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Articles from Ciscoz.

Alcatel-Lucent in GNS3
2014- 12- 28 02:12:59 admin

At last I have done it , i was t rying t o simulat e Alcatel-Lucent Router in GNS3

f rom last f ew weeks. It was abit dif f icult t o search everywhere because t here
is no perf ect t ut orial which can be f ollowed. Af t er all lot of experiment at ion i
was able t o implement it . T here is a websit e ht t p:// which helps
me, but here t hey did not specif ied how t o run alcat el image in qemu. I t hink
t hey are using linux f or t his. First i t ried linux, but did not get success. but let it ,
now it is done.

Requirements :-
GNS3 1.2 —–> working
Alcat el-Lucent Image (Download T IMOS-SR-12.0.R6-vm.z ip )
RAM 1920 MB f or Qemu VM

Installation Steps:-
1. Ext ract t he image f orm zip f ile.
t hen virt ual disk sros-vm.qcow2 will be exrt act ed

2. Now go t o GNS3 1.2 —-> pref erences —–> Qemu —–> Qemu VM —–>
T ype t he name

Now next screen , In t his you have t o give t he RAM t o Alcat el qemu, T his
should be 1920 MB, i t ried t o change t his value and it does not work f or me, so
you have t o make t his value 1920 MB.
Next st ep you have t o give t he pat h f or t he .qcow2 f ile extension. Be sure
t his pat h should be correct ot herwise it will not boot .

T hen change t he adapt ers t o 5 or 6 and t ype should be i82557b

T hen go t o GNS3 and drag alcat el

t hen st art t he alcat el, new black window will opened (Qemu)
t hen go t o console of alcat el

Login : admin
password : admin

Now check card in t he syst em

Card IOM3-XP-B is equipped in slot 1 of chasis but it is not provisioned. T hus

we must t o provision it f or t he slot 1.
Now you have t o conf igure t he card 1 —-> then card-type —-> then mda 1
—-> mda-type

t hen go t o t he port and make it no shut down

t hese are t he basic st eps which need t o do every t ime you will st art Alcat el-
lucent rout er.

If you have t o check t he conf ig f ile in alcat el t hen t ype command, show bof

So t his was t he small t ut orial t o simulat e Alcat el-Lucent in GNS3.

(Visit ed 457 t ime, 8 visit t oday)


A net working buf f , current ly pursing Mast er`s in

Int ernet working f rom Universit y of Albert a. Having
knowledge of CCNA, CCNP (Rout ing & Swit ching), Red
Hat Linux (RHCSA, RHCE), VMware ESXI, NXS and linux
script ing. I have developed t his sit e on t he mot t o of
"Learning and Sharing", so as much i will grasp here in U of
A, you guys will be updat ed t hrough a common boulevard
pat h i.e So keep sharing your ideas and
enhance f or knowledge on t his Net working Plat f orm.

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