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Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity:

Reviewing Updates From the American
Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain
Medicine Practice Advisory
Rachel C. Wolfe, PharmD, Alexander Spillars
THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF REGIONAL be potentially life-threatening. Published case re-
ANESTHESIA (ASRA) and Pain Medicine recently ports from 2010 to 2014 evaluating the outcomes
published updated guidance on the management of LAST indicated nearly a 10% mortality rate.
of local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST).1,2 Only one of the six patients that died received
Organ systems that are primarily disrupted by lipid emulsion therapy.7 Innovative regional tech-
toxic doses of local anesthetics include the niques, advances in local anesthetic formulations,
cardiovascular system and central nervous system and local anesthetic-based therapy plans have re-
(CNS). Mild prodromal symptoms may progress to sulted in increased use of local anesthetics in
major complications such as seizures, cardiac and out of perioperative and procedural areas.
arrest, or death. Treatment is multifactorial and Despite enhanced knowledge related to preven-
involves the use of 20% lipid emulsion therapy as tion, detection, and treatment, LAST remains to
the antidote.3 The updated practice advisory shares be a serious adverse event that warrants educa-
information about contemporary knowledge on the tion of all perioperative health care clinicians.
mechanism of lipid emulsion reversal along with re- This review aims to impart knowledge on the
structured guidance as it relates to prevention, risk factors, signs, symptoms, and pharmacologic
detection, and treatment of LAST. interventions associated with local anesthetic
The use of local anesthetics is widespread among
health care facilities. With initiatives to reduce The overall reported incidence of local anesthetic
opioid consumption and incorporate multimodal toxicity is derived from registry studies, administra-
therapy into pain management pathways, local an- tive databases, case reports, and case series. In
esthetics are becoming a prominent tool in the 2017, M€ orwald et al8 used an administrative data-
analgesia toolbox.4 Potential benefits of local an- base, surrogate markers, and International Classifi-
esthetics include reduced exposure to opioids, cation of Disease Codes from over 400 hospitals for
decreased postoperative nausea and vomiting, nearly 238,500 patients who received a peripheral
reduced incidence of persistent postoperative nerve block for total joint arthroplasty between
pain, decreased hospital length of stay, and an 2006 and 2014. The overall incidence of LAST, as
overall improvement in patient satisfaction and defined by occurrence of cardiac arrest, seizure,
quality of surgical recovery.5,6 Although local or administration of lipid emulsion on the day of
anesthetics have potential to provide countless surgery was 1.8 per 1,000 peripheral nerve blocks.
benefits, their use is not without risk. Toxicity During the 9-year study period, the overall inci-
associated with these agents may occur, and may dence of LAST trended down. Advances in localiza-
tion techniques, such as ultrasound-guided blocks,
Rachel C. Wolfe, PharmD, BCCCP, Pharmacy Department,
Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO; and Alexander Spillars,
and implementation of safety steps that reduce
St. Louis College of Pharmacy, St. Louis, MO. intravascular injection of local anesthetics are
Conflict of interest: None to report. thought to contribute to this decline. In compari-
Address correspondence to Rachel C. Wolfe, One Barnes- son to this administrative database study, Gitman
Jewish Hospital Plaza, Mailstop 90-52-411, St. Louis, MO and Barrington9 conducted a review of published
63110; e-mail address:
Ó 2018 by American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses
cases and online registries between 2010 and
1089-9472/$36.00 2016. The incidence of LAST reported was 0.3 per 1,000 peripheral nerve blocks. Although the

1000 Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, Vol 33, No 6 (December), 2018: pp 1000-1005


frequency of LAST appears to be low, every institu- lows for better penetration across the lipid
tion or clinic using local anesthetics should be pre- bilayer to the target receptor. Finally, a higher affin-
pared to manage such an event, should it occur. ity for protein binding decreases the circulating
levels of free local anesthetic. This translates to
Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics an increased duration of action (Table 1).14-16

Pharmacologically, local anesthetics exert their ef- Clinical Presentation

fect by blocking voltage-gated sodium channels at
the alpha-subunit, preventing sodium influx, depo- Classical presentation of local anesthetic toxicity
larization, and action potential generation. Block- emerges on a continuum, beginning with mild, sub-
ing this conduction prevents pain transmission jective prodromal symptoms such as perioral numb-
from neuronal cells to the cerebral cortex, ulti- ness, metallic taste, muscle twitching, and anxiety
mately producing local anesthesia.10 Cardiac that progressively worsens to more severe complica-
toxicity is hypothesized to occur when local tions such as seizures and cardiac arrest as local anes-
anesthetics inhibit sodium channels in the myocar- thetic concentrations in the blood increase
dium leading to conduction disturbances, ventric- (Figure 1). The clinical spectrum of LASTwas charac-
ular arrhythmias, contractile dysfunction, and terized in a retrospective study encompassing a 30-
ultimately cardiac arrest.11,12 Neurotoxicity is year period from 1979 to 2009. In this study, 60%
thought to occur when local anesthetics bind to of cases followed the classic presentation.17 Gitman
thalamocortical neurons in the brain. This leads and Barrington categorized presenting symptoms
to altered mental status, paresthesia, visual and discovered that CNS features, particularly sei-
changes, muscle twitching, and seizures.13 zures, were the most common. Frequency of pre-
senting features, in order of prevalence, includes
All local anesthetics can produce systemic toxicity, isolated neurologic symptoms (43%), combined car-
although the ratio of cardiovascular to CNS diovascular and neurologic symptoms (33%), and
toxicity varies among them. Potential causes of isolated cardiovascular symptoms (24%).9 Because
toxicity include accidental intravascular injection, of substantial variation in the classical presentation,
absorption from a tissue depot, repeated adminis- health care practitioners must be vigilant for atypical
tration of local anesthetics (commonly by different presentations of LAST.
health care clinicians) without balanced elimina-
tion, and inadvertent enteral or mucosal absorp- The timing of LAST presentation is also variable. Fea-
tion. The pKa, lipophilicity, and protein binding tures presenting within 1 minute suggest direct intra-
all contribute to individual pharmacokinetic differ- vascular injection of local anesthetics. It is speculated
ences and toxicity profiles. A lower pKa indicates that these events are less frequent because of the use
that a greater proportion exists in the uncharged of ultrasound guidance during the placement of
state. Uncharged molecules readily cross the lipo- blocks. Noted in the literature, however, is a shift to-
philic cellular membrane to the effector site, ward delayed presentation. Mildly delayed presenta-
yielding a faster onset. Lipophilicity correlates to tion may indicate intermittent intravascular
potency. More potent local anesthetics induce car- injection, lower extremity injection, delayed tissue
diac toxicity because the higher lipophilicity al- absorption, or absorption from a combination of

Table 1. Characteristics of Common Local Anesthetics5,14-16

Max Dose Max Dose
Local Onset Protein Duration (Plain) w/Epi
Anesthetic Class pKa Time Binding of Action Lipophilicity Potency (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Lidocaine Amide 7.8 Fast 11 Moderate 11 Moderate 4.5 7
Bupivacaine Amide 8.1 Slow 1111 Long 1111 Potent 2.5 3
Ropivacaine Amide 8.1 Slow 111 Long 111 Potent 3 3.5
Mepivacaine Amide 7.7 Fast 11 Moderate 11 Moderate 4.5 7
Chloroprocaine Ester 8 Fast 1 Short 11 Moderate 11 14



Auditory Hypertension
Drowsiness Braydcardia

CNS Metallic CNS Cardiac Cardiac Conducon

Seizures Coma Tachycardia
Excitement taste Depression Excitement Depression block

Perioral Respiratory Ventricular Decreased

paresthesia arrest arrhythmias contraclity



Figure 1. Classical description of local anesthetic systemic toxicity. This figure is available in color online at www.

routes or locations. Presentations characterized by local anesthetics are stored in skeletal muscle,
delays of several minutes to hours may be because making patients with low muscle mass at risk
of the use of multiple local tissue infiltration sites or for LAST. In addition, all local anesthetics are
use of continuous local anesthetic infusions (neurax- capable of causing toxicity and it is probably
ial, perineural, or intravenous). Overall, the timing of that when viewed on an equipotent basis, ropiva-
LAST presentation is highly variable and should be caine is likely similar in toxicity to bupivacaine.
suspected whenever physiological changes occur af- Nonetheless, vigilance with regard to dosing
ter, or simultaneous with, administration of a local and safety steps is needed for all local anesthetics,
anesthetic. even those purportedly to be less toxic. As a
result of the review, pattern changes in LAST pre-
A thorough review of nearly four decades of re- sentation were revealed. Approximately 15% of
ported cases of LAST has confirmed the expected recent toxicity events involved a continuous local
clinical presentation of toxicity while also anesthetic infusion with toxicity presenting 1 to
providing insight into the unexpected. Reported 4 days after initiation of therapy. It was also noted
cases support that toxicity events are skewed to that an increasing number of events (20%) are
the extremes of age (infants and the elderly), rein- occurring outside the traditional hospital setting,
forcing the recent finding that large amounts of half of which involved a nonanesthesiologist.1,18

Table 2. American Society of Regional Anesthesia Guidance on Local Anesthetic Systemic

Toxicity (LAST)2
Be Sensible Be Vigilant
 Use the lowest effective dose of local anesthetic  Monitor the patient during and after completing in-
 Identify patients at risk for LAST jection. Observe for at least 30-45 min after the block
 Consider using a pharmacologic marker (eg, epineph-  Communicate frequently with the patient to query for
rine) to assist in identifying intravascular injection symptoms of toxicity
 Aspirate the syringe before each injection while  Consider LAST in any patient with changes in neuro-
observing for blood in the syringe or tubing logic or cardiovascular status after regional anesthesia
 Inject incrementally, while observing for signs and or local anesthesia with
inquiring for symptoms of toxicity between each in- 1. Small doses in susceptible patients
jection 2. Atypically administered doses (eg, subcutaneous,
 Be aware of additive nature of local anesthetics and mucosal, and topical)
adjust accordingly 3. Doses administered by surgeon or nonanesthesia
 Consider discussing local anesthetic dose as part of the clinician
preprocedural or presurgical time out 4. Recent tourniquet deflation
 Use ultrasound guidance when possible to reduce the
risk of LAST

Table 3. Key Differences in the 2010 and 2018 Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity Checklists2,21,22
2010 2018
Timing of lipid emulsion therapy Consider on the basis of clinical Consider administering at the first
severity and rate of progression of sign of a serious LAST event
Timeframe for postevent monitoring Significant LAST should be observed Monitor at least 4-6 h after a significant
for .12 h cardiovascular event
Monitor at least 2 h after a CNS event
that resolves quickly
20% Lipid emulsion dosing  1.5 mL/kg bolus followed by  Patients weighing $70 kg: 100 mL
0.25 mL/kg/min infusion, IV bolus followed by an IV infusion
continued for at least 10 min after of 200-250 mL over 15-20 min
circulatory stability is attained  Patients weighing , 70 kg: 1.5 mL/
 If circulatory stability is not at- kg IV bolus followed by 0.25 mL/
tained, consider rebolus and kg/min IV infusion dosed on ideal
increasing infusion to 0.5 mL/kg/ body weight
min  If patient remains unstable, rebolus
once or twice at the same dose and
double the infusion rate
Upper limit of lipid emulsion Approximately 10 mL/kg Do not exceed 12 mL/kg, particularly
therapy important in the small adult or child
Resuscitation is different than Differentiation not made in 2010 Displayed at the top of the checklist
standard advanced cardiac life although incorporated in the 2012 and includes simplified drug-
support revised checklist specific dose modifications (reduce
epinephrine bolus to , 1 mcg/kg;
avoid vasopressin, beta-blockers,
calcium channel blockers, and
other local anesthetics)
Alert the cardiopulmonary Not incorporated into the 2010 Moved higher on the checklist,
bypass team checklist coincident with calling for help
Incorporated in the 2012 revised
checklist under ‘‘Initial Focus’’
LAST rescue kit Not mentioned Suggest contents of a LAST rescue kit
 1 L (total) lipid emulsion 20%
 Several large syringes and needles
for administration
 Standard IV tubing
 ASRA LAST Checklist
ASRA, American Society of Regional Anesthesia; CNS, central nervous system; IV, intravenous; LAST, local anesthetic
systemic toxicity.

Although no single measure can prevent LAST in swallowing the medication may result in toxicity.
clinical practice, ASRA recommends to be sensible As a result, use of lidocaine 4% necessitates
and vigilant (Table 2). Patients at risk for LAST extreme vigilance including clarity around
include infants, elderly, patients with low body dosing, clear administration instructions, and
mass index, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, confirmed patient understanding to prevent
conduction abnormalities, rhythm disorders, meta- toxicity events from occurring.
bolic disease, liver disease, low plasma protein
concentration, and acidosis.1,2 Use of lidocaine Treatment
4% topical is common in the perioperative and
procedural areas and commonly administered in The ASRA practice advisory guidelines unequivo-
the at risk population. Although it is often cally recommend lipid emulsion therapy
perceived to be without risk, overdosing or following airway protection in the management

of any LAST event judged to be potentially channel blockers, and local anesthetic-based
serious. This differs from the 2010 guidelines sec- antiarrhythmics should be avoided. Failure to
ondary to evidence that lipid emulsion therapy is respond to lipid emulsion and vasopressor therapy
most effective early in the toxic event.3 The pre- in the setting of cardiac arrest should prompt initi-
cise mechanism of lipid emulsion therapy acting ation of cardiopulmonary bypass. Once stabiliza-
as lipid resuscitation in LAST is not fully under- tion is obtained, patients who experienced a
stood. The most current research believes that significant cardiovascular event should be moni-
lipid emulsion works as a carrier to move local tored for 4 to 6 hours. If the event was limited to
anesthetic away from high blood flow organs CNS symptoms that resolved quickly, at least
that are sensitive to local anesthetics such as 2 hours of monitoring is recommended. Key
the heart and the brain. This is known as the changes to the LAST checklist are included in the
‘‘shuttling effect’’ as positively charged fat- table (Table 3).2,21
soluble local anesthetic molecules bind to nega-
tively charged lipid particles. This complex is Although the occurrence of LAST is rare, it can
then redistributed to the muscle for storage and transpire after administration of any local anes-
to the liver for detoxification.3,19,20 thetic from any route and can result in potentially
fatal cardiac and CNS toxicity. Health care practi-
Lipid emulsion therapy in the updated guidelines tioners should be aware of the additive nature of
is simplified. It includes a fixed 100 mL bolus fol- these agents, as local anesthetics are often admin-
lowed by the infusion of 200 to 250 mL over 15 istered to the same patient by different clinicians.
to 20 minutes for all patients weighing more than In addition, the use of local anesthetic continuous
70 kg. Weight-based dosing is reserved for patients infusions also predispose patients to the develop-
weighing less than 70 kg. Although the precise vol- ment of toxicity that may present hours after initi-
ume and flow rate are not critical, the guidelines ation as a result of local anesthetic accumulation,
recommend not to exceed 12 mL/kg. Airway man- dosing errors, or administration errors. Prevention
agement is also highlighted as a treatment recom- of LAST involves knowledge of risk factors, use of
mendation because hypoxia, hypercapnia, and proper anesthetic techniques, and transparency of
acidosis can potentiate LAST. For the management administered anesthetics by all health care team
of seizures, benzodiazepines are preferred. members. Vigilant detection and monitoring of
Small doses of propofol may be used as an alterna- the patient during and after the completion of
tive if benzodiazepines are not readily available. In local anesthetic therapy for any neurologic or car-
the event cardiac arrest occurs, the guidelines diovascular change is key to proper recognition
make it clear that the pharmacologic treatment and treatment of LAST. Lipid emulsion rescue ther-
of LAST is different from other cardiac arrest sce- apy and the checklist for treatment of LAST should
narios. Specifically, epinephrine bolus doses be readily available in all settings in which poten-
should be reduced to 1 mcg/kg or less and medica- tially toxic doses of local anesthetics are used to
tions such as vasopressin, beta-blockers, calcium avoid potential fatal events.

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