Letter 2

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March 20, 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian of «First» «Last»,

Due to state testing, Academy 21 will have adjusted Academic Lab schedules during the
month of April. Testing is mandatory for ALL students in grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.
Students are expected to make arrangements to be on time on test days. Students who
arrive late will be sent home and are required to attend on a mandatory make-up date.

Your student’s grade level is: «Grade»th. Grade level status is based on overall credits
earned to date, not years attending school. Please make sure your student attends the
correct test session(s):

«Date_1»: «Test_1» - «Time1»


FOR STUDENTS WHO LIVE IN DISTRICT: You have the option to ride the CLHS bus run in the
morning to Academy 21 for your 7:30 AM testing sessions. If you would like that option, call
the office no later than March 28th . You will be given a pick up time and location.

NOURSIHING THE BRAIN: Breakfast and snacks will be provided. There will be no lunch on
testing days.

On dates that the academic lab is closed, students should continue to complete class work
at home.

Please contact the office at 586-510-2062 if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Jennifer Wickersham
Special Programs and Academy 21 Director

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