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Structure of Academic Texts

Academic texts are typically formal. They have a clearly structured introduction, body, and
conclusion. They also include information from credible sources which are, in turn, properly cited. They also
include a list of references used in developing the academic paper.

Content and Style of Academic Texts

They usually exhibit all the properties of a well-written text i.e., organization, unity, coherence and
cohesion, as well as strict adherence to rules of language use and mechanics.
In general, authors observe the following when writing academic texts.
 They state critical questions and issues.
 They provide facts and evidence from credible sources.
 They use precise and accurate words while avoiding jargon and colloquial expressions.
 They take an objective point-of-view and avoid being personal and subjective.
 They list references.
 They use hedging or cautious language to tone down their claims.

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