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Dayana Tica


1. What is the title of the Research?

A Study on the Effects of NCR Male High School Students’ Exposure to and Recall of Anti-Smoking
Advertisements to Their Perceptions of and Attitudes toward Smoking

2. Is the document a journal article, Research proposal or a thesis?

- No the document is not a Journal article or a research proposal, it is Thesis Paper.

3. Why is it necessary to conduct about topic?

- To make people be aware about Smoking. Many Filipinos die due to smoking-related diseases. On a daily basis,
240 Filipinos die because of these smoking-related diseases such as heart failure, stroke, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease and many cancers.

4. What is the basis for conducting a study about the topic?

(issue, problem, situation)
- The basis for conducting about this topic is the people who used or Smoke. Because of the prevalence of
smoking in the youth sector nowadays, it is important to know their exposure to the current anti-smoking
advertisements that help minimize the number of youth who are smoking.

5. What is the context or background of the problem?

- Many Filipinos die due to smoking-related diseases. On a daily basis, 240 Filipinos die because of these smoking-
related diseases such as heart failure, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease
and many cancers. This accounts for 87,600 deaths due to smoking-related diseases in the country every year
(WHO, 2009b). Direct and indirect exposures to cigarette smoking cause these diseases. Direct exposure or first-
hand is the actual smoking, while indirect exposure may be second hand or inhaling the smoke when a person
smokes near and third-hand smoke or exposure to chemicals that remain after the cigarette is put out . In
connection with these dangers of smoking, there are increasing numbers of Filipino smokers and an alarming
number of youth smokers. Republic Act of 9211(as cited in Department of Education or the Tobacco Regulation
Act of 2003, specifies the smoking prohibition in public places: Section 5. Smoking in Public Places - Smoking
shall be absolutely prohibited in the following public places: a. Centers of youth activity such as playschools,
preparatory schools, elementary schools, high schools, colleges and universities, youth hostels, and recreational
facilities for persons under eighteen (18) years old (p.1).

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