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Interviewer: Hello ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with Ashley Graham and today I’ll be
interviewing her about her career and how she has come to be one of most influential
models in the world. So, tell us Ashley, how did it all start for you?
Ashley: Hello, Thanks so much for having me on today, I attended School in Lincoln,
Nebraska where my family and I lived. I was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia at an early
age. I signed with my first agency “I and I agency” whilst shopping at Oak View Mall. Then
later joined with, Wilhelmina Models in 2001. I became a body activist when I was
categorised as a “plus size” model.
Interviewer: You have been such and influence to so many young women around the world
and have made a huge change in the fashion industry, How has that made you feel?
Ashely: I am extremely humble and flattered by all the attention I have received. I have such
a strong and loyal group of followers and It makes me so happy to see how much of an
impact I have had on so many lives. I wanted to be a role model for young women
everywhere. Showing women how to love who they are and break the stereo type of what
“women and models” are meant to look like. I hated growing up and looking at magazine’s
and seeing how “they” expect us to dress, Eat and what were meant to weigh. It was not
realistic as we are all built different, So I decided to do something about It.
Interviewer: You are truly an inspiration and we have loved following your journey. Thanks,
so much for all the hard work you have done and we hope to keep seeing you continue to
change the industry. Thanks, for taking the time to have a chat to us and we hope to catch
up in the near future.
Ashley: Thanks for having me, it’s been great getting my message across.

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