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for Windows10,Windows8,Windows7,VISTA,
XP,NT,Server 2000,Server 2003,Server 2008

1 items

 DosTips - The DOS Batch Guide - Home Page [2008-01-01]

20 items

o DOS - Arithmetic - How to use SET /A for arithmetic in DOS [2008-04-01]

7 items

 :toDec - convert a hexadecimal number to decimal [2009-12-03]

 :toHex - convert a decimal number to hexadecimal, i.e. -20 to FFFFFFEC or 26 to 0000001A [2011-03-30]
 DOS - Arithmetic - How to use SET /A for arithmetic in DOS [2008-04-01]
 Floating Point Arithmetic - Working around the limitations of the command processor. [2008-04-01]
 Large Integers - Working around the limitations of the command processor. [2008-04-01]
 Percent - Basic Percent arithmetic. [2008-04-01]
 SET /A - Basic Integer Arithmetic. [2008-04-01]
o DOS - Experimental Stuff - Experiments. [2008-11-12]

2 items

 DOS - Experimental Stuff - Experiments. [2008-11-12]

 DOS Batch - String Difference - Difference between strings using LCS algorism [2009-03-29]
o DOS - My First Batch File - Learn how to write a DOS batch file yourself. [2008-03-13]

1 items

 DOS - My First Batch File - Learn how to write a DOS batch file yourself. [2008-03-13]
o DOS - Powerful Enablers - Basic yet powerful features make DOS a quite interesting script language. [2008-12-18]

5 items

 DOS - Powerful Enablers - Basic yet powerful features make DOS a quite interesting script language. [2008-12-
 DOS Batch Coding Guidelines - Readability, consistency and maintainability. [2008-12-18]
 Reflection - A batch file can parse it`s own source script. [2008-12-18]
 Self Modification - A batch file can modify itself. [2008-12-18]
 Variable Substitution - A variable substitutes a piece of command line. [2008-12-18]
o DOS - Script Snippets - DOS Batch Script Snippets. [2008-03-13]

28 items

 Floating Point Arithmetic - Working around the limitations of the command processor. [2008-04-01]
 SET /A - Basic Integer Arithmetic. [2008-04-01]
 Large Integers - Working around the limitations of the command processor. [2008-04-01]
 Percent - Basic Percent arithmetic. [2008-04-01]
 Ansi to Unicode - Ansi to Unicode. [2008-03-21]
 Command Grouping - Grouping Commands in blocks using Parentesis. [2008-03-07] Page 2 of 7
 Multiple Commands in Single Line - How to enter multiple commands into a single line. [2008-03-07]
 Conditional Execution - Conditional Execution Based on Result of Previous Command. [2008-03-07]
 File Line Count - Use FIND command to count file lines, store line count into a variable. [2008-03-21]
 Does String1 begin with String2? - Check if one string starts with another. [2011-04-05]
 Drive Types - List all drives connected and corresponding types, i.e. Fixed, CD-ROM, Removable. [2009-11-10]
 Echo a Blank Line - How to use ECHO to output a blank line. [2008-03-07]
 Escape Characters - Escaping special characters in DOS batch when delayed variable expansion is enabled or
disabled. [2008-03-07]
 Exit - Exit on key pressed. [2008-03-07]
 Exit - Exit on key pressed with customized message. [2008-03-07]
 Exit Delayed - Delayed exit without user interaction. [2008-03-07]
 File Size in Bytes - Use FOR command to determine the file size in bytes. [2008-03-21]
 Initializing a batch - Commands that are typically executed at the beginning of a batch script. [2008-03-07]
 Open the Registry Editor at a given Key - Opening the Registry Editor at a defined Key. [2008-03-14]
 RunAs Administrator - Force a batch to run as different user via RunAs command. [2008-03-19]
 Multiple Lines for Single Command - How to continue a command in the next line. [2008-03-07]
 Unicode to Ansi - Convert a file to Ansi. [2008-03-21]
 Date Time for Unique String - Create a unique string using current date and time. [2008-03-21]
 Version History - Add a version history, track date, author and description of each change. [2008-03-07]
 Window Color - Change the Window Color. [2008-03-07]
 Window Size - Change the Window Size. [2008-03-07]
 Window Title - Change the Window Title. [2008-03-07]
 Check File for Zero Bytes - Use FOR command to show or delete empty files. [2008-03-21]
o DOS - String Manipulation - Basic string manipulation in batch like you are used to from other programming languages.

15 items

 Align Right - Align text to the right i.e. to improve readability of number columns. [2008-01-01]
 Left String - Extract characters from the beginning of a string. [2008-01-01]
 Map and Lookup - Use Key-Value pair list to lookup and translate values. [2008-01-01]
 Mid String - Extract a Substring by Position. [2008-01-01]
 Remove - Remove a substring using string substitution. [2008-01-01]
 Remove both Ends - Remove the first and the last character of a string. [2008-01-01]
 Remove Spaces - Remove all spaces in a string via substitution. [2008-01-01]
 Replace - Replace a substring using string substitution. [2008-01-01]
 Right String - Extract characters from the end of a string. [2008-01-01]
 Split String - Split a String, Extract Substrings by Delimiters. [2008-01-01]
 String Concatenation - Add one string to another string. [2008-02-26]
 Trim Left - Trim spaces from the beginning of a string via "FOR" command. [2008-04-28]
 Trim Quotes - Remove surrounding quotes via FOR command. [2008-01-01]
 Trim Right - Trim spaces from the end of a string via "FOR" command. [2008-01-01]
 Trim Right - Trim spaces from the end of a string via substitution. [2008-01-01]
o DOS - String Operations - Basic string operations in batch like you are used to from other programming languages. [2008-

28 items

 :lTrim - strips white spaces (or other characters) from the beginning of a string [2008-02-27]
 :rTrim - strips white spaces (or other characters) from the end of a string [2008-02-19]
 :StartsWith - Tests if a text starts with a given string [2008-03-20]
 :strLen - returns the length of a string [2010-11-16]
 :toCamelCase - converts a string to camel case [2008-02-19]
 :toLower - converts uppercase character to lowercase [2008-02-19]
 :toUpper - converts lowercase character to uppercase [2008-02-19]
 :Trim - strip white spaces (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string [2008-02-19]
 :trimSpaces - trims spaces around string variable [2008-02-23]
 :trimSpaces2 - trims spaces around string and assigns result to variable [2008-02-19]
 :Unique - returns a unique string based on a date-time-stamp, YYYYMMDDhhmmsscc [2008-02-19]
 Align Right - Align text to the right i.e. to improve readability of number columns. [2008-01-01] Page 3 of 7
 DOS - String Manipulation - Basic string manipulation in batch like you are used to from other programming
languages. [2008-01-01]
 DOS - String Operations - Basic string operations in batch like you are used to from other programming
languages. [2008-01-01]
 Left String - Extract characters from the beginning of a string. [2008-01-01]
 Map and Lookup - Use Key-Value pair list to lookup and translate values. [2008-01-01]
 Mid String - Extract a Substring by Position. [2008-01-01]
 Remove - Remove a substring using string substitution. [2008-01-01]
 Remove both Ends - Remove the first and the last character of a string. [2008-01-01]
 Remove Spaces - Remove all spaces in a string via substitution. [2008-01-01]
 Replace - Replace a substring using string substitution. [2008-01-01]
 Right String - Extract characters from the end of a string. [2008-01-01]
 Split String - Split a String, Extract Substrings by Delimiters. [2008-01-01]
 String Concatenation - Add one string to another string. [2008-02-26]
 Trim Left - Trim spaces from the beginning of a string via "FOR" command. [2008-04-28]
 Trim Quotes - Remove surrounding quotes via FOR command. [2008-01-01]
 Trim Right - Trim spaces from the end of a string via "FOR" command. [2008-01-01]
 Trim Right - Trim spaces from the end of a string via substitution. [2008-01-01]
o DOS - XCopy Copy Tips - Use XCopy for more than copy. I.e. check if a file is open and more... [2008-03-13]

1 items

 DOS - XCopy Copy Tips - Use XCopy for more than copy. I.e. check if a file is open and more... [2008-03-13]
o DOS Batch - Date and Time - Using date and time functions in DOS. [2008-12-20]

10 items

 File age in days - Convert the file date into Julian Days to determine the age of a file age in days. [2009-03-30]
 DOS Batch - Date and Time - Using date and time functions in DOS. [2008-12-20]
 :CmpFTime - compares the time of two files, succeeds if condition is met, fails otherwise [2008-02-19]
 :date2jdate - converts a gregorian calender date to julian day format [2008-02-19]
 :dayOfYear - returns the day of the year, i.e. 1 for 1/1/2008, 266 for 12/31/2008 [2008-06-12]
 :DeleteIfOld - deletes file or directory if older than given number of days [2008-02-19]
 :ftime - returns the file time in julian days [2009-03-22]
 :jdate - converts a date string to julian day number with respect to regional date format [2009-03-28]
 :jdate2date - converts julian days to gregorian date format [2008-02-19]
 :Unique - returns a unique string based on a date-time-stamp, YYYYMMDDhhmmsscc [2008-02-19]
o DOS Batch - File Examples - A collection of batch files. [2008-01-01]

33 items

 Classic FTP - Executing a FTP script. [2008-01-01]

 DOS Batch - Advanced Menu - Toggle menu options, persist settings for the next run. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Batch - Advanced Template - Template with version history, window title, delayed automatic exit. [2008-01-
 DOS Batch - File Examples - A collection of batch files. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Batch - File Search List - Quickly find a file on your hard drive. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Batch - Find and Replace - Search a file and replace all occurrences of a string with another string. [2009-12-
 DOS Batch - Force Delete All Print Jobs - Get rid of these pesky print jobs. [2010-04-18]
 DOS Batch - FTP Scripts - File Transfer with FTP, One-File Solutions. [2008-01-01]

7 items

 FTP - Simple Single Batch - FTP script and batch in a single file. [2008-01-01]
 FTP - Automatic Login - Automatically login to your FTP session with a single click. [2009-12-06]
 FTP - Download Only New Files - Ftp script to download only files that don`t exist in local folder, i.e.
to avoid overwrite [2010-02-05]
 FTP Scripts Sharing Login Info - Manage the FTP login separately from your FTP scripts. [2009-12-06]
 FTP - Upload Only New Files - Ftp script to upload only files that don`t exist in remote folder, i.e.
incremental upload. [2010-02-05] Page 4 of 7
 FTP - Resolving Environment Variables - Creating FTP script on the fly at runtime and using variables
within the FTP script. [2008-10-17]
 Classic FTP - Executing a FTP script. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Batch - Interfacing non DOS Software - Embed other languages into your batch, like: Perl, SQL, FTP, ...

9 items

 DOS Batch - Interfacing non DOS Software - Embed other languages into your batch, like: Perl, SQL,
FTP, ... [2008-01-01]
 FTP - Automatic Login - Automatically login to your FTP session with a single click. [2009-12-06]
 FTP - Resolving Environment Variables - Creating FTP script on the fly at runtime and using variables
within the FTP script. [2008-10-17]
 FTP - Simple Single Batch - FTP script and batch in a single file. [2008-01-01]
 FTP Scripts Sharing Login Info - Manage the FTP login separately from your FTP scripts. [2009-12-06]
 OSQL.EXE - Run SQL script from DOS Batch - SQL script and dos batch script in one file, the One-
File Solution [2008-01-01]
 OSQL.EXE - Run SQL script from DOS Batch, passing parameters - Run SQL scripts with parameters
passed in from the batch script. [2008-01-01]
 Perl - Perl Script within a DOS Batch - Perl script and batch in a single file. [2008-01-01]
 Perl Script within a DOS Batch with delayed exit - Perl script and batch in a single file. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Batch - Progress - Show progress in batch using the title bar [2008-03-29]
 DOS Batch - Quine 109 bytes - A pretty short DOS Batch Quine. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Quine 134 bytes - A pretty short DOS Batch Quine. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Quine 159 bytes - A pretty short DOS Batch Quine. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Quine 259 bytes - A DOS Batch Quine that makes no assumption. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Quine 301 bytes - A DOS Batch Quine that makes no assumption. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Quine 308 bytes - A DOS Batch Quine that makes no assumption. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Shortest Quine 109 Bytes - Likely the shortest DOS Batch Quine ever. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Simple Menu - Simple menu framework. Plug in a new menu item and coresponding script as single
function block. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Batch - Sorting text with numbers - Sorting that handles numbers as numbers not text. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Function Template - A function template with all features of a true DOS function. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Help File Builder - Command reference in HTML format via batch. [2008-01-01]
 File age in days - Convert the file date into Julian Days to determine the age of a file age in days. [2009-03-30]
 FTP - Automatic Login - Automatically login to your FTP session with a single click. [2009-12-06]
 FTP - Download Only New Files - Ftp script to download only files that don`t exist in local folder, i.e. to avoid
overwrite [2010-02-05]
 FTP - Resolving Environment Variables - Creating FTP script on the fly at runtime and using variables within the
FTP script. [2008-10-17]
 FTP - Simple Single Batch - FTP script and batch in a single file. [2008-01-01]
 FTP - Upload Only New Files - Ftp script to upload only files that don`t exist in remote folder, i.e. incremental
upload. [2010-02-05]
 FTP Scripts Sharing Login Info - Manage the FTP login separately from your FTP scripts. [2009-12-06]
 OSQL.EXE - Run SQL script from DOS Batch - SQL script and dos batch script in one file, the One-File Solution
 OSQL.EXE - Run SQL script from DOS Batch, passing parameters - Run SQL scripts with parameters passed in
from the batch script. [2008-01-01]
 Perl - Perl Script within a DOS Batch - Perl script and batch in a single file. [2008-01-01]
 Perl Script within a DOS Batch with delayed exit - Perl script and batch in a single file. [2008-01-01]
 Simple Batch Template - Template with simple init and exit. [2008-01-01]
o DOS Batch - FTP Scripts - File Transfer with FTP, One-File Solutions. [2008-01-01]
o DOS Batch - Function Tutorial - What it is, why it`s important and how to write your own. [2008-01-01]

14 items

 DOS Batch - Function Tutorial - What it is, why it`s important and how to write your own. [2008-01-01]
 Call a Function - How to invoke a function? [2008-01-01]
 Create a Function - What is a function? [2008-01-01]
 Example - Function with Arguments - An Example showing how it works. [2008-01-01]
 Example - Calling a Function - An Example showing how it works. [2008-01-01]
 Example - Returning Values using Variable Reference - An Example showing how it works. [2008-01-01] Page 5 of 7
 Local Variables in Functions - How to avoid name conflicts and keep variable changes local to the function?
 Parsing Function Arguments - How to retrieve function arguments within the function? [2008-01-01]
 Passing Function Arguments - How to pass arguments to the function? [2008-01-01]
 Recursive Functions - Tadaaah!!! [2008-01-01]
 Returning Local Variables - How to pass return values over the ENDLOCAL barrier? [2008-01-01]
 Returning Values the Classic Way - The classic way of returning values and the limitations. [2008-01-01]
 Returning Values via References - Let the caller determine how to return the function result and avoid the need of
dedicated variables. [2008-01-01]
 Summary - Defining a standard format for a DOS batch function [2008-01-01]
o DOS Batch - Functions - Keep your batch script clean, call DOS functions. [2008-01-01]

80 items

 :append - appends a string to a specific line in a text file [2008-02-19]

 :bannerPingPong - moves text in varref one step left or right and updates title [2008-02-19]
 :bannerRotate - rotates text in varref one step and updates title [2008-02-19]
 :choiceListInput - lets the user choose from list of last entered values [2008-02-19]
 :CmpFTime - compares the time of two files, succeeds if condition is met, fails otherwise [2008-02-19]
 :date2jdate - converts a gregorian calender date to julian day format [2008-02-19]
 :dayOfYear - returns the day of the year, i.e. 1 for 1/1/2008, 266 for 12/31/2008 [2008-06-12]
 :DeleteIfOld - deletes file or directory if older than given number of days [2008-02-19]
 :doProgress - displays the next progress tick [2008-03-27]
 :dumpArr - dumps the array content / under construction [2008-02-19]
 :echo - echoes text in a specific color [2008-02-19]
 :echoLine - outputs a formatted string, substitutes file name and line number [2008-05-12]
 :extractFileSection - extracts a section of file that is defined by a start and end mark [2010-02-05]
 :ExtractFunction - extracts a function by label [2008-02-19]
 :ExtractSimple - extracts a marked section from batch file, sustitutes variables during extraction [2009-11-13]
 :false - returns failure [2008-02-19]
 :Format - outputs columns of strings right or left aligned [2009-11-30]
 :fprop - returns a file property [2008-02-19]
 :ftime - returns the file time in julian days [2009-03-22]
 :getColorCode - converts color text to color code [2008-02-19]
 :getDriveInfo - returns array of fsutil drive information [2009-11-15]
 :getDrives - This function has been replaced by :getDriveInfo [2009-11-15]
 :getFunctions - returns a comma separated list of all functions [2008-02-19]
 :getHostName - resolves IP address to computer name [2008-02-19]
 :getIP - return THIS computers IP address [2008-02-19]
 :getIPConfig - return IPCONFIG /ALL data in array variable [2009-11-11]
 :getNextInList - return next value in list [2009-05-31]
 :getRandomColor - returns a random color [2008-02-19]
 :GetRegKeys - returns all registry syb keys of a given registry key [2009-11-23]
 :GetRegValue - returns a registry value [2008-02-19]
 :GetRegValues - returns all registry values of a given registry key [2009-11-23]
 :getServices - returns array of service information [2009-11-13]
 :getVarsByAttr - returns a comma separated list of variables based on an attribute name [2008-02-19]
 :htmlhelp - dumps html help to console [2008-02-19]
 :Init - initializes the environment for this command library [2008-02-19]
 :initProgress - initializes an internal progress counter and display the progress in percent [2008-03-27]
 :initVarsByAttr - restores the values of the persistent variables to defaults [2008-02-19]
 :IsFileOpen - succeeds if file in use, fails otherwise [2008-02-19]
 :IsRegKey - succeeds if Key exists [2008-02-19]
 :IsRegValue - succeeds if Key and Value exists [2008-02-19]
 :IsServiceRunning - returns success if service is running, otherwise failure [2008-02-19]
 :jdate - converts a date string to julian day number with respect to regional date format [2009-03-28]
 :jdate2date - converts julian days to gregorian date format [2008-02-19]
 :kBytesFree - returns the free space of a drive in kilobytes [2008-02-19]
 :l2a - converts a list to an array [2008-02-19]
 :loadPersistentVars - loads the values of the persistent variables [2008-02-19]
 :loadRegVars - loads the values of the persistent variables [2008-02-19]
 :lookup - returns the value associated with a key in a map of key-value pairs [2008-02-19] Page 6 of 7
 :lTrim - strips white spaces (or other characters) from the beginning of a string [2008-02-27]
 :MakeAbsolute - makes a file name absolute considering a base path [2008-02-19]
 :MakeRelative - makes a file name relative to a base path [2008-02-19]
 :NetworkDeviceGuid2Name - gets a Network Device Name from its coresponding GUID [2008-02-19]
 :NetworkDeviceName2Guid - gets a Network Device GUID from its corresponding Name [2008-02-19]
 :parse - parses a string matching a formatter [2008-02-19]
 :pwd - shows a password dialog box [2008-02-26]
 :regedit - opens regedit at predefined location [2008-03-14]
 :removeArr - removes an array [2008-02-19]
 :rTrim - strips white spaces (or other characters) from the end of a string [2008-02-19]
 :savePersistentVars - save values of persistent variables into a file [2008-02-19]
 :saveRegVars - save values of persistent variables into a file [2008-02-19]
 :set - sets var[] to output of command / under construction [2008-02-19]
 :SetRegValue - sets a registry value [2008-02-19]
 :sleep - waits some seconds before returning [2008-02-19]
 :StartsWith - Tests if a text starts with a given string [2008-03-20]
 :strLen - returns the length of a string [2010-11-16]
 :substitute - substitutes a string in a text file [2010-11-22]
 :ToANSI - converts a file to ANSI [2008-02-19]
 :toCamelCase - converts a string to camel case [2008-02-19]
 :toDec - convert a hexadecimal number to decimal [2009-12-03]
 :toHex - convert a decimal number to hexadecimal, i.e. -20 to FFFFFFEC or 26 to 0000001A [2011-03-30]
 :toLower - converts uppercase character to lowercase [2008-02-19]
 :ToUNICODE - converts a file to UNICODE [2008-02-19]
 :toUpper - converts lowercase character to uppercase [2008-02-19]
 :Trim - strip white spaces (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string [2008-02-19]
 :trimSpaces - trims spaces around string variable [2008-02-23]
 :trimSpaces2 - trims spaces around string and assigns result to variable [2008-02-19]
 :true - returns success [2008-02-19]
 :Unique - returns a unique string based on a date-time-stamp, YYYYMMDDhhmmsscc [2008-02-19]
 DOS Batch - Functions - Keep your batch script clean, call DOS functions. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Function Template - A function template with all features of a true DOS function. [2008-01-01]
o DOS Batch - Interfacing non DOS Software - Embed other languages into your batch, like: Perl, SQL, FTP, ... [2008-01-01]
o DOS Batch - Menus - Need a menu? See which of these menu frameworks fits your needs. [2008-01-01]

3 items

 DOS Batch - Simple Menu - Simple menu framework. Plug in a new menu item and coresponding script as single
function block. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Batch - Advanced Menu - Toggle menu options, persist settings for the next run. [2008-01-01]
 DOS Batch - Menus - Need a menu? See which of these menu frameworks fits your needs. [2008-01-01]
o DOS Batch - Quine Collection - Self-Reproducing Batch Programs created by Peter Hartmann, founder of

8 items

 DOS Batch - Quine Collection - Self-Reproducing Batch Programs created by Peter Hartmann, founder of [2008-11-12]
 DOS Batch - Quine 301 bytes - A DOS Batch Quine that makes no assumption. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Quine 159 bytes - A pretty short DOS Batch Quine. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Quine 259 bytes - A DOS Batch Quine that makes no assumption. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Quine 109 bytes - A pretty short DOS Batch Quine. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Quine 308 bytes - A DOS Batch Quine that makes no assumption. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Quine 134 bytes - A pretty short DOS Batch Quine. [2008-11-13]
 DOS Batch - Shortest Quine 109 Bytes - Likely the shortest DOS Batch Quine ever. [2008-11-13] Page 7 of 7
DosTips - Sitemap - Detailed list of available pages at [2008-03-13]

1 items

 DosTips - Sitemap - Detailed list of available pages at [2008-03-13]

o DosTips - The DOS Batch Guide - Home Page [2008-01-01]
o General - Contact information, / terms of use, ... and more [2008-01-01]

4 items

 About Us - "Complexity comes easy, simplicity takes brain." (Peter Hartmann - founder of [2008-
 Contact Information - Want to leave a message? [2008-01-01]
 General - Contact information, / terms of use, ... and more [2008-01-01]
 Terms of Use - [2008-01-01]
o Unit Test Function Library - Unit Test for DosTips Functions. [2008-02-28]

23 items

 Unit Test Function Library - Unit Test for DosTips Functions. [2008-02-28]
 :unittest.bannerPingPong - Test cases for the :bannerPingPong function [2008-03-21]
 :unittest.bannerRotate - Test cases for the :bannerRotate function [2008-03-21]
 :unittest.date2jdate - Test cases for the :date2jdate function [2009-03-28]
 :unittest.dayOfYear - Test cases for the :dayOfYear function [2008-06-16]
 :unittest.extractFileSection - Test cases for the :extractFileSection function [2010-02-05]
 :unittest.false - Test cases for the :false function [2008-02-19]
 :unittest.format - Test cases for the :format function [2008-02-19]
 :unittest.jdate - Test cases for the :jdate function [2009-03-28]
 :unittest.jdate2date - Test cases for the :jdate2date function [2008-02-23]
 :unittest.lTrim - Test cases for the :lTrim function [2008-02-27]
 :unittest.MakeAbsolute - Test cases for the :MakeAbsolute function [2008-02-19]
 :unittest.MakeRelative - Test cases for the :MakeRelative function [2008-02-19]
 :unittest.rTrim - Test cases for the :rTrim function [2008-02-27]
 :unittest.StartsWith - Test cases for the :StartsWith function [2008-03-20]
 :unittest.strLen - Test cases for the :strLen function [2008-11-24]
 :unittest.substitute - Test cases for the :substitute function [2008-03-26]
 :unittest.toCamelCase - Test cases for the :toCamelCase function [2008-02-19]
 :unittest.toLower - Test cases for the :toLower function [2009-11-30]
 :unittest.toUpper - Test cases for the :toUpper function [2009-11-30]
 :unittest.Trim - Test cases for the :Trim function [2008-02-27]
 :unittest.true - Test cases for the :true function [2008-02-19]
 :unittest.Unique - Test cases for the :Unique function [2008-02-19]

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