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Did you enjoy your stay

in the hospital, Heimlich?

Ha ha ha Not funny.

No more spying on the neighbors, ja?

You see what kind of trouble

it gets you into.

Ja?, first it's the poor old lady

in the shoe.

Well, I thought I saw something.

You called the police

on that poor woman. And for what?

She was forcing those children

to make shoes. I saw!

They live in a shoe!

They were fixing their roof!

But do you learn? No!

Ja, no! Then you are bothering

the children, Jack und Jill.

- They looked suspicious!

- Ja, ja, ja. So you still don't learn.

Next, you are climbing up

on the roof to see something.

I tell you I see something,

und I think it's a UFO!

Ja, it was only the cow

jumping over the moon.

Ja, so why is the dish

running away with the spoon?

It's like talking to the brick house.

Ooh, what is going on over there?

When did we get the new neighbor?

- ha Wait! Wait! I thought I saw something!

- Nein!

No more of this snoopy-spy nonsense.

You're going to sit right here

and not bother the neighbors.

Now you behave, ja? Ja.

Nein!. I will behave.

This little piggy is all good.

Mmm Tell me I am not seeing things.

I know what I see.

Mmmm Very suspicious.

If I have to sit here all night,

I will see something.


I have the eye of the eagle.

I miss nothing.

What is that?!

Heimlich, are you crazy?

There's something

going on in that house!

See for yourself

and then call me crazy.


- Ja, you are crazy.

- What? Give me that!


- He is a maniac!

- Halt! Enough!

We are going over there

und we will prove, once and for all,

to this little piggy

there's nothing going on!

Ja, und when we return

we will make with the "I told you so."

Horst! Horst, look out!

Look behind you! Oh, Gott!

Oh, my stars, another little piggy!

What do you want from me?

I want you for dinner.

Buckle up, buttercup.

Why is it always

the screaming with you?

Oh, are you going to eat this?

- What's going on here?

- Dinner.

Oh, ja. The frulein makes

the best everything.

But what about...

You guys didn't see me

doing anything weird, did you?

You were acting like

the cuckoo without the clock.

You buried a box of knives

in the ground.

You turned into this big fat lady

and cooked us food.

Yeah, that one.

You guys better get out of here.

- But everything is so delicious.

- Ja.

- Ja.

- No, trust me.

You guys don't wanna be here for... main course,

stuffed piggies in a blanket!

- I told you I saw something!

- Come back!

I'm really sorry that... can't stay for dinner!

- Wait for me, you swine!

- Move faster, Heimi!

This is just awkward.

Come back!

Keep running.

Come back!

Just keep running.

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