the literary world; and
4. Critique a chosen literary piece.

A. Preliminaries
1. The Relationship of Reading and Writing
2. Conventional Ways of Reading Literature
3. Conventional Ways of Writing About Literature
B. Theoretical Approaches
1. Formalism/New Criticism
2. Psychological Criticism
2.1. Archetypal/Myth Criticism
2.2. Psychoanalytic Criticism
3. Marxist Criticism
4. Feminist Criticism
5. Reader-Response Criticism
6. Deconstruction/Postmodernism
7. New Criticism
8. New Historicism
9. Postcolonialism and Multiculturalism
10. Ecocriticism
C. In Focus: The Language of Poetry
1. The Language of Poetry: Materiality and Meaning
2. Form – Traditional vs. Organic
3. Poetic Elements
3.1. Poetic Devices
3.2. Deviant Language
3.3. Ambiguity and Polysemy

Suggested Material:

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