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the position of ROTC corp commander.

As a
MODULE 1: Role of youth class cadet officer, he observed some
in nation building anomalous practices at the department of
military science training DMST of university
of Santo Tomas. His idealism moved him to
Lesson 1: the national submit his complaint to the university’s
service training program: an administrative officials. While in the process
of investigating and consolidating mark’s,
introduction together with other witnesses’ written
Lesson 2: good citizenship testimonies, prof. zenaida famorca, then
director of student welfare and development
values board under the office for student affairs,
one day received a text message that mark
was missing. The message said that he was
Section 13; article II of the 1987 constitution last seen at the Tinoko Park together with
“The State recognizes the vital role of the the other members of his group called
youth in nation building and shall promote anakbayan in the evening of March 15,
and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, 2001. three days after he was reported
intellectual, and social well-being. It shall missing, mark’s body, wrapped in a carpet
inculcate in the youth patriotism and bound by strips of cloth and packaging tape,
nationalism, and encourage their was fished out of the pasig river under the
involvement in public and civic affairs.” Jones bridge. Investigation was immediately
conducted by the pnp, nbi and the philippine
Did you know?
As early as 1762 in the University of Santo The death of mark made the public angry. It
Tomas, the youth was formally organized scared the parents of the cadets. It pulled
and mobilized to be of service to the country. down the marks of the rotc program to its all-
time low so much that people called for the
A battalion of young students was organized abolition of rotc. These events led the
for military training by Rev. Fr. Domingo legislators to take immediate action.
Collantes O.P. together with a royal Spanish
army sergeant. These young men were Little did mark know that his action, to
trained to fight the british troops invading the divulge the persistent issues on corruption
country. Having displayed such remarkable within the ranks of ROTC, would be a
courage and spirit versus a far superior catalyst for a much improved service
army, the king of Spain, Charles III, program? It led to the passage of the
bestowed on the students the “regalia” title national service training program law or
and the seal of loyalty “muy leal.” The republic act 9163.
university, for its part, was also awarded the
“royal cedula.” Did you know?
In the late 90’s the reputation of ROTC has On the 13th June 2004 during the opening
been marred by anomalies with regards to mass of the university, Mark Welson “baron”
the process of it’s implementation. Chua was given a posthumous award, the
Increasing reports of hazing, grade-fixing, san Lorenzo ruiz medal of courage, a medal
and other irregularities worried students, conferred to students who have shown
parents, and heads of colleges and exceptional and exemplary courage in
universities. It was the death of mark standing up for the truth and thomasian
Welson Chua, a second year mechanical ideals.
engineering student from the University of
Santo Tomas that unleashed the fury on the What is nstp?
irregularities of ROTC.
The national service training program,
Known to his friends as baron, the 19 year established by virtue of the republic act
old Mark Welson Chua was an aspirant to 9163, is a compulsory 1-year course for all
freshmen in the universities and colleges in students, even adults, who were not given
the country. the chance to study.

Article 1, section 3 of the RA 9163 states: All Filipino students are mandated to take
nstp. That is why you and your classmates
“it is a program that aims at enhancing are taking it. Well, why not? After all,
consciousness and defense preparedness in everyone is a citizen of this country and
the youth by developing the ethics of service everyone should serve the country.
and patriotism while undergoing training in
any of its three 3 program components. Its NSTP in UST
various components are specially designed Here at UST, ROTC is offered to all first year
to enhance the youth’s active contribution to students while CWTS and its courses are
the general welfare. offered to all second year students. The
administration opted to offer all three
Here are the three program components: components to provide the students with
more choices based on their interests. It
Rotc- reserve officers training corps” therefore provides several possibilities or
choices for you as a student. Considering
Provides military training in order to that the population of the country is
motivate, train, organize and mobilize composed of relatively young citizens, your
students for national defense preparedness. choice can be a meaningful experience in
- The skills being developed among the process of nation building.
the cadets are military leadership, And you know what? After you finish either
basic combat; map reading, military CWTS or LTS, you will become members of
intelligence, artillery operations, the national service reserve corps. You can
unconventional warfare, marches be tapped by the state for literacy and civic
and bivouac training. welfare activities, especially in times of
calamities or disasters.
Cwts- civic welfare training service
On the other hand, those who take up
Refers to the activities contributory to the ROTC will be a part of the citizen armed
general wlfare and betterment of life for the force, a reserve force to be utilized in times
members of the community or the of war, rebellion or invasion. They also
enhancement of its facilities, especially provide assistance in relief and rescue
those devoted to improving health, during disaster or calamities.
environment, entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation and moral of the citizenry. Interesting, right?

Students participate in several community By now, you must have realized that the
development activities like shelter-building, heart of nstp is service.— service to your
tree planting, medical missions and the fellowmen. Would you agree with me if I say
likes. that service to others should actually be
done with or without legislations? That it
LTS- literacy training service should naturally reign in the heart of
everyone? However, before you can claim to
Trains the student to teach literacy and have helped other people improve the
numeracy skills to school children, out-of- quality of their lives, as the program aims to
school youth and other segments of society do, you must begin with yourself as a
in need of their services student, as a son/daughter, as a citizen.

Students hold tutorials and other non-formal As the Filipino diplomat and Pulitzer Prize
education related activities in public schools winner Carlos p. Romulo stated in his book,
and underprivileged communities thereby I walked with heroes:
promoting the importance of education
among grade school and high school “The reinvigoration of the national spirit must
take place in the grass roots, in every city,
town and barrio in the Philippines, and it E. Concern for the family
must start among our own people… to be a and future generations
worthy citizen of the world one must first
prove himself to be a good Filipino.” II. pagkamaka-Tao

“life takes new meaning when we give A. love

ourselves to others.” B. freedom independence
and democracy
D. truth
What is a good Filipino citizen? E. justice

A good Filipino citizen is one who plays an III. pagkamaka-Bayan

active and intelligent role as a member of
the community. He is one who fulfills his A. unity
duties and obligations to the government B. equality
and society. He possesses the traits of C. respect for law and
respectfulness, courtesy and consideration government rule of law
for parents and elders and for others. He D. patriotism conserve and
observes punctuality, promptness, and good develop our patrimony
moral conduct. Coloma, T.M. and Herrera, E. common good
IV. pagkamaka-Kalikasan
How can you become good citizens?
A. concern for the
You can become good citizens by living in environment
accordance with the good citizenship values
we can derive from the preamble of the
1987 constitution: These are the sixteen values that will help
shape and guide our nation towards a better
“we the sovereign Filipino people, imploring tomorrow and provide the fundamental
the aid of Almighty God in order to build a structure for all the provisions of the
just humane society and establish a constitution.
Government that shall embody our ideals
and aspirations, promote the common good EDSA 1 is the best example where in
conserve and develop our patrimony, and concrete actions of these Filipino values
secure to ourselves and our posterity, the have been shown and it also proved that we
blessings of independence and democracy area nation built on values.
under tha rule of law and a regime of truth,
justice, freedom, love, equality and peace, I. pagkamaka-Diyos
do ordain and promulgate this constitution.”
“isa along katoliko at buong
The Filipino values presented in the pusong tinatanggap and kamatayan para sa
preamble have been simplified and Panginoon, kung ako man ay may sanlibong
categorized into the following: buhay, lahat ng iyon ay iaalay ko sa Kanya.”

I. pagkamaka-Diyos. -San Lorenzo Ruiz.

A.the good citizenship values of faith in

A. Faith in the Almighty God the Almighty God
imploring the aid of
Almighty God. This is the basic value to put God in the
B. Respect for life center of your lives and communicate with
C. Order Him by means of prayers. You should look to
D. Work Him as your ultimate source, one with
infinite powers to help you in your work, to
enable you to meet your needs and to get Life is precious. It is your duty to respect,
you out of trouble and crisis. With this protect, nurture and preserve the human life
experience, you become fully aware of the from the moment of its conception.
things you can accomplish when you live a
life of faith. Thoughts to ponder:
As a student, do I have habits and vices that
It is ironic, however, that in a country where may lead me to destroy my own body which
citizen are innately “maka-Diyos”, there are is considered as God’s temple?
committed each day, many acts violating the
laws of God. How can it be that you ask for Do I treat other people well and give them
God’s help and guidance then go against the worth and dignity due to them as human
His wishes? beings?
Faith alone
By Bro. Andrew Maria, MMHC C. the good citizenship value of order

A devout widow who was known to the value of order is doing “first things first.”
be living saint was crossing a bridge with her It is simply doing the right thing at the right
child when an accident happened. Her son time and right place without hesitation.
fell off the bridge and plunged into the deep
water below. At this, some men got ready to Order entails the discipline of mind emotion
jump into the water to save the child. and action. We need these so that we can
However, the widow forbade them. lay a peaceful successful and productive life.
Otherwise it will trigger situations of panic
“do not move,” she told the men.” My faith unrest confusion havoc and anarchy.
alone can save the child.”
You should understand that the value of
After she had said this, the widow knelt on order is important in your quest to improve
the bridge and prayed with great faith. In a yourselves as citizens. You should learn to
short while, the child drowned and died. The strive hard in arranging your lies in a certain
widow wept. way that will allow you to sere as inspiration
to others by your examples and by a
A. the good citizenship value of meaningful life guided by the order
respect for life everyday.
Thoughts to ponder:
your life and own humanity is a gift from
God, created from His own image and Do I recognize the benefits of living
likeness which makes you a person of worth an orderly life?
and dignity as persons and grow to Have I sorted out my priorities in
appreciate each others’ worth by keeping an life?
open mind and charitable attitude so you
may be able to appreciate others’ giftedness D. The good citizenship value of
and special roles in your life and in the work.
Your body is God’s temple, it is sacred and WILL HAE FOOD FOR A DAY
by all means you should be responsible for it TEACH HIM HOW TO FISH
because any form of violence against it AND HE SHALL HAE FOOD TO
defies the sanctity of life. Our natural human EAT THROUGHOUT HIS
rights protect you from anything that LIFETIME.”
endangers your life and well being. You - Chinese proverb
should also be responsible for upholding the
rights of others. You shall not be an Work is a gift and it has become part of
advocate of violence or any means that may your nature and destiny. God has given
harm the life and dignity of others. you talents to use as investments in
your work and in return you are
expected to settle for nothing less than being and unity of my family in the midst of
excellent results. growing threats against it?

Hard work quality work and honest work II. PAGKAMAKA-TAO

are what makes a citizen a good
productive and self-reliant member of “Ang tenga kapag pinagdikit korteng puso…
the society. extension ng puso ang tenga kaya kapag
It is also important that you have the right marunong kang makinig marunong kang
values and attitudes toward your work and magmahal…”
dealings. You should always remember that -bob ong
no matter how much work you do what
counts in the end is not the volume of work Love means so much to us simply love is
but the amount of love you put into your the answer to our many questions during
work. Learn to work with love integrity and these trying times. It is by love that you care
honest to achieve excellent results. respect, accept, forgive and trust.
But why is it that our nation has never
Thoughts to ponder: moved forward if we all have LOVE within
Am I a committed student who gives us?
my best in school and in other endeavors?
Do I use my God-given talents wisely? GOOD CITIZENSHIP VALUE OF
C. the good citizenship value of concern
for the family and future generations Maybe not all of us ever learned how to live
in love which holds us back to love others.
Respetuhin natin and ating ina ilaw siya ng This is what the Almighty God wants you to
tahanan bugyang galang ang ama at ang learn; learn to LOVE.
payo ang susundan at sa magkakapatid
kailangan ay magmahalan dapat lang ay Love entails sacrifice, responsibility and
pagusapan ang hindi nauunwaan. service. Love binds us together as a nation.
Love is the key to our national progress. Let
This value emphasizes that your family is a it love be in the beginning the middle and
gift from God and that utmost attention must the end of our history as a nation.
be focused on the family a sanctuary of life
and a core unit of society. Thoughts to ponder:
Am I a loving student, citizen and person?
You draw inspiration and strength from you How can I demonstrate the value of love to
family and in return you are expected to do my family friends and community?
your responsibilities as a member of the
family to keep it intact and strong against the How can I be a more loving person to
forces that tend to destroy its values and others?
sense of unity.
What benefits can I possibly reap from being
A family is worth more than any worldly gain. a loving person?
Be vigilant and possess the resolve to
always value your family as your most B. the good
precious gift next to your life. Be citizenship
strengthened by love understanding and value of
mutual respect for all members of our family. freedom.

Thoughts to ponder: “Freedom consists not in doing what we like,

but in having the right to do what we ought”
What are the most pressing issues my - Pope John Paul II
family faces today?
Have I developed a strong personal You value freedom by giving due recognition
conviction and resolve to value the well and respect to your individuality as persons
with human rights and duties. Freedom is
never without the virtue of responsibility. The value of truth is living and loving
passionately with honesty and sincerity.
Freedom is the power to act or not to act.
God gave out lives, and with that comes the Truth is important in our society because it is
freedom to choose what you want to make condition for freedom. It entails transparency
with it. honesty integrity sincerity, courage and
The freedom our nation is enjoying now the humility. The truth also demands sacrifices
fruits of love hardship and sacrifices of our and efforts but it is a worthy cause that
ancestors. EDSA I and II are examples of highlights your own capacity as a person to
events in our history as a nation that showed do well and live with integrity.
how we protected our freedom from tyrant
leaders and anarchy. You are a person of integrity; let truth
You should practice freedom with a clear strengthen your character by honesty and
understanding of its limits, with a sense of responsibility. Honesty should be applied in
discipline and chastity which will lead you to all your roles in life because the truth will set
love your fellowmen understand their plight, you free and it should always prevail.
and do what is good and right while avoiding “there is no truth and no good in lies”
what is wrong and evil. Thought to ponder:

Thoughts to ponder: Am I a truthful person? Do I recognize the

As a student in what ways can I importance of the value of truth in my life
demonstrate my commitment to freedom? family work and country?


You value peace by doing well for others
and for your country living and working You value justice by means of promoting
together in harmony and avoiding violence ethical practices that enhance the essence
as a way of settling disputes. of social justice. It also means the promotion
of a healthy and humane working condition,
Peace begins with you. Peace is a God- fair and legal labor practices, correct use of
given gift that you must nurture by prayer. power, moving purposefully away from graft,
This can be attained and sustained when corruption and other evils.
you develop a deep consciousness of your
faith in God, concern for your fellowmen Justice is important in our life because it
loyalty to your country and respect for your ensures us that our society fosters an
environment. atmosphere that respects human dignity,
security, and one that allows every person
“peace means serenity of mind simplicity of equal opportunity to pursue posterity,
heart and tranquility of soul” development and happiness.
-st. Augustine Let me share with you a story that will simply
show you that justice is giving every man his
You should be a person of peace a builder due.
of harmony among your fellowmen. You
should strive hard to foster the value of To every man his due
peace in your personal endeavors. There was once a poor farmer who would
come to town everyday in order to supply a
Thought to ponder” baker with homemade bibingka. In
What do I need to have peace and be able exchange for five pounds of bread for his
to shun violence? family.
One day, the bakes decided to weigh the
D. THE bibingka. He discovered that the bibingka
GOOD CITIZENSHIP was one pound short. This made the baker
very angry, and he accused the farmer of “There will never be real equality so long as
having cheated him. one feels inferior or superior to another”
- mahatma ganghi
But the farmer very calmly declared, “you
see sir I am poor and I have no weights at this value means treating one another with
home. So I take the five pounds of bread equality and utmost dignity, respect for
you give me and use it as a standard. in this fellow human beings, regardless of religion
way I am sure of giving you an equal or cultural orientation, sex, social status,
amount of bibingka. race, etc.

From the story mentioned above reflect on all men are created equal and have every
this question: right to be treated fairly in the interest of love
As a citizen, have I done my share in giving and justice. As good citizens, you should
my fellow men their basic share of justice by therefore refrain from making irrational
at least treating them with dignity and being judgments of people; act conscientiously
mindful of their rights as much as I value my and decisively to protect each person’s right
own?” to equality. This is essential in establishing a
community of happy, loving, caring and
III. PAGKAMAKA- BAYAN peaceful people.

A. the good citizenship value of unity Thoughts to ponder:

“if a kingdom is divided against itself,
that kingdom cannot stand, and if a What does the value of equality mean to
house is divided against itself, that me? how important is it to me?
house will not be able to stand” Do I treat others with a strong sense of
-mark 3:24-25 equality?
Am I aware of issues that threaten the value
When you say unity is a good citizenship of equality in my community/society?
value, you mean that all we Filipino citizens How do these issues affect me as a
are expected to be one as a people. person/citizen?
It also means that YOU: As a concerned citizen, what can I do to
Want your country to be united always. ensure that the value of equality is
Are able to think of others as you would of safeguarded and promoted?
Are willing to lend a helping hand to others. C. THE GOOD CITIZENSHIP VALUE
Want and are willing to work for what is the OF RESPECTY FOR LAW
best for your countrymen. AND GOVERNMENT

The story shows that whether in our country You should be a law-abiding citizen
or organizations, civic or church, we ought to Regardless of who sits at the helm of the
be united, for the devil like the preying lion, government.
divides and conquers.
Laws and governments are meant to serve
“a kingdom divided against itself cannot our own interests as citizens and not of the
stand.” interest of the few, especially those who are
in positions of power and authority.
You should put aside division, and agree to
work as one this is not easy to do, but it is You should seek ways to know the laws
something you must do. It is a heroic task. more so that you may be able to follow them
But remember, you, are called to be a hero. with more understanding and also strive
This is a time for heroes, hard to appreciate the government and its
functions so that you can contribute to the
B. the good citizenship value of efforts of improving the lives of your country
equality men. You should not allow your values to be
compromised by illegal acts and practices.
Strive to take a critical stand in making a
decision to follow laws and appreciate the The basic value of promotion of the common
work of government. good clearly brings together other basic
values and illustrates how the basic values
:Pilipino muna. Tangkilikin ang sariling atin,: are related and reinforce each other, e.g. :
-claro m. recto faith in Almighty God, unity, patriotism, work,
love, peace and equality.
Patriotism means that you should be a good
citizen ever vigilant for the welfare of your To promote common good is an obligation of
country. It calls you to be committed to serve every member of society. It is to share what
the interest of the nation no matter who are you have to the other members of society
seated at the helm of the government. who need your help most so that their
human dignity will be upheld. In doing this,
Patriotism is every person’s sense of duty you should be sincere and willing to be
and responsibility: to contribute to counted in the work of promoting the
development of our country, protecting our common good since the government needs
integrity, and upholding the rights and dignity all citizens to join in this mission.
of our people.
Now are you ready to do your share in
Being proud of our personal and national promoting the common good?
identity and being responsible voters are
some of the concrete examples on how we Have I developed the habit of sharing my
cultivate the value of patriotism. blessings with others specially those who
are less fortunate?
Thoughts to ponder: IV. PAGKAMAKA- KALIKASAN
As a student. What are some ways in which
I can perform simple acts of patriotism? A. THE GOOD CITIZENSHIP VALUE
Do I love my country enough that I am ENVIRONMENT
inspired to serve her in any way I can?
“kabataan, kalikasan opera s akinabukasan,
E. THE GOOD CITIZENSHIP VALUE OF iwasan ang pagkakamaling ating naranasan,
COMMON GOOD oras nang magtubos, daigdig natin wag
:tumulong ka sa ikabubuti ng iyong sayangin wag hayaang maubos.”
kakapwaan at paunlarin mo ang iyong
katarungang pangmadla. Di ka nabubuhay --francis magalona :kabataan para sa
ng para sa iyo lamang ni para sa iyong mga kinabukasan:
anak. Ikaw ay bahagi ng lipunang
pinagkakautangan mon g mga tiayk na This value means launching an efficient and
sagutin.: sustainable “clean and green” program
--- manuel l. quezon nation wide.

The term common good refers to the sum of God made us stewards of His creation. You
the total of goods and social conditions are aware that your existence and that of
which allow people, either as groups or as generations after you are threatened by the
individuals, to reach their fulfillment more destruction of the environment. In this
fully and more easily. alarming situation, you should develop a
sense of urgency in the way you treat your
The common good consists of three environment: respect the integrity of creation
elements: by means of using all environment
Respect for the person as such—his resources properly and prudently.
fundamental and inalienable human rights
The social well-being and development of It is in every person’s mission of stewardship
the group itself that he or she be more conscious of his/her
The peace for the stability and security of a actions when he/she relates with the
just order. environment. You should treat Mother
Nature as your own mother and
masterpiece, giving it great care and
appreciating its wonder and beauty. The acts
could be as simple as throwing that candy
wrapper on the garbage can instead of car
or jeepney windows, avoiding the use of
plastics, re-using your old clothes instead of
buying new ones and the likes.

Nature is God’s grace to you that’s why you

should take care of it so that you will have
clean air to breathe, clean water to drink,
clean ocean to launch adventures and
above all, a life that’s healthy and a future
worthy to be shared to the next generation.
These are the values embedded in the
preamble of 1987 Philippine Constitution;
this module clearly explained the meaning of
the values and responsibilities we have to
do to be good citizens of the Philippines.

Remember, this value is innately given to us

by God. We should know how to use it
properly taking into consideration not only
our welfare, but also that of others for the
betterment of our country.

“ang kabataan ang magulang ng bukas”

 Milagros t. Hernandez, tula.

You, as the future movers of our country and

parents of the future, are called to dedicate
yourselves in the service of our nation and
motivate others by exemplifying the values
of a good Filipino citizen.

How do you respond?

LGNOTES<3 Ai Shiteru

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