Newsletter 23 August 2019 PDF

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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 5 23 August 2019

Useful Links Editorial

Welcome to the fifth issue of my even though they’re not supposed to be
Blog difficult to grow. I have found that I
newsletter Anita’s Garden for 2019.
often struggle with the basics when it
Newsletter back issues
I hope you have all had a good week. comes to gardening. I have already
Facebook ear-marked the site for my dwarf bean
Spring is around the corner! trial and intend to use the area where
Instagram the early potatoes presently are. I’m
As temperatures gradually increase
as we near the beginning of spring, not sure whether I’ll have more luck
Twitter raising seeds in punnets and trans-
have you noticed some plants in your
Linkedin garden running to seed? I have been planting them later, or sowing direct,
pulling out silverbeet and spinach so I’ll probably end up doing a bit of
Pinterest which are past their best. It’s exciting both. There isn’t a lot of room for
to make room for new seedlings, climbing beans along our fence at the
which I will put in next month. back of our house, so I’m going to try
sowing them in troughs filled with pot-
Contact me
It’s lovely to see the rows of potatoes ting mix which are placed against a
 Feedback that I planted back on the shortest fence on the border with our other
day doing so well. This year, all of neighbour. These are located in our
 Newsletter input our early varieties are in one place, by patio. In early winter, a wwoofer
(tips, recipes, gar- our lemon tree, and the main crop helped me nail trellis to the fence to
den photos etc) were kept together in the main gar- provide some support.
den. It won’t be long before mid-
 To be added to my September, when the earliest of our Plants from Awapuni
mailing list early varieties, a row of Swift pota- I’m excited to announce that later this
toes, will be ready for harvesting! I week, Awapuni will be sending me a
don’t think there’s anything more sat- box of plants for the garden, which I
isfying than feeling around the edges am very grateful for. As they will be
of the plants, bandicooting just arriving after this newsletter is circu-
enough fresh potatoes for a meal. If lated, I will write more about them in
Inside this issue: you haven’t already purchased or next week’s newsletter. As you are all
planted your seed potatoes, it’s still aware, my own nursery is very small
not too late to source some from your and I don’t have the equipment re-
local garden centre. Having discov- quired to propagate seedlings during
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2
Anita’s Garden ered just last year that it is possible to the winter months. If you do need
grow potatoes during winter in our plants, I strongly recommend ordering
Auckland garden, I tend to plant ours them from Awapuni, which I do in the
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 early so they are out of the ground by off-season. They stock a great range,
for the week November, so I have space for heat are reasonably priced, are eco friendly
loving plants such as pumpkins and (they wrap plants in bundles of news-
melons, which need lots of room to paper rather than using plastic pun-
Flourless banana and 2 sprawl. nets) and deliver direct to your door,
rhubarb loaf
It’s still too early to be thinking about saving you from having to go to the
growing beans yet but I’m excited to garden centre. To find out more, visit
be doing a growing trial of different
How to grow capsicums 3
and chillies varieties of dwarf and runner beans Thank you for your continued support.
this year. I must confess that I have
never had much luck growing beans, Anita Kundu
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 5

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

I’m pleased to say that I have had
Costoluto Fiorentino, Red Pear, Lentissima a Montare seeds, also
an extremely productive week.
Red Cherry and Principe Borghe- from Franchi (see below).
Sowing more seeds indoors se. I am also growing a large
selection of tomatoes from Eg- Repotting dwarf and calla
The first lot of chilli and capsicum mont. I didn’t have enough lillies
seeds I sowed on the 3rd and 4th space to sow all of them, but
of August have come off my heat It has been years since I divided
those that were sowed this week
pad and have been moved into the and repotted my lilies. In some
include Dr Walters Special, Red
greenhouse. The varieties from troughs, there wasn’t enough pot-
Egmont Seeds look particularly
Pear (a very different tomato to
ting mixture, in others, the bulbs
healthy, including Sweet Classic, the Franchi variety above), Yel-
had disappeared. I spent Tuesday
Sweet Shishito, Indian Jawal and low Pear and Moneymaker.
afternoon working through each
Palladio. This has created some one, repotting the bulbs.
Sowing more lettuce out-
room on the heat pad for me to
doors Starting kumara
sow more seeds. I sowed more
long chillies, which I know are I’m pleased that the variety There was a spare trough filled
popular with my customers in the Parella Rossa (Franchi Seeds), with potting mixture leftover from
plant nursery. I also started sow- sown on 5th August, has started my exercise above, so I placed it in
ing tomatoes, another summer to emerge! I sowed the rest of our greenhouse and buried three
favourite of ours. I am growing
the packet, as well as some Degli red kumara in the dirt. The idea
five varieties from Franchi this
Ortolani and Romana Bionda is to keep them moist and wait for
year: San Marzano Redorta,
shoots to emerge for planting later.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Divide and repot lilies 3. Plant rhubarb spinach so you can replace them
with fresh seedlings next month.
Now is a good time to focus on If you don’t already have rhubarb
your potted lilies. It’s a good idea in your garden, consider putting in 5. Sow more early lettuce
to divide them every few years and some plants. It’s easy to grow and
top them up with fresh potting makes a wonderful addition to Some varieties such as Degli Or-
mixture. home baking (see below for a deli- tolani and Romana Bionda Len-
cious rhubarb recipe) tissima a Montare, both from
2. Spray fruit trees and ros- Franchi Seeds, can be sowed in
es with copper 4. Tidy up the garden A u g u s t . V i s i t
As temperatures increase, swap Pull any plants that have run to
lime sulphur for liquid copper seed out like silverbeet and .nz to purchase seeds.

Flourless banana and rhubarb loaf recipe credit: Angela Casley

3/4 cup chopped almonds 3. Beat the egg whites until light
Makes 1 loaf
1 cup chopped rhubarb, plus 1/2 and fluffy. Gently fold through the
Ingredients piece for the top ground almonds. Add the
Instructions two mixtures together.
2 ripe bananas, mashed roughly 1. Preheat oven to Lastly fold through the nuts
3 eggs, separated 170oC. Line a 1 litre and rhubarb gently. Pour
2 tbsp honey loaf tin with baking pa- into the loaf tin. Sprinkle a
1 tsp baking powder per little cinnamon and place
1/4 cup coconut 2. In a large bowl com- piece of rhubarb on top.
1 tsp cinnamon bine the bananas, egg Bake for 30 minutes or until
1 tsp ground ginger yolks, honey, baking powder, coco- a skewer comes out clean.
1 cup ground almonds nut, cinnamon and ginger. 4. Remove, cool and serve sliced.
V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 5 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N PAGE 3

How to grow capsicums and chillies

Now is the perfect time to sow cap- from each group, but the most pop-
sicums and chillies. The main ad- ular kind in my plant nursery is
vantage to raising plants from overwhelmingly long and hot! I
seed is that it allows you to grow a also do get asked for pointy Thai-
greater variety than relying on type chillies, so I endeavour to
what is offered in garden centres. stock them in my nursery as well,
It can also be more economical if all going well in the plant-raising
you are raising a lot of plants. process of course.

Seed raising tips This year, I am excited to try the

variety Sweet Shishito for the first
For comprehensive advice on how time, which was kindly given to
to germinate seeds, please see the me by Egmont Seeds.
article on page 3 of Issue 1 of my
newsletter. The key point is that Some of our chillies from summer As with capsicums, chillies benefit
capsicums and chillies both re- from being grown in full sun,
quire heat to germinate. It’s still long, pointy Italian-style ones. whether in the ground or in a con-
quite cold at this time of the year, Both kinds are extremely versatile tainer. I personally have better
especially at night, so it’s worth and can be enjoyed in a number of luck growing capsicums and chil-
investing in a heat pad to aid ger- ways. We enjoy eating capsicum lies in containers than in the
mination. Otherwise, you can try raw in salads and added to ome- ground, so I grow all of mine in 35
using your hotwater cupboard. lettes. Capsicums can also be litre black plastic pots. This has
stuffed and eaten as a vegetarian the added advantage of freeing up
Before I explore the different vari- or non-vegetarian dish. We have a ground space for plants that need
eties of capsicums and chillies that favourite recipe for stuffed peppers the depth, such as potatoes or a
are available, I just wanted to with quinoa, feta and herbs, which large area to crawl, like pumpkins
warn you that I am very sorry but is delicious. and melons.
am unable to offer any Franchi
varieties in the plant nursery this This year, I am excited to try a Chillies can be harvested green or
year. The reason for this is be- new bell-shaped you can wait for
cause Italian Seeds Pronto no variety called Sweet them to change
longer stock capsicums and chillies Classic from Eg- colour. In gen-
“The key point is that
due to increasing difficulties in mont Seeds. I’ll eral, red chillies
capsicums and chillies
seed testing from MPI. I know that also be growing a are hotter than
range of long Ital- both require heat to
some of you will be disappointed green chillies!
ian varieties, in- germinate ”
by this news. Be assured though Keep an eye on
that I endeavor to stock a variety cluding Palladio, a your plants and
of other Franchi vegetables in the yellow pepper from harvest chillies
plant nursery, as well as a terrific Egmont Seeds, which I grew last regularly in order to encourage
variety of capsicums and chillies year. further fruiting.
from other seed suppliers.
Remember that capsicums need You’ll find that your capsicum and
Capsicums full sun in order to do well. They chilli plants will both benefit from
can be grown either in the ground an application of granular fertilis-
I don’t give much thought to the or large containers. You’ll find er (or slow release fertiliser if
official distinction between capsi- that capsicums will start out green growing them in containers), as
cums and chillies, preferring my and gradually change colour with well as liquid feeding them with a
own way of differentiating between lots of sunshine. The default col- soluble plant food once a week.
the two. For me, capsicums are our is red, but as mentioned above,
always sweet, whereas chillies can it is also possible to find other col- It shouldn’t be necessary to stake
be either hot or sweet. Capsicums ours such as yellow, orange and plants. We find that our plants
come in a range of different colours purple. continue fruiting into late autumn,
– green, red, yellow, orange and so don’t be in a hurry to pull them
purple. Chillies out when it starts getting cooler.

I tend to classify capsicums into I tend to classify chillies into two

two broad categories: (i) round, varieties, hot and sweet. From Have a great weekend
bell-shaped ones similar to those there, they can be grouped into
found in supermarkets and (ii) long or round. I try and grow some Happy gardening!

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