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​ ast Update: 2019/05/14 
Much respect and eternal gratitude to the following people for contributing to this 
guide, giving advice and sharing opinions: 
Want to be a contributor and keep this guide up-to-date? Message Soutzsche#6060 
for access to the document. 
Saw a mistake, typo or incorrect information? Tell a mod in the Valkyrie discord. 
Need more information/clarification? Ask anyone in the designated channels on the 
Valkyrie discord. 



Level 56 Rabam Choices 
Level 57 Rabam Choices 
QOL Changes 







The Valkyrie has changed quite a bit over the past few months, but fear not, it’s still in 
a pretty good state and definitely worth playing! 

High Damage Output  Movement is unprotected or Frontal 

Guard only: high chance of getting CC’d. 

Versatile: can perform well in any type of  Super Armor has gaps at the beginning 
PvP, from duels to small scale to large  of the animations 

Among the top late-game grinders  Little forgiveness: if you make a mistake, 
overextend, can’t manage stamina, you 
will end up dead 

Very strong supportive Abilities  Early to mid-game grinding is mediocre 

at best 

Not extremely skill-point heavy  The class in general scales better as you 
compared to other classes. Lots of skills  put more time into it, unlike some other 
are just “nice-to-have” or for advanced  classes, Valkyrie is not a 
gameplay  “good-from-the-get-go” class 

Still has a bit of room for gear variation  Frontline engaging and disengaging has 
while remaining useful  become harder, but not impossible 
In a nutshell though, Valkyrie is still one of the top classes in the game. You won’t be 
playing in god mode, but you won’t be a damsel in distress either. One could argue 
that we’re pretty close to the sweet spot and the changes that are welcomed would 
be quality of life fixes.  
As a final note, keep in mind that the Valkyrie is a class that will take time and effort 
and therefore, you most likely won’t get the most out of it if you don’t choose it as 
your main character. If you do decide to stick by it, you’ll be having the time of your 
life playing this class! 




Valkyrie has a pretty straight forward choice of skills, but nevertheless we’ll provide 
you with some skill builds. Just know that in general, you will want to prioritize putting 
skill points in your awakened skills while trying to keep your movement, buff/debuff 
and supportive skills from your pre-awakened skills. 

● Pre-awakening PvE (493)​: ​  
All the skills you need to get to 56. 
● Pre-Awakening bare basics (443)​: ​ 
This is basically the model of your future skill builds. These are the skills you 
pretty much should have. Unskilling SoJ is fine at 56. 
● Awakening bare basics (639)​: h ​ ttp:// 
This build indicates what was said before, take every awakening skill you got 
and feel free to add “Absolute: Breath of Elion”, “Absolute: Punishment” and 
“Skilled Hunter” in the pre-awakening tree.  
You can choose whichever Rabam skill you wish, both are good. 
If you rushed through the content, you will most likely find yourself short of skill 
points. If this is the case, you can use your free skill-reset from the awakening 
quest and go for this instead(482): h ​ ttp:// 
Keep in mind that this will limit your PvP abilities for the time being and you 
will have to make up for those skill points at some point in time. 
● Awakening lvl 57 (695)​: h ​ ttp:// 
Follow-up build with the addition of absolute skills and the 57 unlockables. 
Second rabam choice is left out deliberately because it’s skillpoint heavy and 
not really worth the cost. 
● Awakening lvl 58 (950)​: ​ 
Follow-up build with the standard 58 unlockables and some absolute skills. 
● Awakening lvl 59 (1110)​: ​ 
Fleshing out the awakening build a bit more, if necessary you can leave out 
certain absolute skills until you have enough skill points for them. 
● Awakening lvl 60 minimum (1452)​: ​ 
With this build, you’ll be set for a while, there are definitely more skills for you to 
get to optimize your damage, CC-chain or overall utility, but at this point you 
should be able to figure out which ones. 



Sometimes it’s useful to lock certain skills, because the key combination might be 
clunky or you trigger a skill you absolutely didn’t want to use. This is all up to personal 
preference and is by no means necessary. 


○ Evasion (PvE roll, useful at world bosses) 

○ Divine Power (can be triggered unintentionally and puts you in 
○ Noble Spirit (Sometimes people don’t want to duel with E-buffs) 
○ Charging Slash (might interrupt your running if you click by accident) 
○ Flurry of Kicks (A skill that won’t be missed, but could cause 
○ Flying kick (A skill that won’t be missed, but could cause annoyance) 


○ Elion’s Blessing (quickslot only skill) 

○ Punishment (to be able to grab from awakening) 
○ Heaven’s Echo (If you use BloodPaw’s “Echo-Walk”) 
○ Wave of Light (To prevent accidental usage) 
○ Terra Sancta (Sometimes glitches and uses Sacrum Ferit instead 
[possibly fixed]) 
○ Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae (Sometimes glitches and uses Sacrum Ferit 
instead[possibly fixed]) 
○ Celestial Smite: preference, clunky key combination 
○ Celestial Cry: preference, clunky key combination 
○ Divine Slam: preference, clunky key combination 
○ Divine Descent: preference, clunky key combination 
○ Lucem Fluxem: it can now be used from quickslot, situationally useful 


Skill add-ons are a useful way to buff yourself up just that tiny bit more. It’s good for 
optimizing your damage output and there’s really no reason not to have them. There 
are a few must have add-ons as well as others that are just personal choice.  
Note: Skill add-ons do not work on flows of skills.  

There are a few types of add-ons you can get, below there’s a little explanation about 
each type and a little explanation as to why you should or shouldn’t take it.  
● Monster Attack Increase​: only good for PVE. 
● Critical Hit Rate Increase​: good for PVE and PVP, but generally all you need is 
the Celestial Spear add-on, due to the low CD on this skill and its natural +80% 
crit increase. 
● PVP Attack Increase​: self-explanatory, only useful for PVP. 
● HP recovery per hit​: good for PVE, on skills with lots of hits. Generally not so 
good for PVP. 
● SP recovery per hit​: not really good, valkyrie has enough tools to constantly 
keep SP up. 
● Down Smash Chance Increase​: while down smash is actually really good and 
a CC type that surpasses the rule of 3 CC-chaining, it is super unreliable to pull 
it off. If you want to try it out, feel free but you may not like the result. 
● Accuracy Increase​: self-explanatory, always welcome. 
● Evasion Increase​: valkyrie doesn’t scale well with evasion and evasion is kind of 
a meme at the moment so it’s just not worth it. 
● Movement Speed Increase​: it can be useful, but it’s more of a last resort thing. 
● Defense Increase​: not a bad option if you want to be a bit tankier, but overall 
not really suitable for every PvP type or current meta. 
● Air Smash Chance​: not even worth considering, the chance is too low, there’s 
better way to get damage in. 
● Bleeding/Pain/Poison​: classic DOTs, good for PVP. 
● Target Movement Speed/Casting Speed/SP/Attack Speed Decrease​: you 
can take these if you want, but they’ll mostly just annoy your opponent ​if​ they 


Another thing to know about skill-addons, is the way they stack. The general rule for 
this, is that same type add-ons do not stack. Instead, they either get ignored or 
overwritten depending on the condition.  
For example: 
● If you use Sharp Light with +25 Monster Damage and use Shield throw with 
+20 Monster Damage right after, you will keep Sharp Light’s add-on for its 
entire duration. ⇒ No stacking or overwriting. 
● If you use Shield throw with +20 Monster Damage and use Sharp Light with 
+25 Monster Damage right after, Sharp Light’s add-on will overwrite Shield 
Throw’s add-on and the duration will be set to Sharp Light’s timer. ⇒ No 
stacking, but overwriting 
Add-ons with the same effect, but different description, do stack. E.g. if you have the 
DOT build, Poison Damage, Pain and Bleeding will all stack with each other, but 3x 
bleeding will not. 
Do not confuse the DOT effects from skills with the DOT effects from add-ons. For 
example, bleeding can be applied twice on your target. Once from a skill and once 
from an add-on, in this case they do stack. 

The pre-awakening doesn’t change much in the late game. There is one mandatory 
skill add-on so you always have 100% crit, everything else is completely up to you: 
● Celestial Spear (MUST HAVE)​: 
○ PVX: All Critical Hit Rate +20% for 9s. For self 
○ PVE: Attack against Monsters +20 for 8s. For self 
○ PVP: Instantly Recover 30 HP per hit 
● Shield Throw (Preference)​: 
○ PVP: PVP Attack +5 for 5s. For self 
○ PVP: Inflicts 50 bleeding Damage per 3s. For 15s. 
○ PVE: Attack against monsters +20 for 8s. For self 
○ PVX: All movement speed +10% for 10s. For self 
● Sharp Light (Preference)​: 
○ PVP: PVP Attack +10 for 5s. For self 
○ PVP: Inflicts 42 bleeding Damage every 3s For 15s 
○ PVE: Attack Against Monsters +25 for 8s. For self 
○ PVE: Instantly Recover 30 HP per hit 
● Righteous Charge (Preference)​: 
○ PVP: All casting speed +10% for 5s. For self 
○ PVP: PVP Attack +10 for 5s. For self. 



The DOT build is a build which people tend to choose when they just start PVP’ing 
due to lack of experience in which buffs are important. It’s somewhat useful as an 
addition when you don’t care that much yet, but in the long run, you will want to 
move on from this: 
● Blitz Stab​: 
○ PVP Attack +10 for 5s. For self 
○ Inflicts 63 pain damage per 3s. For 12s. 
● Purificatione​: 
○ All Casting Speed +4%. For 5s. For self 
○ Inflicts 40 poison damage per 3s. For 18s. 
● Terra Sancta​: 
○ All Casting Speed +10%. For 5s. For self 
○ Inflicts 59 Bleeding Damage per 3s. For 15s. 
● Sanctitas de Enslar​: 
○ All Movement Speed -10% for 7s. 
○ Inflicts 59 Bleeding Damage per 3s. For 15s. 


Self-buffing is what you want to do once you reach end game. It’s up to you which 
buffs you want, there’s several combinations of good ones and it may take some time 
and experimenting before you find the ones you absolutely love. Below are just a few 
popular suggestions: 
● Promptness (to some people MUST have)​: 
○ All casting speed +4% for 5s. For self 
○ PVP Attack +5 for 5s. For self 
● Hastiludium​: 
○ PVP Attack +10 for 5s. For self 
○ All accuracy +3% for 12s. For self 
● Terra Sancta​: 
○ All Casting Speed +10% for 5s. For self 
○ Inflicts 59 Bleeding Damage per 3s. For 15s. 



Rabam skills are two sets of skills that you unlock at levels 56 and 57 respectively. The 
basic idea behind it, is that you combine 2 pre-awakening skills into a single, powerful 
Acquiring Rabam skills does not require additional skill points, but you must have the 
maximum base skill already if you want to use them.  
Combing the 2 skills will also not take away the ability to use the skills separately. The 
rabam skills are available as an addition to the existing skills and can be used from 
either Quick Slots or the SHIFT+X/SHIFT+Z key combination. 

Level 56 Rabam Choices 

Both options at 56 are appealing and useful. It is up to personal preference which one 
you want to take. Generally people will recommend you take Celestial Cry if you are a 
newer player and try out Celestial Smite at a later stage of the game.  
● Celestial Cry​: also known as the Rabam heal. It will allow you to heal 
yourself and your allies in PVP events and can be used as a source of healing or 
SP recovery during grinding sessions. Use it with caution, because it does not 
have protection. Pick this skill if you are a support-minded player. 
● Celestial Smite​: This is basically the same skill as the ordinary Celestial 
Spear, it will allow you to extend your damage combos in both PVP as well as 
PVE. Pick this skill if you are a damage-focused player. Ultimate Celestial Spear 
also procs when using this (off-CD), giving this Rabam a decent boost. 

Level 57 Rabam Choices 

Both of these options are actually very disappointing and it’s honestly okay if you 
don’t use them at all, especially if you already have issues with skill points.  
● Divine Slam​: basically the more useful of the two, it has a frontal guard and 
a down smash. The damage is decent, but not overwhelming. Most people 
who can afford the skill points for this Rabam skill, will be running around with 
Divine Slam. It allows for some neat filler tricks in PVP, or is a way to let stamina 
recover while grinding and still doing some damage. 
● Divine Descent​: a buff and debuff skill with an extremely high cool down 
for the little bonus it actually gives. The Super Armor on the skill is also very 
short and not really worth considering for SA chaining. Feel free to try it out, 
but prepare to be disappointed. 


The introduction of absolute skills, was another attempt of Pearl Abyss to try to get 
people to make more use of their Pre-Awakening kit and it a quite successful 
attempt! Valkyrie has quite a few absolute skills that are useful in both the utility 
department, as the damage department. If you’ve gone through the skill builds, you 
probably saw the high-priority ones already, but here’s an overview anyway: 
● Heaven’s Echo: increases DP by 25 and accuracy by 15%. 
● Breath of Elion: decreases the cool down of your heal and increases the heal 
● Celestial Spear: nice damage increase. 
● Shield Throw: absolutely awesome for late game grinding. 
● Punishment: Slight damage increase and a +10 DP bonus. 
There’s also a few situational ones, depending on your playstyle/skill build: 
● Righteous Charge: situational PVP skill for those comfortable with the 
pre-awakening kit and cancels. 
● Sword of Judgement: solid replacement for Castigatio, mostly for those 
comfortable with the pre-awakening kit and cancels. 
● Divine Power: good for PVE, but expensive in SP. 
● Sharp Light: good filler damage if you actually use this skill. 
● Just Counter: extension of Sharp Light. 
● Judgement of Light: good for PVE, but skill point-heavy. 
● Shining Dash: frontal guard skill, decent damage, some people play around 
with it. 



Black Spirit Rage skills have been added to the game. Basically these skills are an 
adjustment or bonus on top of the the existing skills below, at the price of 10%, 25% or 
50% rage. These skills are an addition to the already existing 100% and 200% rage 
● Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae (10%)​: 3 extra hits and a slightly bigger range 
● Terra Sancta (25%)​: 3 extra hits, +10 AP/DP for 20 seconds, Down Smash 
● Promptness (50%)​: 3 extra hits, stiffness on good hits, floating on good last 
hit, higher range and Super Armor 
Verdict and Terra sancta rage version can be triggered by pressing LMB at the right 
time during the casting of the skills. Promptness is triggered by pressing RMB at the 
right time during the casting of the skill. 
Verdict and Promptness aren’t really all that useful, the extra damage isn’t that 
amazing for Verdict and the rage cost of promptness makes it less attractive. 
Terra Sancta isn’t a big game changer, but has its use in both PvE and PvP. Most 
people will stick to using only the Terra Sancta BSR skill, the others you can live 




Buffing up for PVE varies from which location you will be grinding at, as well as what 
your goal of the grinding by itself is. Some people are focused on maximizing their 
income, some only care for leveling faster and others are in dire need of those sweet 
skill points. Below is an overview of common setups for each goal. 
● Beast’s Draught, Verdure Draught and Giant’s Draught do not stack with any 
● Simple Cron Meal, Exquisite Cron Meal, Seafood Cron Meal and Energizing 
Cron Meal do not stack with any other food. Any of these 4 cron meals will 
overwrite each other’s buffs and will also overwrite any normal food buff. C
​ ron 
Meals cannot be overwritten by normal food buffs​. 
● Book of Combat and Extra Combat Exp Scrolls do not stack. 
Focus on EXP 

Foods  Elixirs  Other 

Simple Cron Meal  Beast’s Draught  Book of Combat 

Splendid EXP Elixir  Extra Combat Exp Scroll 
Value Pack 
[Event] Cold Dark Beer 
Golden Bell 
8-Piece Outfit 
Daily 100-200% buff 
Fame buffs for lower levels 


If you don’t care that much about getting a maximum amount of EXP, you might 
actually be better off running a more damage focused buff rotation. This can come in 
handy when trying to defend your spot as well.  
All purpose 

Foods  Elixirs  Comments 

Exquisite Cron Meal  Beast’s Draught  Lazy buff or proper 

Giant’s Draught  rotation, good for spots 
Valencia Meal​ +   Beast’s Draught  ● Centaurs 
Kamasylvia Meal​ +   Giant’s Draught  ● Basilisks 
Knight Combat Rations​ or  ● Pila Ku 
Serendia Meal  ● Manshaums  
Rations or Serendia is a 
matter of preference, the 
AP does not stack. 

Special Valencia Meal​ +  Beast’s Draught  Basically a PVP buff 

Special Kamasylvia Meal​ +  Giant’s Draught  rotation combined with 
Jumbo Lion Burger​ +   draughts or elixirs, good 
Knight Combat Rations​ or  Elixir of Strong Draining  for spots like: 
Special Serendia Meal  Elixir of Endless Fury  ● Aakman 
Elixir of Lethal Assassin  ● Hystria 
● Gyfin (solo) 
Body Enhancement Villa 

Elixir of Endless Fury  Basically a PVP buff 

Elixir of Remarkable Will  rotation, combined with 
Elixir of Steel Defense  elixirs specific for Gyfin 
Elixir of Strong Shock  group grinding. Divide 
Elixir of Splendid EXP  these in a group of 5, 
Elixir of Strong Draining  preferably the expensive 
Grim Soul Reaper’s Elixir  elixirs go to the damage 
Elixir of Lethal Assassin  dealers, the cheap ones to 
Strong Griffon’s Elixir  pullers. 
Elixir of Brutal Death 
Elixir of Brutal Perforation 


For PVP most people will buff up to maximize their damage, although it is also 
possible to buff up for that little bit of extra tankiness. The latter is not a popular 
Focus on Damage 

Food  Elixirs  Other 

Special Valencia Meal​ +  Giant’s Draught  Elixir of Deep Sea 

Special Kamasylvia Meal​ +    Perfume of Courage 
Jumbo Lion Burger​ +   Offensive:  Melee AP Enhancer 
Knight Combat Rations​ or  Elixir of Lethal Assassin  Body Enhancement Villa 
Special Serendia Meal  Elixir of Brutal Perforation  Kamel Furniture Buff 
  Grim Soul Reaper’s Elixir  10% Crit Buff 
Lazy option:  Elixir of Brutal Carnage  Whale Tendon Elixir 
Exquisite Cron Meal  Elixir of Brutal Death  Whale Tendon Potion 
Elixir of Advanced 
Elixir of Perfect Human 
Elixir of Strong Shock 
Elixir of Endless Fury 
Elixir of Intrepid Swiftness 
Elixir of Strong Draining 
Elixir of Sharp Detection 
Elixir of Steel Defense 
Elixir of Strong 
Elixir of Strong Life 
Elixir of Overwhelming 
Elixir of Soaring Wings 


Focus on Tankiness 

Food  Elixirs  Other 

Special Valencia Meal​ +  Giant’s Draught  Spirit Perfume Elixir 

Special Kamasylvia Meal​ +    Khalk’s Elixir 
Knight Combat Rations​ or  Offensive:  Melee AP Enhancer 
Special Serendia Meal  Elixir of Lethal Assassin  Body Enhancement Villa 
Elixir of Brutal Perforation  Pot Furniture Buff 
Grim Soul Reaper’s Elixir  100 HP Buff 
Elixir of Brutal Carnage  Whale Tendon Elixir 
Elixir of Brutal Death  Whale Tendon Potion 
Elixir of Advanced 
Elixir of Perfect Human 
Elixir of Strong Shock 
Elixir of Endless Fury 
Elixir of Intrepid Swiftness 
Elixir of Strong Draining 
Elixir of Sharp Detection 
Elixir of Steel Defense 
Elixir of Strong 
Elixir of Strong Life 
Elixir of Overwhelming 
Elixir of Soaring Wings 




Before jumping into the actual combos and how to play the Valkyrie, let’s go over 
some commonly asked questions and try to answer them: 
● Is Valkyrie a good class for 1v1? 
Yes, the Valkyrie is a good class for 1v1, it has difficulties against certain classes 
and it’s not the top dog in the current meta, but with the right amount of 
practice and increase in skill, you will be able to fight the majority of people. 
● Is Valkyrie a good class for small-to-medium-scale fights? 
Yes, the Valkyrie is a good class for these kind of fights. It is probably the type of 
fight where she shines the most, given the right amount of practice and 
understanding of all concepts of the class. 
● Is Valkyrie a good class for large-scale fights? 
Yes, the Valkyrie is a good class for large scale, e.g. sieges. Be aware that she 
won’t have as much freedom as small-to-medium-scale fights, so while she can 
still shine in large scale, it will be difficult. 
● What is Valkyrie’s role in Nodewars and Sieges? 
The Valkyrie has a versatile play style and can be used in several scenarios, 
therefore its role is not limited to just one thing. Some possibilities are: 
○ Semi-Front-Line CC BOT​: due to lack of Super Armor and protected 
movement in our kit, true front-lining has become increasingly difficult 
for the Valkyrie. Being the first one to jump into a fight is generally not a 
good idea anymore. However, dropping the initial CC’s and following up 
other people’s attacks is still a viable gameplay. Make sure to either fall 
back a little bit or let others engage before you do, unless you feel 
comfortable using your 100% ultimate skill. 
○ Second-Line Damage Dealer​: instead of dropping your CC’s first, you’ll 
wait a bit and drop the follow-up CC’s and try to put in as much damage 
as you possibly can. 
○ Blob-scout​: you keep an eye on what’s going on around your own blob. 
You tell your shot caller where the enemy is coming from and when the 
good times and locations to engage or disengage are. 
○ Protector​: you have an eagle’s eye on top of a 6th sense for when your 
allies are in trouble, or about to be in trouble. You have excellent timing 
on when to use your PA and have no issues getting the most out of your 
healings. You might not get a lot of kills with this playstyle, but you keep 


your blob alive. Usually, you’ll hang around in the backline and jump in 
at the right moment. 
○ Flanker​: this one is hard to pull of these days because of our limited 
movement. But flanking around the blob, attacking and CC’ing from 
different angles is still possible and can often be the game-changing 
factor during a fight. 
Ideally, you get a hang of all these playstyles and they can all be combined 
throughout a nodewar. Try to coordinate with other Valkyries (or classes with 
similar roles), who takes which tasks and get some synergy going! 
● Why is Valkyrie called the “wheelchair” class? 
Valkyrie used to be one of the most mobile classes in the game, they were so 
fast, they could beat Maehwas in a race. After the big rebalance, the Valkyrie 
got limited in its movement quite a lot, either by increased stamina 
consumption, or lack of protection. 
Many of the old Valkyries didn’t like this change and still have issues adapting 
to the new way Valkyrie has to be played. A meme goes around that Valkyrie is 
only good for blocking and dying, but it’s just a meme. 
While the movement changes had a big impact on the playstyle, it was also a 
necessary change, so in the end, it’s best to just get over it and if you can’t, 
perhaps a Maehwa or Musa fits your needs. 
● Is Valkyrie better than Warrior? 
Valkyrie and Warrior are two completely different classes despite both having a 
shield. They’re simply incomparable.  
● Can you explain how Purificatione works? 
Purificatione is basically our lowest cool down allied healing and a very good 
skill, but the skill description is pretty confusing. Basically it works like this: 
○ Purificatione on friend ⇒ friend recovers 10%-20% of his health back 
(actual value depends on the skill level). 
○ Purificatione on friend and on enemy simultaneously ⇒ friend recovers 
20%-40% of his health back (actual value depends on the skill level). 
The skill can heal many targets at once and only requires to hit 1 enemy to get 
the full healing. 


● Do we have any movement cancels? 

Yes, we have movement cancels, but be aware that these are extremely 
resource-heavy and should only be used situationally. They are also mostly 
○ SHIFT + W > LMB > Space​ ( each component separately, do not hold on 
to any keys). 
○ SHIFT + W > Space​ (easier variation) 
○ LMB + A/D > Q​ (sideways movement cancel, also used to dodge grabs 
from some classes). 
● What is this Echo Walk, or Bloodpaw Dash I keep hearing about? 
This, is actually another movement cancel, discovered by sister Bloodpaw. To 
perform this cancel, do the following: 
○ Put Heaven’s Echo on a quick slot 
○ Hold Space + Q 
○ Tap the quick slot quickly 
This movement cancel is pretty viable for short distances, safer movement, 
grab engages and for going down hill. It is also easier to use if your E-buff is 
active. All credits for this go to Bloodpaw: h ​ ttps://​. 
Example: ​ 
● What are Special Attacks? 
Special attacks are basically damage multipliers, that increase your damage 
when a certain condition is met, a brief overview: 
○ Air Attack​ (damage * 2): your opponent needs to be in an airborne state 
for this bonus multiplier to apply. 
○ Counter Attack (PVE)​ (damage * 2): if you can land a skill, while your 
opponent is still casting a skill, the counter attack multiplier will be 
○ Down Attack​ (damage * 1.5): the multiplier applies when your opponent 
is in a downed state.  
○ Speed Attack (PVE)​ (damage * 1.5): if you attack your opponent as 
he/she is running at you, this multiplier will apply. 
○ Back Attack​ (damage * 1.5): the multiplier applies when your opponent’s 
flank or backside is exposed to you.  
Back attacks are not skill-specific, so basically every skill can be a back attack. In 
the scenario where you apply a back attack combined with any of the other 
Special Attacks, only the one with the highest damage modifier will be applied. 
Note that the multipliers for PVP are reduced by 30%. 


● Can you explain how CC’s work? 

The current CC system that is in place, consists of a few core CC types, which 
each have a value assigned to them: 
○ Stiffness​: 0.7 
○ Stun/Knockdown/Bound/Knockback/Floating/Grapple/Freezing​: 1 
○ Down Smash/Air Smash​: 0 
The way it works, is that if the total count of the skills you casted, has a CC value 
that exceeds 2.7, your target will have a 5 second immunity to any CC, except 
for Down Smashes and Air Smashes. “Standing CCs” i.e: stiffness, stun and 
knockback, will not apply their CC or be counted towards your CC limit if you 
use a skill with these attributes whilst your opponent is still CC-ed on the 
For example:  
Stiff → Stiff → Stun ⇒ 0.7 + 0.7 + 1 = 2.4 ⇒ 5 second immunity 
Stun → Grapple ⇒ 1 + 1 = 2 ⇒ 5 second immunity 
Stun → Knockdown → Down Smash → Down Smash ⇒ 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 ⇒ can be 
applied continuously. 
Note: the 5 second immunity applies as soon as the effect hits you. For 
example, cast Punishment into Sharp Light, the 5 second immunity will apply 
as soon as the Sharp Light hits. 
After the hit however, your target will still be CC’d for a while, meaning his 5 
second immunity is running out while he is still laying on the ground. If you can 
also add in a lucky Down Smash, you can completely bypass the 5 second 
immunity, with the right timing. 
● What are Block cancels? 
A block cancel is basically canceling a certain skill by pressing Q (block). This 
can come in handy from time to time especially in awakening, as it allows for 
certain actions to go or flow faster, or put you back to safety faster. Some 
example skills: 
○ Punishment (from quickslot​): using Punishment from quickslot can only 
be done with the regular skill, not its ultimate form, therefore it cannot 
be used as quickly as using it from pre-awakening E. Pressing Q before 
trying to grab, allows you to grab faster. 
○ Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae​ and ​Terra Sancta​: pressing block before casting 
either skill, allows you to cast the skills somewhat faster. 
○ Wave of Light​: pressing Q upon casting Wave of Light, puts you right 
back into block, which is the safest way of casting WoL. Be aware that 
you cannot charge the skill for the 2nd vacuum if you cancel it with Q. 


It should be noted that there is still a small “risk” associated with Q cancelling 
(or when attempting to precisely time to block skills), as there is a roughly 0.5 
second delay between pressing Q and completing the blocking animation, and 
the super armor status taking effect. If you play with high ping, you can 
anticipate this delay to be slightly longer. The activation of the super armor 
status coincides with the appearance of the DP buff countdown timer.  

For the pre-awakening we will only discuss the PvE aspect to get you going. Unless a 
new server launches, everyone should have the awakening available in their region. If 
you do insist on heavily studying the pre-awakening and need a guide for it, take a 
look at the following guide (note that some parts may be outdated):
For the pre-awakening PvE, you should understand the following concepts: 
● Celestial Spear usage​: use this skill wisely and often, to maximize your 
damage. Not using this skill will slow you down as your attacks will not have 
80% (+20%) critical hit on it.  
● Shield Throw Cancels​: Shield Throw is a skill that can be canceled into, which 
causes it to be a lot faster. The Key Combination for this is: 
○ S+LMB​ > S + Q 
Using this combination will enforce a forehand throw instead of a backhand 
throw of your shield, meaning a successful execution of the cancel. 
Learning the cancel will allow you to perform a fast stun in PVP (use with 
caution, it is unprotected!), but is also extremely important for early and late 
game PVE. 
The best way to practice this cancel, is by applying it in your early game PVE, by 
using the following combination, this introduces every way of the cancel.: 
○ S + LMB​ > S + Q​ > S + E​ > S + Q​ > A
​ /D + RMB​ > S + LMB​ > 
S + Q​ > SHIFT + A/D​ > S + LMB​ > S + Q 
● Sword of Judgement Cancels​: Sword of Judgement is another skill that can 
be canceled and used for early PVE. Later in the game, this skill becomes more 
and more forgotten, although it does have some benefits for both PVE and 
PVP. Whether or not you want to use or learn these cancels, is up to you. The 
following skills have the ability to cancel into Sword of Judgement and can be 
changed as you wish: 
○ Celestial Spear > Sword of Judgement 
○ Shield Chase > Shield Push > Sword of Judgement 


○ Sharp Light > Sword of Judgement 

○ Righteous Charge (needs to hit) > Sword of Judgement 
○ Glaring Slash (2nd or 3rd hit) > Sword of Judgement 
So, that’s pretty much it for the pre-awakening, practice at least the first two things 
and you’ll be good to go in the future! 

Alright, so once you hit the awakening, a whole new and exciting chapter starts for 
you when it comes to grinding! At the start of getting your awakening, it will feel 
pretty clunky and chaining into combos might be weird for you. Truth be told though, 
the valkyrie has a very simple procedure of chaining combos at the start, which is 
basically the ability to use promptness (space) after almost every skill. 
The “sad” part however, is that spamming this will consume your resources extremely 
fast, which indirectly means that your movement will be affected! As you get better 
and better at the game, you’ll start getting a feel of when to use it. 
So, what is the awakened PVE like? Basically, it’s all about finding proper rotations, 
pulling/lining-up mobs correctly, resource management and getting the most out of 
your damage skills.  
The following pattern should be applied as you go grind: 
● Find a spot/rotation with a nice density or fast-aggro mobs 
● Aggro the first pack and move to the second one in the rotation 
● Kill the first pack of mobs and as they die, the second pack will start focusing 
● Make sure you don’t spread the mobs out, because the valkyrie does not have 
many AOEs 
● Apply debuffs and exploit damage multipliers 
● Burst your mobs at the start of your skill rotation, but ensure your stamina/SP is 
(almost) fully recovered as you get closer to killing the mobs. 
As far as combos go, we actually have many skills that can be used in any way you 
wish. The basic idea behind grinding with the Valkyrie is that you have a few types of 
● Debuff/buff/recovery skills​:  
○ Purificatione​: -10 Melee DP on target, Heals, Stuns mobs, Spins mobs 
around for back attacks 


○ Sacrum Ferit​: -9% Evasion on target, SP recovery, Crit rate +20%, 

several CC effects. The flow ( ) also recovers SP and applies -9% 
○ Celestial Spear​: -30% Movement Speed, 80% (+20% add-on) crit rat 
○ Sanctitas de Enslar​ (non-rage version): the 100% crit rate o
​ nly​ applies 
when using the skill in its non-100% rage version, when you want to use 
the ultimate, you ​must​ have 100% crit up! Increases your own Melee AP 
by 20 for 10 seconds! 
● 100% Crit damage skills 
○ Verdict Lancia Iustitiae​ (only on pull-up): it’s okay to use this one with 
the flow without the crit buff from Celestial Spear up. 
○ Flow Revelation Sanctus​: the flow by itself has a natural 100% critical. 
○ Blitz Stab​: even though this skill has 100% crit rate, it flows so easily 
with Hastiludium that you’ll use it together with the spear buff anyway. 
○ Ultimate Blitz Stab​: flow of the skill above, same principle. 
● Non-100% crit damage skills​: 
○ Castigatio​: decent skill, decent damage, especially when you just get 
○ Hastiludium​: powerhouse skill, big damage 
○ Sacrum Ferit​: debuff and filler skill, okay damage 
○ Promptness​: switching skill, but with high damage if off CD. 
○ Terra Sancta​: super high damage burst skill, should use this as often 
as you can. 
The first thing you want to do is apply debuffs whenever possible, mostly with the 
Purificatione and Sacrum Ferit skills. 
Once the debuffs are applied, you start dealing damage with the skills that require 
the 100% crit buff from Celestial Spear. After the 100% crit buff from Celestial Spear 
runs out, you try to finish up the remaining mobs by rotating your natural 100% crit 
If the mobs still aren’t dead after all that, you start the whole thing over until they are. 
Some example combos: 
● SHIFT + LMB​ > RMB​ (x3) > RMB​ > F​ > S + E​ > Space > 
S+LMB (2 clicks)​ > W + F​ > W + RMB​ >  


SHIFT + RMB (hold) 

● SHIFT + LMB​ > RMB​ (x3) > RMB​ > F​ > S + E​ > Space​ > 
S+RMB​ > W + F​ > W + RMB​ > SHIFT + RMB (hold) 
That’s pretty much it as far as purely awakened PVE goes. As you progress and get a 
hang of it, you should come up with your own combos and flows and throw in some 
more pre-awakened stuff as you see fit!    



Valkyrie has historically been a strong contender in the 1v1 category, despite being 
underestimated for a very long time. While many people have the ability to get into 
Valkyrie and play her well to a certain extent, the skill ceiling can be quite high. 
Therefore the difference in skill is quite noticeable between an average Valkyrie and a 
“pro” Valkyrie. 
Currently Valkyries still offer a lot of potential in duels, but it requires a reasonable 
amount of knowledge of all BDO classes to perform at the top tier of the game. To 
start things of let’s go over a short pros vs cons list: 

High burst  Frustrating to learn 

Strong block  A lot of unprotected skills 

Reasonable sustain  Issues covering distances (stamina) 

One-shot ultimate  Requires higher gear/level before seeing 

results than other classes 
So, now that we got the introduction out of the way, let’s dig into the core concepts 
and skills and combos: 
● Protection and movement​: recent changes to CC and Super Armor, have 
changed the way Valkyrie used to play in 1v1. In the past, we were pretty much 
un-CC-able gods, faster than the wind due to having lingering Super Armor on 
our block and a superior dash-cancel. Now that this is all gone and we’re left 
with only a few SA skills, we need to adjust our movement as it is mostly 
You might ask yourself “why does this matter?”, well basically, Valkyrie is a 
melee class. This means you need to be close to your enemy and burst it down 
by capitalizing on successful CC’s.  
Our high-damage skills also have a reasonably long cool down, so it’s important 
not to blow them unnecessarily. Timing is key and fast reaction is required. 
We also have next to no iframes, our SA skills are fairly static as is our block, 
thus making us an easy target for some classes. 


● Basic primary engages​:  

The following skills are pretty good for starting of a combo or simply just 
baiting out the initial CC: 
○ Punishment 
○ Celestial Spear 
○ Celestial Smite 
○ Just Counter 
○ Sharp Light 
○ Blitz Stab 
Using Wave of Light is also beneficial, if not for the initial CC, then at least for 
zoning your enemy and trying to lock him into a certain area of the map 
(taking away his/her liberty to move around or escape). Allowing you to grab 
engage more easily. 
● Grab engage combo(s)​:  
Grab engages are pretty common and powerful. You should definitely learn at 
least some of them. As your AP increases, your combos will most likely become 
shorter as you simply need less skills to kill people. 
E​ (or quickslot) > SHIFT + LMB​ > S + E​ or SHIFT+X​ (or quickslot) > 
Space​ > S + LMB​ (2 clicks) > S + RMB​ > W + F​ > ​W + RMB 
Explanation: because of the 2 CC system, you need to be picky about which CC 
you apply on your target. Punishment is the first whole point of CC, sharp light 
is used right after it for it’s knockdown CC effect. This lasts 4 seconds, so you 
have enough time to do the combo up until Hastiludium and this skill has a 
30% chance of extending your CC-chain with a down smash, which should be 
enough for a kill. Celestia Smite may be prefered over Celestial Spear, because 
it’s natural damage is higher, yet Ultimate Celestial Spear also procs (when 
off-CD) when Celestial Smite is used, giving it a sweet damage boost. 
Punishment, Sharp Light and Celestial Spear/Smite are the setups for this 
engage. Grabbing for the initial CC, Sharp Light for the longest possible CC 
extension and Celestial Spear/Smite for the 100% crit buff. 
It is possible to land air attacks on both Sharp Light and Promptness, if you 
cancel sharp light into Celestial Spear/Smite correctly. When you use Smite 
instead of Spear, you’ll also get some additional damage.  
Castigatio, Terra Sancta, Hastiludium and Blitz stab take care of the burst 
damage in this combo and is subject to change, you could leave out the 
castigatio for example. 


See it in action 343 Evasion DP vs 244 AP: h ​ ttps:// 
Variations: it should be noted that not every fight is the same. Throughout the 
course of a fight, conditions can change, leading to situations where trying to 
land a full combo isn’t in your favor. E.g. your high damage skills could be on 
cool down due to trying to escape with Hastiludium or trying pulling of a quick 
CC with Blitz Stab. 
In a nutshell, pay attention to your cool down timers, become one with them 
and start feeling the combos. Certain skills like Promptness and Sharp Light 
should be used with caution, because if you use them while they are on cool 
down, they will use their high damage output or CC effect. 
Promptness in particular is used often to swap back into the awakening stance, 
so before you engage into a combo, pay attention that this skill is off cool down. 
Skill add-ons will also greatly affect this combo. Add-ons used in the clip: 
○ Sharp Light: +10 PVP Attack, 42 bleeding for 15 sec 
○ Terra Sancta: 20% Down Smash, +10% Casting Speed 
○ Blitz Stab: 62 Pain for 12 seconds, 3% accuracy 
● Celestial Spear follow-up combo​: 
If you happened to have landed a Celestial Spear and put your enemy in the 
bound state, there’s some combos you can do to fill the gaps and dish out 
some damage. But be aware that you have already blown your first CC, so 
going into the regular grab engage after this, will not have the same effect as 
the grab-first engage which is mentioned above. 
Regardless, here are some short burst combos you can perform on your 
S + E​ > W + F​ > E​ (or quickslot) > SHIFT + LMB​ >  
Space​ > S + RMB 
Keep in mind that the combo above does not apply Sharp Light’s 4 second 
knock down effect anymore. Righteous Charge is used as a gap filler and with 
the right add-ons e.g. casting speed +10% and target attack speed -10%, you 
give yourself a lot of time to deal some damage. 


Other short burst combos are: 

○ S + E​ > W + F​ > E​ (or quickslot) > Space​ >  
SHIFT + LMB​ > W + F​ > W + R 
○ S + E​ > W + F​ > E​ (or quickslot) > Space​ >  
S + LMB​ (2 clicks) > W + F​ > W + R 
○ S + E​ > W + F​ > E​ (or quickslot) > Space​ >  
S + LMB​ (2 clicks) > S + RMB 
Keep in mind that you need to have your Celestial Spear’s buff up if you want to 
actually deal a lot of damage (can be bypassed by having 5 Critical in your 
Ability Stats). All these combos are interchangeable and can be applied 
depending on situation. Use them as a learning spot and find out what works 
best for you. 
Be careful when you use righteous charge. It may apply an unwanted CC, if you 
don’t cancel into Punishment fast enough. Canceling Righteous Charge can be 
done if you have the Ultimate version of Punishment. 
● What about all the other skills though? 
Well, the other skills aren’t necessarily bad or anything, they just don’t really fit 
in the whole picture of the 1v1 combos. To give you an overview though, we’ll list 
every remaining skill you might think of using and give some explanation to it: 
○ Sanctitas de Enslar​: this is a unique ability that can be used in a 
variety of ways and scenarios, both offensive and defensive. The melee 
bonus is substantial and using it pre-combo offers a nice amount of 
extra damage. Enslar is also useful as a closing ability post combo, 
offering a reasonable small AOE damage while minimizing the 
opponent’s ability to instantly counter you as soon as they recover. 
It is not uncommon to land a killing blow with Enslar. The 100% rage 
version, can turn a fight around when dealing with an overzealous 
opponent due to its stun and massive damage. Overall the 100% rage on 
Enslar is not often used for duels. 
○ Divine Slam​: our second Rabam skill with a frontal guard, small 
healing and a down smash. It wasn’t mentioned in any of the previous 
combos, but it can come in handy in certain situations, for example 
countering damage or CC with the frontal guard. Due to the relatively 


low damage and longer casting animation, it is not advised to use this 
skill over the other skills in the combos, unless it’s necessary. 
○ Flow: Lucem Fluxum​: not many people are a fan of this ability, due to 
its unprotected nature and often being casted unintentionally. Some 
valks even lock it entirely for PVP. Its usage is limited. 
○ Shining Dash​: a skill many people wonder about because it has a 
frontal guard. Its actual usage in duels is rather limited due to the long 
animation and cast time. 
○ Sword of Judgement​: while not a bad skill perse, it simply gets 
out-damaged by pretty much any other of your high damage skills. It 
might come in handy from time to time if you have the skill maxed out 
until its absolute form. 
○ Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae​: just like Sanctitas de Enslar, this skill has both 
offensive and defensive functionality. In general you should be cautious 
about using this skill against grab classes, because it makes you an easy 
target due to the static and moderately long animation.  
The skill can be used as a finisher, for damage trading through SA, or 
countering sudden CC. It is typically not used excessively in 1v1 combos 
○ Elion’s Blessing​: it’s our version of Protective Area, it allows you to turn 
a fight around when you’re in a nasty situation, or to somewhat 
brainlessly try to throw damage. If you do want to use it wisely, you can 
cast it to give yourself time to heal up under pressure. Generally 
speaking however, this skill is not often used in duels. Be aware that 
desync may affect the effect of this skill and that you can cancel it with 
promptness before the effect is even applied. 
● Shield throw engages​: 
So, finally all the hard work training your Shield Throw cancels is going to pay 
of. Shield Throw is a neat skill that has allows you to perform a CC on your 
target and catch him or her by surprise. Due to the skill’s unprotected nature, it 
is advised to use it with caution. The cancel itself goes like this for PVP: 
SHIFT + A/D​ > S + LMB​ > S + Q 
A variety of combos can actually be used to follow up on this quick CC. an 
example is: 
RMB​ (2 clicks) > SHIFT + LMB  


Shield throw can also be used as a disengage tool, by e.g. just casting it from a 
relatively safe distant as your enemy is knocked down, just for the damage. 
● Terra Sancta Ending/Disengaging 
Terra Sancta in itself is better used in your combo, due to its insane amount of 
damage dealt. It is however completely viable to use it as a finishing skill, by e.g. 
trying to get behind your enemy and casting it from a distance, to safely 
disengage afterwards. Whether this is something you want to do or not, is up 
to you. 
● How can I play defensively? 
Sometimes you just have to play defensively, you are a blocking class without 
iframes and safe movement after all. Valkyrie relies heavily on its block, which 
negates damage at the cost of her shield becoming weaker as more damage is 
soaked.If you let an enemy freely attack you as you are standing in the guard 
position, it is only a matter of time before your shield breaks and leaves you 
stunned. The more DP (Damage Reduction specifically) you have, the longer 
your shield will last. 
In order to regain some of your shield’s health, you can apply the side stap. It’s 
basically a semi-protected way of covering small bits of shield HP back, simply 
by doing this: 
○ A/D + LMB/RMB​ > ​Q 
We are calling it a semi-protected skill, because this side step casts very fast, 
there is a small iframe in between (which is amazing for dodging grabs of 
certain classes as well) and you go in to block really fast. Nevertheless, you can 
still be CC’d while performing this. You can also use this little track to get closer 
or behind your enemies and thus becoming more of a threat or avoiding 
damage and CC’s. 
Some other defensive skills are: 
○ Shield Chase:​ another skill we can use defensively. It’s pretty much a 
dodge with a frontal guard, so it’s pretty decent for maneuvering around 
the battlefield and to pull off that sweet shield throw engage. This skill 
isn’t an iframe and we get screwed over pretty fast by it due to desync. 
○ Hastiludium​: Super Armor and a pretty long dash, sounds pretty 
good right? While this skill primarily servers as a damage dealing skill, it 
can actually be used to escape an unfavorable situation. Given it’s 
somewhat short cool down, it’s acceptable to use it as a movement skill 
from time to time. 


○ Sanctitas de Enslar​: as mentioned before, it can be used defensively 

as we are untargetable while in the air. However, using this skill should 
be done with a lot of attention to the situation, as we can be grabbed 
out of the skill as soon as we become targetable again.  
● How does gear affect our combos?  
The better your gear is, the shorter your combos will be. BDO is basically at the 
point where having an AP is extremely superior to anything else. DP builds 
have the tendency of losing all of its killing-potential, so you should avoid it for 
● Do we still have lingering Super Armor? 
Yes, we do still have linger super armor, but it’s not the same as before the 
CC-changes. We no longer have linger SA on our block, instead we have a form 
of lingering super armor on these skills: 
○ Hastiludium​: has super armor while you’re moving, but there’s a tiny 
gap at the start of the animation, so it is still possible to get CC’d at the 
beginning of the casting. Another thing to note about this skill is, that it 
takes character collision into account, so you might get “stuck” in people. 
○ Sanctitas de enslar​: same issue as hastiludium, at the start there is a 
tiny gap before the SA kicks end. After you land however, the entire 
animation is lingering, as long as you don’t do anything else. This makes 
it our longest lingering SA at the moment.  
● Anything else? 
Valkyries need to adapt to each opponent a lot as some classes allow you to 
turtle, whereas other keep forcing you to move.  
The method by which you approach a fight, can mean a win or loss for you, so 
make the right estimations! 


If you’ve read through the guide, you should have found the possible roles of the 
Valkyrie in t​ he PREFACE section​, if you haven’t, go have a look, as for the group fights 
we will build further on the concepts explained there. As mentioned in that section, a 
good Valkyrie should be a master of all those categories, even if it can get away with 
being only good at a few of those.  
In the ideal scenario, you learn to combine all these playstyles and adapt to the needs 
of the situation at hand. Therefore, you won’t find any specific combos for group fights 
here, just basic concepts and explanations, because Valkyrie is simply more complex 
than some people make it out to be. 
● Semi-Front-Line CC BOT​: you need to drop your initial CC’s and set up the kills 
for the frontline damage dealers. In order to do this, you need to find perfect 
timing and need to be able to estimate risk versus reward, not only for yourself 
but the whole raid. 
How to drop initial CC? 
○ Wave of Light (Q-canceled)​: when the engage has to be fast (e.g. 
surprise attacks), you’ll probably want to cancel your vacuum to reduce 
the risk of getting CC’d. Canceling it, will cause it to only vacuum once, 
which might be enough! This is a low risk skill. 
○ Wave of Light (Charged)​: when you are the master of a choke point 
or other area with natural borders (e.g. your backside is covered), this 
skill is definitely worth using. When you charge your vacuum, it will suck 
your enemies in twice, which will almost inevitably CC them no matter 
what. This is a high risk skill and should be used with caution! 
○ Terra Sancta​: Even though the range has been exchanged for 
damage, it’s still a really good skill for a short-medium ranged poke to 
catch people off-guard. Use it with caution! 
Laying the down the initial CC can be done in combination with the flanker 
role, as many people nowadays don’t have a lot of Super Armor, it is “easier” to 
CC them from their back sides. This means that if you engage from a different 
angle as the rest of your main blob, you have the ability to be more efficient 
and successful in this role. Do keep in mind that this isn’t as easy as it sounds 
and comes at a high risk! 
After you have dropped the initial CC, you let your damage dealers take over 
the lead and either jump into the second-line Damage Dealer or Protector role, 


depending on how you see fit. 

● Second-Line Damage Dealer​: after an engage has already happened, it’s time 
for you to deal damage. Ideally, you try to chain the few Super Armor skills you 
have and dish out as much damage as you can. If you are confident enough in 
your abilities, you can try to chain some unprotected skills as well depending 
on the situation. 
How to chain SA? 
○ Sanctitas de Enslar​: generally speaking, you’ll try to use this skill 
either to deal huge damage when you have 100% Black Spirit Rage, or in 
case you don’t have the rage, you use it to get closer to enemies and 
start your Super Armor chain. 
○ Verdict: Lancia Iustitiae​: Often used after Sanctitas de Enslar, to 
extend your damage combo and avoid being CC’d. 
○ Hastiludium​: this one can either be used as an engage tool to get 
closer to your enemies, while also putting damage on them, or as a 
disengage tool, to try and “charge” through your enemies as you kill 
them and move to a slightly safer location. 
Warning​: all our Super Armor skills have a tiny gap at the beginning of the 
animation, so it is possible you get CC’d from time to time.  
As a damage dealing Valkyrie, you should know that everything is about burst 
with us. We aren’t as tanky as we want to be, so in order to be successful in 
damage dealing, you’re going to need to find a “push-and-pull” system. 
This means, pushing in → burst damage → pull out → repeat. Stay in one spot for 
too long is almost a guaranteed death. 
Example of a “push-pull” system: 
F​ > SHIFT + RMB (hold)​ > W + F (to left or right)​ > W + RMB​ > 
turn camera > SHIFT + S​ (up to 4x if necessary) > S + E​ (catch off-guard 
chasers) > S + RMB​ (kill off-guard chasers) > move back to allies and repeat. 


● Blob-Scout​: this is actually an easy one, you are the person that keeps an eye 
on what’s ahead of your own blob and feeds information to your shot caller. 
To perform well doing this, you basically need to train your resource 
management and use some skills that will slow down a group of enemies 
charing at you (see the protector role). Sometimes a little 1v1 skill might be 
required, mostly in situations where there’s no other way out. You can refer to 
the 1v1 section for this. 
● Protector​: as a protector, you make sure that your allies make it out alive. Since 
respawn timers increase as a NW progresses and med-kits are disabled, 
surviving has become an important part of nodewars.  
As a protector, you not only make sure your allies’ HP is topped off constantly, 
but you also cast emergency PA’s, slow down your enemies and alert everyone 
about surprise attacks. 
Skills you should be using to perform this role: 
○ Purificatione​: (spam this whenever it’s off CD, try to hit your allies as 
well as at least 1 enemy with it. 
○ Breath of Elion​: use this one in dire situations, because it has super 
armor and we don’t have many skills to spare like that 
○ Celestial Cry​: Rabam skill that simulates Breath of Elion, but is 
unprotected. Use this skill with caution, or to group up a bunch of 
people while everyone is safe. 
○ Elion’s Blessing​: Valkyrie’s version of Protected Area. It has Super 
Armor and casts really fast, it’s a good skill to use in emergency 
○ Wave of Light​: our beloved vacuum can slow down enemies by quite 
a bit and ruin their whole engage. When your own raid tries to fall back, 
help them doing so by making great use of our vacuum. 
○ Sanctitas de Enslar (100%)​: Occasionally you will be able to use this 
skill in emergency situations and scare your enemy shitless, either by 
killing them all or reducing their HP by so much, your own raid can 
counter attack. 
The protector role is considered to be the most boring one by numerous 
Valkyries, but it’s actually almost vital in today’s NW’s and can be very satisfying. 


● Flanker​: this role has become increasingly difficult because of our lack of 
protected movement (or fast movement in general). It is however still possible 
to perform flanking tasks up until a certain extent. But it isn’t much different 
from the Second-Line Damage Dealer anymore, except that you attack from 
another angle with possibly a smaller squad. 
When you are however in a smaller flanking squad, chances are high you’ll 
naturally flow into the protector role due to your lack of movement and this 
squad needing some sort of sustain 

QOL Changes 
Valkyrie received a little bit of love from the developers, not everything is equally 
useful or affects valkyrie in a way that she became a completely different class, but it’s 
little nice-to-haves that are changed/added: 
● Lucem Fluxem can be used from quickslot: this allows for the exploration of a 
few new combos. 
● Sanctitas de Enslar can now be locked on target: when you’re aiming your 
ultimate for example, you can now lock on a specific target by pressing and 
holding the left mouse button. You will automatically land on the specified 
target, unless it goes out of range. Releasing and relocking is possible for as 
long as the casting time of the skill. 
● Punishment (grab) range has been increased 
● Purificatione (heal) range has been increased 
● Castigatio range has been increased 
● Castigatio and Terra Sancta now flow smoothly into each other: allows for the 
usage of a castigatio > terra sancta combo in a reasonable and smooth 
● Blitz Stab range has been increased 
● Righteous Charge casting speed has increased 
Not so QOL: 
● You can now use shield chase without blocking: looks like a nice addition, but it 
isn’t you are now no longer able to sprint with your shield out, unless by using a 



Gearing is actually pretty straightforward in the realms of BDO. While there is quite a 
bit of gear available on the market, there are not a lot of viable choices for you to 
make. Before we jump into making builds, there are a few concepts to familiarize 
yourself with, so you know in which ways you can upgrade your gear. 

Ability levels are a way to boost your Valkyrie’s gameplay in terms of speed, 
movement and damage. The higher you get the level, the better basically. But since 
maxing out all of them is either expensive, only possible through consumables or 
even unnecessary, the important thing to know is the following: 
● Attack Speed​: unnecessary, Valkyrie is a Casting Speed based class 
● Casting Speed​: absolute must have, get this to 5 ASAP. 
● Movement Speed​: nice to have, but can play perfectly without it 
● Critical Hit​: considered unnecessary because we get 100% damage from 
Celestial Spear (80%) + the add-on (20%), which is spammable every 7 seconds. 
However, if you wish to slot into this, it is perfectly fine! 
Overstacking on any of these, has no effect. 

Resistances are another mechanic introduced to the game, to allow you to - as the 
name indicates - resist getting CC’d from skills. Basically, you have the ability to invest 
into the follow resistance types: 
● Stun/Stiffness/Freezing 
● Knockdown/Bound 
● Grapple 
● Knockback/Floating 
When you invest in resistances, you’re basically putting faith in the hands of RNG, by 
increasing your odds of not getting CC’d. This all sounds nice, but there’s a few things 
you should know however: 


● Resistances are capped at a difference of 60%. Meaning, a 60% chance to resist 

a CC type, is the maximum chance you can get. 
● Your opponents have the ability to invest in “Ignore Resistance”, which means 
that getting 60% of each resistance, is simply not enough to ensure the 
maximum chance to resist CC’s as the difference between your resistance and 
your opponent’s Ignore Resistance is calculated. 
● For the most part, CC’s are applied, based on a first-hit system. If a skill has 7 
hits, only the first 1 will try to apply a CC. There are some notable exceptions, 
however (for e.g, Maehwa’s Red Moon).  
● CC’s are limited to a total of 2.7 and once the limit is reached, your opponent 
will have a 5 second immunity from any CC type, except Down Smashes and 
Air Smashes. 
○ Stiffness: 0.7 
○ Knockdown/Bound/Freezing/Stun/Grapple/Knockback/Floating: 1 
○ Air Smash/Down Smash: 0 
In a nutshell, if the sum of any of these values is higher than or equal to 2.7, the 
5 second CC immunity will be applied to your target. Down Smashes and Air 
Smashes can be applied continuously. 
So, is it actually worth investing into resistances? Opinions differ, but they’re actually a 
viable option, because generally speaking, resistance crystals are relatively cheap 
while still providing a decent buff to your build. Try it out yourself if you wish to and 
decide if it’s worth it or not! 

Crystals are an in-game item that provide important buffs to your gear, which allows 
you to min-max your stats. The amount of crystals you can use, is determined by the 
amount of crystal slots the gear you are using has. 
Crystals are usually bound to a specific armor or weapon piece, so when min-maxing 
make sure that the crystals you want can actually be slotted into the armor or 
weapon you want it to be in.  
Another thing to keep in mind is that expensive doesn’t necessarily mean good and 
cheap doesn’t necessarily mean bad when it comes to crystals. There’s quite a few 
very solid choices to make. 
I don’t care, just show me the bloody crystals. 



When you have acquired a piece of gear, you have the ability to upgrade it to a higher 
level, how enhancing actually works, what the chances are and all that jazz, is out of 
the scope of this guide. In a nutshell you should know the following: 
● Upgrading weapons: 
○ Requires Black Stone (Weapon) from +0 to +15 
○ Requires Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Weapon) from +15 to PEN 
○ Upgrading from +0 to + 7 has a 100% success rate 
● Upgrading armor: 
○ Requires Black Stone (Armor) from +0 to +15 
○ Requires Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Armor) from +15 to V 
○ Upgrading from +0 to +5 has a 100% success rate 
● Upgrading accessories: 
○ Requires a +0 accessory and a +0 to TET accessory 
Side effects of enhancing failures are: 
● Weapons and Armor will lose durability from every enhancement failure from 
+7 to PRI 
● Weapons and Armor will downgrade 1 grade from every enhancement failure 
from DUO to PEN 
● Accessories will be permanently destroyed upon enhancement failure 
● Cron stones will prevent DUO to TET Armor and Weapon from downgrading 
● Cron stones will prevent accessories from being destroyed, but there is a 
chance it downgrades. The base item used for enhancing, will be consumed 
regardless of cron stones. 

Off-hands are a point of great discussion and are one of the items that allow you to 
play around with builds a lot. Generally speaking there are a few off-hands to consider 
and they’re usually classified to a single purpose. The actual viable off-hands for 
Valkyrie are: 
● Axion Shield​: ever since the rebalance of shields, this one has actually become 
fairly decent due the lower gap in damage rolls. Axion shield is a very viable 
option if you’re a beginning player that only cares about PVE, it is an AP 
focused shield. 
● Vangertz Shield​: in the past, this one was every Valkyrie’s first love… and for 
many valkyries it still is. Vangertz is a well balanced shield with a focus on 
accuracy. In the earlier stages of the game, having more accuracy allows you to 
grind in areas that are a bit above your level.  


The shield is also still pretty much perfect for every beginning player that wants 
to get into PVP as soon as possible. Turning your Vangertz shield into an 
ultimate one, gives you a bonus stat of +1 special attack damage. This increases 
the damage you do on down, back and air attacks. Some also claim it increases 
damage on critical attacks, but no accurate tests have backed this theory. 
● Kutum Shield​: mid to late game PVE shield (and super-super late game PVP 
shield). The Kutum shield has tons of hidden monster damage, which basically 
makes it a better shield for grinding up until you reach the higher points of AP. 
With this shield, you’ll be able to grind places until you’ve hit 262 AP with the 
Nouver shield. 
● Nouver Shield​: pretty much mandatory to have one of these. It is t​ he 
late-game PVP shield. Keep in mind that this shield lacks in accuracy, therefore 
it is not recommended to use until you’ve hit at least 300 sheet accuracy. 
● Kite Shield​: viable shield for DP builds. Don’t be misguided however, using this 
shield has its benefits towards survivability, but it won’t give you god-mode 
either. Using a kite shield will also be a big decrease of your offensive abilities. 
● Rosar/Krea​: Irrelevant off-hands, not really worth investing in. 
With the addition of Garmoth heart, both Kutum and Nouver have been buffed with 
some extra stats: 
● 150 HP 
● 100 stamina 
● 10% special evasion 
The 10% special evasion in combination with 2x 10% crystals in the armor piece, make 
you decently tanky. In combination with the fairly high availability of caphra stones, 
there’s no reason not to keep running Nouver and stack special evasion. 


If you are new to the game (or a returning player) you may have heard the terms 
“Renown Score” and “AP-Scaling” (and maybe “DR-Scaling” although most people 
neglect this one), but don’t really know what they are. Well, all three of these are 
basically a “bonus”-system Pearl Abyss has implemented, to reward people for getting 
more geared.  
All of these systems have caused a lot of uproar and unhappy people, but 
nevertheless we are stuck with them. The specific bonuses can be found all around 
the BDO community discords and patch notes, so here here’s just a brief explanation 
of how it works: 


● Renown Score​: Basically PA is calculating a number, based on the following 

formula: [(AP + Awakening AP) / 2] + DP + Fame. The higher this total number 
becomes, the bigger your bonus stats will be. 
This means that every single piece of gear is very important and you should 
think carefully about rouletting all of your gear, because it has a huge outcome! 
The bonus consist of a maximum of 20 AP and 165 DP. The AP bonus is 
awarded up until 470 Renown Score, the DP bonus keeps scaling up until 647 
Renown Score. 
You can boost your Fame level up to 5 by getting enough amity with NPCs in a 
specific region. The easiest/cheapest NPC, is Igor Bartali in Velia, which will give 
you +5 Fame at around 17,000 amity. 
● AP-Scaling​: It is a similar system that awards you with up to 200 hidden bonus 
AP, as your actual sheet AP grows. Simply put, the higher your sheet AP, the 
higher your hidden bonus AP. The only thing to know about this, is that it 
comes in steps. 
● DP-Scaling​: The exact same way AP-Scaling works, but for DP instead of AP. 
You can receive up to 20% more tankiness by acquiring more DP. This system 
also comes with thresholds. 
So what does all this mean? It pretty much means that build-variety got more or less 
screwed over and everyone and their mothers started to only get AP builds. Which 
makes absolute sense, because going full AP gives you even more bonus AP, as well 
as extra tankiness. 

Alchemy stones are a rechargeable item that give nice buffs. Alchemy stones come in 
many grades, but there are basically 2 types for PVP: 
● Alchemy Stone of Destruction​: this is an offense-focused alchemy stone that 
gives bonuses towards AP, Accuracy, Ignore Resistance, Attack Speed and 
Casting Speed. This one is also useful for PvE. 
● Alchemy Stone of Protection​: this a defense-focused alchemy stone that 
gives bonuses towards Damage Reduction, Evasion, HP and resistances.  


How big the buffs are depends on the grade and color of your alchemy stone, but this 
is beyond the scope of this guide. Most people will aim for the following Alchemy 
● Sharp Alchemy Stone of Destruction 
● Sharp Alchemy Stone of Protection 
● Vell’s Heart 
Getting these alchemy stones is basically a money sink, so a lot of people settle for the 
alternative D
​ estruction Spirit Stone​, which cannot be recharged, but is a lot cheaper. 
Guardian Spirit Stone​ is not really worth using, but some may do so.  




As a new player, it can be difficult to figure out what gear you should get, in which 
order you should upgrade it and what the most efficient way of getting it is. Just for 
you guys, we’ll be adding this section, to give you a basic idea of getting gear that isn’t 
a waste of money. Keep in mind that these are merely suggestions to get you up and 
running as fast as possible. If you feel like doing something completely different, go 
for it! 
Early Game 


Armor choices​ (enhance to +5, but not 

● Grunil​: gives you an AP and small 
HP set bonus.  
● Heve​: gives you an HP set bonus 
Main-hand choices​ (enhance to +7, but 
not further): 
● Rosar​: highest AP and 2 crystal 
● Elsh​: high accuracy and damage 
against all species 
● Krea​: high AP and 2 crystal slots 
● Yuria​: decent AP and damage
against humans 
Off-hand choices​ (enhance to +7, but not 
● Vangertz​: PVX shield 
● Axion​: PVE only shield 
● Literally anything you drop from 
grinding. Don’t bother spending 
money on them. 
● Only care about getting 5 Casting 
Speed, the rest doesn’t matter 
much yet. 


Don’t spend too much time thinking 
about which armor or main-hand to get, 
all of them are good enough. Pick based 
on availability or price. 

As you are getting more and more silver 

and gaining levels, it’s time to upgrade 
your gear just a little bit.  
A few patches ago, Pearl Abyss 
introduced a system where armor, 
weapons and accessories would drop in 
an already enhanced form.  
This means that a higher amount of 
  already enhanced pieces can be found in either the regular marketplace or in 
h  the specials deals section. 
  The safest way to get a gear upgrade, is 
  simply by checking the market once in a 
while and spend a little money on 
buying a +15 item. 
Again, which item you get does not 
matter much, so the choices remain the 
same as in the previous step. 
If you can easily get these pieces and 
have some money to spare, feel free to 
invest in some ​Grade 3 Weapon Reform 
Stones​ and G​ rade 3 Armor Reform 
Stones​ for an additional bonus on the 
gear you just got. 
Do not spend any money on improving 
a Chest Armor piece however​. 



If you keep following the quest line, you 

will end up in Mediah at some point and 
you’ll have the ability to unlock the 
“Roaring Magical Armor” piece. This item 
is basically a free DUO armor piece and 
saves you quite a bit of money for the 
time being. 
Once you start grinding in Mediah, you 
should try to get the Asula Accessory set 
as soon as possible. It gives a nice boost 
to your stats and has a nice set combo.
You can grind the following pieces at 
these places: 
● Ring: Helms 
● Earring: Helms 
● Necklace: Abandoned Iron Mine 
● Belt: Elrics Shrine 
As for the remainder of your gear, it’s 
time to get into the PRI-DUO 
● Weapons​: your off-hand should 
go to DUO without any exception. 
For your main-hand, you have the 
choice of either upgrading it to 
DUO as well, or completing a 
quest line that will give you a 
Black Abyssal Longsword​. This is 
the equivalent of a DUO weapon, 
but has less accuracy, so it isn’t 
viable for PVP. 
● Armor​: try to get your armor to 
PRI, but don’t overstack. Save your 
highest failstacks for when you hit 
level 56. 
Just like the Black Abyssal 
Longswords, there are some 
armor pieces that you can obtain 
through questing. Whether you 


want to do this is up to you. These 

items compare to PRI of any other 
○ Mediah Merchant’s Union 
○ Beia’s Black Magic Gloves 
○ Derek’s Light Leather 
Once you hit level 56, treat yourself to a 
DUO or TRI (Ultimate) Schzeriel Lancia. If 
you can’t afford, use the free +10 one. 

Mediah/early Valencia 

Once you are about to leave Mediah, or 

perhaps dipped your toes in a place like 
the Bashim Base, it’s time to get your 
gear up a tiny bit more. 
● Get all your pieces to TRI, you will 
need it! 
● Get your off-hand and awakening 
  to TRI if they aren’t already.  
hire  Leave your main-hand 
  untouched, because you’ll be 
  switching to boss gear soon. 
The Asula accessories are still decent 
enough for you to use, but if you are able 
to snipe some ​cheap​ “real” accessories, 
don’t refrain from doing so. Enhancing is 
also an option, if you insist. The following 
are pretty nice to get: 
● TRI Belt of Shultz the Gladiator 
● TRI Necklace of Shultz the 
● DUO Serap’s Necklace 


● DUO/TRI Blue Coral Earring 

● DUO Witch’s Earring 
From this point on, it’s also interesting to 
get a Kzarka Longsword, Dandelion 
Lancia and Bheg Gloves. 
If you regularly attend world and field 
bosses, you may have already dropped 
some pieces. If you haven’t, make sure to 
set some money aside to buy them. 



The first boss pieces you should try to 

get are the following: 
● Kzarka Longsword 
● Bheg Gloves 
● Dandelion Lancia 
The Dandelion Lancia might be a 
difficult one to obtain. If you find yourself 
struggling to get it, it’s okay to settle for 
an Ultimate Piece of Purification Lancia.  
  If you have the money, it might also be a  good idea to start looking into 
  enhancing a pair of DUO Rings of 
  Crescent Guardian, or alternatively ​snipe 
  a pair of TRI Mark of Shadow RIngs. 
Please note that getting boss gear can 
be quite a hard task and upgrading will 
most definitely be ​difficult, pricey and 
time consuming​. 
Next Steps 

By now you should have gotten a hang 

of how things go in this game. The next 
steps are basically completing your boss 
gear set and upgrading to better 
As a general rule, this is the sequence: 
● Full TRI boss gear 
● Full DUO yellow accessories (or 
TRI blue, if cheap) 
  ● TET boss weapons ● TET boss armor (If you get a lot of 
k  50+ stacks, keep some, do not 
  waste them on getting your TRI 
  boss gear back) 
  ● TRI yellow accessories 


Kutum or Nouver is discussed in the 

off-hands section. Long story short, you 
should probably invest in getting both if 
you want to have the most efficient 
grind possible until you can actually 
reach the same amount of efficiency 
with a Nouver shield. 
Once your boss gear set is complete, you 
can also start looking into getting good 
and viable crystals. The best options will 
be discussed in the end-game builds in 
the next section. 



At end game you should pretty much know what you want, so not much will be 
discussed here. Nevertheless, below you can find some soft-cap and beyond soft-cap 
builds worth going for. Crystals are sometimes build specific, but oftentimes they’re 
just all about personal preference, so before jumping into the builds, have a look at all 
viable crystals: 
● Helmet 
○ JIN Magical Crystal Harphia (regular build/DP build) 
○ BON Magical Crystal Harphia (regular build/HP build) 
○ Black Magic Crystal Intimidation (resistance build) 
○ Ancient Magic Crystal of Enchantment - Agility (cheap, old school) 
● Chest 
○ JIN Magic Crystal - Cobelinus (regular build/DP build) 
○ BON Magic Crystal - Cobelinus (regular build/HP build) 
○ Magic Crystal of Infinity - Evasion (regular build/cheap) 
○ Black Magic Crystal - Armor (resistance build/cheap DP build) 
○ Black Magic Crystal - Vigor (resistance build/cheap HP build) 
● Gloves 
○ JIN Magic Crystal - Viper (must-have really, can use BON/WON as 
● Boots 
○ JIN Magic Crystal - Hystria (regular build for stamina) 
○ WON Magic Crystal - Hystria (regular build for movement speed and 
○ Black Magic Crystal - Adamantine (resistance build) 
○ Red Battlefield Crystal: Adamantine (resistance build) 
● Main-Hand 
○ Black Magic Crystal - Precision (regular build, boosts grab chance for 1v1) 
○ Red Battlefield Crystal - Power (regular build/PVE) 
○ BON Magic Crystal - Addis (regular build/non-1v1) 
● Off-Hand 
○ Awakened Spirit’s Crystal (regular build) 
○ Valtarra Spirit’s Crystal (regular build) 
○ Magic Crystal of Infinity - Critical (regular build) 


With the release of Drieghan, a few new crystals were introduced which are also 
viable for several purposes, both PvE and PvP. They are a cheaper alternative to the 
JIN/BON/WON crystals mentioned above and are quite good. Whether they are 
better than previous crystals is still to be determined, so if you have feedback on it 
after using these crystals, drop a line in the #feedback channel on the Valkyrie 
discord. We will only discuss the HAN versions, as these contain actual stats, the 
cheaper non-HAN versions only profit from a 2x or 4x set bonus.  
The Hoom crystals are by far the most interesting ones, Macalod and Gervish are also 
viable for certain PvE scenarios, so we won’t be discussing them.  
All Drieghan crystals can be placed in any slot, but keep in mind that some of the 
“classic” crystals are superior. Which means that if you really want the 4 piece set 
effect, you’ll have to make some sacrifices. 
● Helmet (​ overall stats gain is higher than other equivalents, under the 
assumption Valkyrie doesn’t benefit from evasion, this might change in the 
near future.):  
○ 2x HAN Magic Crystal Hoom 
○ 2x HAN Magic Crystal Macalod (alternative if you want more stamina) 
● Boots​ (You will sacrifice stamina for an HP/DR/Evasion/accuracy/resistance 
boost, I wouldn’t put more than one in this slot): 
○ 1x HAN Magic Crystal Hoom 
● Chest​ (If you already have JIN/BON Cobelinus, or really want JIN/BON 
Cobelinus, I wouldn’t consider these slots. If you don’t, this is a viable slot.) 
○ 2x HAN Magic Crystal Hoom 
● Main Hand​ (You’ll sacrifice AP or Ignore res/accuracy, which isn’t really 
recommended if you’re below softcap and even above softcap. Yet it is viable if 
you really want the 4x bonus) 
○ 1x HAN Magic Crystal Hoom 
● Off Hand​ (Your damage will be lower if you’re currently running CRIT crystals, if 
you’re running awakened crystals, the difference in stats is minimal) 
○ 2x HAN Magic Crystal Hoom 
● Gloves 
○ Don’t even think about it, JIN Vipers are a must. 
As you can see in the list above, there’s more than 4 spots to put the crystals, so take a 
look and try to make up your mind if and/or where you want to use them. You don’t 
necessarily need 4 crystals, you can also settle for the 2 slot bonus, the helmet is the 
best spot for this. 


Recently Red Battle Field Rewards have been adjusted, which added a variety of new 
Red Battle Field Crystals. While they don’t seem half that bad at first, they’re actually 
not that great, so there’s no real reason to choose the new crystals over any of the 
previously mentioned ones. 
The only reason you could consider using the new RBF crystals, is if you are AP 
capped in a T1 nodeward guild and want to maximize your damage even further, 
since the new crystals provider some human damage, which is not included in the 
node’s AP cap. 
Other than that, RBF: Adamantine and RBF: Power are the only viable ones from the 
set, if you choose to use any at all.   


Soft-cap AP build 

This is probably the build you should aim 

for as you are progressing, because it 
puts you in the highest possible 
AP-scaling bracket, before going past 
The accessories used are full Tungrad, 
because they’re technically best in slot. 
Some alternative items are: 
● TET Witch earrings 
● TET Narc earrings 
  ● TRI Basilisk’s Belt ● TRI Valtarra Eclipsed Belt 
y  ● TRI Ogre Ring 
  ● TRI Laytenn’s Power Stone 
  When you level up beyond 60, you also 
get Capotia accessories, which are 
equivalent to the TRI accessories you see 
here. This reward is on a 1-time per 
family basis. 
● 61: Capotia Ring 
● 62: Capotia Earring 
● 63: Capotia Belt 
● 64 Capotia Necklace (not on 
EU/NA currently) 


Soft-cap medium DR build 

This is an easy-transition DP build. If 

you’re curious about seeing how well DP 
works, just get the standard AP build as 
mentioned above and at the following 
● TRI Cadry Ring x2 
● TET Kite Shield 
● Alchemy Stone of Protection 
The increase in DP seems significant, but 
keep in mind that you won’t be running 
around in god mode. If you fight people 
who are above softcap, you might still 
find yourself getting killed much faster 
than you’d like. 
Due to the switch from AP to DP focus, 
your killing-potential drops a lot. 
This build is viable however, when you 
enjoy playing a supportive role in small 
to medium scale nodewars. 


Shot caller’s DP build 

If shotcalling is your thing, you probably 

wouldn’t mind getting all the DP you 
can possible get. 
Valkyrie is actually a good class for 
shotcalling because: 
● You have a block, which allows 
you to look around freely while 
standing still 
● You have burst mobility, which 
allows you to do quick engages 
● You have a really good supporting 
kit, so even if you deal no damage, 
you’re still useful
Ideally though, you would try to get your 
Cadry Rings, Bensho Necklace and 
Rhutum Belt to TET, so you can enjoy 
the higher renown bonuses. 
Either way, as the title of this build 
indicates, it’s only really viable for 
shotcalling as it completely eliminates 
your killing potential. 




In case you have the issue to do your awakening quest, because you lack knowledge 
to talk to an NPC, you can go and talk to “<Valkyrie Instructor> Seekhunt Volaire” in 
the Valkyrie College, in the city of Calpheon. 


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